Elementary Diophantine constraints w/o parameters
and with only the constant 1 i.e. constraints
are of three shapes:
x = 1 | x+y = z | x*y = z with x,y,z in nat
Require Import List.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive h10c : Set :=
| h10c_one : nat -> h10c
| h10c_plus : nat -> nat -> nat -> h10c
| h10c_mult : nat -> nat -> nat -> h10c.
Definition h10c_sem c φ :=
match c with
| h10c_one x => φ x = 1
| h10c_plus x y z => φ x + φ y = φ z
| h10c_mult x y z => φ x * φ y = φ z
Local Notation "〚 c 〛" := (h10c_sem c).
Definition H10C_PROBLEM := list h10c.
Definition H10C_SAT (l : H10C_PROBLEM) := exists φ, forall c, In c l ->〚c〛φ.