From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.TM_facts TM.Util.Relations.
From Undecidability.L Require Import LM_heap_def UnfoldClos Programs.
From Complexity.L Require Import LambdaDepth.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Require Import FunInd.
Lemma lookup_el H alpha x c: lookup H alpha x = Some c -> exists beta, Some (c,beta) el H.
induction x in alpha, c|-*.
all:cbn. all:destruct nth_error as [[[] | ]| ] eqn:eq.
all:intros [= eq'].
all:eauto using nth_error_In.
Definition boundHeap (H:Heap) maxPro maxVar maxDepth:=
(forall a P beta, Some ((a,P),beta) el H ->
sizeP P <= maxPro /\ a <= length H /\ beta <= length H /\ lambdaDepthP 1 P <= maxDepth/\ largestVarP P <= maxVar ).
Definition unfoldTailRecStep_sizes (H:Heap) maxPro maxVar maxDepth: list (HClos * nat) -> Prop :=
fun stack =>
forall a P k, ((a,P),k) el stack
-> sizeP P <= maxPro
/\ a <= length H
/\ largestVarP P <= maxVar
/\ lambdaDepthP k P <= maxDepth + 1.
Lemma unfoldTailRecStep_sizes_correct' H maxPro maxVar maxDepth a k s P s' stack stack' res fuel :
boundHeap H maxPro maxVar maxDepth
-> LM_heap_correct.unfolds H a k s s'
-> ARS.pow (fun a b => inl b = unfoldTailRecStep H a) fuel ((a,compile s++P,k)::stack,res) stack'
-> (sizeP (compile s++P) <= maxPro /\ a <= length H /\ largestVarP (compile s++P) <= maxVar /\ lambdaDepthP k ((compile s++P)) <= maxDepth)
-> (unfoldTailRecStep_sizes H maxPro maxVar maxDepth stack)
-> (exists fuel', fuel' < fuel /\
ARS.pow (fun a b => inl b = unfoldTailRecStep H a) fuel' ((a,P,k)::stack,rev (compile s')++res) stack')
\/ unfoldTailRecStep_sizes H maxPro maxVar maxDepth (fst stack').
intros HH.
revert a k s P s' stack stack' res.
induction fuel as [fuel IH] using lt_wf_ind.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hunf HR Hhd Htl.
destruct fuel as [|fuel].
{hnf in HR. subst stack'. cbn [fst]in *. right. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]|]. all:now eauto. }
change (S fuel) with (1+fuel) in *. eapply pow_add in HR as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&HR).
symmetry in Hstep.
induction Hunf in P,stack,Hstep,Hhd,Htl|-*. 1-3:cbn in Hstep.
- destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n). now exfalso;nia.
injection Hstep as [= <-]. left. eauto.
- destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n). 2: now exfalso;nia.
rewrite H1 in Hstep. injection Hstep as [= <-]. inv H2. inv Hunf.
destruct (lookup_el H1) as (?&Hel). hnf in HH. specialize HH with (1:= Hel) as (?&?&?&?&?).
specialize IH with (2:= H5) (P:=[]) as IH'. rewrite app_nil_r in IH'. specialize IH' with (2:=HR) as [(fuel'&?&IH')|IH'].
+ nia.
+ specialize (lambdaDepthP_min 1 (compile s0)). repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
+ hnf. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]|]. 2:now eauto.
specialize (lambdaDepthP_min k P).
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
+ destruct fuel' as [|fuel'].
hnf in IH'. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-] | [[= <- <- <-]| ]].
3:now eauto. { cbn. unfold sizeP in *. nia. }
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP, largestVarP in *. specialize (lambdaDepthP_min k P). repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in IH' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&IH').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
destruct fuel' as [|fuel'].
hnf in IH'. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]| ].
2:now eauto.
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP, largestVarP in *. specialize (lambdaDepthP_min k P). repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in IH' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&IH').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
cbn. autorewrite with list;cbn. left;eexists;split. 2:eassumption. nia.
+now right.
- injection Hstep as [= <-]. cbn in Hhd. rewrite <- app_assoc in HR,Hhd.
specialize IH with (2:=Hunf) (3:=HR) as [(fuel'&?&IH')|IH'].
+ nia.
+ cbn in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP,largestVarP. nia.
+ easy.
+ cbn in Hhd|-*. autorewrite with list in Hhd|-*. rewrite lambdaDepthP_compile', maxl_app in Hhd. cbn - [max]in Hhd|-*.
destruct fuel' as [|fuel'].
hnf in IH'. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]| ].
2:now eauto.
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP in *. repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in IH' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&IH').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
left;do 2 eexists. 2:eassumption. nia.
+ easy.
