From Undecidability.L Require Import Util.L_facts Prelim.StringBase.
From MetaCoq Require Import Template.All Checker.Checker.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Base.
Require Import String Ascii.
Open Scope string_scope.
Import MonadNotation.
Notation FUEL := 1000.
Definition string_of_int n :=
match n with
| 0 => "0"
| 1 => "1"
| 2 => "2"
| 3 => "3"
| 4 => "4"
| 5 => "5"
| 6 => "6"
| 7 => "7"
| 8 => "8"
| 9 => "9"
| _ => "todo string_of_int"
Section it_i.
Variables (X: Type) (f: nat -> X -> X).
Fixpoint it_i' (i : nat) (n : nat) (x : X) : X :=
match n with
| 0 => x
| S n' => f i (it_i' (S i) n' x)
Definition it_i := it_i' 0.
End it_i.
Definition stack {X : Type} (l : list (X -> X)) (x : X) := fold_right (fun f x => f x) x l.
Definition hd {X : Type} (l : list X) : TemplateMonad X :=
match l with
| nil => tmFail "hd: empty list"
| x :: _ => ret x
Definition tmTypeOf (s : Ast.term) :=
u <- tmUnquote s ;;
tmEval hnf (my_projT1 u) >>= tmQuote.
Definition tmTryInfer (n : ident) (red : option reductionStrategy) (A : Type) : TemplateMonad A :=
r <- tmInferInstance red A ;;
match r with
| my_Some i => ret i
| my_None =>
A' <- match red with Some red => ret A | None => ret A end;;
tmPrint "Did not find an instance for ";;
(tmPrint A');;
(tmEval cbv ("open obligation " ++ n ++ " for it. You might want to register a instance before and rerun this.") >>= tmPrint);;
tmLemma n A
Definition name_of (t : Ast.term) : ident :=
match t with
tConst (modp, n) _ => name_after_dot n
| tConstruct (mkInd (modp, n) _) i _ => "cnstr_" ++ name_after_dot n ++ string_of_int i
| tInd (mkInd (modp, n) _) _ => "type_" ++ name_after_dot n
| tVar i => "var_" ++ i
| _ => "no_name"
Fixpoint tmIsType (s : Ast.term) : TemplateMonad bool :=
match s with
| tInd _ _ => ret true
| tConst n u => t <- tmTypeOf (tConst n u) ;; match t with tSort _ => ret true | _ => ret false end
| tVar x => t <- tmTypeOf (tVar x) ;; match t with tSort _ => ret true | _ => ret false end
| tApp h _ => tmIsType h
| _ => ret false
Definition tmNumConstructors (n : kername) : TemplateMonad nat :=
i <- tmQuoteInductive n ;;
match ind_bodies i with
[ i ] => tmEval cbv (| ind_ctors i |)
| _ => tmFail "Mutual inductive types are not supported"
Fixpoint argument_types (B : Ast.term) :=
match B with
| tProd _ A B => A :: argument_types B
| _ => []
Definition split_head_symbol A : option (inductive * list term) :=
match A with
| tApp (tInd ind u) R => ret (ind, R)
| tInd ind u => ret (ind, [])
| _ => None
Definition list_constructors (ind : inductive) : TemplateMonad (list (ident * term * nat)) :=
A <- tmQuoteInductive (inductive_mind ind) ;;
match ind_bodies A with
| [ B ] => ret (ind_ctors B)
| _ => tmFail "error: no mutual inductives supported"
Definition eq_inductive (hs hs2 : inductive) :=
match hs, hs2 with
| mkInd k _, mkInd k2 _ => if kername_eq_dec k k2 then true else false
Definition tmArgsOfConstructor ind i :=
A <- tmTypeOf (tConstruct ind i []) ;;
ret (argument_types A).
Class extracted {A : Type} (a : A) := int_ext : L.term.
Arguments int_ext {_} _ {_}.
Typeclasses Transparent extracted. Hint Extern 0 (extracted _) => progress (cbn [Common.my_projT1]): typeclass_instances.
Class encodable (X : Type) := mk_encodable
enc : X -> L.term ;
proc_enc : forall x, proc (enc x) ;
Hint Mode encodable + : typeclass_instances.
Arguments enc : simpl never.
