From Undecidability Require Export TM.TM.
Require Import PslBase.FiniteTypes.DepPairs EqdepFacts.
Section StateWhile.
Variable n : nat.
Variable sig : finType.
Variable F1 F2 : finType.
Variable pM : F1 -> pTM sig (F1 + F2) n.
Definition StateWhile_states : Type := { l : F1 & states (projT1 (pM l)) }.
Definition liftState {l : F1} (q : states (projT1 (pM l))) : StateWhile_states := ltac:(eexists; apply q).
Definition lift {l : F1} (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) : mconfig sig (FinType(EqType StateWhile_states)) n :=
cstate := liftState (cstate c);
ctapes := ctapes c;
Definition StateWhile_trans : StateWhile_states * Vector.t (option sig) n -> StateWhile_states * Vector.t (option sig * move) n :=
fun '(q, s) =>
if halt (projT2 q)
then match projT2 (pM (projT1 q)) (projT2 q) with
| inl l1 => (liftState (start (projT1 (pM l1))), nop_action)
| inr _ => (q, nop_action)
else let (q', a) := trans (projT2 q, s) in (liftState q', a).
Definition StateWhile_halt : StateWhile_states -> bool :=
fun q => halt (projT2 q) &&
match projT2 (pM (projT1 q)) (projT2 q) with
| inl _ => false
| inr l2 => true
Definition StateWhileTM (l1 : F1) : mTM sig n :=
start := liftState (start (projT1 (pM l1)));
trans := StateWhile_trans;
halt := StateWhile_halt;
Hypothesis (defF : inhabitedC F2).
Definition StateWhile_part : StateWhile_states -> F2 :=
fun q => match projT2 (pM (projT1 q)) (projT2 q) with
| inl _ => default
| inr l2 => l2
Definition StateWhile (l1 : F1) : pTM sig F2 n :=
(StateWhileTM l1; StateWhile_part).
Local Arguments loopM {_ _} _ _ _.
Local Arguments halt {_ _} _ _.
Local Arguments step {_ _} _ _.
Lemma step_comp (l : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
haltConf c = false ->
step (StateWhileTM l) (lift c) = lift (step (projT1 (pM l)) c).
intros HHalt. unfold haltConf in HHalt. unfold lift.
destruct c as [q t]. cbn in *.
cbv [step]. cbn. rewrite HHalt.
destruct (trans (q, current_chars t)) as [q' a]. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma halt_comp (l : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l)) c = false ->
haltConf (M := StateWhileTM l) (lift c) = false.
intros HHalt. cbn in *.
destruct c as [q t]. cbn in *.
apply andb_false_iff. cbn. now left.
Lemma halt_comp' (l : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
haltConf (M := StateWhileTM l) (lift c) = haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l)) c.
cbn in *. destruct c as [q t]. cbn in *. unfold StateWhile_halt, haltConf. cbn.
Lemma StateWhile_trans_repeat (l l_ : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (l' : F1) :
haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l)) c = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c) = inl l' ->
step (StateWhileTM l_) (lift c) = lift (initc (projT1 (pM l')) (ctapes c)).
intros HHalt HRepeat. unfold haltConf in HHalt.
destruct c as [q t]; cbn in *.
unfold step. cbn -[doAct_multi] in *. rewrite HHalt, HRepeat. unfold initc, lift. cbn. f_equal. apply doAct_nop.
Require Import PslBase.FiniteTypes.DepPairs EqdepFacts.
Section StateWhile.
Variable n : nat.
Variable sig : finType.
Variable F1 F2 : finType.
Variable pM : F1 -> pTM sig (F1 + F2) n.
Definition StateWhile_states : Type := { l : F1 & states (projT1 (pM l)) }.
Definition liftState {l : F1} (q : states (projT1 (pM l))) : StateWhile_states := ltac:(eexists; apply q).
