From Undecidability Require Import ProgrammingTools.
From Complexity Require Export SpaceBounds PrettyBounds.
From Undecidability Require Import CaseNat CaseList.
From Undecidability Require Import ListTM.
This really ougth to be global
Global Arguments size : simpl never.
Lemma Constr_S_size_nice :
forall (n : nat) (s : nat),
pred s + size(S n) = max (size n + s) (size (S n)).
intros. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
Lemma Constr_S_size_nice :
forall (n : nat) (s : nat),
pred s + size(S n) = max (size n + s) (size (S n)).
intros. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
We only apply the size function of CaseNat, which is S, if n>0. For n=0, we just have the identity. See CaseNat_Rel.
Lemma CaseNat_size_nice :
forall (n : nat) (s : nat),
1 <= n ->
S s + size (pred n) = s + size n.
ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. replace (pred (1 + n)) with n by nia.
Section CaseList_nice.
Variable (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Lemma CaseList_size0_nice (x : X) (xs : list X) (s : nat) :
CaseList_size0 x s + size xs = s + size (x :: xs).
Proof. cbn. unfold CaseList_size0. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. nia. Qed.
forall (n : nat) (s : nat),
1 <= n ->
S s + size (pred n) = s + size n.
ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. replace (pred (1 + n)) with n by nia.
Section CaseList_nice.
Variable (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Lemma CaseList_size0_nice (x : X) (xs : list X) (s : nat) :
CaseList_size0 x s + size xs = s + size (x :: xs).
Proof. cbn. unfold CaseList_size0. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. nia. Qed.
This lemma looks more reasonable. Note that this kind of the case is actually like a constructor.
Lemma CaseList_size1_nice (x : X) (s : nat) :
CaseList_size1 x s + size x = max (pred s) (size x).
Proof. intros. cbn. unfold CaseList_size1. cbn. nia. Qed.
CaseList_size1 x s + size x = max (pred s) (size x).
Proof. intros. cbn. unfold CaseList_size1. cbn. nia. Qed.
We can move the +1 inside the max This is, because the tape is initial empty, and a start symbol had to be added. If there was already a start symbol, we don't need to allocate new memory for this
Lemma CaseList_size1_nice' (x : X) (s : nat) :
CaseList_size1 x s + size x + 1 = max s (size x + 1).
Proof. intros. cbn. unfold CaseList_size1. cbn. nia. Qed.
Lemma Constr_cons_size_nice (xs : list X) (x : X) (s : nat) :
Constr_cons_size x s + size (x::xs) = max (size xs + s) (size (x::xs)).
Proof. unfold Constr_cons_size. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. rewrite <- !Encode_list_hasSize. ring_simplify. nia. Qed.
End CaseList_nice.
Section Copy_size_nice.
Variable (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Lemma CopyValue_size_nice :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), CopyValue_size x s + size x = max (pred s) (size x).
Proof. intros. unfold CopyValue_size. nia. Qed.
Lemma CopyValue_size_nice' :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), CopyValue_size x s + size x + 1 = max s (size x + 1).
Proof. intros. unfold CopyValue_size. nia. Qed.
CaseList_size1 x s + size x + 1 = max s (size x + 1).
Proof. intros. cbn. unfold CaseList_size1. cbn. nia. Qed.
Lemma Constr_cons_size_nice (xs : list X) (x : X) (s : nat) :
Constr_cons_size x s + size (x::xs) = max (size xs + s) (size (x::xs)).
Proof. unfold Constr_cons_size. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. rewrite <- !Encode_list_hasSize. ring_simplify. nia. Qed.
End CaseList_nice.
Section Copy_size_nice.
Variable (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X).
Lemma CopyValue_size_nice :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), CopyValue_size x s + size x = max (pred s) (size x).
Proof. intros. unfold CopyValue_size. nia. Qed.
Lemma CopyValue_size_nice' :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), CopyValue_size x s + size x + 1 = max s (size x + 1).
