Require Export Shared.FiniteTypes.FinTypes Shared.FiniteTypes.BasicFinTypes Shared.FiniteTypes.CompoundFinTypes Shared.FiniteTypes.VectorFin.
Require Export Shared.Vectors.FinNotation.
Require Export Shared.Retracts.
Require Export Shared.Inhabited.
Require Export Shared.Base.
Require Export Shared.Vectors.Vectors Shared.Vectors.VectorDupfree.
(* Require Export smpl.Smpl. *)
Global Open Scope vector_scope.
Section Loop.
Variable (A : Type) (f : A -> A) (p : A -> bool).
Fixpoint loop (a : A) (k : nat) {struct k} :=
if p a then Some a else
match k with
| O => None
| S k' => loop (f a) k'
Lemma loop_step k a :
p a = false ->
loop a (S k) = loop (f a) k.
Proof. intros HHalt. destruct k; cbn; rewrite HHalt; auto. Qed.
Lemma loop_injective k1 k2 a b b' :
loop a k1 = Some b ->
loop a k2 = Some b' ->
b = b'.
revert k2 b b' a. induction k1; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E; inv H.
destruct k2; cbn in H0; rewrite E in H0; now inv H0.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E.
+ inv H. destruct k2; cbn in H0; rewrite E in H0; now inv H0.
+ destruct k2; cbn in H0; rewrite E in H0; try now inv H0.
Lemma loop_fulfills k a b :
loop a k = Some b ->
p b = true.
revert a; induction k; intros; cbn in *.
- now destruct (p a) eqn:E; inv H.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E.
+ now inv H.
+ eapply IHk; eauto.
Lemma loop_0 k a :
p a = true ->
loop a k = Some a.
Proof. intros. destruct k; cbn; now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma loop_eq_0 k a b :
p a = true ->
loop a k = Some b ->
b = a.
Proof. intros H1 H2. eapply (loop_0 k) in H1. congruence. Qed.
Lemma loop_monotone (k1 k2 : nat) (a b : A) : loop a k1 = Some b -> k1 <= k2 -> loop a k2 = Some b.
revert a k2; induction k1 as [ | k1' IH]; intros a k2 HLoop Hk; cbn in *.
- destruct k2; cbn; destruct (p a); now inv HLoop.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E.
+ inv HLoop. now apply loop_0.
+ destruct k2 as [ | k2']; cbn in *; rewrite E.
* exfalso. omega.
* apply IH. assumption. omega.
End Loop.
Section LoopLift.
Variable A B : Type.
Require Export Shared.Vectors.FinNotation.
Require Export Shared.Retracts.
Require Export Shared.Inhabited.
Require Export Shared.Base.
Require Export Shared.Vectors.Vectors Shared.Vectors.VectorDupfree.
(* Require Export smpl.Smpl. *)
Global Open Scope vector_scope.
Section Loop.
Variable (A : Type) (f : A -> A) (p : A -> bool).
Fixpoint loop (a : A) (k : nat) {struct k} :=
if p a then Some a else
match k with
| O => None
| S k' => loop (f a) k'
Lemma loop_step k a :
p a = false ->
loop a (S k) = loop (f a) k.
Proof. intros HHalt. destruct k; cbn; rewrite HHalt; auto. Qed.
Lemma loop_injective k1 k2 a b b' :
loop a k1 = Some b ->
loop a k2 = Some b' ->
b = b'.
revert k2 b b' a. induction k1; intros; cbn in *.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E; inv H.
destruct k2; cbn in H0; rewrite E in H0; now inv H0.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E.
+ inv H. destruct k2; cbn in H0; rewrite E in H0; now inv H0.
+ destruct k2; cbn in H0; rewrite E in H0; try now inv H0.
Lemma loop_fulfills k a b :
loop a k = Some b ->
p b = true.
revert a; induction k; intros; cbn in *.
- now destruct (p a) eqn:E; inv H.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E.