MetaCoq Quote Definition tTerm := L.term.
Definition term_mp := MPfile ["L"; "L"; "Undecidability"].
Definition term_kn := (term_mp, "term").
Definition mkLam x := tApp (tConstruct (mkInd term_kn 0) 2 []) [x].
Definition mkVar x := tApp (tConstruct (mkInd term_kn 0) 0 []) [x].
Definition mkApp x y := tApp (tConstruct (mkInd term_kn 0) 1 []) [x; y].
Definition mkAppList s B := fold_left (fun a b => mkApp a b) B s.
MetaCoq Quote Definition mkZero := 0.
MetaCoq Quote Definition mkSucc := S.
Fixpoint mkNat n := match n with
| 0 => mkZero
| S n => tApp mkSucc [mkNat n]
Fixpoint insert_params fuel Params i t :=
let params := List.length Params in
match fuel with 0 => tmFail "out of fuel in insert_params" | S fuel =>
match t with
| tRel n => (match nth_error Params (params + i - n - 1) with Some x => ret x | _ => ret (tRel n) end)
| tApp s R => s <- insert_params fuel Params i s ;;
R <- monad_map (insert_params fuel Params i) R;;
ret (tApp s R)
| _ => ret t
end end.
Definition tmGetOption {X} (o : option X) (err : string) : TemplateMonad X :=
match o with
| Some x => ret x
| None => tmFail err
Definition tmGetMyOption {X} (o : option_instance X) (err : string) : TemplateMonad X :=
match o with
| my_Some x => ret x
| my_None => tmFail err
Definition mkFixMatch (f x : ident) (t1 t2 : Ast.term) (cases : nat -> list term -> TemplateMonad term) :=
hs_num <- tmGetOption (split_head_symbol t1) "no head symbol found";;
let '(ind, Params) := hs_num in
let params := List.length Params in
L <- list_constructors ind >>= tmEval hnf ;;
body <- monad_map_i (fun i '(n, s, args) =>
l <- tmArgsOfConstructor ind i ;;
l' <- monad_map_i (insert_params FUEL Params) (skipn params l) ;;
t <- cases i l' ;; ret (args, t)) L ;;
ret (Ast.tFix [BasicAst.mkdef
(nNamed f)
(tProd nAnon t1 t2)
(tLambda (nNamed x) t1 (tCase (ind, params)
(tLambda nAnon t1 t2)
(tRel 0)
body)) 0] 0).
Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
Definition encode_arguments (B : term) (a i : nat) A_j :=
if eq_term uGraph.init_graph B A_j
ret (tApp (tRel (S a)) [tRel (a - i -1)])
A <- tmUnquoteTyped Type A_j ;;
name <- (tmEval cbv (name_of A_j ++ "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
E <- tmTryInfer name None (encodable A);;
l <- tmQuote (@enc A E);;
ret (tApp l [tRel (a - i - 1) ]).
Definition tmInstanceRed name red {X} (x:X) :=
def' <- tmDefinitionRed name red x;;
def <- tmQuote def';;
match def with
tConst name _ => tmExistingInstance (ConstRef name)
| _ => tmFail "internal invariant violated : tmInstanceRed"
tmReturn def'.
Definition tmEncode (A : Type) : TemplateMonad (A -> L.term):=
t <- (tmEval hnf A >>= tmQuote) ;;
hs_num <- tmGetOption (split_head_symbol t) "no inductive";;
let '(ind, Params) := hs_num in
num <- tmNumConstructors (inductive_mind ind) ;;
f <- tmFreshName ("enc_" ++ snd (inductive_mind ind)) ;;
x <- tmFreshName "x" ;;
ter <- mkFixMatch f x t tTerm
(fun i ctr_types =>
args <- tmEval cbv (|ctr_types|);;
C <- monad_map_i (encode_arguments t args) ctr_types ;;
ret (stack (map (tLambda (nAnon)) ctr_types)
(it mkLam num ((fun s => mkAppList s C) (mkVar (mkNat (num - i - 1))))))
) ;;
u <- tmUnquoteTyped (A -> L.term) ter;;
ret u.
Definition gen_constructor args num i :=
it lam args (it lam num (it_i (fun n s => s #(n + num)) args (var (num - i - 1)))).