Proof. intros. unfold CopyValue_size. nia. Qed.
We can't simplify a lot here; Reset isn't nicer
Lemma Reset_size_nice :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), Reset_size x s = (s + size x) + 1.
Proof. intros. unfold Reset_size. nia. Qed.
forall (x : X) (s : nat), Reset_size x s = (s + size x) + 1.
Proof. intros. unfold Reset_size. nia. Qed.
Same as Reset_size
Lemma MoveValue_size_x_nice :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), MoveValue_size_x x s = (s + size x) + 1.
Proof. intros. apply Reset_size_nice. Qed.
Variable (sigY Y : Type) (cY : codable sigY Y).
forall (x : X) (s : nat), MoveValue_size_x x s = (s + size x) + 1.
Proof. intros. apply Reset_size_nice. Qed.
Variable (sigY Y : Type) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Replace y by x
Lemma MoveValue_size_y_nice :
forall (x : X) (y : Y) (s : nat), MoveValue_size_y x y s + size x = max (s + size y) (size x).
Proof. intros. unfold MoveValue_size_y. nia. Qed.
End Copy_size_nice.
Section CasePair_size_nice.
Variable (sigX sigY X Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Lemma CasePair_size0_nice (x : X) (y : Y) (s0 : nat) :
CasePair_size0 x s0 + size y = s0 + size (x,y).
Proof. unfold CasePair_size0. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. nia. Qed.
Lemma CasePair_size1_nice (x : X) (s1 : nat) :
CasePair_size1 x s1 + size x = max (pred s1) (size x).
Proof. unfold CasePair_size1. nia. Qed.
forall (x : X) (y : Y) (s : nat), MoveValue_size_y x y s + size x = max (s + size y) (size x).
Proof. intros. unfold MoveValue_size_y. nia. Qed.
End Copy_size_nice.
Section CasePair_size_nice.
Variable (sigX sigY X Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y).
Lemma CasePair_size0_nice (x : X) (y : Y) (s0 : nat) :
CasePair_size0 x s0 + size y = s0 + size (x,y).
Proof. unfold CasePair_size0. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. nia. Qed.
Lemma CasePair_size1_nice (x : X) (s1 : nat) :
CasePair_size1 x s1 + size x = max (pred s1) (size x).
Proof. unfold CasePair_size1. nia. Qed.
The same issue as for CaseList_size1_nice'
Lemma CasePair_size1_nice' (x : X) (s1 : nat) :
CasePair_size1 x s1 + size x + 1 = max s1 (size x + 1).
Proof. unfold CasePair_size1. nia. Qed.
Lemma Constr_pair_size_nice (x : X) (y : Y) (s : nat) :
Constr_pair_size x s + size (x,y) = max (s + size y) (size (x,y)).
Proof. unfold Constr_pair_size. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. ring_simplify. nia. Qed.
End CasePair_size_nice.
Lemma size_S (n : nat) :
size (S n) = S (size n).
Proof. now rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. Qed.
Lemma Forall2_map (A B C D : Type) (f : A -> C) (g : B -> D) (P : C -> D -> Prop) (xs : list A) (ys : list B) :
Forall2 (fun a b => P (f a) (g b)) xs ys ->
Forall2 P (map f xs) (map g ys).
Proof. induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto. Qed.
Lemma Forall_Forall2 (A : Type) (P : A -> A -> Prop) (xs : list A) :
(Forall (fun x => P x x) xs) ->
Forall2 P xs xs.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; auto. Qed.
CasePair_size1 x s1 + size x + 1 = max s1 (size x + 1).
Proof. unfold CasePair_size1. nia. Qed.
Lemma Constr_pair_size_nice (x : X) (y : Y) (s : nat) :
Constr_pair_size x s + size (x,y) = max (s + size y) (size (x,y)).
Proof. unfold Constr_pair_size. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn. ring_simplify. nia. Qed.
End CasePair_size_nice.
Lemma size_S (n : nat) :
size (S n) = S (size n).