Definition lift {l : F1} (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) : mconfig sig (FinType(EqType StateWhile_states)) n :=
cstate := liftState (cstate c);
ctapes := ctapes c;
Definition StateWhile_trans : StateWhile_states * Vector.t (option sig) n -> StateWhile_states * Vector.t (option sig * move) n :=
fun '(q, s) =>
if halt (projT2 q)
then match projT2 (pM (projT1 q)) (projT2 q) with
| inl l1 => (liftState (start (projT1 (pM l1))), nop_action)
| inr _ => (q, nop_action)
else let (q', a) := trans (projT2 q, s) in (liftState q', a).
Definition StateWhile_halt : StateWhile_states -> bool :=
fun q => halt (projT2 q) &&
match projT2 (pM (projT1 q)) (projT2 q) with
| inl _ => false
| inr l2 => true
Definition StateWhileTM (l1 : F1) : mTM sig n :=
start := liftState (start (projT1 (pM l1)));
trans := StateWhile_trans;
halt := StateWhile_halt;
Hypothesis (defF : inhabitedC F2).
Definition StateWhile_part : StateWhile_states -> F2 :=
fun q => match projT2 (pM (projT1 q)) (projT2 q) with
| inl _ => default
| inr l2 => l2
Definition StateWhile (l1 : F1) : pTM sig F2 n :=
(StateWhileTM l1; StateWhile_part).
Local Arguments loopM {_ _} _ _ _.
Local Arguments halt {_ _} _ _.
Local Arguments step {_ _} _ _.
Lemma step_comp (l : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
haltConf c = false ->
step (StateWhileTM l) (lift c) = lift (step (projT1 (pM l)) c).
intros HHalt. unfold haltConf in HHalt. unfold lift.
destruct c as [q t]. cbn in *.
cbv [step]. cbn. rewrite HHalt.
destruct (trans (q, current_chars t)) as [q' a]. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma halt_comp (l : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l)) c = false ->
haltConf (M := StateWhileTM l) (lift c) = false.
intros HHalt. cbn in *.
destruct c as [q t]. cbn in *.
apply andb_false_iff. cbn. now left.
Lemma halt_comp' (l : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
haltConf (M := StateWhileTM l) (lift c) = haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l)) c.
cbn in *. destruct c as [q t]. cbn in *. unfold StateWhile_halt, haltConf. cbn.
Lemma StateWhile_trans_repeat (l l_ : F1) (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (l' : F1) :
haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l)) c = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c) = inl l' ->
step (StateWhileTM l_) (lift c) = lift (initc (projT1 (pM l')) (ctapes c)).
intros HHalt HRepeat. unfold haltConf in HHalt.
destruct c as [q t]; cbn in *.
unfold step. cbn -[doAct_multi] in *. rewrite HHalt, HRepeat. unfold initc, lift. cbn. f_equal. apply doAct_nop.
The definition of mTM already contains the start state. The parameter of StateWhile somehow corresponds to the start state, but it is irrelevant when we choose a concrete starting state for loopM.
Lemma startState_irrelevant k l l' c1 c2 :
loopM (StateWhileTM l ) c1 k = Some c2 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l') c1 k = Some c2.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma startState_irrelevant' k l l' c1 :
loopM (StateWhileTM l) c1 k = loopM (StateWhileTM l') c1 k.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition lifth l : mconfig sig (states (StateWhileTM l)) n -> bool.
intros ((l'&q)&t).
decide (l=l') as [_ | ].
- eapply (halt _ q).
- apply true.
Lemma lifth_comp l (c : mconfig sig (states (StateWhileTM l)) n) :
lifth c = false -> haltConf c = false.
Proof. destruct c as ((l'&q)&t). cbn. decide (l=l') as [->| _]; intros H; auto. unfold StateWhile_halt. cbn. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma lifth_comp' l (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
@lifth l (lift c) = haltConf c.
Proof. unfold haltConf. destruct c as (q,t). cbn. decide (l=l); tauto. Qed.
