From PslBase Require Import Base FiniteTypes.
Require Import Lia.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import MorePrelim.

Parallel Rewriting

a single rewrite window
Inductive PRWin (Sigma : Type):= {
                                prem : list Sigma;
                                conc : list Sigma

Inductive PR := {
               Sigma : finType;
               offset : nat;
               width : nat;
               init : list Sigma;
               windows : list (PRWin Sigma);
               final : list (list Sigma);
               steps : nat

Definition PRWin_of_size (X : Type) (win : PRWin X) (k : nat) := |prem win| = k /\ |conc win| = k.

Definition PRWin_of_size_dec (X : Type) width (win : PRWin X) := Nat.eqb (|prem win|) width && Nat.eqb (|conc win|) width.
Lemma PRWin_of_size_dec_correct (X : Type) width (win : PRWin X) : PRWin_of_size_dec width win = true <-> PRWin_of_size win width.
  unfold PRWin_of_size, PRWin_of_size_dec. rewrite andb_true_iff. rewrite <- !(reflect_iff _ _ (Nat.eqb_spec _ _ )). easy.

We impose a number of syntactic constraints; instances not satisfying these constraints do not behave in an intuitive way
Definition PR_wellformed (c : PR) :=
  width c > 0
  /\ offset c > 0
  /\ (exists k, k > 0 /\ width c = k * offset c)
  /\ length (init c) >= width c
  /\ (forall win, win el windows c -> PRWin_of_size win (width c))
  /\ (exists k, length (init c) = k * offset c).

Definition PR_wf_dec (pr : PR) :=
  leb 1 (width pr)
  && leb 1 (offset pr)
  && Nat.eqb (Nat.modulo (width pr) (offset pr)) 0
  && leb (width pr) (|init pr|)
  && forallb (PRWin_of_size_dec (width pr)) (windows pr)
  && Nat.eqb (Nat.modulo (|init pr|) (offset pr)) 0.

Lemma PR_wf_dec_correct (pr : PR) : PR_wf_dec pr = true <-> PR_wellformed pr.
  unfold PR_wf_dec, PR_wellformed. rewrite !andb_true_iff, !and_assoc.
  rewrite !leb_iff. rewrite <- !(reflect_iff _ _ (Nat.eqb_spec _ _ )).
  rewrite !forallb_forall.
  setoid_rewrite PRWin_of_size_dec_correct.
  split; intros; repeat match goal with [H : _ /\ _ |- _] => destruct H end;
  repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split end; try easy.
  - apply Nat.mod_divide in H1 as (k & H1); [ | lia].
    exists k; split; [ | apply H1 ]. destruct k; cbn in *; lia.
  - apply Nat.mod_divide in H4 as (k & H4); [ | lia]. exists k; apply H4.
  - apply Nat.mod_divide; [ lia | ]. destruct H1 as (k & _ & H1). exists k; apply H1.
  - apply Nat.mod_divide; [ lia | ]. apply H4.

We now give a semantics to PR instances
Section fixX.
  Variable (X : Type).
  Variable (offset : nat).
  Variable (width : nat).
  Variable (windows : list (PRWin X)).

  Context (G0 : width > 0).

The final constraint This is defined in terms of the offset: there must exist an element of a list of strings final which is a substring of the the string s at a multiple of offset
  Definition satFinal l (final : list (list X)) s :=
    exists subs k, subs el final /\ k * offset <= l /\ prefix subs (skipn (k * offset) s).

rewrites inside a string
  Definition rewritesHead (X : Type) (win : PRWin X) a b := prefix (prem win) a /\ prefix (conc win) b.

  Definition rewritesAt (win : PRWin X) (i : nat) a b := rewritesHead win (skipn i a) (skipn i b).
  Lemma rewritesAt_head win a b : rewritesHead win a b <-> rewritesAt win 0 a b.
    unfold rewritesAt.
    rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (n:= 0) (l:= a) at 1.
    rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (n:= 0) (l:= b) at 1.
    repeat rewrite firstn_O; now cbn.

  Lemma rewritesAt_step (win : PRWin X) a b u v (i:nat) : length u = offset -> length v = offset -> rewritesAt win i a b <-> rewritesAt win (i + offset) (u ++ a) (v ++ b).
    intros. unfold rewritesAt.
    rewrite Nat.add_comm. now repeat rewrite skipn_add.

Validity of a rewrite

We use an inductive definition; the main motivation behind this definition is to only have a rewritesHead premise in one case as this leads to fewer cases in proofs. The drawback of this definition is that it allows vacuous rewrites (using only the first two constructors); but if the two strings have a length of at least width, this is not a problem.
  Inductive valid: list X -> list X -> Prop :=
  | validB: valid [] []
  | validSA a b u v : valid a b -> length a < width - offset -> length u = offset -> length v = offset -> valid (u++ a) (v++ b)
  | validS a b u v win: valid a b -> length u = offset -> length v = offset -> win el windows -> rewritesHead win (u ++ a) (v ++ b) -> valid (u ++ a) (v ++ b).