Proof. now rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. Qed.
Lemma Forall2_map (A B C D : Type) (f : A -> C) (g : B -> D) (P : C -> D -> Prop) (xs : list A) (ys : list B) :
Forall2 (fun a b => P (f a) (g b)) xs ys ->
Forall2 P (map f xs) (map g ys).
Proof. induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto. Qed.
Lemma Forall_Forall2 (A : Type) (P : A -> A -> Prop) (xs : list A) :
(Forall (fun x => P x x) xs) ->
Forall2 P xs xs.
Proof. induction 1; constructor; auto. Qed.
Lemma CaseList_size0_Reset_nice (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) :
forall (x : X) (xs : list X) (s : nat), (CaseList_size0 x >> Reset_size xs) s = s + size (x :: xs) + 1. Proof.
intros. cbn. rewrite Reset_size_nice. rewrite CaseList_size0_nice. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. nia.
forall (x : X) (xs : list X) (s : nat), (CaseList_size0 x >> Reset_size xs) s = s + size (x :: xs) + 1. Proof.
intros. cbn. rewrite Reset_size_nice. rewrite CaseList_size0_nice. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. nia.
Remove the copied head
Lemma CaseList_size1_Reset_nice (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), (CaseList_size1 x >> Reset_size x) s = Init.Nat.max s (size x + 1).
intros. cbn.
rewrite Reset_size_nice.
now rewrite CaseList_size1_nice'.
forall (x : X) (s : nat), (CaseList_size1 x >> Reset_size x) s = Init.Nat.max s (size x + 1).
intros. cbn.
rewrite Reset_size_nice.
now rewrite CaseList_size1_nice'.
Delete the first part of the tuple after copying it
Lemma CasePair_size1_Reset_nice (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) :
forall (x : X) (s : nat), (CasePair_size1 x >> Reset_size x) s = max s (size x + 1).
Proof. intros. cbn. rewrite Reset_size_nice. rewrite CasePair_size1_nice. nia. Qed.
forall (x : X) (s : nat), (CasePair_size1 x >> Reset_size x) s = max s (size x + 1).
Proof. intros. cbn. rewrite Reset_size_nice. rewrite CasePair_size1_nice. nia. Qed.
Delete the second part of the tuple removing the first part
Lemma CasePair_size0_Reset_nice (sigX X sigY Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) :
forall (x : X) (y : Y) (s : nat), (CasePair_size0 x >> Reset_size y) s = s + size (x, y) + 1.
Proof. intros. cbn. rewrite Reset_size_nice. now rewrite CasePair_size0_nice. Qed.
forall (x : X) (y : Y) (s : nat), (CasePair_size0 x >> Reset_size y) s = s + size (x, y) + 1.
Proof. intros. cbn. rewrite Reset_size_nice. now rewrite CasePair_size0_nice. Qed.
There is only the cons case
Lemma Length_Step_size_nice :
(forall (x : X) (xs : list X) (s0 : nat), Length_Step_size x @>Fin0 s0 + size xs = s0 + size (x::xs)) /\
(forall (x : X) (n : nat) (s1 : nat), Length_Step_size x @>Fin1 s1 + size (S n) = max (size n + s1) (size (S n))) /\
(forall (x : X) (s2 : nat), Length_Step_size x @>Fin2 s2 = max s2 (size x + 1)).
repeat split; unfold Length_Step_size; cbn; intros.
- now rewrite CaseList_size0_nice.
- now rewrite Constr_S_size_nice.
- apply CaseList_size1_Reset_nice.
Local Arguments Length_Step_size : simpl never.
Lemma Length_Loop_size_nice (xs : list X) :
(forall (s0 : nat), Length_Loop_size xs @>Fin0 s0 + size (@nil X) = s0 + size xs) /\
(forall (n : nat) (s1 : nat), Length_Loop_size xs @>Fin1 s1 + size (n + length xs) = max (size n + s1) (size (n + length xs))) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Length_Loop_size xs @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun x => size x + 1) xs)).
induction xs as [ | x xs (IH0&IH1&IH2)].