Lemma StateWhile_split_repeat k l l1 c2 c3 :
loop (step (StateWhileTM l)) (haltConf (M:=StateWhileTM l)) (lift c2) k = Some c3 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inl l1 ->
exists k',
loop (step (StateWhileTM l)) (haltConf (M:=StateWhileTM l)) (lift (initc (projT1 (pM l1)) (ctapes c2))) k' = Some c3 /\
k = S k'.
intros HLoop H E. unfold haltConf in H.
destruct k as [ |k']; cbn in *; unfold StateWhile_halt in *; cbn in *.
- rewrite H, E in HLoop. cbn in *. congruence.
- rewrite H, E in HLoop. cbn in *. exists k'. repeat split; auto.
rewrite <- HLoop. f_equal. symmetry. apply StateWhile_trans_repeat; auto.
Lemma StateWhile_split_break k l l2 c2 c3 :
loop (step (StateWhileTM l)) (haltConf (M:=StateWhileTM l)) (lift c2) k = Some c3 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inr l2 ->
c3 = lift c2.
Proof. intros HLoop H E. eapply loop_eq_0 in HLoop; auto. unfold haltConf in *. cbn in *. unfold StateWhile_halt in *. cbn in *. now rewrite H, E. Qed.
Lemma StateWhile_split k l (c1 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (c3 : mconfig sig (FinType (EqType StateWhile_states)) n) :
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift c1) k = Some c3 ->
exists (c2 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n),
match projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) with
| inl l1 =>
exists (k1 k2 : nat),
loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k1 = Some c2 /\
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift (initc (projT1 (pM l1)) (ctapes c2))) k2 = Some c3 /\
1 + k1 + k2 <= k
| inr l2 => loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k = Some c2 /\ c3 = lift c2
intros HLoop. unfold loopM in *.
apply loop_split with (h := @lifth l) in HLoop as (k1&c2&k2&HLoop1&HLoop2&Hk).
- apply loop_unlift with (f := step (projT1 (pM l))) (h := haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l))) in HLoop1 as (c2'&HLoop1&->).
+ exists c2'. destruct (projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2')) as [l1|l2] eqn:E.
* exists k1. eapply StateWhile_split_repeat in HLoop2 as (k2'&HLoop2&->). exists k2'. repeat split. all: eauto.
-- omega.
-- now apply loop_fulfills in HLoop1.
* split. eapply loop_monotone. apply HLoop1. omega. eapply StateWhile_split_break; eauto. now apply loop_fulfills in HLoop1.
+ apply lifth_comp'.
+ apply step_comp.
- apply lifth_comp.
Lemma StateWhile_merge_repeat k1 k2 l l1 (c1 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (c2 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) c3 :
loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k1 = Some c2 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inl l1 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift (initc (projT1 (pM l1)) (ctapes c2))) k2 = Some c3 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift c1) (k1 + (1 + k2)) = Some c3.
intros HLoop1 HHalt HL HLoop2. unfold loopM in *.
apply loop_merge with (f := step (StateWhileTM l)) (h := @lifth l) (a2 := lift c2).
- apply lifth_comp.
- eapply loop_lift. 3: apply HLoop1. 2: eauto.
+ apply lifth_comp'.
+ apply step_comp.
- cbn [plus].
rewrite loop_step.
+ now rewrite StateWhile_trans_repeat with (l' := l1).
+ cbn; unfold StateWhile_halt; cbn. rewrite HL. apply andb_false_r.
Lemma StateWhile_merge_break k l l2 (c1 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (c2 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k = Some c2 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inr l2 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift c1) k = Some (lift c2).
intros HLoop HHalt HL. unfold loopM in *.
replace k with (k + 0) by omega.
apply loop_merge with (f := step (StateWhileTM l)) (h := @lifth l) (a2 := lift c2).
