From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Base.

Section Retract.

  Variable X Y : Type.

  Definition retract (f : X Y) (g : Y option X) := x y, g y = Some x y = f x.

  Class Retract :=
      Retr_f : X Y;
      Retr_g : Y option X;
      Retr_retr : retract Retr_f Retr_g;

End Retract.

Arguments Retr_f { _ _ _ }.
Arguments Retr_g { _ _ _ }.

Section Retract_Properties.

  Variable X Y : Type.

  Hypothesis I : Retract X Y.

  Definition retract_g_adjoint : x, Retr_g (Retr_f x) = Some x.
  Proof. intros. pose proof @Retr_retr _ _ I. hnf in H. now rewrite H. Qed.

  Definition retract_g_inv : x y, Retr_g y = Some x y = Retr_f x.
  Proof. intros. now apply Retr_retr. Qed.

  Lemma retract_g_surjective : x, { y | Retr_g y = Some x }.
  Proof. intros x. pose proof retract_g_adjoint x. cbn in H. eauto. Defined.

  Lemma retract_f_injective : x1 x2, Retr_f = Retr_f = .
    intros H.
    enough (Some = Some ) by congruence.
    erewrite !retract_g_adjoint.
    now rewrite H.

  Lemma retract_g_Some x y :
    Retr_g (Retr_f x) = Some y
    x = y.
  Proof. now intros H % retract_g_inv % retract_f_injective. Qed.

  Lemma retract_g_None b :
    Retr_g b = None
     a, Retr_f a b.
    intros H a .
    enough (Retr_g (Retr_f a) = Some a) by congruence.
    apply retract_g_adjoint.

End Retract_Properties.

Ltac retract_adjoint :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : context [ Retr_g (Retr_f _) ] |- _ ] rewrite retract_g_adjoint in H
  | [ |- context [ Retr_g (Retr_f _) ] ] rewrite retract_g_adjoint

Section ComposeRetracts.
  Variable A B C : Type.

  Definition retr_comp_f (f1 : B C) (f2 : A B) : A C := a ( a).
  Definition retr_comp_g (g1 : C option B) (g2 : B option A) : C option A :=
     c match c with
          | Some b b
          | None None

  Program Instance ComposeRetract (retr1 : Retract B C) (retr2 : Retract A B) : Retract A C :=
      Retr_f := retr_comp_f Retr_f Retr_f;
      Retr_g := retr_comp_g Retr_g Retr_g;
  Next Obligation.
    abstract now
      unfold retr_comp_f, retr_comp_g; intros a c; split;
      [intros H; destruct (Retr_g c) as [ | ] eqn:E;
       [ apply retract_g_inv in E as ; now apply retract_g_inv in H as
       | congruence
      | intros ; now do 2 retract_adjoint

End ComposeRetracts.

Section Usefull_Retracts.

  Variable (A B C D : Type).

  Global Program Instance Retract_id : Retract A A :=
      Retr_f a := a;
      Retr_g b := Some b;
  Next Obligation. abstract now hnf; firstorder congruence. Defined.

  Global Program Instance Retract_Empty : Retract Empty_set A :=
      Retr_f e := @Empty_set_rect ( _ A) e;
      Retr_g b := None;
  Next Obligation. abstract now intros x; elim x. Defined.

  Global Program Instance Retract_Empty_left `{retr: Retract A B} : Retract (A + Empty_set) B :=
      Retr_f a := match a with
                  | inl a Retr_f a
                  | inr e @Empty_set_rect ( _ B) e
      Retr_g b := match Retr_g b with
                  | Some a Some (inl a)
                  | None None
  Next Obligation.
    abstract now intros [ a | [] ] b; split;
      [ intros H; destruct (Retr_g b) eqn:E; inv H; now apply retract_g_inv in E
      | intros ; now retract_adjoint

  Global Program Instance Retract_Empty_right `{retr: Retract A B} : Retract (Empty_set + A) B :=
      Retr_f a := match a with
                  | inl e @Empty_set_rect ( _ B) e
                  | inr a Retr_f a
      Retr_g b := match Retr_g b with
                  | Some a Some (inr a)
                  | None None
  Next Obligation.
    abstract now intros [ [] | a ] b; split;
      [ intros H; destruct (Retr_g b) eqn:E; inv H; now apply retract_g_inv in E
      | intros ; now retract_adjoint

  Global Program Instance Retract_option `{retr: Retract A B} : Retract A (option B) :=
      Retr_f a := Some (Retr_f a);
      Retr_g ob := match ob with
                    | Some b Retr_g b
                    | None None
  Next Obligation.
    abstract now
      [ intros H; destruct y as [b|];
        [ now apply retract_g_inv in H as
        | inv H
      | intros ; now retract_adjoint

  Definition retract_inl_f (f : A B) : A (B + C) := a inl (f a).
  Definition retract_inl_g (g : B option A) : B+C option A :=
     x match x with
          | inl b g b
          | inr c None

  Global Program Instance Retract_inl (retrAB : Retract A B) : Retract A (B + C) :=
      Retr_f := retract_inl_f Retr_f;
      Retr_g := retract_inl_g Retr_g;
  Next Obligation.
    abstract now
      unfold retract_inl_f, retract_inl_g; hnf; intros x y; split;
      [ destruct y as [a|b]; [ now intros % retract_g_inv | congruence ]
      | intros ; now retract_adjoint