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. cbv [id]. ring_simplify. nia.
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- rewrite IH0. projk_rewrite Length_Step_size_nice 0. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. nia.
- replace (n + S (|xs|)) with (S n + |xs|) by lia.
rewrite IH1. rewrite Nat.add_comm. cbn.
projk_rewrite (Length_Step_size_nice) 1.
rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. cbn. nia.
- rewrite IH2. projk_rewrite (Length_Step_size_nice) 2. f_equal. nia.
Lemma Length_size_nice (xs : list X) :
(forall (s0 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin0 s0 = s0) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin1 s1 + size (length xs) + 1 = max s1 (size (length xs) + 1)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun x => size x + 1) xs)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin3 s3 = max s3 (size xs + 1)). Proof.
unfold Length_size; cbn. repeat split; intros; auto.
- change (|xs|) with (0 + |xs|). projk_rewrite (Length_Loop_size_nice xs) 1. unfold Constr_O_size. cbn.
rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
- projk_rewrite (Length_Loop_size_nice xs) 2. cbn. auto.
- rewrite Reset_size_nice.
projk_rewrite (Length_Loop_size_nice xs) 0.
now rewrite CopyValue_size_nice'.
End Length_size_nice.
(forall (x : X) (xs : list X) (s0 : nat), Length_Step_size x @>Fin0 s0 + size xs = s0 + size (x::xs)) /\
(forall (x : X) (n : nat) (s1 : nat), Length_Step_size x @>Fin1 s1 + size (S n) = max (size n + s1) (size (S n))) /\
(forall (x : X) (s2 : nat), Length_Step_size x @>Fin2 s2 = max s2 (size x + 1)).
repeat split; unfold Length_Step_size; cbn; intros.
- now rewrite CaseList_size0_nice.
- now rewrite Constr_S_size_nice.
- apply CaseList_size1_Reset_nice.
Local Arguments Length_Step_size : simpl never.
Lemma Length_Loop_size_nice (xs : list X) :
(forall (s0 : nat), Length_Loop_size xs @>Fin0 s0 + size (@nil X) = s0 + size xs) /\
(forall (n : nat) (s1 : nat), Length_Loop_size xs @>Fin1 s1 + size (n + length xs) = max (size n + s1) (size (n + length xs))) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Length_Loop_size xs @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun x => size x + 1) xs)).
induction xs as [ | x xs (IH0&IH1&IH2)].
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. cbv [id]. ring_simplify. nia.
repeat split; cbn; intros.
- rewrite IH0. projk_rewrite Length_Step_size_nice 0. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. nia.
- replace (n + S (|xs|)) with (S n + |xs|) by lia.
rewrite IH1. rewrite Nat.add_comm. cbn.
projk_rewrite (Length_Step_size_nice) 1.
rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. cbn. nia.
- rewrite IH2. projk_rewrite (Length_Step_size_nice) 2. f_equal. nia.
Lemma Length_size_nice (xs : list X) :
(forall (s0 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin0 s0 = s0) /\
(forall (s1 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin1 s1 + size (length xs) + 1 = max s1 (size (length xs) + 1)) /\
(forall (s2 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin2 s2 = max_list_rec s2 (map (fun x => size x + 1) xs)) /\
(forall (s3 : nat), Length_size xs @>Fin3 s3 = max s3 (size xs + 1)). Proof.
unfold Length_size; cbn. repeat split; intros; auto.
- change (|xs|) with (0 + |xs|). projk_rewrite (Length_Loop_size_nice xs) 1. unfold Constr_O_size. cbn.
rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
- projk_rewrite (Length_Loop_size_nice xs) 2. cbn. auto.
- rewrite Reset_size_nice.
projk_rewrite (Length_Loop_size_nice xs) 0.
now rewrite CopyValue_size_nice'.
End Length_size_nice.