- apply lifth_comp.
- eapply loop_lift with (lift := lift) (f' := step (StateWhileTM l)) (h' := @lifth l) in HLoop; auto.
+ apply lifth_comp'.
+ apply step_comp.
- cbn. unfold StateWhile_halt; cbn. unfold haltConf in *. rewrite HHalt, HL. cbn. reflexivity.
loopM (StateWhileTM l ) c1 k = Some c2 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l') c1 k = Some c2.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Lemma startState_irrelevant' k l l' c1 :
loopM (StateWhileTM l) c1 k = loopM (StateWhileTM l') c1 k.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition lifth l : mconfig sig (states (StateWhileTM l)) n -> bool.
intros ((l'&q)&t).
decide (l=l') as [_ | ].
- eapply (halt _ q).
- apply true.
Lemma lifth_comp l (c : mconfig sig (states (StateWhileTM l)) n) :
lifth c = false -> haltConf c = false.
Proof. destruct c as ((l'&q)&t). cbn. decide (l=l') as [->| _]; intros H; auto. unfold StateWhile_halt. cbn. now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma lifth_comp' l (c : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
@lifth l (lift c) = haltConf c.
Proof. unfold haltConf. destruct c as (q,t). cbn. decide (l=l); tauto. Qed.
Lemma StateWhile_split_repeat k l l1 c2 c3 :
loop (step (StateWhileTM l)) (haltConf (M:=StateWhileTM l)) (lift c2) k = Some c3 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inl l1 ->
exists k',
loop (step (StateWhileTM l)) (haltConf (M:=StateWhileTM l)) (lift (initc (projT1 (pM l1)) (ctapes c2))) k' = Some c3 /\
k = S k'.
intros HLoop H E. unfold haltConf in H.
destruct k as [ |k']; cbn in *; unfold StateWhile_halt in *; cbn in *.
- rewrite H, E in HLoop. cbn in *. congruence.
- rewrite H, E in HLoop. cbn in *. exists k'. repeat split; auto.
rewrite <- HLoop. f_equal. symmetry. apply StateWhile_trans_repeat; auto.
Lemma StateWhile_split_break k l l2 c2 c3 :
loop (step (StateWhileTM l)) (haltConf (M:=StateWhileTM l)) (lift c2) k = Some c3 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inr l2 ->
c3 = lift c2.
Proof. intros HLoop H E. eapply loop_eq_0 in HLoop; auto. unfold haltConf in *. cbn in *. unfold StateWhile_halt in *. cbn in *. now rewrite H, E. Qed.
Lemma StateWhile_split k l (c1 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (c3 : mconfig sig (FinType (EqType StateWhile_states)) n) :
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift c1) k = Some c3 ->
exists (c2 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n),
match projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) with
| inl l1 =>
exists (k1 k2 : nat),
loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k1 = Some c2 /\
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift (initc (projT1 (pM l1)) (ctapes c2))) k2 = Some c3 /\
1 + k1 + k2 <= k
| inr l2 => loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k = Some c2 /\ c3 = lift c2
intros HLoop. unfold loopM in *.
apply loop_split with (h := @lifth l) in HLoop as (k1&c2&k2&HLoop1&HLoop2&Hk).
- apply loop_unlift with (f := step (projT1 (pM l))) (h := haltConf (M := projT1 (pM l))) in HLoop1 as (c2'&HLoop1&->).
+ exists c2'. destruct (projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2')) as [l1|l2] eqn:E.
* exists k1. eapply StateWhile_split_repeat in HLoop2 as (k2'&HLoop2&->). exists k2'. repeat split. all: eauto.
-- omega.
-- now apply loop_fulfills in HLoop1.
* split. eapply loop_monotone. apply HLoop1. omega. eapply StateWhile_split_break; eauto. now apply loop_fulfills in HLoop1.
+ apply lifth_comp'.
+ apply step_comp.
