From Complexity Require Export TM.PrettyBounds.PrettyBounds.
From Undecidability Require Export TM.Code.ProgrammingTools.
From Undecidability Require Export TM.Code.ListTM TM.Code.CaseList TM.Code.CaseNat TM.Code.CaseSum.
We want to give proofs without building constants/the need to manually unfold " <=( _ ) " So every intermediate goal shall have the shape "x <=(?c) y", and we use lemmas to simplify this depending on the shape of x
Section CaseList_nice.
Implicit Types (sigX X : Type).
Lemma CaseList_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX:codable sigX X) (xs:list X),
CaseList_steps xs <=(c) match xs with
| nil => 1
| x :: _ => size x + 1
end }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold CaseList_steps, CaseList_steps_nil,CaseList_steps_cons. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma CaseList_steps_nil_nice :
{ c | CaseList_steps_nil <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. apply dominatedWith_const. lia. Qed.
Lemma CaseList_steps_cons_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX:codable sigX X) (x : X), CaseList_steps_cons x <=(c) size x + 1 }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold CaseList_steps_cons. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma Constr_nil_steps_nice :
{ c | Constr_nil_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma Constr_cons_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX:codable sigX X) (x : X), Constr_cons_steps x <=(c) size x + 1 }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold Constr_cons_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
End CaseList_nice.
Section CaseNat_steps_nice.
Lemma CaseNat_steps_nice :
{ c | CaseNat_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. apply dominatedWith_const. lia. Qed.
Lemma Constr_O_steps_nice :
{ c | Constr_O_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. apply dominatedWith_const. lia. Qed.
Lemma Constr_S_steps_nice :
{ c | Constr_S_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. apply dominatedWith_const. lia. Qed.
End CaseNat_steps_nice.
Sadly, we need more ugly approach for recursive functions:
Section encodeList_size_eq.
Variable X : Type.
Variable sigX : Type.
Context {cX : codable sigX X}.
Lemma encodeList_size_app (l1 l2 : list X) :
size (l1 ++ l2) <= size l1 + size l2.
rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize in *.
cbn. induction l1;cbn. eauto. cbn. cbn. autorewrite with list. lia.
Lemma encodeList_size_app_eq (l1 l2 : list X) :
size (l1 ++ l2) = size l1 + size l2 - 1.
rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize in *.
cbn. induction l1;cbn. lia. autorewrite with list. rewrite IHl1.
assert ((Encode_list_size cX l2) > 0) by (induction l2;cbn;lia). lia.
Lemma encodeList_size_cons x (l : list X) :
size (x::l) = 1 + size x + size l.
rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize in *.
cbn. unfold size. autorewrite with list. lia.
Lemma encodeList_size_nil:
size (@nil X) = 1.
rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize in *.
End encodeList_size_eq.
Create HintDb size_eqs.
Hint Rewrite encodeList_size_app encodeList_size_cons encodeList_size_nil encodeList_size_app: size_eqs.
Ltac rewrite_sizes := rewrite_strat (innermost (hints size_eqs)).
Section Copy_very_nice.
Implicit Types (sigX X : Type).
Lemma CopyValue_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX : codable sigX X) (x:X), CopyValue_steps x <=(c) size x + 1 }.
eexists. intros ? ? ? x. unfold CopyValue_steps. domWith_approx.
Lemma Reset_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX : codable sigX X) (x:X), Reset_steps x <=(c) size x + 1 }.
eexists. intros ? ? ? x. unfold Reset_steps. domWith_approx.
Lemma Translate_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX : codable sigX X) (x:X), Translate_steps x <=(c) size x + 1 }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold Translate_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma MoveValue_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX : codable sigX X) (sigY Y : Type) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x : X) (y : Y),
MoveValue_steps x y <=(c) size x + size y + 1 }.
eexists. intros. unfold MoveValue_steps. domWith_approx.
Lemma MoveValue_steps_nice' :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX : codable sigX X) (sizeGt1 : forall (x : X), 1 <= size x) (sigY Y : Type) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x : X) (y : Y) (sizeGt1' : forall (y : Y), 1 <= size y), MoveValue_steps x y <=(c) size x + size y }.
eexists. intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x y ?. unfold MoveValue_steps.
rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. eapply dominatedWith_add_l.
- apply dominatedWith_add.
+ apply dominatedWith_mult_l. apply dominatedWith_solve.
enough (1 <= size y) by lia. apply sizeGt1'.
