From Undecidability.L Require Import L_facts.
From Undecidability.L Require Import AbstractMachines.LargestVar.
From Undecidability.L Require Import AbstractMachines.LargestVar.
Section Lin.
Let HA:=nat.
Notation clos := (term * HA)%type.
Inductive task := appT | closT (g:clos).
Inductive heapEntry := heapEntryC (g:clos) (alpha:HA).
Let HA:=nat.
Notation clos := (term * HA)%type.
Inductive task := appT | closT (g:clos).
Inductive heapEntry := heapEntryC (g:clos) (alpha:HA).
Let Heap := list heapEntry.
Implicit Type H : Heap.
Definition put H e := (H++[e],|H|).
Definition get H alpha:= nth_error H alpha.
Definition extended H H' := forall alpha m, get H alpha = Some m -> get H' alpha = Some m.
Fixpoint lookup H alpha x : option clos:=
match get H alpha with
Some (heapEntryC bound env') =>
match x with
0 => Some bound
| S x' => lookup H env' x'
| _ => None
Definition state := (list task * list clos *Heap)%type.
Hint Transparent state : core.
Inductive step : state -> state -> Prop :=
step_pushVal a s T V H:
step (closT (lam s,a)::T,V,H) (T,(s,a)::V,H)
| step_beta b s g H H' c T V:
put H (heapEntryC g b) = (H',c)
-> step (appT::T,g::(s,b)::V,H) (closT (s,c) ::T,V,H')
| step_load a x g T V H:
lookup H a x = Some g
-> step (closT (var x,a)::T,V,H) (T,g::V,H)
| step_app s t a T V H: step (closT (app s t,a)::T,V,H) (closT (s,a)::closT(t,a)::appT::T,V,H).
Hint Constructors step : core.
Import L_Notations_app.
Inductive unfolds H a: nat -> term -> term -> Prop :=
| unfoldsUnbound k n :
n < k ->
unfolds H a k (var n) (var n)
| unfoldsBound k b s s' n:
n >= k ->
lookup H a (n-k) = Some (s,b) ->
unfolds H b 1 s s' ->
unfolds H a k (var n) (lam s')
| unfoldsLam k s s':
unfolds H a (S k) s s' ->
unfolds H a k (lam s) (lam s')
| unfoldsApp k (s t s' t' : term):
unfolds H a k s s' ->
unfolds H a k t t' ->
unfolds H a k (s t) (s' t').
Inductive reprC : Heap -> clos -> term -> Prop :=
reprCC H s a s' :
unfolds H a 1 s s' ->
reprC H (s,a) (lam s').
Definition init s :state := ([closT (s,0 )],[],[]).
End Lin.
Module clos_notation.
Notation clos := (term * nat)%type (only parsing).
End clos_notation.
Import clos_notation.
Hint Transparent state : core.
Definition largestVarC : clos -> nat := (fun '(s,_) => largestVar s).
Definition largestVarCs (T:list clos) :=
maxl (map largestVarC T).
Definition largestVarH (H:list heapEntry) :=
maxl (map (fun e:heapEntry => let (q,_) := e in largestVarC q) H).
Definition sizeC g :=
match g with
(s,a) => size s + a
Definition sizeT t :=
match t with
appT => 1
| closT g => sizeC g
Definition sizeHE e :=
match e with
heapEntryC g b => sizeC g + b
Definition sizeH H :=
sumn (map sizeHE H).
Definition sizeSt '(T,V,H) := sumn (map sizeC T) + sumn (map sizeC V) + sizeH H.