- apply lifth_comp.
Lemma StateWhile_merge_repeat k1 k2 l l1 (c1 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (c2 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) c3 :
loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k1 = Some c2 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inl l1 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift (initc (projT1 (pM l1)) (ctapes c2))) k2 = Some c3 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift c1) (k1 + (1 + k2)) = Some c3.
intros HLoop1 HHalt HL HLoop2. unfold loopM in *.
apply loop_merge with (f := step (StateWhileTM l)) (h := @lifth l) (a2 := lift c2).
- apply lifth_comp.
- eapply loop_lift. 3: apply HLoop1. 2: eauto.
+ apply lifth_comp'.
+ apply step_comp.
- cbn [plus].
rewrite loop_step.
+ now rewrite StateWhile_trans_repeat with (l' := l1).
+ cbn; unfold StateWhile_halt; cbn. rewrite HL. apply andb_false_r.
Lemma StateWhile_merge_break k l l2 (c1 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) (c2 : mconfig sig (states (projT1 (pM l))) n) :
loopM (projT1 (pM l)) c1 k = Some c2 ->
haltConf c2 = true ->
projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2) = inr l2 ->
loopM (StateWhileTM l) (lift c1) k = Some (lift c2).
intros HLoop HHalt HL. unfold loopM in *.
replace k with (k + 0) by omega.
apply loop_merge with (f := step (StateWhileTM l)) (h := @lifth l) (a2 := lift c2).
- apply lifth_comp.
- eapply loop_lift with (lift := lift) (f' := step (StateWhileTM l)) (h' := @lifth l) in HLoop; auto.
+ apply lifth_comp'.
+ apply step_comp.
- cbn. unfold StateWhile_halt; cbn. unfold haltConf in *. rewrite HHalt, HL. cbn. reflexivity.
Variable R : F1 -> pRel sig (F1 + F2) n.
Inductive StateWhile_Rel : F1 -> pRel sig F2 n :=
| StateWhile_Rel_loop :
forall l t l1 t' l' t'',
R l t (inl l1, t') ->
StateWhile_Rel l1 t' (l', t'') ->
StateWhile_Rel l t (l', t'')
| StateWhile_Rel_break :
forall l t l2 t',
R l t (inr l2, t') ->
StateWhile_Rel l t (l2, t').
Lemma lift_init l tin :
initc (StateWhileTM l) tin = lift (initc (projT1 (pM l)) tin).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma StateWhile_Realise l :
(forall l, pM l ⊨ R l) ->
StateWhile l ⊨ StateWhile_Rel l.
intros HRel. hnf in HRel; hnf. intros t k; revert t l. apply complete_induction with (x := k); clear k; intros k IH. intros tin l c3 HLoop.
unfold loopM in HLoop. cbn in *. rewrite lift_init in HLoop. apply StateWhile_split in HLoop as (c2&HLoop).
destruct (projT2 (pM l) (cstate c2)) as [l1|l2] eqn:E.
- destruct HLoop as (k1&k2&HLoop1&HLoop2&Hk).
apply HRel in HLoop1. rewrite E in HLoop1. rewrite <- lift_init in HLoop2.
eapply startState_irrelevant in HLoop2. specialize IH with (2 := HLoop2). spec_assert IH by omega.
econstructor 1; eauto.
- destruct HLoop as (HLoop&->).
apply HRel in HLoop. rewrite E in *.
constructor 2; auto. cbn. unfold StateWhile_part. cbn. now rewrite E.
Section StateWhile_TerminatesIn.
Variable (T T' : F1 -> tRel sig n).