+ now inv H.
+ eapply IHk; eauto.
Lemma loop_0 k a :
p a = true ->
loop a k = Some a.
Proof. intros. destruct k; cbn; now rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma loop_eq_0 k a b :
p a = true ->
loop a k = Some b ->
b = a.
Proof. intros H1 H2. eapply (loop_0 k) in H1. congruence. Qed.
Lemma loop_monotone (k1 k2 : nat) (a b : A) : loop a k1 = Some b -> k1 <= k2 -> loop a k2 = Some b.
revert a k2; induction k1 as [ | k1' IH]; intros a k2 HLoop Hk; cbn in *.
- destruct k2; cbn; destruct (p a); now inv HLoop.
- destruct (p a) eqn:E.
+ inv HLoop. now apply loop_0.
+ destruct k2 as [ | k2']; cbn in *; rewrite E.
* exfalso. omega.
* apply IH. assumption. omega.
End Loop.
Section LoopLift.
Variable A B : Type.
Abstract states
Lifting function between states
Abstract steps
Abstract halting states
Hypothesis halt_lift_comp : forall x:A, h' (lift x) = h x.
Hypothesis step_lift_comp : forall x:A, h x = false -> f' (lift x) = lift (f x).
Lemma loop_lift (k : nat) (a a' : A) :
loop (A := A) f h a k = Some a' ->
loop (A := B) f' h' (lift a) k = Some (lift a').
revert a. induction k as [ | k']; intros; cbn in *.
- rewrite halt_lift_comp. destruct (h a); now inv H.
- rewrite halt_lift_comp. destruct (h a) eqn:E.
+ now inv H.
+ rewrite step_lift_comp by auto. now apply IHk'.
Lemma loop_unlift (k : nat) (a : A) (b' : B) :
loop f' h' (lift a) k = Some b' ->
exists a' : A, loop f h a k = Some a' /\ b' = lift a'.
revert a b'. induction k as [ | k']; intros; cbn in *.
- rewrite halt_lift_comp in H.
exists a. destruct (h a) eqn:E; now inv H.
- rewrite halt_lift_comp in H.
destruct (h a) eqn:E.
+ exists a. now inv H.
+ rewrite step_lift_comp in H by assumption.
specialize IHk' with (1 := H) as (x&IH&->). now exists x.
End LoopLift.
Section LoopMerge.
Variable A : Type.
abstract states
abstract step function
abstract halting functions
Every non-halting state w.r.t. h is also a non-halting state w.r.t. h'
Hypothesis halt_comp : forall a, h a = false -> h' a = false.
Lemma loop_merge (k1 k2 : nat) (a1 a2 a3 : A) :
loop f h a1 k1 = Some a2 ->
loop f h' a2 k2 = Some a3 ->
loop f h' a1 (k1+k2) = Some a3.
revert a1 a2 a3. induction k1 as [ | k1' IH]; intros a1 a2 a3 HLoop1 HLoop2; cbn in HLoop1.
- now destruct (h a1); inv HLoop1.
- destruct (h a1) eqn:E.
+ inv HLoop1. eapply loop_monotone; eauto. omega.
+ cbn. rewrite (halt_comp E). eapply IH; eauto.
Lemma loop_split (k : nat) (a1 a3 : A) :
loop f h' a1 k = Some a3 ->
exists k1 a2 k2,
loop f h a1 k1 = Some a2 /\
loop f h' a2 k2 = Some a3 /\
k1 + k2 <= k.
revert a1 a3. revert k; refine (size_recursion id _); intros k IH. intros a1 a3 HLoop. cbv [id] in *.
destruct k as [ | k']; cbn in *.
- destruct (h' a1) eqn:E; inv HLoop.
exists 0, a3, 0. cbn. rewrite E.
destruct (h a3) eqn:E'.
+ auto.
+ apply halt_comp in E'. congruence.
