From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Functions.EqBool.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LBool LNat LOptions LProd.
From Undecidability.L Require Import UpToC.
Require Export List PslBase.Lists.Filter Datatypes.

Encoding of lists

Section Fix_X.
  Variable (X:Type).
  Context {intX : registered X}.

  Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "list_enc" (list X)).
  Hint Resolve list_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

  Global Instance termT_cons : computableTime' (@cons X) (fun a aT => (1,fun A AT => (1,tt))).
  Proof using intX.
    extract constructor.

  Global Instance termT_append : computableTime' ( X) (fun A _ => (5,fun B _ => (length A * 16 +4,tt))).
  Proof using intX.

  Global Instance term_filter: computableTime' (@filter X) (fun p pT => (1,fun l _ => (fold_right (fun x res => 16 + res + fst (pT x tt)) 8 l ,tt))).
  Proof using intX.
    change (filter (A:=X)) with ((fun (f : X -> bool) =>
                                    fix filter (l : list X) : list X := match l with
                                                                        | [] => []
                                                                        | x :: l0 => (fun r => if f x then x :: r else r) (filter l0)

  Global Instance term_filter_notime: computable (@filter X).
  Proof using intX.
  pose (t:= extT (@filter X)). hnf in t.
    computable using t.

  Global Instance term_nth : computableTime' (@nth X) (fun n _ => (5,fun l lT => (1,fun d _ => (n*20+9,tt)))).
  Proof using intX.

  Fixpoint inb eqb (x:X) (A: list X) :=
    match A with
      nil => false
    | a::A' => orb (eqb a x) (inb eqb x A')

  Variable X_eqb : X -> X -> bool.
  Hypothesis X_eqb_spec : (forall (x y:X), Bool.reflect (x=y) (X_eqb x y)).

  Lemma inb_spec: forall x A, Bool.reflect (In x A) (inb X_eqb x A).
  Proof using X_eqb_spec.
    intros x A. induction A.
    -constructor. tauto.
    -simpl. destruct (X_eqb_spec a x).
     +constructor. tauto.
     +inv IHA. destruct (X_eqb_spec a x).
      *constructor. tauto.
      *constructor. tauto.
      *constructor. tauto.

  Global Instance term_inb: computableTime' inb (fun eq eqT => (5,fun x _ => (1,fun l _ =>
                                        (fold_right (fun x' res => callTime2 eqT x' x
                                                                + res + 17) 4 l ,tt)))).

  Global Instance term_inb_notime: computable inb.

  Definition pos_nondec :=
    fix pos_nondec (eqb: X -> X -> bool) (s : X) (A : list X) {struct A} : option nat :=
      match A with
      | [] => None
      | a :: A0 =>
        if eqb s a
        then Some 0
        else match pos_nondec eqb s A0 with
             | Some n => Some (S n)
             | None => None

  Lemma pos_nondec_spec (x:X) `{eq_dec X} A: pos_nondec X_eqb x A = pos x A.
  Proof using X_eqb_spec.
    induction A;[reflexivity|];cbn.
    rewrite IHA. destruct (X_eqb_spec x a); repeat (destruct _; try congruence).

  Global Instance term_pos_nondec:
    computable pos_nondec.

End Fix_X.

Hint Resolve list_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

Fixpoint map_time {X} (fT:X -> nat) xs :=
  match xs with
    [] => 8
  | x :: xs => fT x + map_time fT xs + 12

Instance term_map (X Y:Type) (Hx : registered X) (Hy:registered Y): computableTime' (@map X Y) (fun _ fT => (1,fun l _ => (map_time (fun x => fst (fT x tt)) l,tt))).

Lemma map_time_const {X} c (xs:list X):
  map_time (fun _ => c) xs = length xs * (c + 12) + 8.
  induction xs;cbn. all:lia.

Lemma mapTime_upTo X (t__f : X -> nat):
  map_time t__f <=c (fun l => length l + sumn (map t__f l) + 1 ).
  unfold map_time. exists 12.
  induction x;cbn - [plus mult]. all: nia.

Instance term_map_noTime (X Y:Type) (Hx : registered X) (Hy:registered Y): computable (@map X Y).

