From Undecidability.L Require Export Datatypes.LBool Datatypes.LNat Datatypes.LTerm.
Require Import Nat.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Functions.EqBool.

Extracted Functions

Extracted equality of encoded natural numbers

Extracted equality of encoded terms

Fixpoint term_eqb s t :=
  match s,t with
  | var n, var m => eqb n m
  | app s1 t1, app s2 t2 => andb (term_eqb s1 s2) (term_eqb t1 t2)
  | lam s',lam t' => term_eqb s' t'
  | _,_ => false

Lemma term_eqb_spec : forall x y1 : term, reflect (x = y1) (term_eqb x y1).
Proof with try (constructor;congruence).
  induction x;cbn; destruct y1...
  - destruct (eqb_spec n n0)...
  -destruct (IHx1 y1_1)...
   destruct (IHx2 y1_2)...
  -destruct (IHx y1)...

Instance eqbTerm : eqbClass term_eqb.
  exact term_eqb_spec.

Instance eqbComp_nat : eqbCompT term.
  evar (c:nat). exists c. unfold term_eqb.
  unfold enc;cbn. unfold term_enc. change (nat_enc) with (enc (X:=nat)).
  extract. unfold eqb,eqbTime.
  [c]:exact (5 + c__eqbComp nat).
  all:unfold c.
  solverec. all:try nia.