Lemma StateWhile_TerminatesIn_ind l :
(forall l, pM l ⊨ R l) ->
(forall l, projT1 (pM l) ↓ T' l) ->
(forall l (tin : tapes sig n) (k : nat),
T l tin k ->
exists k1,
T' l tin k1 /\
(forall tmid l2, R l tin (inr l2, tmid) -> k1 <= k) /\
(forall tmid l1, R l tin (inl l1, tmid) -> exists k2, T l1 tmid k2 /\ 1 + k1 + k2 <= k)) ->
StateWhileTM l ↓ T l.
intros Realise_M Term_M Hyp tin k. revert tin l. apply complete_induction with (x:=k); clear k; intros k IH tin l.
intros (k1&HT1&HT2&HT3) % Hyp.
pose proof (Term_M _ _ _ HT1) as (oconf&Hloop).
specialize (Realise_M _ _ _ _ Hloop).
destruct (projT2 (pM l) (cstate oconf)) as [ l1 | l2 ] eqn:E1.
- specialize HT3 with (1 := Realise_M) as (k2&HT3&Hi).
specialize (IH k2 ltac:(omega) _ _ HT3) as (oconf2&Hloop2).
exists oconf2. apply loop_monotone with (k1 := k1 + (1 + k2)). 2: omega.
cbn -[plus]. rewrite lift_init.
refine (StateWhile_merge_repeat Hloop _ _ Hloop2); auto.
unfold loopM in *; now apply loop_fulfills in Hloop.
- specialize HT2 with (1 := Realise_M).
exists (lift oconf). eapply loop_monotone; eauto.
refine (StateWhile_merge_break (l2 := l2) Hloop _ _); auto.
unfold loopM in *; now apply loop_fulfills in Hloop.
End StateWhile_TerminatesIn.
Variable (T T' : F1 -> tRel sig n).
Lemma StateWhile_TerminatesIn_ind l :
(forall l, pM l ⊨ R l) ->
(forall l, projT1 (pM l) ↓ T' l) ->
(forall l (tin : tapes sig n) (k : nat),
T l tin k ->
exists k1,
T' l tin k1 /\
(forall tmid l2, R l tin (inr l2, tmid) -> k1 <= k) /\
(forall tmid l1, R l tin (inl l1, tmid) -> exists k2, T l1 tmid k2 /\ 1 + k1 + k2 <= k)) ->
StateWhileTM l ↓ T l.
intros Realise_M Term_M Hyp tin k. revert tin l. apply complete_induction with (x:=k); clear k; intros k IH tin l.
intros (k1&HT1&HT2&HT3) % Hyp.
pose proof (Term_M _ _ _ HT1) as (oconf&Hloop).
specialize (Realise_M _ _ _ _ Hloop).
destruct (projT2 (pM l) (cstate oconf)) as [ l1 | l2 ] eqn:E1.
- specialize HT3 with (1 := Realise_M) as (k2&HT3&Hi).
specialize (IH k2 ltac:(omega) _ _ HT3) as (oconf2&Hloop2).
exists oconf2. apply loop_monotone with (k1 := k1 + (1 + k2)). 2: omega.
cbn -[plus]. rewrite lift_init.
refine (StateWhile_merge_repeat Hloop _ _ Hloop2); auto.
unfold loopM in *; now apply loop_fulfills in Hloop.
- specialize HT2 with (1 := Realise_M).
exists (lift oconf). eapply loop_monotone; eauto.
refine (StateWhile_merge_break (l2 := l2) Hloop _ _); auto.
unfold loopM in *; now apply loop_fulfills in Hloop.
End StateWhile_TerminatesIn.
Alternative for StateWhile_TerminatesIn using co-induction
Section StateWhile_TerminatesIn_coind.
Variable (T : F1 -> tRel sig n).
CoInductive StateWhile_T : F1 -> tRel sig n :=
| StateWhile_T_intro l t k k1 :
T l t k1 ->
(forall t' l1,
R l t (inl l1, t') ->
exists k2, StateWhile_T l1 t' k2 /\ 1 + k1 + k2 <= k) ->
(forall tmid l2,
R l t (inr l2, tmid) -> k1 <= k) ->
StateWhile_T l t k.
