From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM ProgrammingTools Single.EncodeTapes.
Import Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Prelim.
Hint Rewrite filter_app : list.
Lemma filter_rev (A : Type) (f : A -> bool) (l : list A): filter f (rev l) = rev (filter f l).
induction l;cbn in *. easy. autorewrite with list. cbn;destruct f. all:cbn;now autorewrite with list;congruence.
Hint Rewrite filter_rev : list.
Lemma encode_tape_invariants sig t0 :
t0 = (@niltape _)
\/ exists b__L b__R t, encode_tape t0 = LeftBlank b__L :: t ++[RightBlank b__R]
/\ (forall x, x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
/\ length (filter (@isMarked sig) (encode_tape t0)) = 1
/\ t <> nil.
assert (H' : forall l x, x el map UnmarkedSymbol l -> (@isSymbol sig) x = true).
{ intros ? ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff. easy. }
assert (H1' : forall l, filter (@isMarked sig) (map UnmarkedSymbol l) = []). 1:{induction l;cbn. all:easy. }
destruct t0;cbn. now left.
all:right. all:eexists _,_.
3:eexists (_++[_]++_). 2:eexists (_++[_]). 1:eexists (_::_).
all:split;[cbn;autorewrite with list;reflexivity | ].
all:cbn in *;repeat setoid_rewrite in_app_iff;cbn. all:split;[now intuition (subst;eauto 3) | ].
all:repeat (repeat rewrite map_rev;autorewrite with list;cbn).
all:repeat rewrite H1'. all:split;[easy | ]. all:now length_not_eq.
Lemma last_app_eq X A B (a:X) b :
A++[a] = B++[b] -> A = B /\ a = b.
intros H%(f_equal (@rev X)). rewrite !rev_app_distr in H. split.
- inv H. apply (f_equal (@rev X)) in H2. now rewrite !rev_involutive in H2.
- now inv H.
Lemma encode_tape_invariants_partial sig (x:tape sig) b t t__R:
encode_tape x = LeftBlank b :: t ++t__R
-> (forall x, x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
-> (exists init__R b',
t__R = init__R++[RightBlank b']
/\ (forall c , c el init__R -> isSymbol c = true))
/\ (length (filter (@isMarked _) (t__R++t++[LeftBlank b])) = 1)
/\ length (t++t__R) > 1.
destruct (encode_tape_invariants x) as [-> | (b__L&b__R&t'&Hx&Hsymb&Hmarked&Hnnil)].
{cbn;congruence. }
rewrite Hx. intros [= <- Ht'] Hall.
assert (H__R : t__R <> []). 1:{ destruct t__R. 2:easy. rewrite app_nil_r in Ht'. subst t. ediscriminate (Hall (RightBlank _)). now eauto. }
apply exists_last in H__R as (init__R&last__R&->).
rewrite !app_assoc in Ht';apply last_app_eq in Ht' as [-> [= <-]].
split. 1:{ eexists _, _;split. reflexivity. intros. apply Hsymb. eauto. }
destruct x;cbn in Hx,Hmarked;autorewrite with list in Hmarked,Hx;revert Hx. easy.
all:intros [= <- H];revert H.
2:rewrite (app_comm_cons' _ _ (UnmarkedSymbol _)).
all:rewrite ?app_comm_cons, <- !app_assoc_reverse. all:intros [H <-]%last_app_eq;revert H.
all:intros H%(f_equal (fun l => length (filter (isMarked (sig:=sig)) l) )).
all:repeat (autorewrite with list in Hmarked,H|-*;cbn in Hmarked,H|-* ).
all:split;[ | now destruct t;[destruct init__R| ];cbn in *;try congruence;nia].
Lemma invert_symbols_0_marked sig t:
length (filter (@isMarked sig) t ) = 0
-> (forall x, x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
-> exists s : list sig, t = map UnmarkedSymbol s.
induction t. now eexists [].
cbn. intros H1 H2. destruct a eqn:H';cbn in *.
1,2,3:now specialize (H2 a);subst a;discriminate H2;eauto.
-edestruct IHt as (?&->). 3:now eexists (_::_). all:eauto;easy.
Lemma invert_symbols_1_marked sig t:
length (filter (@isMarked sig) t ) = 1
-> (forall x , x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
-> exists s1 c (s2 : list sig), t = map UnmarkedSymbol s1 ++ (MarkedSymbol c :: map UnmarkedSymbol s2).
induction t. now inversion 1.
cbn. intros H1 H2. destruct a eqn:H';cbn in *.
1,2,3:now specialize (H2 a);subst a;discriminate H2;eauto.
-edestruct @invert_symbols_0_marked with (t:=t) as (?&->). 1,2:eauto;easy.
eexists [],_,_. reflexivity.
-edestruct IHt as (?&?&?&->). 3:now eexists (_::_),_,_. all:eauto;easy.