- destruct (h a1) eqn:E.
+ exists 0, a1, (S k'). cbn. rewrite E. auto.
+ rewrite (halt_comp E) in HLoop.
apply IH in HLoop as (k1&c2&k2&IH1&IH2&IH3); [ | omega].
exists (S k1), c2, k2. cbn. rewrite E. repeat split; auto. omega.
End LoopMerge.
Lemma loop_merge (k1 k2 : nat) (a1 a2 a3 : A) :
loop f h a1 k1 = Some a2 ->
loop f h' a2 k2 = Some a3 ->
loop f h' a1 (k1+k2) = Some a3.
revert a1 a2 a3. induction k1 as [ | k1' IH]; intros a1 a2 a3 HLoop1 HLoop2; cbn in HLoop1.
- now destruct (h a1); inv HLoop1.
- destruct (h a1) eqn:E.
+ inv HLoop1. eapply loop_monotone; eauto. omega.
+ cbn. rewrite (halt_comp E). eapply IH; eauto.
Lemma loop_split (k : nat) (a1 a3 : A) :
loop f h' a1 k = Some a3 ->
exists k1 a2 k2,
loop f h a1 k1 = Some a2 /\
loop f h' a2 k2 = Some a3 /\
k1 + k2 <= k.
revert a1 a3. revert k; refine (size_recursion id _); intros k IH. intros a1 a3 HLoop. cbv [id] in *.
destruct k as [ | k']; cbn in *.
- destruct (h' a1) eqn:E; inv HLoop.
exists 0, a3, 0. cbn. rewrite E.
destruct (h a3) eqn:E'.
+ auto.
+ apply halt_comp in E'. congruence.
- destruct (h a1) eqn:E.
+ exists 0, a1, (S k'). cbn. rewrite E. auto.
+ rewrite (halt_comp E) in HLoop.
apply IH in HLoop as (k1&c2&k2&IH1&IH2&IH3); [ | omega].
exists (S k1), c2, k2. cbn. rewrite E. repeat split; auto. omega.
End LoopMerge.
Apply functions in tuples, options, etc.
Section Map.
Variable X Y Z : Type.
Definition map_opt : (X -> Y) -> option X -> option Y :=
fun f a =>
match a with
| Some x => Some (f x)
| None => None
Definition map_inl : (X -> Y) -> X + Z -> Y + Z :=
fun f a =>
match a with
| inl x => inl (f x)
| inr y => inr y
Definition map_inr : (Y -> Z) -> X + Y -> X + Z :=
fun f a =>
match a with
| inl y => inl y
| inr x => inr (f x)
Definition map_fst : (X -> Z) -> X * Y -> Z * Y := fun f '(x,y) => (f x, y).
Definition map_snd : (Y -> Z) -> X * Y -> X * Z := fun f '(x,y) => (x, f y).
End Map.
Variable X Y Z : Type.
Definition map_opt : (X -> Y) -> option X -> option Y :=
fun f a =>
match a with
| Some x => Some (f x)
| None => None
Definition map_inl : (X -> Y) -> X + Z -> Y + Z :=
fun f a =>
match a with
| inl x => inl (f x)
| inr y => inr y
Definition map_inr : (Y -> Z) -> X + Y -> X + Z :=
fun f a =>
match a with
| inl y => inl y
| inr x => inr (f x)
Definition map_fst : (X -> Z) -> X * Y -> Z * Y := fun f '(x,y) => (f x, y).
Definition map_snd : (Y -> Z) -> X * Y -> X * Z := fun f '(x,y) => (x, f y).
End Map.
We often use the vernacular commands
Local Arguments plus : simpl never. Local Arguments mult : simpl avoid unfolding * and + in running time polynoms. However, this can break proofs that use Fin.R, since the plus in the type of Fin.R doesn't simplify with cbn any more. To work around this problem, we have a copy of Fin.R and plus, that isn't affected by these commands.