From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.TM_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes Require Import VectorFin Cardinality.
From Complexity.L.TM Require Import TMflat.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes Require Import VectorFin Cardinality.
From Complexity.L.TM Require Import TMflat.
Require Import Lia.
For every TM, there exists a flattening.
Lemma in_prodLists_iff (X Y : Type) (A : list X) (B : list Y) a b : (a, b) el prodLists A B <-> a el A /\ b el B.
induction A; cbn.
- tauto.
- split; intros.
+ apply in_app_iff in H. destruct H as [H | H].
* apply in_map_iff in H; destruct H as (? & H1 & H2). inv H1. auto.
* apply IHA in H. tauto.
+ destruct H as [[H1 | H1] H2].
* apply in_app_iff. left. apply in_map_iff. exists b. rewrite H1. firstorder.
* apply in_app_iff. right. now apply IHA.
Section fixSig.
Variable (fsig fstates : finType).
Variable (n : nat).
Definition flattenTapes (t : Vector.t (tape fsig) n) := Vector.to_list (mapTapes index t).
Fact flattenTapes_isFlatteningTapesOf t : isFlatteningTapesOf (flattenTapes t) t.
Definition flattenConfig (c : mconfig fsig fstates n) := (index (cstate c), flattenTapes (ctapes c)).
Fact flattenConfig_isFlatteningConfigOf c : isFlatteningConfigOf (flattenConfig c) c.
constructor. apply flattenTapes_isFlatteningTapesOf.
Definition flattenHalt' (f : fstates -> bool) :=
fold_right (fun s acc => if f s then (index s) :: acc else acc) [] (elem fstates).
Fact in_flattenHalt'_iff a f : a el flattenHalt' f <-> exists s, a = index s /\ f s = true.
Proof using fstates.
clear fsig n.
unfold flattenHalt'. enough (forall l, a el fold_right (fun s acc => if f s then index s :: acc else acc) [] l <-> (exists s, s el l /\ a = index s /\ f s = true)).
{ specialize (H (elem fstates)). rewrite H. split.
- intros (s & _ & H1 & H2). eauto.
- intros (s & H1 & H2). exists s. split; [apply elem_spec | eauto].
induction l; cbn.
- split; [easy | intros (s & [] & _)].
- destruct f eqn:Heqf; cbn; rewrite IHl.
+ split.
* firstorder.
* intros (s & [-> | H1] & H2 & H3); [now left | right; eauto].
+ split; [firstorder | ].
intros (s & [-> | H1] & H2 & H3); [congruence | eauto].
Fixpoint flattenHalt'' (n: nat) (l : list nat) :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n => flattenHalt'' n l ++ [(if list_in_dec (X := nat) n l _ then true else false)]
Lemma flattenHalt''_length m l : |flattenHalt'' m l| = m.
induction m; cbn; [reflexivity | rewrite app_length; cbn; lia].
Lemma flattenHalt''_correct m l: forall k, k < m -> nth k (flattenHalt'' m l) false = true <-> k el l.
Proof using fstates.
clear fsig n.
induction m; intros k H.
- lia.
- destruct (le_lt_dec m k) as [H1 | H1].
+ assert (m = k) as -> by lia. cbn. rewrite app_nth2.
2: rewrite flattenHalt''_length; lia.
rewrite flattenHalt''_length, Nat.sub_diag. cbn.
destruct list_in_dec; easy.
+ specialize (IHm _ H1). cbn. rewrite app_nth1 by (rewrite flattenHalt''_length; lia).
apply IHm.
Definition flattenHalt f := flattenHalt'' (|elem fstates|) (flattenHalt' f).
Fact flattenHalt_isFlatteningHaltOf f : isFlatteningHaltOf (flattenHalt f) f.
Proof using fstates.
clear fsig n.
intros s.
specialize (@flattenHalt''_correct (|elem fstates|) (flattenHalt' f) (index s) ltac:(apply index_le)) as H1.
unfold flattenHalt. rewrite in_flattenHalt'_iff in H1.
destruct nth eqn:H3.