Import Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Prelim.
Hint Rewrite filter_app : list.
Lemma filter_rev (A : Type) (f : A -> bool) (l : list A): filter f (rev l) = rev (filter f l).
induction l;cbn in *. easy. autorewrite with list. cbn;destruct f. all:cbn;now autorewrite with list;congruence.
Hint Rewrite filter_rev : list.
Lemma encode_tape_invariants sig t0 :
t0 = (@niltape _)
\/ exists b__L b__R t, encode_tape t0 = LeftBlank b__L :: t ++[RightBlank b__R]
/\ (forall x, x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
/\ length (filter (@isMarked sig) (encode_tape t0)) = 1
/\ t <> nil.
assert (H' : forall l x, x el map UnmarkedSymbol l -> (@isSymbol sig) x = true).
{ intros ? ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff. easy. }
assert (H1' : forall l, filter (@isMarked sig) (map UnmarkedSymbol l) = []). 1:{induction l;cbn. all:easy. }
destruct t0;cbn. now left.
all:right. all:eexists _,_.
3:eexists (_++[_]++_). 2:eexists (_++[_]). 1:eexists (_::_).
all:split;[cbn;autorewrite with list;reflexivity | ].
all:cbn in *;repeat setoid_rewrite in_app_iff;cbn. all:split;[now intuition (subst;eauto 3) | ].
all:repeat (repeat rewrite map_rev;autorewrite with list;cbn).
all:repeat rewrite H1'. all:split;[easy | ]. all:now length_not_eq.
Lemma last_app_eq X A B (a:X) b :
A++[a] = B++[b] -> A = B /\ a = b.
intros H%(f_equal (@rev X)). rewrite !rev_app_distr in H. split.
- inv H. apply (f_equal (@rev X)) in H2. now rewrite !rev_involutive in H2.
- now inv H.
Lemma encode_tape_invariants_partial sig (x:tape sig) b t t__R:
encode_tape x = LeftBlank b :: t ++t__R
-> (forall x, x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
-> (exists init__R b',
t__R = init__R++[RightBlank b']
/\ (forall c , c el init__R -> isSymbol c = true))
/\ (length (filter (@isMarked _) (t__R++t++[LeftBlank b])) = 1)
/\ length (t++t__R) > 1.
destruct (encode_tape_invariants x) as [-> | (b__L&b__R&t'&Hx&Hsymb&Hmarked&Hnnil)].
{cbn;congruence. }
rewrite Hx. intros [= <- Ht'] Hall.
assert (H__R : t__R <> []). 1:{ destruct t__R. 2:easy. rewrite app_nil_r in Ht'. subst t. ediscriminate (Hall (RightBlank _)). now eauto. }
apply exists_last in H__R as (init__R&last__R&->).
rewrite !app_assoc in Ht';apply last_app_eq in Ht' as [-> [= <-]].
split. 1:{ eexists _, _;split. reflexivity. intros. apply Hsymb. eauto. }
destruct x;cbn in Hx,Hmarked;autorewrite with list in Hmarked,Hx;revert Hx. easy.
all:intros [= <- H];revert H.
2:rewrite (app_comm_cons' _ _ (UnmarkedSymbol _)).
all:rewrite ?app_comm_cons, <- !app_assoc_reverse. all:intros [H <-]%last_app_eq;revert H.
all:intros H%(f_equal (fun l => length (filter (isMarked (sig:=sig)) l) )).
all:repeat (autorewrite with list in Hmarked,H|-*;cbn in Hmarked,H|-* ).
all:split;[ | now destruct t;[destruct init__R| ];cbn in *;try congruence;nia].
Lemma invert_symbols_0_marked sig t:
length (filter (@isMarked sig) t ) = 0
-> (forall x, x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
-> exists s : list sig, t = map UnmarkedSymbol s.
induction t. now eexists [].
cbn. intros H1 H2. destruct a eqn:H';cbn in *.
1,2,3:now specialize (H2 a);subst a;discriminate H2;eauto.
-edestruct IHt as (?&->). 3:now eexists (_::_). all:eauto;easy.
Lemma invert_symbols_1_marked sig t:
length (filter (@isMarked sig) t ) = 1
-> (forall x , x el t -> isSymbol x = true)
-> exists s1 c (s2 : list sig), t = map UnmarkedSymbol s1 ++ (MarkedSymbol c :: map UnmarkedSymbol s2).
induction t. now inversion 1.
cbn. intros H1 H2. destruct a eqn:H';cbn in *.
1,2,3:now specialize (H2 a);subst a;discriminate H2;eauto.
-edestruct @invert_symbols_0_marked with (t:=t) as (?&->). 1,2:eauto;easy.
eexists [],_,_. reflexivity.
-edestruct IHt as (?&?&?&->). 3:now eexists (_::_),_,_. all:eauto;easy.