Require Import Deduction.
Fixpoint ren_t (rho : nat -> nat) t :=
match t with
| V n => V n
| P p => P (rho p)
| t_f b t => t_f b (ren_t rho t)
| t_e => t_e
Fixpoint ren {b : logic} (rho : nat -> nat) phi :=
match phi with
| Pr s t => Pr (ren_t rho s) (ren_t rho t)
| Q => Q
| Fal => Fal
| Impl phi1 phi2 => Impl (ren rho phi1) (ren rho phi2)
| All x phi => All x (ren rho phi)
Lemma vars_t_ren rho t :
vars_t (ren_t rho t) = vars_t t.
induction t; cbn; congruence.
Definition singles (y z x : nat) := if Dec (x = y) then z else x.
Notation "x :-> y" := (singles x y) (at level 20).
Definition ren_ctx {b : logic} f := map (ren f).
Definition fun_comp {X Y Z} (f : Y -> Z) (g : X -> Y) x := f (g x).
Notation "f ∘ g" := (fun_comp f g) (at level 20).
Arguments fun_comp : simpl nomatch.
Renamings and identity
Lemma ren_id_t t :
ren_t (fun x => x) t = t.
induction t; cbn; try congruence.
Lemma ren_id {b : logic} t :
ren (fun x => x) t = t.
induction t; cbn; try congruence.
now rewrite !ren_id_t.
Lemma ren_ctx_id {b : logic} A :
ren_ctx (fun x => x) A = A.
induction A; cbn; trivial. now rewrite IHA, ren_id.
Renamings and composition
Lemma ren_comp_t rho1 rho2 t :
ren_t rho1 (ren_t rho2 t) = ren_t (rho1 ∘ rho2) t.
induction t; cbn; now try congruence.
Lemma ren_comp {b : logic} rho1 rho2 phi :
ren rho1 (ren rho2 phi) = ren (rho1 ∘ rho2) phi.
induction phi; cbn; try congruence.
now rewrite !ren_comp_t.
Lemma ren_comp_ctx {b : logic} rho1 rho2 A :
ren_ctx rho1 (ren_ctx rho2 A) = ren_ctx (rho1 ∘ rho2) A.
induction A; cbn; try rewrite ren_comp; congruence.
Renamings are extensional
Lemma ren_ext_t t rho1 rho2 :
(forall p, p el consts_t t -> rho1 p = rho2 p) ->
ren_t rho1 t = ren_t rho2 t.
intros; induction t; cbn in *; try congruence.
- rewrite H; eauto.
- rewrite IHt; eauto.
Lemma ren_ext {b : logic} phi rho1 rho2 :
(forall p, p el consts phi -> rho1 p = rho2 p) ->
ren rho1 phi = ren rho2 phi.
intros; induction phi; cbn in *; try congruence.
- f_equal; erewrite ren_ext_t; eauto.
- rewrite IHphi1, IHphi2; eauto.
- rewrite IHphi; eauto.
Lemma ren_ext_ctx {b : logic} B rho1 rho2 :
(forall p, p el consts_l B -> rho1 p = rho2 p) ->
ren_ctx rho1 B = ren_ctx rho2 B.
intros. eapply map_ext_in; intros. eapply ren_ext.
intros. eapply H. eapply in_flat_map. eauto.
Renaming and substitution
Lemma ren_subst_t {b : logic} rho x t s :
ren_t rho (subst_t x t s) = subst_t x (ren_t rho t) (ren_t rho s).
intros. induction s; cbn in *; try congruence.
- dec; cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ firstorder.
Lemma ren_subst {b : logic} rho x t phi : vars_t t = [] ->
ren rho (subst x t phi) = subst x (ren_t rho t) (ren rho phi).
intros H. induction phi; cbn; intros; try congruence.
- erewrite <- !ren_subst_t. reflexivity. all:eauto.
- f_equal. decs.
Lemma ren_swap_ctx {b : logic} x y rho B : fresh x (consts_l B) ->
ren_ctx (rho[[x := rho y]] ∘ (y :-> x)) B = ren_ctx rho B.
intros. eapply ren_ext_ctx. intros.
unfold singles, update, fun_comp. decs.
Theorem gen_weakening {s : nd} {b : logic} A phi :
A ⊢ phi -> forall rho B, A <<= B -> ren_ctx rho B ⊢ ren rho phi.
induction 1; cbn in *; intros.
- eapply Ctx. eapply in_map_iff. eauto.
- eapply ImpI. eapply (IHprv rho (phi1 :: B)); eauto.
- eapply ImpE; eauto.
- destruct (make_fresh (rho y :: y :: x :: consts phi ++ consts_l B ++ consts (ren rho phi) ++ consts_l (ren_ctx rho B))) as [z Hz].
eapply AllI with (y0 := z). intros [] % in_app_iff; eapply Hz; eauto 10.
rewrite <- ren_swap_ctx with (x0 := z) (y0 := y). 2: intros ?; eapply Hz; eauto 10.
pose ( B0 := ren_ctx (y :-> z) B).
pose (rho0 := rho[[z := rho y]][[y := z]]).
assert (ren_ctx ((rho [[z := rho y]]) ∘ (y :-> z)) B = ren_ctx rho0 B0) as ->. {
unfold rho0, B0. rewrite ren_comp_ctx. eapply ren_ext_ctx. unfold update, singles, fun_comp. intros ?. decs. all:firstorder.
assert (subst x (P z) (ren rho phi) = ren rho0 (subst x (P y) phi)) as ->. {
rewrite ren_subst. 2: now cbn. unfold rho0. cbn.
unfold update at 1. dec; try tauto; subst.
f_equal. eapply ren_ext; eauto. intros ? ?. decs. destruct H. firstorder. destruct Hz. firstorder.
eapply IHprv.
intros ? ?. eapply in_map_iff. exists a. split; eauto.
rewrite <- ren_id. eapply ren_ext. intros. unfold singles; decs.
destruct H. eapply in_app_iff. right. eapply in_flat_map. eauto.
- rewrite ren_subst. eapply AllE; eauto. 2:eauto. now rewrite vars_t_ren.
- eapply Exp; eauto.
- eapply DN; eauto.
Corollary Weak {s : nd} {b : logic} A B phi :
A ⊢ phi -> A <<= B -> B ⊢ phi.
intros H1 H2. specialize (gen_weakening H1 (fun n => n) H2).
now rewrite ren_id, ren_ctx_id.
Inclusion of intuitionistic in classical deduction