Definition nth_error_time (X : Type) := fun (A : list X) (_ : unit) => (5, fun (n : nat) (_ : unit) => (min n (length A) * 15 + 10, tt)).
Instance termT_nth_error (X:Type) (Hx : registered X): computableTime' (@nth_error X) (@nth_error_time X).
  extract. solverec.

Instance termT_length X `{registered X} : computableTime' (@length X) (fun A _ => ((length A)*11+8,tt)).
extract. solverec.

Instance termT_rev_append X `{registered X}: computableTime' (@rev_append X) (fun l _ => (5,fun res _ => (length l*13+4,tt))).

Instance termT_rev X `{registered X}: computableTime' (@rev X) (fun l _ => (length l*13+10,tt)).
eapply computableTimeExt with (x:= fun l => rev_append l []).
{intro. rewrite rev_alt. reflexivity. }
extract. solverec.

Lemma term_elAt (X:Type) (Hx : registered X) : computable (@elAt X).
  exact _.

Section list_eqb.

  Variable X : Type.
  Variable eqb : X -> X -> bool.
  Variable spec : forall x y, reflect (x = y) (eqb x y).

  Fixpoint list_eqb A B :=
    match A,B with
    | nil,nil => true
    | a::A',b::B' => eqb a b && list_eqb A' B'
    | _,_ => false

  Lemma list_eqb_spec A B : reflect (A = B) (list_eqb A B).
    revert B; induction A; intros; destruct B; cbn in *; try now econstructor.
    destruct (spec a x), (IHA B); cbn; econstructor; congruence.

End list_eqb.
Section int.

  Context {X : Type}.
  Context {HX : registered X}.

  Fixpoint list_eqbTime (eqbT: timeComplexity (X -> X -> bool)) (A B:list X) :=
    match A,B with
      a::A,b::B => callTime2 eqbT a b + 22 + list_eqbTime eqbT A B
    | _,_ => 9

  Global Instance term_list_eqb : computableTime' (list_eqb (X:=X))
                                                   (fun _ eqbT => (1,(fun A _ => (5,fun B _ => (list_eqbTime eqbT A B,tt))))).

  Definition list_eqbTime_leq (eqbT: timeComplexity (X -> X -> bool)) (A B:list X) k:
    (forall a b, callTime2 eqbT a b <= k)
    -> list_eqbTime eqbT A B <= length A * (k+22) + 9.
    intros H'. induction A in B|-*.
    -cbn. omega.
    -destruct B.
     {cbn. intuition. }
     cbn - [callTime2]. setoid_rewrite IHA.
     rewrite H'. ring_simplify. intuition.

  Lemma list_eqbTime_bound_r (eqbT : timeComplexity (X -> X -> bool)) (A B : list X) f:
    (forall (x y:X), callTime2 eqbT x y <= f y) ->
    list_eqbTime eqbT A B <= sumn (map f B) + 9 + length B * 22.
    intros H.
    induction A in B|-*;unfold list_eqbTime;fold list_eqbTime. now Lia.lia.
    destruct B.
    -cbn. Lia.lia.
    -rewrite H,IHA. cbn [length map sumn]. Lia.lia.

  Global Instance eqbList f `{eqbClass (X:=X) f}:
    eqbClass (list_eqb f).
    intros ? ?. eapply list_eqb_spec. all:eauto using eqb_spec.

  Global Instance eqbComp_List `{eqbCompT X (R:=HX)}:
    eqbCompT (list X).
    evar (c:nat). exists c. unfold list_eqb.
    unfold enc;cbn.
    change (eqb0) with (eqb (X:=X)).
    extract. unfold eqb,eqbTime. fold @enc.
    recRel_prettify2. easy.
    [c]:exact (c__eqbComp X + 6).
    all:unfold c. all:cbn iota beta delta [list_enc].
    all:fold (@enc X _).
    all:cbn [size]. all: nia.

End int.

Instance term_length X {H:registered X}:
  computableTime' (@length X) (fun t _ => (length t * 11 + 8,tt)).
extract. solverec.

Fixpoint forallb_time {X} (fT:X -> nat) xs :=
  match xs with
    [] => 8
  | x :: xs => fT x + forallb_time fT xs + 15

Lemma forallb_time_eq X f (l:list X):
  forallb_time f l = sumn (map f l) + length l * 15 + 8.
  induction l;cbn;nia.

