From PslBase Require Import Base.
From PslBase Require Import FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import MorePrelim.
Require Import Lia.

3-Parallel Rewriting

We define a variant of Parallel Rewriting where the width is fixed to 3 and the offset is fixed to 1. The resulting specialised definitions make reduction from Turing machines easier to construct.
Moreover, we generalise the definition of valid to arbitrary rewritesHead predicates. This allows us to define the reduction from Turing machines using inductive predicates. The list-based version (with a set of windows given as a list) is obtained as a special case.
To that end, we define two variants of 3-PR in this file:
  • the usual variant (TPR) which is based on lists of windows
  • the propositional variant PTPR over an abstract rewritesHead predicate

Section abstractDefs.
  Variable (X : Type).
  Notation string := (list X).

We first define some general notions for an arbitrary rewritesHead predicate
  Definition rewritesHeadAbstract := string -> string -> Prop.

  Section fixRewritesHead.
    Variable (p : rewritesHeadAbstract).

rewrites inside a string
    Definition rewritesAt (i : nat) a b := p (skipn i a) (skipn i b).
    Lemma rewritesAt_head a b : p a b <-> rewritesAt 0 a b.
      unfold rewritesAt.
      rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (n:= 0) (l:= a) at 1.
      rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (n:= 0) (l:= b) at 1.
      repeat rewrite firstn_O; now cbn.

    Lemma rewritesAt_step a b x y (i:nat) : rewritesAt i a b <-> rewritesAt (S i) (x :: a) (y:: b).
    Proof. intros. unfold rewritesAt. now cbn. Qed.

validity of a rewrite
    Inductive valid : string -> string -> Prop :=
    | validB: valid [] []
    | validSA a b x y: valid a b -> length a < 2 -> valid (x:: a) (y:: b)
    | validS a b x y : valid a b -> p (x::a) (y::b) -> valid (x::a) (y::b).

    Hint Constructors valid.

    Lemma valid_vacuous a b : |a| <= 2 -> |a| = |b| -> valid a b.
      destruct a as [ | a1 a]; [ | destruct a as [ | a2 a]; [ | destruct a; cbn in *; [ | lia]]];
      (destruct b as [ | b1 b]; [ | destruct b as [ | b2 b]; [ | destruct b; cbn in *; [ | lia]]]);
          cbn in *; try congruence; eauto.

    Lemma valid_length_inv a b : valid a b -> length a = length b.
      induction 1.
      - now cbn.
      - cbn; congruence.
      - cbn; congruence.

    Lemma relpower_valid_length_inv n a b : relpower valid n a b -> length a = length b.
    Proof. induction 1; [solve [eauto] | ]. apply valid_length_inv in H. congruence. Qed.

    Lemma valid_base (a b c d e f : X) : valid [a; b ; c] [d; e; f] <-> p [a; b; c] [d; e; f].
      - intros; inv H. cbn in H5; lia. apply H5.
      - constructor 3. 2: apply H. repeat constructor.

a different characterisation not allowing vacuous rewrites this is conceptually nicer, but it has the problem that p is used in two cases, which makes some proofs harder
    Inductive validDirect : string -> string -> Prop :=
    | validDirectB a b : |a| = 3 -> |b| = 3 -> p a b -> validDirect a b
    | validDirectS a b x y : validDirect a b -> p (x::a) (y::b) -> validDirect (x::a) (y::b).

    Lemma validDirect_valid a b : validDirect a b <-> valid a b /\ |a| >= 3.
      - induction 1.
        + split; [ | lia]. list_length_inv. eauto 10.
        + destruct IHvalidDirect as [IH H1]. split; [ | cbn; lia]. eauto 10.
      - intros (H1 & H2). induction H1; cbn in H2; [easy | easy | ].
        list_length_inv. destruct a.
        + clear IHvalid. apply valid_length_inv in H1. cbn in H1.
          constructor; cbn; easy.
        + constructor 2; [ | apply H]. apply IHvalid. now cbn.

the explicit characterisation using bounded quantification
    Definition validExplicit a b :=
      length a = length b
      /\ forall i, 0 <= i < length a - 2 -> rewritesAt i a b.