Lemma StateWhile_TerminatesIn l :
(forall l, pM l ⊨ R l) ->
(forall l, projT1 (pM l) ↓ T l) ->
StateWhileTM l ↓ StateWhile_T l.
intros HRel HTerm. eapply StateWhile_TerminatesIn_ind; eauto.
intros l' tin k' HCoInd. destruct HCoInd; eauto.
End StateWhile_TerminatesIn_coind.
Variable (T : F1 -> tRel sig n).
CoInductive StateWhile_T : F1 -> tRel sig n :=
| StateWhile_T_intro l t k k1 :
T l t k1 ->
(forall t' l1,
R l t (inl l1, t') ->
exists k2, StateWhile_T l1 t' k2 /\ 1 + k1 + k2 <= k) ->
(forall tmid l2,
R l t (inr l2, tmid) -> k1 <= k) ->
StateWhile_T l t k.
Lemma StateWhile_TerminatesIn l :
(forall l, pM l ⊨ R l) ->
(forall l, projT1 (pM l) ↓ T l) ->
StateWhileTM l ↓ StateWhile_T l.
intros HRel HTerm. eapply StateWhile_TerminatesIn_ind; eauto.
intros l' tin k' HCoInd. destruct HCoInd; eauto.
End StateWhile_TerminatesIn_coind.
It's easy to show that the start-labels are irrevant if we fix the internal state. The transition functions are definitionally equal.
Lemma StartState_irrelevant (y y' : F1) (k : nat) (iconf : mconfig sig (FinType(EqType StateWhile_states)) n) :
loopM (projT1 (StateWhile y')) iconf k = loopM (projT1 (StateWhile y )) iconf k.
Proof. auto. Qed.
End StateWhile.
Arguments StateWhile : simpl never.
Arguments StateWhile {n sig F1 F2} pM {defF} l1.
loopM (projT1 (StateWhile y')) iconf k = loopM (projT1 (StateWhile y )) iconf k.
Proof. auto. Qed.
End StateWhile.
Arguments StateWhile : simpl never.
Arguments StateWhile {n sig F1 F2} pM {defF} l1.
Section StateWhileInduction.
Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat) (F1 F2 : finType).
Variable R1 : F1 -> pRel sig (F1+F2) n.
Variable R2 : F1 -> pRel sig F2 n.
Lemma StateWhileInduction :
(forall tin l yout tout (HLastStep: R1 l tin (inr yout, tout)), R2 l tin (yout, tout)) ->
(forall tin l l' tmid tout yout
(HStar : R1 l tin (inl l', tmid)) (HLastStep : R2 l' tmid (yout, tout)), R2 l tin (yout, tout)) ->
(forall l, StateWhile_Rel R1 l <<=2 (R2 l)).
Proof. intros H1 H2. intros tin tout. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
End StateWhileInduction.
Section WhileCoInduction.
Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat) (F1 F2 : finType).
Variable R : F1 -> pRel sig (F1 + F2) n.
Variable T T' : F1 -> tRel sig n.
Lemma StateWhileCoInduction :
(forall l (tin : tapes sig n) (k : nat) (HT : T l tin k),
exists k1,
T' l tin k1 /\
forall (ymid : F1 + F2) tmid,
R l tin (ymid, tmid) ->
match ymid with
| inl l1 => exists k2, T l1 tmid k2 /\ 1 + k1 + k2 <= k
| inr _ => k1 <= k
end) ->
(forall l, T l <<=2 StateWhile_T R T' l).
intros. revert l. cofix IH. intros l tin k HT. specialize H with (1 := HT) as (k1&H1&H2). econstructor; eauto.
- intros tmid ymid HR. specialize (H2 (inl ymid) tmid HR) as (k2&H2&Hk); cbn in *.
exists k2. split. 2: omega. now apply IH.
- intros tmid l2 HR. now specialize (H2 (inr l2) tmid HR).
End WhileCoInduction.