Require Export L LTactics.

Require Import LNat.

Encoding of pairs

Section Fix_XY.

  Variable X Y:Type.

  Variable intX : registered X.
  Variable intY : registered Y.

  Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "prod_enc" (X * Y)).
  Hint Resolve prod_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

  (* now we must register the constructors*)
  Global Instance term_pair : computableTime (@pair X Y) (fun _ _ => (1,fun _ _ => (1,tt))).
    extract constructor. solverec.

  Global Instance term_fst : computableTime (@fst X Y) (fun _ _ => (4,tt)).
    extract. solverec.

  Global Instance term_snd : computableTime (@snd X Y) (fun _ _ => (4,tt)).
    extract. solverec.

  Definition prod_eqb f g (a b: X*Y):=
    let (x1,y1):= a in
    let (x2,y2):= b in
    andb (f x1 x2) (g y1 y2).

  Lemma prod_eqb_spec f g:
    (forall (x1 x2 : X) , reflect (x1 = x2) (f x1 x2))
    -> (forall (y1 y2 : Y) , reflect (y1 = y2) (g y1 y2))
    -> forall x y, reflect (x=y) (prod_eqb f g x y).
  Proof with try (constructor;congruence).
    intros Hf Hg [x1 y1] [x2 y2].
    specialize (Hf x1 x2); specialize (Hg y1 y2);cbn.
    inv Hf;inv Hg;cbn...

  Global Instance term_prod_eqb :
    computableTime prod_eqb
                     (fun _ eqT1 =>
                        (1,fun _ eqT2 =>
                             (1,fun x _ =>
                                  (1,fun y _ =>
                                       (let '(k1,eqT1') := (eqT1 (fst x) tt) in
                                                             k1 +fst (eqT1' (fst y) tt)
                                       + (let '(k2,eqT2') := (eqT2 (snd x) tt) in
                                           k2 +fst (eqT2' (snd y) tt)) + 11, tt))))).
    extract. solverec.

  Global Instance term_prod_eqb_notime :
    computable prod_eqb.

End Fix_XY.

Hint Resolve prod_enc_correct : Lrewrite.