    Lemma valid_iff a b :
      valid a b <-> validExplicit a b.
      unfold validExplicit. split.
      - induction 1.
        + cbn; split; [reflexivity | ].
          intros; lia.
        + destruct IHvalid as (IH1 & IH2). split; [cbn; congruence | ].
          cbn [length]; intros. lia.
        + destruct IHvalid as (IH1 & IH2); split; [cbn; congruence | ].
          cbn [length]; intros.
          destruct i.
          * eauto.
          * assert (0 <= i < (|a|) - 2) by lia. eauto.
      - revert b. induction a; intros b (H1 & H2).
        + inv_list. constructor.
        + inv_list. destruct (le_lt_dec 2 (length a0)).
          * cbn [length] in H2.
            assert (0 <= 0 < S (|a0|) - 2) by lia. specialize (H2 0 H) as H3.
            eapply (@validS a0 b a x). 2-3: assumption.
            apply IHa. split; [congruence | ].
            intros. assert (0 <= S i < S (|a0|) - 2) by lia.
            specialize (H2 (S i) H4). eauto.
          * constructor.
            2: assumption.
            apply IHa. split; [congruence | intros ].
            cbn [length] in H2. assert (0 <= S i < S(|a0|) - 2) by lia.
            specialize (H2 (S i) H0); eauto.
  End fixRewritesHead.

  Hint Constructors valid.

valid is congruent with regards to rewritesHead predicates
  Lemma valid_monotonous (p1 p2 : rewritesHeadAbstract) : (forall x y, p1 x y -> p2 x y) -> forall x y, valid p1 x y -> valid p2 x y.
    intros H x y. induction 1.
    - eauto.
    - constructor 2; eauto.
    - apply H in H1. eauto.

  Corollary valid_congruent p1 p2 :
    (forall u v, p1 u v <-> p2 u v)
    -> forall a b, valid p1 a b <-> valid p2 a b.
    intros; split; [apply valid_monotonous; intros; now apply H | ].
    assert (forall u v, p2 u v <-> p1 u v) by (intros; now rewrite H).
    apply valid_monotonous. intros; now apply H.

End abstractDefs.

Arguments valid {X}.
Hint Constructors valid.

Ltac inv_valid := match goal with
                    | [ H : valid _ _ _ |- _] => inv H
                  try match goal with
                  | [ H : | _ | < 2 |- _] => now cbn in H

TPR using list-based windows

use an explicit representation instead of vectors of size 3 since this will make the problem closer to the flattened extractable problem
Inductive TPRWinP (Sigma : Type) := {
         winEl1 : Sigma;
         winEl2 : Sigma;
         winEl3 : Sigma

Inductive TPRWin (Sigma : Type) := {
          prem : TPRWinP Sigma;
          conc : TPRWinP Sigma

Definition TPRWinP_to_list (sig : Type) (a : TPRWinP sig) := match a with Build_TPRWinP a b c => [a; b; c] end.
Coercion TPRWinP_to_list : TPRWinP >-> list.

Notation "'{' a ',' b ',' c '}'" := (Build_TPRWinP a b c) (format "'{' a ',' b ',' c '}'").
Notation "a / b" := ({|prem := a; conc := b|}).

Record TPR := {
               Sigma : finType;
               init : list Sigma;
               windows : list (TPRWin Sigma);
               final : list (list Sigma);
               steps : nat

Definition TPR_wellformed C := length (init C) >= 3.

Implicit Type (C : TPR).

the final constraint
Definition satFinal (X : Type) final (s : list X) :=
  exists subs, subs el final /\ substring subs s.

specific definitions and results for list-based windows
Section fixInstance.
  Variable (Sigma : Type).
  Variable (init : list Sigma).
  Variable (windows : list (TPRWin Sigma)).
  Variable (final : list (list Sigma)).
  Variable (steps : nat).

  Notation string := (list Sigma).
  Notation window := (TPRWin Sigma).

  Implicit Type (s a b: string).
  Implicit Type (w win : window).
  Implicit Type (x y : Sigma).

  Definition isWindow w := w el windows.
  Lemma isRule_length w : length (prem w) = 3 /\ length (conc w) = 3.
    intros. destruct w.
    cbn. destruct prem0, conc0. now cbn.

we now define a concrete rewrite predicate based on a set of windows
  Definition rewritesHead win a b :=
    prefix (prem win) a /\ prefix (conc win) b.

  Lemma rewritesHead_length_inv win a b : rewritesHead win a b -> isWindow win -> length a >= 3 /\ length b >= 3.
    intros. unfold rewritesHead, prefix in *. firstorder.
    - rewrite H. rewrite app_length, (proj1 (isRule_length win)). lia.
    - rewrite H1. rewrite app_length, (proj2 (isRule_length win)). lia.

  Definition rewritesHeadList windows a b := exists win, win el windows /\ rewritesHead win a b.