  Lemma valid_length_inv a b : valid a b -> length a = length b.
    induction 1.
    - now cbn.
    - repeat rewrite app_length. firstorder.
    - repeat rewrite app_length; firstorder.

We can rewrite to any string if the length is less than width
  Lemma valid_vacuous (a b : list X) m: |a| = |b| -> |a| < width -> |a| = m * offset -> valid a b.
    clear G0.
    revert a b. induction m; intros.
    - cbn in H1. destruct a; [ | cbn in H1; congruence]. destruct b; [ | cbn in H; congruence ]. constructor.
    - cbn in H1. assert (offset <= |a|) by lia. apply list_length_split1 in H2 as (s1 & s2 & H3 & H4 & H5).
      assert (offset <= |b|) by lia. apply list_length_split1 in H2 as (s3 & s4 & H6 & H7 & H8).
      rewrite H5, H8. constructor 2.
      + subst. apply IHm.
        * rewrite !app_length in H. lia.
        * rewrite app_length in H0. lia.
        * rewrite app_length in *. lia.
      + lia.
      + lia.
      + lia.

  Lemma valid_multiple_of_offset a b : valid a b -> exists k, |a| = k * offset.
    induction 1.
    - exists 0; now cbn.
    - setoid_rewrite app_length. destruct IHvalid as (k & ->). exists (S k); nia.
    - setoid_rewrite app_length. destruct IHvalid as (k & ->). exists (S k); nia.

A more direct characterisation which does not allow vacuous rewrites, making some proofs simpler. Its drawback is that it uses rewritesHead in two cases, which makes many proofs more complicated
  Inductive validDirect: list X -> list X -> Prop :=
  | validDirectB a b win : |a| = |b| -> |a| = width -> win el windows -> rewritesHead win a b -> validDirect a b
  | validDirectS a b u v win: validDirect a b -> length u = offset -> length v = offset -> win el windows -> rewritesHead win (u ++ a) (v ++ b) -> validDirect (u ++ a) (v ++ b).

  Hint Constructors validDirect.

  Variable (A0 : exists k, k > 0 /\ width = k * offset).
  Variable (A1 : offset > 0).
  Lemma validDirect_valid a b : validDirect a b <-> valid a b /\ |a| >= width.
    - induction 1.
      + split; [ | lia].
        assert (offset <= width) as H3 by (destruct A0 as (? & ? & ?); nia).
        rewrite <- H0 in H3. assert (offset <= |b|) as H4 by lia.
        apply list_length_split1 in H3 as (a1 & a2 & H3 & _ & ->).
        apply list_length_split1 in H4 as (b1 & b2 & H4 & _ & ->).
        econstructor; [ | lia | lia | apply H1| apply H2].
        rewrite !app_length in *.
        destruct A0 as (k & _ & ->).
        eapply valid_vacuous; try lia. rewrite H3 in H0. assert (|a2| = (k-1) * offset) as H6 by nia. apply H6.
      + destruct IHvalidDirect as (IH & H4). split; [ | rewrite app_length; lia].
        econstructor 3; [ apply IH | apply H0 | apply H1 | apply H2 | apply H3].
    - intros (H1 & H2). induction H1; cbn in H2; [ lia | rewrite app_length in H2; lia| ].
      destruct (le_lt_dec width (|a|)).
      + apply IHvalid in l. eauto.
      + clear IHvalid. assert (|u++a| = width).
        { apply valid_multiple_of_offset in H1 as (ak & H1). destruct A0 as (k & A2 & ->).
          rewrite app_length in *. enough (k = S ak) by nia. nia.
        econstructor 1; eauto. apply valid_length_inv in H1. now rewrite !app_length.

We can give an explicit characterisation which better captures the original intuition: a rewrite window has to hold at every multiple of offset.
  Definition validExplicit a b := length a = length b
    /\ (exists k, length a = k * offset)
    /\ forall i, 0 <= i < length a + 1 - width /\ (exists j, i = j * offset)
           -> exists win, win el windows /\ rewritesAt win i a b.