Definition extract_constr {A} (a : A) n (i : nat) (t : Ast.term) def' :=
num <- tmNumConstructors n ;;
r <- tmEval cbv (gen_constructor (|argument_types t|) num i : extracted a) ;;
match def' with
| Some def => def2 <- tmFreshName def ;;
tmInstanceRed def2 None r;;tmReturn tt
| None => tmReturn tt
ret r.
Definition tmExtractConstr' (def : option ident) {A : Type} (a : A) :=
s <- (tmEval cbv a >>= tmQuote) ;;
t <- (tmEval hnf A >>= tmQuote) ;;
match s with
| Ast.tApp (Ast.tConstruct (mkInd n _) i _) _ =>
extract_constr a n i t def
| Ast.tConstruct (mkInd n _) i _ =>
extract_constr a n i t def
| _ => tmFail "this is not a constructor"
Definition tmExtractConstr (def : ident) {A : Type} (a : A) :=
tmExtractConstr' (Some def) a.
Notation "↑ env" := (fun n => match n with 0 => 0 | S n => S (env n) end) (at level 10).
Fixpoint inferHead' (s:Ast.term) (revArg R: list Ast.term) : TemplateMonad (L.term * list Ast.term) :=
s'0 <- tmEval cbn (if forallb (fun _ => false) revArg then s else Ast.tApp s (rev revArg));;
s' <- tmUnquote s'0;;
s'' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 s');;
res <- tmInferInstance None (extracted (A:=my_projT1 s') s'');;
match res with
my_Some s'' => ret (s'',R)
| my_None =>
let doSplit := match R with
| [] => false
| r :: R => if closedn 0 r then true else false
match doSplit,R with
true,r::R => inferHead' s (r::revArg) R
| _,_ => let lhs := string_of_term s'0 in
let rhs := string_of_list string_of_term R in
tmMsg "More readable: initial segment:";;tmPrint s'';;tmMsg "With remainder:";;tmPrint R;;
tmFail ("Could not extract in inferHead (moreReadable version in *coq*): could not infer any instance for initial segment of " ++lhs ++ " with further arguments "++ rhs)
Definition inferHead (s:Ast.term) (R:list Ast.term) : TemplateMonad ((L.term + Ast.term) * list Ast.term) :=
match s with
Ast.tConst _ _ |
Ast.tConstruct _ _ _ =>
res <- inferHead' s [] R;;
let '(s',R):= res in
ret (inl s',R)
| _ => ret (inr s,R)
Fixpoint extract (env : nat -> nat) (s : Ast.term) (fuel : nat) : TemplateMonad L.term :=
match fuel with 0 => tmFail "out of fuel" | S fuel =>
match s with
Ast.tRel n =>
t <- tmEval cbv (var (env n));;
ret t
| Ast.tLambda _ _ s =>
t <- extract (↑ env) s fuel ;;
ret (lam t)
| Ast.tFix [BasicAst.mkdef nm ty s _] _ =>
t <- extract (fun n => S (env n)) (Ast.tLambda nm ty s) fuel ;;
ret (rho t)
| Ast.tApp s R =>
res <- inferHead s R;;
let '(res,R') := res in
t <- (match res with
inl s' => ret s'
| inr s => extract env s fuel
monad_fold_left (fun t1 s2 => t2 <- extract env s2 fuel ;; ret ( t1 t2)) R' t
| Ast.tConst n _ =>
a <- tmUnquote s ;;
a' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 a);;
n <- (tmEval cbv (String.append (name_of s) "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
i <- tmTryInfer n (Some cbn) (extracted a') ;;
ret (@int_ext _ _ i)
| Ast.tConstruct (mkInd n _) _ _ =>
a <- tmUnquote s ;;
a' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 a);;
nm <- (tmEval cbv (String.append (name_of s) "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
i <- tmTryInfer nm (Some cbn) (extracted a') ;;
ret (@int_ext _ _ i)
| Ast.tCase _ _ s cases =>
let fix extractCaseEtaExpand (env : nat -> nat) (s:Ast.term) (k:nat) {struct k}: TemplateMonad L.term :=
match k,s with
0,_ =>
t <- extract (fun i => S (env i)) s fuel;;
ret (lam t)
| S k,tLambda _ _ s =>
t <- extractCaseEtaExpand (↑ env) s k ;;
ret (lam t)
| S _, _ => tmFail "Match case does not contain the expected abstractions for bound argument."