  Lemma rewritesHeadList_subset windows1 windows2 a b :
    windows1 <<= windows2 -> rewritesHeadList windows1 a b -> rewritesHeadList windows2 a b.
  Proof. intros H (r & H1 & H2). exists r. split; [ apply H, H1 | apply H2]. Qed.

  Lemma rewritesHead_win_inv r a b (σ1 σ2 σ3 σ4 σ5 σ6 : Sigma) : rewritesHead r (σ1 :: σ2 :: σ3 :: a) (σ4 :: σ5 :: σ6 :: b) -> r = {σ1, σ2 , σ3} / {σ4 , σ5, σ6}.
    unfold rewritesHead. unfold prefix. intros [(b' & H1) (b'' & H2)]. destruct r. destruct prem0, conc0. cbn in H1, H2. congruence.

  Lemma rewritesAt_HeadList_add_at_end i (a b c d : string) : rewritesAt (rewritesHeadList windows) i a b -> rewritesAt (rewritesHeadList windows) i (a ++ c) (b ++ d).
    intros. unfold rewritesAt, rewritesHeadList in *.
    destruct H as (win & H0 & H). exists win; split; [assumption | ].
    unfold prefix in *. destruct H as ((b1 & H1) & (b2 & H2)).
    - exists (b1 ++ c). rewrite app_assoc. apply skipn_app2 with (c := prem win ++ b1); [ | assumption].
      destruct win, prem. now cbn.
    - exists (b2 ++ d). rewrite app_assoc. apply skipn_app2 with (c := conc win ++ b2); [ | assumption].
      destruct win, conc. now cbn.
End fixInstance.

we define it using the rewritesHead_pred rewrite predicate
Definition TPRLang (C : TPR) :=
  TPR_wellformed C
  /\ exists (sf : list (Sigma C)), relpower (valid (rewritesHeadList (windows C))) (steps C) (init C) sf
    /\ satFinal (final C) sf.

variant PTPR using propositional rules

Record PTPR := {
             PSigma : finType;
             Pinit : list PSigma;
             Pwindows : PSigma -> PSigma -> PSigma -> PSigma -> PSigma -> PSigma -> Prop;
             Pfinal : list (list PSigma);
             Psteps : nat

Definition PTPR_wellformed D := length (Pinit D) >= 3.

Section fixRulePred.
We define the equivalent of rewritesHeadList for predicate-based rules

  Variable (X : Type).
  Definition windowPred := X -> X -> X -> X -> X -> X -> Prop.
  Variable (p : windowPred).

  Inductive rewritesHeadInd: list X -> list X -> Prop :=
    | rewHead_indC (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 : X) s1 s2 : p x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -> rewritesHeadInd (x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: s1) (x4 :: x5 :: x6 :: s2).

  Hint Constructors rewritesHeadInd.

a few facts which will be useful
  Lemma rewritesHeadInd_tail_invariant (γ1 γ2 γ3 γ4 γ5 γ6 : X) s1 s2 s1' s2' :
    rewritesHeadInd (γ1 :: γ2 :: γ3 :: s1) (γ4 :: γ5 :: γ6 :: s2) <-> rewritesHeadInd (γ1 :: γ2 :: γ3 :: s1') (γ4 :: γ5 :: γ6 :: s2').
  Proof. split; intros; inv H; eauto. Qed.

  Corollary rewritesHeadInd_rem_tail (γ1 γ2 γ3 γ4 γ5 γ6 : X) h1 h2 :
    rewritesHeadInd [γ1; γ2; γ3] [γ4; γ5; γ6] <-> rewritesHeadInd (γ1 :: γ2 :: γ3 :: h1) (γ4 :: γ5 :: γ6 :: h2).
  Proof. now apply rewritesHeadInd_tail_invariant. Qed.

  Lemma rewritesHeadInd_append_invariant (γ1 γ2 γ3 γ4 γ5 γ6 : X) s1 s2 s1' s2' :
    rewritesHeadInd (γ1 :: γ2 :: γ3 :: s1) (γ4 :: γ5 :: γ6 :: s2) <-> rewritesHeadInd (γ1 :: γ2 :: γ3 :: s1 ++ s1') (γ4 :: γ5 :: γ6 :: s2 ++ s2').
  Proof. now apply rewritesHeadInd_tail_invariant. Qed.