+ apply dominatedWith_mult_l. apply dominatedWith_solve.
enough (1 <= size x) by lia. apply sizeGt1.
- enough (1 <= size x) by lia. apply sizeGt1.
End Copy_very_nice.
With this set-up, we can tackle recursive functions.
Arguments size {sig X cX} : simpl never.
Section Nth'_nice.
Variable (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Lemma Nth'_Step_steps_nice_nil :
{ c | forall (n : nat), Nth'_Step_steps (X:=X) nil n <=(c) 1 }.
evar (c:nat). exists c.
intros. unfold Nth'_Step_steps. apply dominatedWith_match_nat.
- intros ->. unfold CaseNat_steps, CaseList_steps_cons. ring_simplify. hnf. apply dominatedWith_const. lia.
- intros n' ->. unfold CaseNat_steps, CaseList_steps_cons. ring_simplify. hnf. apply dominatedWith_const. lia.
Lemma Nth'_Step_steps_nice_cons :
{ c | forall (x : X) (xs : list X) (n : nat), Nth'_Step_steps (x :: xs) n <=(c) size x+1 }.
evar (c:nat). exists c.
intros. unfold Nth'_Step_steps. apply dominatedWith_match_nat.
- intros ->. unfold CaseNat_steps, CaseList_steps_cons. ring_simplify. hnf. instantiate (1 := 57). nia.
- intros n' ->. unfold CaseNat_steps, CaseList_steps_cons, Reset_steps. ring_simplify. hnf. instantiate (1 := 57). ring_simplify. nia.
Lemma max_plus_l a b c :
max a (c + max b a) <= c + max b a.
assert (a <= b \/ b <= a) as [H | H] by lia.
- replace (max b a) with b.
rewrite max_r by lia. lia.
now rewrite max_l by lia.
- replace (max b a) with a.
rewrite max_r by lia. lia.
now rewrite max_r by lia.
Lemma Nth'_Loop_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (xs : list X) (n : nat), Nth'_Loop_steps xs n <=(c) size xs }.
pose_nice Nth'_Step_steps_nice_nil HStep_nil c_nil.
pose_nice Nth'_Step_steps_nice_cons HStep_cons c_cons.
pose (c := 1 + max c_nil c_cons).
exists c.
intros xs. induction xs as [ | x xs' IH]; intros.
- eapply dominatedWith_mono_c. cbn [Nth'_Loop_steps].
destruct n; apply HStep_nil. constructor; apply Max.le_max_l || auto with arith. - cbn [Nth'_Loop_steps]. eapply dominatedWith_mono_c; [..|shelve]. eapply dominatedWith_match_nat.
+ intros ->. hnf.
specialize (HStep_cons x xs' 0).
instantiate (1 := c_cons). rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn [Encode_list_size]. ring_simplify. lia.
+ intros n' ->. hnf.
specialize (HStep_cons x xs' (S n')).
instantiate (1 := c). rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn [Encode_list_size].
rewrite HStep_cons. specialize (IH n'). hnf in IH. rewrite IH. ring_simplify. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn [Encode_list_size].
ring_simplify. subst c. nia.
apply max_plus_l.
Lemma Nth'_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (xs : list X) (n : nat), Nth'_steps xs n <=(c) size xs + n + 1 }.
pose_nice Nth'_Loop_steps_nice H c.
eexists. intros xs n. specialize (H xs n).
hnf. unfold Nth'_steps.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
apply (proj2_sig CopyValue_steps_nice).
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
eauto. domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_S''.
2:{ apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize.
hnf. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_skipn. lia. }
pose proof (Encode_list_hasSize_ge1 _ xs). rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_S''.
2: lia.
2: { apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
pose proof (Encode_list_hasSize_ge1 _ xs). lia. }
pose proof (Encode_list_hasSize_ge1 _ xs). rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. lia.
End Nth'_nice.
Section Length_steps_nice.
Variable (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Lemma Length_Step_steps_nice_nil :
{c | Length_Step_steps (X:=X)nil <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. cbn. intros. apply dominatedWith_const. lia. Qed.
Lemma Length_Step_steps_nice_cons :
{c | forall (xs : list X) (x : X), Length_Step_steps (x :: xs) <=(c) size x + 1 }.
pose_nice CaseList_steps_nice Hc_CaseList c_CaseList.
pose_nice Reset_steps_nice Hc_Reset c_Reset.
eexists. intros. cbn.
ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
- apply (Hc_CaseList _ _ _ [x]).
- apply Hc_Reset.
Lemma Length_Loop_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (xs : list X), Length_Loop_steps xs <=(c) size xs }.
pose_nice Length_Step_steps_nice_nil Hc_nil c_nil.
pose_nice Length_Step_steps_nice_cons Hc_cons c_cons.
pose (c := 1 + max c_nil c_cons). exists c.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn [Encode_list_size].
induction xs as [ | x xs' IH].
- eapply dominatedWith_mono_c. apply Hc_nil. subst c. lia.
- specialize Hc_cons with (xs := xs').
hnf. cbn [Length_Loop_steps]. rewrite (Hc_cons x). ring_simplify.
subst c. ring_simplify.
hnf in IH. cbn. rewrite IH. ring_simplify.
enough (c_cons * size x + c_cons <=
size x * Init.Nat.max c_nil c_cons + size x +
Init.Nat.max c_nil c_cons) by lia.
enough (c_cons * size x <=
size x * Init.Nat.max c_nil c_cons + size x) by lia.
enough (c_cons * size x <= size x * max c_nil c_cons) by lia.
Fail enough (c_cons <= max c_nil c_cons) by lia.
rewrite Nat.mul_comm.
apply Nat.mul_le_mono_l.
auto with arith.
Lemma Length_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (xs : list X), Length_steps xs <=(c) size xs }.
pose_nice Length_Loop_steps_nice Hc_loop c_loop.
eexists. intros.
unfold Length_steps. rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. eapply dominatedWith_add_l.
2:{ rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. }
- hnf. apply Hc_loop.
End Length_steps_nice.
Section App_nice.
Variable (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Lemma App'_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (xs : list X), App'_steps xs <=(c) size xs }.
eexists. intros xs. unfold App'_steps.
eapply dominatedWith_add_l.
- domWith_approx.
- rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
End App_nice.
Lemma Encode_pair_hasSize_ge1 (sigX sigY X Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (p : X * Y) :
1 <= size (fst p) \/ 1 <= size (snd p) ->
1 <= Encode_pair_size _ _ p.
Proof. destruct p as (x,y). cbn in *. intros [H|H]; cbn; rewrite H; lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1 (n : nat) :
1 <= size n.
Proof. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_option_hasSize_ge1 (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (o : option X) :
1 <= Encode_option_size _ o.
Proof. destruct o; cbn; lia. Qed.
From Undecidability Require Import CasePair.
Section CasePair_steps_nice.
Implicit Types (sigX X : Type).
Lemma CasePair_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX : codable sigX X) (x : X), CasePair_steps x <=(c) size x + 1 }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold CasePair_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma Constr_pair_steps_nice :
{ c | forall sigX X (cX : codable sigX X) (x : X), Constr_pair_steps x <=(c) size x + 1 }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold Constr_pair_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
End CasePair_steps_nice.
From Undecidability Require Import CaseSum.
Section CaseSum_steps_nice.
Lemma CaseSum_steps_nice :
{ c | CaseSum_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. unfold CaseSum_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma Constr_inl_steps_nice :
{ c | Constr_inl_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. unfold Constr_inl_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma Constr_inr_steps_nice :
{ c | Constr_inr_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. unfold Constr_inr_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma CaseOption_steps_nice :
{ c | CaseOption_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. unfold CaseOption_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma Constr_Some_steps_nice :
{ c | Constr_Some_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. unfold Constr_Some_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
Lemma Constr_None_steps_nice :
{ c | Constr_None_steps <=(c) 1 }.
Proof. eexists. unfold Constr_None_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
End CaseSum_steps_nice.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_el (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) (x : X) :
In x xs ->
size x < Encode_list_size _ xs.
induction xs as [ | x' xs' IH].
- intros [].
- intros [<- | H].
+ cbn. lia.
+ specialize IH with (1 := H). cbn. lia.
From Undecidability Require Import Code.CompareValue.
Section CompareValues_nice.
Lemma CompareValues_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (x1 x2 : X), CompareValues_steps x1 x2 <=(c) size x1 + size x2 + 1 }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold CompareValues_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
End CompareValues_nice.
Section CompareValues_nice.
Lemma CompareValues_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (x1 x2 : X), CompareValues_steps x1 x2 <=(c) size x1 + size x2 + 1 }.
Proof. eexists. intros. unfold CompareValues_steps. domWith_approx. Qed.
End CompareValues_nice.