Require Export Undecidability.Shared.Prelim.
Require Export PslBase.FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability Require Export TM.TM Problems.Reduction.
Require Import Equations.Equations Vector.
Derive Signature for Vector.t.
Require Export PslBase.FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability Require Export TM.TM Problems.Reduction.
Require Import Equations.Equations Vector.
Derive Signature for Vector.t.
Definition of single-tape Turing Machines
Adopted definitions from the formalization of Multitape Turing Machines taken from Asperti, Riciotti "Formalizing Turing Machines" and accompanying Matita foramlisationSection Fix_Sigma.
Variable sig : finType.
Global Instance eq_dec_sig: eq_dec sig.
Proof. exact _. Defined.
A tape is essentially a triple 〈left,current,right〉 where however the current
symbol could be missing. This may happen for three different reasons: both tapes
are empty; we are on the left extremity of a non-empty tape (left overflow), or
we are on the right extremity of a non-empty tape (right overflow).
Notation tape := (tape sig).
Global Instance eq_dec_tape: eq_dec tape.
Proof. unfold EqDec.dec. repeat decide equality.
all: eapply eqType_dec.
Definition tapeToList (t : tape) : list sig :=
match t with
| niltape _ => []
| leftof s r => s :: r
| rightof s l => List.rev (s :: l)
| midtape l c r => (List.rev l) ++ [c] ++ r
Definition sizeOfTape t := |tapeToList t|.
Definition mk_tape ls c rs :=
match c with
| Some c => midtape ls c rs
| None => match ls with
| List.nil => match rs with
| List.nil => niltape sig
| r :: rs => leftof r rs
| l :: ls => rightof l ls
Global Instance move_eq_dec : eq_dec move.
intros. hnf. decide equality.
Global Instance move_finC : finTypeC (EqType move).
apply (FinTypeC (enum := [L; R; N])).
intros []; now cbv.
Record sTM : Type :=
states : finType;
trans : states * (option sig) -> states * ((option sig) * move);
start: states;
halt : states -> bool
Definition tape_move := fun (t : tape) (m : move) =>
match m with R => tape_move_right t | L => tape_move_left t | N => t end.
Definition tape_write := fun (t : tape) (s : option sig) =>
match s with
None => t
| Some s0 => midtape (left t) s0 (right t)
A single step of the machine
Definition tape_move_mono := fun (t : tape) (mv : option sig * move) =>
tape_move (tape_write t (fst mv)) (snd mv).
Record mconfig (states:finType) : Type :=
cstate : states;
ctape : tape
Instance eq_dec_conf (s: finType): eq_dec (mconfig s).
Proof. intros x y. destruct x,y.
decide (cstate0 = cstate1); decide (ctape0 = ctape1);
try (right; intros H; now inversion H). left. now subst.
Definition step :=
fun (M:sTM) (c:mconfig (states M)) =>
let (news,action) := trans (cstate c, current (ctape c))
in mk_mconfig news (tape_move_mono (ctape c) action).
Definition initc := fun (M : sTM) tape =>
mk_mconfig (@start M) tape.
Definition loopM := fun (M :sTM) (i : nat) cin =>
loop (@step M) (fun c => halt (cstate c)) cin i.
Definition TMterminates (M: sTM) (start: mconfig (states M)) :=
exists i outc, loopM i start = Some outc.
Lemma loop_step_not A f p (a : A) i out:
loop f p (f a) i = out -> (p a = false) -> (loop f p a (S i) = out).
destruct i; intros H HF; cbn in *; rewrite HF; destruct (p (f a)); assumption.
Inductive reach (M: sTM) : mconfig (states M) -> mconfig (states M) -> Prop :=
|reachI c : reach c c
|reachS c d: reach (step c) d -> (halt (cstate c) = false) -> reach c d.
Hint Constructors reach.
Definition Halt' (M: sTM) (start: mconfig (states M)) :=
exists (f: mconfig (states M)), halt (cstate f)=true /\ reach start f.
Lemma TM_terminates_Halt (M:sTM) (start: mconfig (states M)) :
TMterminates start <-> Halt' start.
- intros [i [fin H]]. revert H. revert start. induction i; intros start H; cbn in *.
+ exists start. destruct (halt (cstate start)) eqn: HS. split; auto. inv H.
+ destruct (halt (cstate start)) eqn: HS.
* inv H. exists fin. now split.
* destruct (IHi (step start)) as [q [HF RF]]. unfold loopM. assumption.
exists q. split. assumption. now apply reachS.
- intros [f [HF RF]]. revert HF. induction RF; intros HR.
+ exists 0, c. cbn. now rewrite HR.
+ destruct (IHRF HR) as [i [out LH]]. exists (S i), out. now apply loop_step_not.
End Fix_Sigma.
Definition Halt (S: {sig:finType & sTM sig & tape sig}) :=
Halt' (initc (projT2 (sigT_of_sigT2 S)) (projT3 S)).
Definition Reach (S: (sigT (fun (sig:finType) =>
(sigT (fun (M:sTM sig) => prod (mconfig sig (states M))
(mconfig sig (states M))))))) :=
let (c1,c2) := (projT2 (projT2 S)) in
reach c1 c2.
Definition single_TM_halt : { sig : _ & (mTM sig 1) * (tapes sig 1)}%type -> Prop :=
fun '(existT _ sig (M, t)) => exists outc k, TM.loopM (TM.initc M t) k = Some outc.
Equations (noeqns) f_config A B : TM.mconfig A B 1 -> mconfig A B :=
{ f_config (TM.mk_mconfig a [|b|]) := mk_mconfig a b }.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Prelim Problems.TM.
Lemma TM_conv : HaltTM 1 ⪯ Halt.
unshelve eexists.
- intros [sig [] t]. do 2 depelim t.
exists sig. econstructor.
+ intros []. destruct (trans0 (e, [| o |])) eqn:E.
do 2 depelim t.
exact (e0, h0).
+ exact start0.
+ exact halt0.
+ exact h.
- intros [sig [] t]. cbn. do 2 depelim t; cbn.
unfold Halt. rewrite <- TM_terminates_Halt. cbn.
+ intros (? & ? & ?).
destruct x. do 2 depelim ctapes.
exists x0, (mk_mconfig cstate0 h0). cbn in *.
unfold loopM, TM.loopM in *.
eapply loop_lift with (lift := @f_config _ _) in H.
cbn in H. rewrite <- H.
* reflexivity.
* intros. cbn. depelim x. depelim ctapes. depelim ctapes. reflexivity.
* intros. cbn. depelim x. depelim ctapes. depelim ctapes. cbn in *.
unfold step, TM.step. cbn.
destruct (trans0 (cstate1, [|current h1|])) eqn:E.
depelim t. depelim t. cbn. rewrite E. reflexivity.
+ intros (? & ? & ?).
cbn in *. destruct x0.
exists (TM.mk_mconfig cstate0 [| ctape0 |]), x.
unfold TM.loopM, loopM in *.
eapply (loop_lift (lift := fun '(mk_mconfig a b) => @TM.mk_mconfig sig states0 1 a [| b |])) in H.
rewrite <- H.
* now intros [].
* intros [] ?. unfold step, TM.step, current_chars.
cbn. destruct (trans0 (cstate1, [|current ctape1|])) eqn:E.
depelim t. depelim t. reflexivity.