  Lemma rewritesAt_rewritesHeadInd_add_at_end i a b h1 h2 :
    rewritesAt rewritesHeadInd i a b -> rewritesAt rewritesHeadInd i (a ++ h1) (b ++ h2).
    intros. unfold rewritesAt in *. inv H; symmetry in H0; symmetry in H1; repeat erewrite skipn_app2; eauto; try congruence; cbn; eauto.

  Lemma rewritesAt_rewritesHeadInd_rem_at_end i a b h1 h2 :
    rewritesAt rewritesHeadInd i (a ++ h1) (b ++ h2) -> i < |a| - 2 -> i < |b| - 2 -> rewritesAt rewritesHeadInd i a b.
    intros. unfold rewritesAt in *.
    assert (i <= |a|) by lia. destruct (skipn_app3 h1 H2) as (a' & H3 & H4). rewrite H3 in H.
    assert (i <= |b|) by lia. destruct (skipn_app3 h2 H5) as (b' & H6 & H7). rewrite H6 in H.
    clear H2 H5.
    rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (l := a) (n := i) in H4 at 1. apply app_inv_head in H4 as <-.
    rewrite <- firstn_skipn with (l := b) (n := i) in H7 at 1. apply app_inv_head in H7 as <-.
    specialize (skipn_length i a) as H7. specialize (skipn_length i b) as H8.
    remember (skipn i a) as l. do 3 (destruct l as [ | ? l] ; [cbn in H7; lia | ]).
    remember (skipn i b) as l'. do 3 (destruct l' as [ | ? l']; [cbn in H8; lia | ]).
    cbn in H. rewrite rewritesHeadInd_tail_invariant in H. apply H.

End fixRulePred.

Hint Constructors rewritesHeadInd.

Definition windowPred_subs (X : Type) (p1 p2 : windowPred X) := forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6, p1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -> p2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6.

Lemma rewritesHeadInd_monotonous (X : Type) (p1 p2 : windowPred X) : windowPred_subs p1 p2 -> forall x y, rewritesHeadInd p1 x y -> rewritesHeadInd p2 x y.
  intros H x y H1. inv H1. apply H in H0. eauto.

Lemma rewritesHeadInd_congruent (X : Type) (p1 p2 : windowPred X) : (forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6, p1 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 <-> p2 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) -> forall x y, rewritesHeadInd p1 x y <-> rewritesHeadInd p2 x y.
Proof. intros H; intros. split; apply rewritesHeadInd_monotonous; unfold windowPred_subs; apply H. Qed.

Hint Constructors rewritesHeadInd.

Definition PTPRLang (C : PTPR) := PTPR_wellformed C /\ exists (sf : list (PSigma C)), relpower (valid (rewritesHeadInd (@Pwindows C))) (Psteps C) (Pinit C) sf /\ satFinal (Pfinal C) sf.

*results for agreement of PTPR and TPR
Definition windows_list_ind_agree {X : Type} (p : X -> X -> X -> X -> X -> X -> Prop) (l : list (TPRWin X)) :=
  forall x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6, p x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 <-> {x1, x2, x3} / {x4, x5, x6} el l.

Lemma windows_list_ind_rewritesHead_agree {X : Type} (p : X -> X -> X -> X -> X -> X -> Prop) (l : list (TPRWin X)) :
  windows_list_ind_agree p l -> forall s1 s2, (rewritesHeadInd p s1 s2 <-> rewritesHeadList l s1 s2).
  intros; split; intros.
  + inv H0. exists ({x1, x2, x3} / {x4, x5, x6}). split.
    * apply H, H1.
    * split; unfold prefix; cbn; eauto.
  + destruct H0 as (r & H1 & ((b & ->) & (b' & ->))).
    destruct r as [prem0 conc0], prem0, conc0. cbn. constructor. apply H, H1.

Lemma tpr_ptpr_agree (X : finType) s final steps indwindows (listwindows : list (TPRWin X)):
  windows_list_ind_agree indwindows listwindows
  -> (TPRLang (Build_TPR s listwindows final steps) <-> PTPRLang (Build_PTPR s indwindows final steps)).
  intros; split; intros (H0 & sf & H1 & H2); cbn in *.
  - split; [apply H0 | ].
    exists sf; cbn. split; [ | apply H2].
    eapply relpower_congruent; [ apply valid_congruent, windows_list_ind_rewritesHead_agree, H | apply H1].
  - split; [apply H0 | ].
    exists sf; cbn. split; [ | apply H2].
    eapply relpower_congruent; [ apply valid_congruent; symmetry; apply windows_list_ind_rewritesHead_agree, H | apply H1].