t <- extract env s fuel ;;
M <- monad_fold_left (fun t1 '(n,s2) => t2 <- extractCaseEtaExpand env s2 n;; ret ( t1 t2)) cases t ;;
ret ( M I)
| Ast.tLetIn _ s1 _ s2 =>
t1 <- extract env s1 fuel ;;
t2 <- extract (↑ env) s2 fuel ;;
ret( (lam t2) t1)
| Ast.tFix _ _ => tmFail "Mutual Fixpoints are not supported"
| tVar _ => a <- tmUnquote s ;;
a' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 a);;
n <- (tmEval cbv (String.append (name_of s) "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
i <- tmTryInfer n (Some cbn) (extracted a') ;;
ret (@int_ext _ _ i)
| tEvar _ _ => tmFail "tEvar is not supported"
| tSort _ => tmFail "tSort is not supported"
| tCast _ _ _ => tmFail "tCast is not supported"
| tProd _ _ _ => tmFail "tProd is not supported"
| tInd a _ => tmPrint a;;tmFail "tInd is not supported (probably there is a type not in prenex-normal form)"
| tProj _ _ => tmFail "tProj is not supported"
| tCoFix _ _ => tmFail "tCoFix is not supported"
end end.
Fixpoint head_of_const (t : term) :=
match t with
| tConst h _ => Some h
| tApp s _ => head_of_const s
| _ => None
Definition tmUnfoldTerm {A}(a:A) :=
t <- tmQuote a;;
match head_of_const t with
| Some h => tmEval (unfold h) a >>=tmQuote
| _ => ret t
Polymorphic Definition tmExtract (nm : option string) {A} (a : A) : TemplateMonad (extracted a) :=
q <- tmUnfoldTerm a ;;
t <- extract (fun x => x) q FUEL ;;
match nm with
Some nm => nm <- tmFreshName nm ;;
@tmInstanceRed nm None (extracted a) t ;;
ret t
| None => ret t
Opaque extracted.
Global Obligation Tactic := idtac.
From MetaCoq Require Import Template.All Checker.Checker.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Base.
Require Import String Ascii.
Open Scope string_scope.
Import MonadNotation.
Notation FUEL := 1000.
Definition string_of_int n :=
match n with
| 0 => "0"
| 1 => "1"
| 2 => "2"
| 3 => "3"
| 4 => "4"
| 5 => "5"
| 6 => "6"
| 7 => "7"
| 8 => "8"
| 9 => "9"
| _ => "todo string_of_int"
Section it_i.
Variables (X: Type) (f: nat -> X -> X).
Fixpoint it_i' (i : nat) (n : nat) (x : X) : X :=
match n with
| 0 => x
| S n' => f i (it_i' (S i) n' x)
Definition it_i := it_i' 0.
End it_i.
Definition stack {X : Type} (l : list (X -> X)) (x : X) := fold_right (fun f x => f x) x l.
Definition hd {X : Type} (l : list X) : TemplateMonad X :=
match l with
| nil => tmFail "hd: empty list"
| x :: _ => ret x
Definition tmTypeOf (s : Ast.term) :=
u <- tmUnquote s ;;
tmEval hnf (my_projT1 u) >>= tmQuote.
