Require Import Seval LBool LOptions LTactics Nat.

Case Study 1: Universal L-term

(* ** Encoding for natural numers *)

Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "nat_enc" nat).
Hint Resolve nat_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

Instance termT_S : computableTime S (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.

Encoding for L-terms

Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "term_enc" term).
Hint Resolve term_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

(* register the non-constant constructors *)
Instance term_var : computableTime var (fun n _ => (1, tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.

Instance term_app : computableTime app (fun s1 _ => (1, (fun s2 _ => (1, tt)))).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.

Instance term_lam : computableTime lam (fun s _ => (1, tt)).
Proof. extract constructor. solverec. Qed.

Extracted equality on natural numbers

Instance termT_nat_eqb: computableTime Nat.eqb (fun x xT => (5,(fun y yT => ((min x y)*15 + 8,tt)))).
Proof. extract. solverec. Qed.

Extracted substitution

Instance term_substT :
  computableTime subst (fun s _ => (5, (fun n _ => (1, (fun t _ => ( 15 * n * size s + 43 * (size s) ^ 2 + 13, tt)))))).
Proof. extract. solverec. Qed.

Extracted step-indexed L-interpreter

Instance term_eva : computableTime eva (fun n _ => (5,fun s _ => ( cnst ("f",n,s),tt))).
Proof. extract. solverec. *)

Here we see the set of equations one would need to solve for time-complexity, with the most prominent one beeing presented after some transformations:
     (*  7:{
       subst t;
       rename t1 into s1; rename t2 into s2;
       rename t0 into t1; rename t3 into t2;fold eva in *. *)

cnst ("f", n, s1) + cnst ("f", n, s2) + 43 * size t1 * size t1 + cnst ("f", n, subst t1 0 t2) + 53 <= cnst ("f", 1 + n, s1 s2)
Abort. *)

Instance term_eva : computable eva.
Proof. extract. Qed.