  Definition retract_inr_f (f : A B) : A (C + B) := a inr (f a).
  Definition retract_inr_g (g : B option A) : C+B option A :=
     x match x with
          | inr b g b
          | inl c None

  Global Program Instance Retract_inr (retrAB : Retract A B) : Retract A (C + B) :=
      Retr_f := retract_inr_f Retr_f;
      Retr_g := retract_inr_g Retr_g;
  Next Obligation.
    abstract now
      unfold retract_inr_f, retract_inr_g; hnf; intros x y; split;
      [ destruct y as [a|b]; [ congruence | now intros % retract_g_inv ]
      | intros ; now retract_adjoint

  Section Retract_sum.

    Definition retract_sum_f (f1: A C) (f2: B D) : A+B C+D :=
       x match x with
            | inl a inl ( a)
            | inr b inr ( b)

    Definition retract_sum_g (g1: C option A) (g2: D option B) : C+D option (A+B) :=
       y match y with
            | inl c match c with
                      | Some a Some (inl a)
                      | None None
            | inr d match d with
                      | Some b Some (inr b)
                      | None None

    Local Program Instance Retract_sum (retr1 : Retract A C) (retr2 : Retract B D) : Retract (A+B) (C+D) :=
        Retr_f := retract_sum_f Retr_f Retr_f;
        Retr_g := retract_sum_g Retr_g Retr_g;
    Next Obligation.
      abstract now
        unfold retract_sum_f, retract_sum_g; intros x y; split;
        [ intros H; destruct y as [c|d];
          [ destruct (Retr_g c) eqn:; inv H; f_equal; now apply retract_g_inv
          | destruct (Retr_g d) eqn:; inv H; f_equal; now apply retract_g_inv
        | intros ; destruct x as [a|b]; now retract_adjoint

  End Retract_sum.

End Usefull_Retracts.

Section Join.

  Variable A B Z : Type.

  Variable : Retract A Z.
  Variable : Retract B Z.

  Local Arguments Retr_f {_ _} (Retract).
  Local Arguments Retr_g {_ _} (Retract).

  Definition retract_join_f s :=
    match s with
    | inl a Retr_f a
    | inr b Retr_f b

  Definition retract_join_g z :=
    match Retr_g z with
    | Some a Some (inl a)
    | None
      match Retr_g z with
      | Some b Some (inr b)
      | None None

  Hypothesis disjoint : (a : A) (b : B), Retr_f _ a Retr_f _ b.

  Lemma retract_join : retract retract_join_f retract_join_g.
    unfold retract_join_f, retract_join_g. hnf; intros s z; split.
    - destruct s as [a|b]; intros H.
      + destruct (Retr_g z) eqn:E.
        * inv H. now apply retract_g_inv in E.
        * destruct (Retr_g z) eqn:; inv H.
      + destruct (Retr_g z) eqn:E.
        * inv H.
        * destruct (Retr_g z) eqn:.
          -- inv H. now apply retract_g_inv in .
          -- inv H.
    - intros . destruct s as [a|b]; retract_adjoint. reflexivity.
      destruct (Retr_g (Retr_f b)) eqn:E.
      + exfalso. apply retract_g_inv in E. symmetry in E. now apply disjoint in E.
      + reflexivity.

  Local Instance Retract_join : Retract (A+B) Z := Build_Retract retract_join.

End Join.

Section MoreSums.

  Local Instance Retract_sum3 (A A' B B' C C' : Type) (retr1 : Retract A A') (retr2 : Retract B B') (retr3 : Retract C C') :
    Retract (A+B+C) (A'+B'+C') := Retract_sum (Retract_sum ) .

  Local Instance Retract_sum4 (A A' B B' C C' D D' : Type) (retr1 : Retract A A') (retr2 : Retract B B') (retr3 : Retract C C') (retr4 : Retract D D') :
    Retract (A+B+C+D) (A'+B'+C'+D') := Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum ) ) .

  Local Instance Retract_sum5 (A A' B B' C C' D D' E E' : Type) (retr1 : Retract A A') (retr2 : Retract B B') (retr3 : Retract C C') (retr4 : Retract D D') (retr5 : Retract E E') :
    Retract (A+B+C+D+E) (A'+B'+C'+D'+E') := Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum ) ) ) .

  Local Instance Retract_sum6 (A A' B B' C C' D D' E E' F F' : Type) (retr1 : Retract A A') (retr2 : Retract B B') (retr3 : Retract C C') (retr4 : Retract D D') (retr5 : Retract E E') (retr6 : Retract F F') :
    Retract (A+B+C+D+E+F) (A'+B'+C'+D'+E'+F') := Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum ) ) ) ) .

  Local Instance Retract_sum7 (A A' B B' C C' D D' E E' F F' G G' : Type) (retr1 : Retract A A') (retr2 : Retract B B') (retr3 : Retract C C') (retr4 : Retract D D') (retr5 : Retract E E') (retr6 : Retract F F') (retr7 : Retract G G') :
    Retract (A+B+C+D+E+F+G) (A'+B'+C'+D'+E'+F'+G') := Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum (Retract_sum ) ) ) ) ) .

End MoreSums.