Definition tmTryInfer (n : ident) (red : option reductionStrategy) (A : Type) : TemplateMonad A :=
r <- tmInferInstance red A ;;
match r with
| my_Some i => ret i
| my_None =>
A' <- match red with Some red => ret A | None => ret A end;;
tmPrint "Did not find an instance for ";;
(tmPrint A');;
(tmEval cbv ("open obligation " ++ n ++ " for it. You might want to register a instance before and rerun this.") >>= tmPrint);;
tmLemma n A
Definition name_of (t : Ast.term) : ident :=
match t with
tConst (modp, n) _ => name_after_dot n
| tConstruct (mkInd (modp, n) _) i _ => "cnstr_" ++ name_after_dot n ++ string_of_int i
| tInd (mkInd (modp, n) _) _ => "type_" ++ name_after_dot n
| tVar i => "var_" ++ i
| _ => "no_name"
Fixpoint tmIsType (s : Ast.term) : TemplateMonad bool :=
match s with
| tInd _ _ => ret true
| tConst n u => t <- tmTypeOf (tConst n u) ;; match t with tSort _ => ret true | _ => ret false end
| tVar x => t <- tmTypeOf (tVar x) ;; match t with tSort _ => ret true | _ => ret false end
| tApp h _ => tmIsType h
| _ => ret false
Definition tmNumConstructors (n : kername) : TemplateMonad nat :=
i <- tmQuoteInductive n ;;
match ind_bodies i with
[ i ] => tmEval cbv (| ind_ctors i |)
| _ => tmFail "Mutual inductive types are not supported"
Fixpoint argument_types (B : Ast.term) :=
match B with
| tProd _ A B => A :: argument_types B
| _ => []
Definition split_head_symbol A : option (inductive * list term) :=
match A with
| tApp (tInd ind u) R => ret (ind, R)
| tInd ind u => ret (ind, [])
| _ => None
Definition list_constructors (ind : inductive) : TemplateMonad (list (ident * term * nat)) :=
A <- tmQuoteInductive (inductive_mind ind) ;;
match ind_bodies A with
| [ B ] => ret (ind_ctors B)
| _ => tmFail "error: no mutual inductives supported"
Definition eq_inductive (hs hs2 : inductive) :=
match hs, hs2 with
| mkInd k _, mkInd k2 _ => if kername_eq_dec k k2 then true else false
Definition tmArgsOfConstructor ind i :=
A <- tmTypeOf (tConstruct ind i []) ;;
ret (argument_types A).
Class extracted {A : Type} (a : A) := int_ext : L.term.
Arguments int_ext {_} _ {_}.
Typeclasses Transparent extracted. Hint Extern 0 (extracted _) => progress (cbn [Common.my_projT1]): typeclass_instances.
Class encodable (X : Type) := mk_encodable
enc : X -> L.term ;
proc_enc : forall x, proc (enc x) ;
Hint Mode encodable + : typeclass_instances.
Arguments enc : simpl never.
MetaCoq Quote Definition tTerm := L.term.
Definition term_mp := MPfile ["L"; "L"; "Undecidability"].
Definition term_kn := (term_mp, "term").
Definition mkLam x := tApp (tConstruct (mkInd term_kn 0) 2 []) [x].
Definition mkVar x := tApp (tConstruct (mkInd term_kn 0) 0 []) [x].
Definition mkApp x y := tApp (tConstruct (mkInd term_kn 0) 1 []) [x; y].
Definition mkAppList s B := fold_left (fun a b => mkApp a b) B s.
MetaCoq Quote Definition mkZero := 0.
MetaCoq Quote Definition mkSucc := S.
Fixpoint mkNat n := match n with
| 0 => mkZero
| S n => tApp mkSucc [mkNat n]
Fixpoint insert_params fuel Params i t :=
let params := List.length Params in
match fuel with 0 => tmFail "out of fuel in insert_params" | S fuel =>
match t with
| tRel n => (match nth_error Params (params + i - n - 1) with Some x => ret x | _ => ret (tRel n) end)
| tApp s R => s <- insert_params fuel Params i s ;;
R <- monad_map (insert_params fuel Params i) R;;
ret (tApp s R)
| _ => ret t
end end.
Definition tmGetOption {X} (o : option X) (err : string) : TemplateMonad X :=
match o with
| Some x => ret x
| None => tmFail err
Definition tmGetMyOption {X} (o : option_instance X) (err : string) : TemplateMonad X :=
match o with
| my_Some x => ret x
| my_None => tmFail err
Definition mkFixMatch (f x : ident) (t1 t2 : Ast.term) (cases : nat -> list term -> TemplateMonad term) :=
hs_num <- tmGetOption (split_head_symbol t1) "no head symbol found";;
let '(ind, Params) := hs_num in
let params := List.length Params in
L <- list_constructors ind >>= tmEval hnf ;;
body <- monad_map_i (fun i '(n, s, args) =>
l <- tmArgsOfConstructor ind i ;;
l' <- monad_map_i (insert_params FUEL Params) (skipn params l) ;;
t <- cases i l' ;; ret (args, t)) L ;;
ret (Ast.tFix [BasicAst.mkdef
(nNamed f)
(tProd nAnon t1 t2)
(tLambda (nNamed x) t1 (tCase (ind, params)
(tLambda nAnon t1 t2)
(tRel 0)
body)) 0] 0).
Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
Definition encode_arguments (B : term) (a i : nat) A_j :=
if eq_term uGraph.init_graph B A_j
ret (tApp (tRel (S a)) [tRel (a - i -1)])
A <- tmUnquoteTyped Type A_j ;;
name <- (tmEval cbv (name_of A_j ++ "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
E <- tmTryInfer name None (encodable A);;
l <- tmQuote (@enc A E);;
ret (tApp l [tRel (a - i - 1) ]).
Definition tmInstanceRed name red {X} (x:X) :=
def' <- tmDefinitionRed name red x;;
def <- tmQuote def';;
match def with
tConst name _ => tmExistingInstance (ConstRef name)
| _ => tmFail "internal invariant violated : tmInstanceRed"
tmReturn def'.
Definition tmEncode (A : Type) : TemplateMonad (A -> L.term):=
t <- (tmEval hnf A >>= tmQuote) ;;
hs_num <- tmGetOption (split_head_symbol t) "no inductive";;
let '(ind, Params) := hs_num in
num <- tmNumConstructors (inductive_mind ind) ;;
f <- tmFreshName ("enc_" ++ snd (inductive_mind ind)) ;;
x <- tmFreshName "x" ;;
ter <- mkFixMatch f x t tTerm
(fun i ctr_types =>
args <- tmEval cbv (|ctr_types|);;
C <- monad_map_i (encode_arguments t args) ctr_types ;;
ret (stack (map (tLambda (nAnon)) ctr_types)
(it mkLam num ((fun s => mkAppList s C) (mkVar (mkNat (num - i - 1))))))
) ;;
u <- tmUnquoteTyped (A -> L.term) ter;;
ret u.
Definition gen_constructor args num i :=
it lam args (it lam num (it_i (fun n s => s #(n + num)) args (var (num - i - 1)))).
Definition extract_constr {A} (a : A) n (i : nat) (t : Ast.term) def' :=
num <- tmNumConstructors n ;;
r <- tmEval cbv (gen_constructor (|argument_types t|) num i : extracted a) ;;
match def' with
| Some def => def2 <- tmFreshName def ;;
tmInstanceRed def2 None r;;tmReturn tt
| None => tmReturn tt
ret r.
Definition tmExtractConstr' (def : option ident) {A : Type} (a : A) :=
s <- (tmEval cbv a >>= tmQuote) ;;
t <- (tmEval hnf A >>= tmQuote) ;;
match s with
| Ast.tApp (Ast.tConstruct (mkInd n _) i _) _ =>
extract_constr a n i t def
| Ast.tConstruct (mkInd n _) i _ =>
extract_constr a n i t def
| _ => tmFail "this is not a constructor"
Definition tmExtractConstr (def : ident) {A : Type} (a : A) :=
tmExtractConstr' (Some def) a.
Notation "↑ env" := (fun n => match n with 0 => 0 | S n => S (env n) end) (at level 10).