- destruct (proj1 H1 eq_refl) as (s' & ->%injective_index & H2). easy.
- destruct (f s) eqn:H2; [ | easy]. apply H1. eauto.
Fixpoint vec_prod (X : Type) (l : list X) k (l' : list (Vector.t X k)) : list (Vector.t X (S k)) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| (h :: l) => map (@Vector.cons _ h k) l' ++ vec_prod l l'
Lemma in_vec_prod_iff (X : Type) (l : list X) k (l' : list (Vector.t X k)) l0 :
l0 el vec_prod l l' <-> exists h l1, l0 = h ::: l1 /\ h el l /\ l1 el l'.
induction l; cbn.
- firstorder.
- rewrite in_app_iff. split; intros.
+ destruct H as [H | H].
* apply in_map_iff in H as (? & <- & H2). eauto 10.
* apply IHl in H as (? & ? & -> & H1 & H2). eauto 10.
+ destruct H as (? & ? & -> & [-> | H] & H2).
* left. apply in_map_iff. eauto 10.
* right. apply IHl; eauto 10.
Fixpoint mkArgList (X : Type) (l : list X) (n : nat) : list (Vector.t X n) :=
match n with
| 0 => [ @Vector.nil X ]
| S n => vec_prod l (mkArgList l n)
Lemma in_mkArgList_iff (X : Type) (l : list X) k L : L el mkArgList l k <-> (forall x, Vector.In x L -> x el l).
revert L. induction k; cbn; intros.
- split.
+ intros [<- | []]; cbn; easy.
+ eapply Vector.case0 with (v := L). intros _. now left.
- rewrite in_vec_prod_iff. setoid_rewrite IHk.
+ intros (h & l1 & -> & H1 & H2) x Hel. inv Hel; [easy | apply H2]. inv H4. apply H3.
+ intros H1. revert H1. eapply Vector.caseS' with (v := L). intros h t H1. exists h, t.
split; [easy | split; [apply H1; now constructor | intros; apply H1; now constructor 2]].
Definition allnVecs := mkArgList (elem (finType_CS (option fsig))) n.
Lemma in_allnVecs v : v el allnVecs.
apply in_mkArgList_iff. intros ? _. apply elem_spec.
Definition allArgs := prodLists (elem fstates) allnVecs.
Variable (ftrans : fstates * Vector.t (option fsig) n -> fstates * Vector.t (option fsig * move) n).
Definition genTrans (p : fstates * Vector.t (option fsig) n) :=
let (q, sym) := p in
let (q', act) := ftrans p in
((index q, map (option_map index) (Vector.to_list sym)),
(index q', map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list act))).
Definition flattenTrans := map genTrans allArgs.
Lemma flattenTrans_isFlatteningTransOf: isFlatteningTransOf flattenTrans ftrans.
- intros s s' v v' Hel. unfold flattenTrans in Hel.
apply in_map_iff in Hel as ((S & Sym) & H1 & _).
unfold genTrans in H1. destruct ftrans as (S' & Act) eqn:H2. inv H1.
exists S, S', Sym, Act. easy.
- intros S Sym. destruct ftrans as (S' & Act) eqn:H2. left.
unfold flattenTrans. apply in_map_iff.
exists (S, Sym). split.
+ unfold genTrans. rewrite H2. easy.
+ unfold allArgs. apply in_prodLists_iff. split; [apply elem_spec | apply in_allnVecs].
End fixSig.
Definition flattenTM (sig : finType) (n : nat) (tm : TM sig n) :=
Build_flatTM (|elem sig|) n (|elem (TM.state tm)|) (flattenTrans (@TM.trans sig n tm)) (index (TM.start tm)) (flattenHalt (@TM.halt sig n tm)).
Lemma flattenTM_isFlatteningTMOf sig n (tm : TM sig n) : isFlatteningTMOf (flattenTM tm) tm.
- now cbn.
- cbn. easy.
- cbn. easy.
- apply flattenTrans_isFlatteningTransOf.
- cbn. easy.
- apply flattenHalt_isFlatteningHaltOf.