  Lemma valid_iff a b :
    valid a b <-> validExplicit a b.
  Proof using G0.
    unfold validExplicit. clear A0 A1. split.
    - induction 1.
      + split; [now cbn |split; [now exists 0 | ] ]. intros. cbn [length] in H. lia.
      + specialize (valid_length_inv H) as H'. split; [ repeat rewrite app_length; now rewrite H', H1, H2 | ].
        destruct IHvalid as (IH1 & IH2 & IH3).
        1: { destruct IH2 as (k & IH2). exists (S k). rewrite app_length; lia. }
        rewrite app_length; intros. lia.
      + destruct IHvalid as (IH1 & IH2 & IH3). split; [repeat rewrite app_length; firstorder | ].
        1: { destruct IH2 as (k & IH2). exists (S k). rewrite app_length; lia. }
        rewrite app_length. intros i (iH1 & (j & iH2)). destruct j.
        * exists win. split; [assumption | ]. rewrite Nat.mul_0_l in iH2. rewrite iH2 in *. now rewrite <- rewritesAt_head.
        * cbn in iH2. assert (0 <= i - offset < (|a|) + 1 - width) by lia.
          assert (exists j, i - offset = j * offset) by (exists j; lia).
          specialize (IH3 (i -offset) (conj H4 H5)) as (win' & F1 & F2).
          exists win'; split; [assumption | ]. rewrite (@rewritesAt_step win' a b u v (i -offset) H0 H1) in F2. rewrite Nat.sub_add in F2; [assumption | lia].
    - intros (H1 & (k & H2) & H3). revert a b H1 H2 H3. induction k; intros.
      + rewrite Nat.mul_0_l in H2; rewrite H2 in *. inv_list. constructor.
      + cbn in H2. rewrite H2 in H1; symmetry in H1.
        apply length_app_decompose in H2 as (u & a' & -> & H2 & H4).
        apply length_app_decompose in H1 as (v & b' & -> & H1 & H5).
        destruct (le_lt_dec (width - offset) (length a')).
          rewrite app_length in H3.
          assert (0 <= 0 < (|u|) + (|a'|) + 1 - width) by lia.
          assert (exists j, 0 = j * offset) as H' by (exists 0; lia).
          destruct (H3 0 (conj H H')) as (win & F1 & F2%rewritesAt_head).
          eapply (@validS a' b' u v win). 2-5: assumption.
          apply IHk; [lia | apply H4 | ].
          intros i (H0 & (j & H6)). assert (0 <= i + (|u|) < (|u|) + (|a'|) + 1 - width) by lia.
          assert (exists j, i + (|u|) = j * offset) by (exists (S j); lia).
          destruct (H3 (i + (|u|)) (conj H7 H8)) as (win' & F3 & F4).
          exists win'; split; [assumption | ].
          rewrite H2 in F4. now apply (proj2 (@rewritesAt_step win' a' b' u v (i ) H2 H1)) in F4.
          2-4: assumption.
          apply IHk; [congruence | assumption | ].
          intros i (F1 & (j & F2)). rewrite app_length in H3.
          assert (0 <= i + (|u|) < (|u|) + (|a'|) + 1 - width) by lia.
          assert (exists j, i + (|u|) = j * offset) by (exists (S j); lia).
          destruct (H3 (i + (|u|)) (conj H H0)) as (win & H6 & H7).
          exists win; split; [assumption | ].
          rewrite H2 in H7. now apply (proj2 (@rewritesAt_step win a' b' u v i H2 H1)) in H7.

In order to reason about a sequence of rewrites, we use relational powers
  Lemma relpower_valid_length_inv k a b : relpower valid k a b -> length a = length b.
    induction 1; [ auto | rewrite <- IHrelpower; now apply valid_length_inv].
End fixX.

We can now define the language of valid PR instances
Definition PRLang (C : PR) :=
  PR_wellformed C
  /\ exists (sf : list (Sigma C)),
    relpower (valid (offset C) (width C) (windows C)) (steps C) (init C) sf
    /\ satFinal (offset C) (|init C|) (final C) sf.

Section fixValid.
We consider syntactically equivalent instances: equivalent instances are obtained by reordering the windows and final substrings
  Variable (X : Type).
  Variable (offset width l : nat).

  Hint Constructors valid.
  Lemma valid_windows_monotonous (a b : list X) (w1 w2 : list (PRWin X)) : w1 <<= w2 -> valid offset width w1 a b -> valid offset width w2 a b.
    intros. induction H0.
    - eauto.
    - eauto.
    - apply H in H3. eauto.

  Lemma valid_windows_equivalent (a b : list X) (w1 w2 : list (PRWin X)) : w1 === w2 -> valid offset width w1 a b <-> valid offset width w2 a b.
    intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply valid_windows_monotonous.

  Lemma satFinal_final_monotonous (f1 f2 : list (list X)) s: f1 <<= f2 -> satFinal offset l f1 s -> satFinal offset l f2 s.
    intros. destruct H0 as (subs & k & H1 & H2 & H3).
    exists subs, k. apply H in H1. easy.

  Lemma satFinal_final_equivalent (f1 f2 : list (list X)) s: f1 === f2 -> satFinal offset l f1 s <-> satFinal offset l f2 s.
    intros [H1 H2]; split; now apply satFinal_final_monotonous.
End fixValid.

Section fixInstance.
Results specific to PR instances
  Variable (c : PR).
  Context (wf : PR_wellformed c).

  Notation string := (list (Sigma c)).

  Definition isRule r := r el windows c.
  Lemma isRule_length r : isRule r -> length (prem r) = width c /\ length (conc r) = width c.
    intros. destruct wf as (_ & _ & _ & _ & H1 & _). specialize (H1 r H ) as (H1 & H2). tauto.

  Lemma rewritesHead_length_inv win a b : rewritesHead win a b -> isRule win -> length a >= width c /\ length b >= width c.
    intros. unfold rewritesHead, prefix in *. destruct H as ((b1 & ->) & (b2 & ->)). split.
    - rewrite app_length. rewrite (proj1 (isRule_length H0)). lia.
    - rewrite app_length, (proj2 (isRule_length H0)). lia.
End fixInstance.