Fixpoint inferHead' (s:Ast.term) (revArg R: list Ast.term) : TemplateMonad (L.term * list Ast.term) :=
s'0 <- tmEval cbn (if forallb (fun _ => false) revArg then s else Ast.tApp s (rev revArg));;
s' <- tmUnquote s'0;;
s'' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 s');;
res <- tmInferInstance None (extracted (A:=my_projT1 s') s'');;
match res with
my_Some s'' => ret (s'',R)
| my_None =>
let doSplit := match R with
| [] => false
| r :: R => if closedn 0 r then true else false
match doSplit,R with
true,r::R => inferHead' s (r::revArg) R
| _,_ => let lhs := string_of_term s'0 in
let rhs := string_of_list string_of_term R in
tmMsg "More readable: initial segment:";;tmPrint s'';;tmMsg "With remainder:";;tmPrint R;;
tmFail ("Could not extract in inferHead (moreReadable version in *coq*): could not infer any instance for initial segment of " ++lhs ++ " with further arguments "++ rhs)
Definition inferHead (s:Ast.term) (R:list Ast.term) : TemplateMonad ((L.term + Ast.term) * list Ast.term) :=
match s with
Ast.tConst _ _ |
Ast.tConstruct _ _ _ =>
res <- inferHead' s [] R;;
let '(s',R):= res in
ret (inl s',R)
| _ => ret (inr s,R)
Fixpoint extract (env : nat -> nat) (s : Ast.term) (fuel : nat) : TemplateMonad L.term :=
match fuel with 0 => tmFail "out of fuel" | S fuel =>
match s with
Ast.tRel n =>
t <- tmEval cbv (var (env n));;
ret t
| Ast.tLambda _ _ s =>
t <- extract (↑ env) s fuel ;;
ret (lam t)
| Ast.tFix [BasicAst.mkdef nm ty s _] _ =>
t <- extract (fun n => S (env n)) (Ast.tLambda nm ty s) fuel ;;
ret (rho t)
| Ast.tApp s R =>
res <- inferHead s R;;
let '(res,R') := res in
t <- (match res with
inl s' => ret s'
| inr s => extract env s fuel
monad_fold_left (fun t1 s2 => t2 <- extract env s2 fuel ;; ret ( t1 t2)) R' t
| Ast.tConst n _ =>
a <- tmUnquote s ;;
a' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 a);;
n <- (tmEval cbv (String.append (name_of s) "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
i <- tmTryInfer n (Some cbn) (extracted a') ;;
ret (@int_ext _ _ i)
| Ast.tConstruct (mkInd n _) _ _ =>
a <- tmUnquote s ;;
a' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 a);;
nm <- (tmEval cbv (String.append (name_of s) "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
i <- tmTryInfer nm (Some cbn) (extracted a') ;;
ret (@int_ext _ _ i)
| Ast.tCase _ _ s cases =>
let fix extractCaseEtaExpand (env : nat -> nat) (s:Ast.term) (k:nat) {struct k}: TemplateMonad L.term :=
match k,s with
0,_ =>
t <- extract (fun i => S (env i)) s fuel;;
ret (lam t)
| S k,tLambda _ _ s =>
t <- extractCaseEtaExpand (↑ env) s k ;;
ret (lam t)
| S _, _ => tmFail "Match case does not contain the expected abstractions for bound argument."
t <- extract env s fuel ;;
M <- monad_fold_left (fun t1 '(n,s2) => t2 <- extractCaseEtaExpand env s2 n;; ret ( t1 t2)) cases t ;;
ret ( M I)
| Ast.tLetIn _ s1 _ s2 =>
t1 <- extract env s1 fuel ;;
t2 <- extract (↑ env) s2 fuel ;;
ret( (lam t2) t1)
| Ast.tFix _ _ => tmFail "Mutual Fixpoints are not supported"
| tVar _ => a <- tmUnquote s ;;
a' <- tmEval cbn (my_projT2 a);;
n <- (tmEval cbv (String.append (name_of s) "_term") >>= tmFreshName) ;;
i <- tmTryInfer n (Some cbn) (extracted a') ;;
ret (@int_ext _ _ i)
| tEvar _ _ => tmFail "tEvar is not supported"
| tSort _ => tmFail "tSort is not supported"
| tCast _ _ _ => tmFail "tCast is not supported"
| tProd _ _ _ => tmFail "tProd is not supported"
| tInd a _ => tmPrint a;;tmFail "tInd is not supported (probably there is a type not in prenex-normal form)"
| tProj _ _ => tmFail "tProj is not supported"
| tCoFix _ _ => tmFail "tCoFix is not supported"
end end.
Fixpoint head_of_const (t : term) :=
match t with
| tConst h _ => Some h
| tApp s _ => head_of_const s
| _ => None
Definition tmUnfoldTerm {A}(a:A) :=
t <- tmQuote a;;
match head_of_const t with
| Some h => tmEval (unfold h) a >>=tmQuote
| _ => ret t
Polymorphic Definition tmExtract (nm : option string) {A} (a : A) : TemplateMonad (extracted a) :=
q <- tmUnfoldTerm a ;;
t <- extract (fun x => x) q FUEL ;;
match nm with
Some nm => nm <- tmFreshName nm ;;
@tmInstanceRed nm None (extracted a) t ;;
ret t
| None => ret t
Opaque extracted.
Global Obligation Tactic := idtac.