- cbn [compile] in Hstep,Hhd. rewrite <- !app_assoc in Hstep,Hhd.
edestruct IHHunf1 as [(fuel'&?&IH')|IH']. 3:eassumption.
cbn in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP,largestVarP in Hhd. autorewrite with list in Hhd|-*.
rewrite !lambdaDepthP_compile', !maxl_app in Hhd. cbn - [max]in Hhd|-*.
specialize IH with (3:=IH') as [(fuel''&?&IH'')|IH'']. 2:eassumption.
+ nia.
+ cbn in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP,largestVarP in Hhd|-*. autorewrite with list. rewrite !lambdaDepthP_compile', !maxl_app;cbn.
repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
+ easy.
+ destruct fuel'' as [|fuel''].
hnf in IH''. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]| ].
2:now eauto.
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP in *. repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel'') with (1+fuel'') in *. eapply pow_add in IH'' as (stack'''&Hstep'%(rcomp_1)&IH''').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep' as [=->].
left;do 2 eexists. 2:eassumption. nia.
+ easy.
Lemma unfoldTailRecStep_sizes_correct H maxPro maxVar maxDepth a k s s' stack' res fuel :
boundHeap H maxPro maxVar maxDepth
-> LM_heap_correct.unfolds H a k s s'
-> ARS.pow (fun a b => inl b = unfoldTailRecStep H a) fuel ([(a,compile s,k)],res) stack'
-> sizeP (compile s) <= maxPro /\ a <= length H /\ LargestVar.largestVar s<= maxVar /\ k + lambdaDepth s <= maxDepth
-> unfoldTailRecStep_sizes H maxPro maxVar maxDepth (fst stack').
intros H1 H2 H3 ?.
edestruct unfoldTailRecStep_sizes_correct' with (P:=@nil Tok) (1:=H1) (2:=H2)as [(fuel'&?&H')|H'].
-rewrite app_nil_r. eassumption.
-rewrite app_nil_r. rewrite lambdaDepthP_compile, largestVar_compile. easy.
-destruct fuel'.
{ hnf in H'. subst stack';cbn. hnf. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]|[]];cbn. unfold sizeP in *. nia. }
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in H' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&H').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
destruct fuel'.
+hnf in H'. subst stack';cbn. hnf. easy.
+exfalso. change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in H' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&_). easy.
From Undecidability.L Require Import LM_heap_def UnfoldClos Programs.
From Complexity.L Require Import LambdaDepth.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Require Import FunInd.
Lemma lookup_el H alpha x c: lookup H alpha x = Some c -> exists beta, Some (c,beta) el H.
induction x in alpha, c|-*.
all:cbn. all:destruct nth_error as [[[] | ]| ] eqn:eq.
all:intros [= eq'].
all:eauto using nth_error_In.
Definition boundHeap (H:Heap) maxPro maxVar maxDepth:=
(forall a P beta, Some ((a,P),beta) el H ->
sizeP P <= maxPro /\ a <= length H /\ beta <= length H /\ lambdaDepthP 1 P <= maxDepth/\ largestVarP P <= maxVar ).
Definition unfoldTailRecStep_sizes (H:Heap) maxPro maxVar maxDepth: list (HClos * nat) -> Prop :=
fun stack =>
forall a P k, ((a,P),k) el stack
-> sizeP P <= maxPro
/\ a <= length H
/\ largestVarP P <= maxVar
/\ lambdaDepthP k P <= maxDepth + 1.
Lemma unfoldTailRecStep_sizes_correct' H maxPro maxVar maxDepth a k s P s' stack stack' res fuel :
boundHeap H maxPro maxVar maxDepth
-> LM_heap_correct.unfolds H a k s s'
-> ARS.pow (fun a b => inl b = unfoldTailRecStep H a) fuel ((a,compile s++P,k)::stack,res) stack'
-> (sizeP (compile s++P) <= maxPro /\ a <= length H /\ largestVarP (compile s++P) <= maxVar /\ lambdaDepthP k ((compile s++P)) <= maxDepth)
-> (unfoldTailRecStep_sizes H maxPro maxVar maxDepth stack)
-> (exists fuel', fuel' < fuel /\
ARS.pow (fun a b => inl b = unfoldTailRecStep H a) fuel' ((a,P,k)::stack,rev (compile s')++res) stack')
\/ unfoldTailRecStep_sizes H maxPro maxVar maxDepth (fst stack').
intros HH.
revert a k s P s' stack stack' res.
induction fuel as [fuel IH] using lt_wf_ind.
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hunf HR Hhd Htl.
destruct fuel as [|fuel].
{hnf in HR. subst stack'. cbn [fst]in *. right. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]|]. all:now eauto. }
change (S fuel) with (1+fuel) in *. eapply pow_add in HR as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&HR).
symmetry in Hstep.
induction Hunf in P,stack,Hstep,Hhd,Htl|-*. 1-3:cbn in Hstep.
- destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n). now exfalso;nia.
injection Hstep as [= <-]. left. eauto.
- destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n). 2: now exfalso;nia.
rewrite H1 in Hstep. injection Hstep as [= <-]. inv H2. inv Hunf.
destruct (lookup_el H1) as (?&Hel). hnf in HH. specialize HH with (1:= Hel) as (?&?&?&?&?).
specialize IH with (2:= H5) (P:=[]) as IH'. rewrite app_nil_r in IH'. specialize IH' with (2:=HR) as [(fuel'&?&IH')|IH'].
+ nia.
+ specialize (lambdaDepthP_min 1 (compile s0)). repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
+ hnf. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]|]. 2:now eauto.
specialize (lambdaDepthP_min k P).
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
+ destruct fuel' as [|fuel'].
hnf in IH'. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-] | [[= <- <- <-]| ]].
3:now eauto. { cbn. unfold sizeP in *. nia. }
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP, largestVarP in *. specialize (lambdaDepthP_min k P). repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in IH' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&IH').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
destruct fuel' as [|fuel'].
hnf in IH'. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]| ].
2:now eauto.
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP, largestVarP in *. specialize (lambdaDepthP_min k P). repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in IH' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&IH').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
cbn. autorewrite with list;cbn. left;eexists;split. 2:eassumption. nia.
+now right.
- injection Hstep as [= <-]. cbn in Hhd. rewrite <- app_assoc in HR,Hhd.
specialize IH with (2:=Hunf) (3:=HR) as [(fuel'&?&IH')|IH'].
+ nia.
+ cbn in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP,largestVarP. nia.
+ easy.
+ cbn in Hhd|-*. autorewrite with list in Hhd|-*. rewrite lambdaDepthP_compile', maxl_app in Hhd. cbn - [max]in Hhd|-*.
destruct fuel' as [|fuel'].
hnf in IH'. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]| ].
2:now eauto.
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP in *. repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in IH' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&IH').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
left;do 2 eexists. 2:eassumption. nia.
+ easy.
- cbn [compile] in Hstep,Hhd. rewrite <- !app_assoc in Hstep,Hhd.
edestruct IHHunf1 as [(fuel'&?&IH')|IH']. 3:eassumption.
cbn in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP,largestVarP in Hhd. autorewrite with list in Hhd|-*.
rewrite !lambdaDepthP_compile', !maxl_app in Hhd. cbn - [max]in Hhd|-*.
specialize IH with (3:=IH') as [(fuel''&?&IH'')|IH'']. 2:eassumption.
+ nia.
+ cbn in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP,largestVarP in Hhd|-*. autorewrite with list. rewrite !lambdaDepthP_compile', !maxl_app;cbn.
repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
+ easy.
+ destruct fuel'' as [|fuel''].
hnf in IH''. subst stack'. right. hnf;cbn. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]| ].
2:now eauto.
cbn - [max] in Hhd|-*. unfold sizeP in *. repeat simple apply conj;try nia.
change (S fuel'') with (1+fuel'') in *. eapply pow_add in IH'' as (stack'''&Hstep'%(rcomp_1)&IH''').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep' as [=->].
left;do 2 eexists. 2:eassumption. nia.
+ easy.
Lemma unfoldTailRecStep_sizes_correct H maxPro maxVar maxDepth a k s s' stack' res fuel :
boundHeap H maxPro maxVar maxDepth
-> LM_heap_correct.unfolds H a k s s'
-> ARS.pow (fun a b => inl b = unfoldTailRecStep H a) fuel ([(a,compile s,k)],res) stack'
-> sizeP (compile s) <= maxPro /\ a <= length H /\ LargestVar.largestVar s<= maxVar /\ k + lambdaDepth s <= maxDepth
-> unfoldTailRecStep_sizes H maxPro maxVar maxDepth (fst stack').
intros H1 H2 H3 ?.
edestruct unfoldTailRecStep_sizes_correct' with (P:=@nil Tok) (1:=H1) (2:=H2)as [(fuel'&?&H')|H'].
-rewrite app_nil_r. eassumption.
-rewrite app_nil_r. rewrite lambdaDepthP_compile, largestVar_compile. easy.
-destruct fuel'.
{ hnf in H'. subst stack';cbn. hnf. intros ? ? ? [[= <- <- <-]|[]];cbn. unfold sizeP in *. nia. }
change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in H' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&H').
cbn in Hstep. injection Hstep as [=->].
destruct fuel'.
+hnf in H'. subst stack';cbn. hnf. easy.
+exfalso. change (S fuel') with (1+fuel') in *. eapply pow_add in H' as (stack''&Hstep%(rcomp_1)&_). easy.