Lemma forallb_time_const X c (l:list X):
  forallb_time (fun _ => c) l = length l * (c+15) + 8.
  induction l;cbn;nia.

Instance term_forallb X {HX:registered X}:
  computableTime' (@forallb X) (fun f t__f => (1,fun l _ => (forallb_time (fun x => fst (t__f x tt)) l,tt))).

Section list_prod.

  Context {X Y : Type}.
  Context {HX : registered X} {HY : registered Y}.

  Global Instance term_list_prod : computable (@list_prod X Y).
    unfold list_prod.
    change (computable
              (fix list_prod (l : list X) (l' : list Y) {struct l} : list (X * Y) :=
                 match l with
                 | [] => []
                 | x :: t => map (pair x) l' ++ list_prod t l'

End list_prod.

Lemma size_list X `{registered X} (l:list X):
  size (enc l) = sumn (map (fun x => size (enc x) + 5) l)+ 4.
  change (enc l) with (list_enc l).
  induction l.
  -cbn [list_enc map sumn size].
   change ((match H with
            | @mk_registered _ enc _ _ => enc
            end a)) with (enc a). solverec.

Lemma size_list_cons (X : Type) (H : registered X) x (l : list X):
  size (enc (x::l)) = size (enc x) + size (enc l) + 5.
  rewrite !size_list. cbn. lia.

Lemma size_list_enc_r {X} `{registered X} (l:list X):
  length l <= size (enc l).
  rewrite size_list. induction l;cbn. all:lia.

Instance term_repeat A `{registered A}: computableTime' (@repeat A) (fun _ _ => (5, fun n _ => (n * 12 + 4,tt))).
  extract. solverec.

Definition lengthEq A :=
  fix f (t:list A) n :=
    match n,t with
      0,nil => true
    | (S n), _::t => f t n
    | _,_ => false
Lemma lengthEq_spec A (t:list A) n:
| t | =? n = lengthEq t n.
  induction n in t|-*;destruct t;now cbn.
Definition lengthEq_time k := k * 15 + 9.
Instance term_lengthEq A `{registered A} : computableTime' (lengthEq (A:=A)) (fun l _ => (5, fun n _ => (lengthEq_time (min (length l) n),tt))).
  extract. unfold lengthEq_time. solverec.

Section concat.
  Context X `{registered X}.

  Fixpoint rev_concat acc (xs : list (list X)) :=
    match xs with
      [] => acc
    | x::xs => rev_concat (rev_append x acc) xs

  Lemma rev_concat_rev xs acc:
    rev (rev_concat acc xs) = rev acc ++ concat xs.
    induction xs in acc|-*. all:cbn. 2:rewrite IHxs,rev_append_rev. all:autorewrite with list in *. all:easy.

  Lemma rev_concat_length xs acc:
    length (rev_concat acc xs) = length acc + length (concat xs).
    specialize (rev_concat_rev xs acc) as H1%(f_equal (@length _)).
    autorewrite with list in H1. nia.

  Lemma _term_rev_concat :
    { time : UpToC (fun l => sumn (map (@length _) l) + length l + 1) &
             computableTime' (@rev_concat) (fun _ _ => (5,fun l _ => (time l,tt)))}.
    evar (c1 : nat).
    exists_UpToC (fun l => c1 * (sumn (map (@length _) l) + length l + 1) ).
    { extract. recRel_prettify2.
      all:cbn - [plus mult].
      all:enough (c1>=20) by nia.
      instantiate (c1:=20). all:subst c1;nia.
  Global Instance term_rev_concat : computableTime' rev_concat _ := projT2 _term_rev_concat.

  Lemma _term_concat :
    { time : UpToC (fun l => sumn (map (@length _) l) + length l + 1) &
             computableTime' (@concat X) (fun l _ => (time l,tt))}.
    eexists_UpToC time. [time]: intros x.
    eapply computableTimeExt with (x := fun l => rev (rev_concat [] l)).
    -intros l;hnf. rewrite rev_concat_rev. easy.
    -extract. solverec. unfold time. reflexivity.
    -unfold time. setoid_rewrite rev_concat_length. setoid_rewrite length_concat. smpl_upToC_solve.

  Global Instance term_concat : computableTime' (@concat X) _ := projT2 _term_concat.
End concat.