From PslBase Require Import Base FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import MorePrelim Problems.Cook.PR Reductions.Cook.UniformHomomorphisms.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity.Problems.Cook Require BinaryPR .
Require Import Lia.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import MorePrelim Problems.Cook.PR Reductions.Cook.UniformHomomorphisms.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity.Problems.Cook Require BinaryPR .
Require Import Lia.
Results on the behaviour of PR under string homomorphisms
Specifically, we show that we can obtain equivalent PR instances by applying injective uniform homomorphisms.Section fixInstance.
Variable (Y : finType). Variable (fpr : PR).
Notation Sigma := (Sigma fpr).
Notation offset := (offset fpr).
Notation width := (width fpr).
Notation init := (init fpr).
Notation windows := (windows fpr).
Notation final := (final fpr).
Notation steps := (steps fpr).
A unique homomorphism is defined by h'
A0 and A1 model uniformity and ε-freeness
of course, we need injectivity
we show basic results about h
Lemma h_unifHom : uniform_homomorphism h.
repeat split.
- apply canonicalHom_is_homomorphism.
- intros. cbn. rewrite !app_nil_r. now rewrite !A0.
- intros. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r. now rewrite A0.
Hint Extern 4 (uniform_homomorphism h) => apply h_unifHom.
Lemma h_injective l1 l2 : h l1 = h l2 -> l1 = l2.
revert l2. induction l1; intros l2 H0.
- destruct l2; [cbn in *; reflexivity | ].
cbn in H0. apply list_eqn_length in H0. rewrite app_length in H0. cbn in H0.
specialize (A0 e). lia.
- destruct l2; [ apply h_length_inv' in H0; cbn in *; auto; congruence | ].
rewrite homo_cons in H0; [ | apply h_unifHom ].
rewrite homo_cons with (x := e) in H0; [ | apply h_unifHom].
apply app_eq_length in H0 as (H0 & H0'); [ | apply (proj1 (proj2 (h_unifHom)))].
apply IHl1 in H0'.
cbn in H0; rewrite !app_nil_r in H0. now apply A2 in H0.
Lemma h_multiplier x : |h x| = k * |x|.
induction x.
- cbn. lia.
- cbn. rewrite app_length. unfold h, canonicalHom in IHx. rewrite IHx. rewrite A0. nia.
Lemma h_app_inv1 a u v : h a = u ++ v -> |u| = k -> exists a1 a2, a = a1::a2 /\ h [a1] = u /\ h a2 = v.
intros. destruct a.
- specialize (h_multiplier []) as H1. rewrite H in H1. rewrite app_length in H1. cbn in H1. nia.
- rewrite homo_cons in H; [ | apply h_unifHom].
specialize (h_multiplier [e]) as H1. cbn in H1. rewrite Nat.mul_1_r, app_nil_r in H1.
apply app_eq_length in H; [ | cbn in *; rewrite app_nil_r; lia].
exists e, a. split; [easy | tauto ].
Lemma h_app_inv a c u v : h a = u ++ v -> |u| = c * k -> exists a1 a2, a = a1 ++ a2 /\ h a1 = u /\ h a2 = v.
intros. revert a u H0 H. induction c; intros.
- cbn in H0; destruct u; [ | cbn in H0; congruence].
exists [], a. split; [ now cbn | split; [apply homo_nil, h_unifHom | cbn in H; apply H]].
- cbn in H0. assert (k <= |u|) by lia. apply list_length_split1 in H1 as (s1 & s2 & H2 & H3 & ->).
rewrite H0 in H3. replace (k + c * k - k) with ( c * k) in H3 by nia.
rewrite <- app_assoc in H. apply h_app_inv1 in H as (a1 & a' & -> & H4 & H5); [ | apply H2] .
apply IHc in H5 as (a0 & a2 & -> & H5 & H6); [ | apply H3].
exists (a1 :: a0), a2. cbn; split; [easy | split].
+ unfold h, canonicalHom in H5. cbn in H4; rewrite app_nil_r in H4. easy.
+ apply H6.
repeat split.
- apply canonicalHom_is_homomorphism.
- intros. cbn. rewrite !app_nil_r. now rewrite !A0.
- intros. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r. now rewrite A0.
Hint Extern 4 (uniform_homomorphism h) => apply h_unifHom.
Lemma h_injective l1 l2 : h l1 = h l2 -> l1 = l2.
revert l2. induction l1; intros l2 H0.
- destruct l2; [cbn in *; reflexivity | ].
cbn in H0. apply list_eqn_length in H0. rewrite app_length in H0. cbn in H0.
specialize (A0 e). lia.
- destruct l2; [ apply h_length_inv' in H0; cbn in *; auto; congruence | ].
rewrite homo_cons in H0; [ | apply h_unifHom ].
rewrite homo_cons with (x := e) in H0; [ | apply h_unifHom].
apply app_eq_length in H0 as (H0 & H0'); [ | apply (proj1 (proj2 (h_unifHom)))].
apply IHl1 in H0'.
cbn in H0; rewrite !app_nil_r in H0. now apply A2 in H0.
Lemma h_multiplier x : |h x| = k * |x|.
induction x.
- cbn. lia.
- cbn. rewrite app_length. unfold h, canonicalHom in IHx. rewrite IHx. rewrite A0. nia.
Lemma h_app_inv1 a u v : h a = u ++ v -> |u| = k -> exists a1 a2, a = a1::a2 /\ h [a1] = u /\ h a2 = v.
intros. destruct a.
- specialize (h_multiplier []) as H1. rewrite H in H1. rewrite app_length in H1. cbn in H1. nia.
- rewrite homo_cons in H; [ | apply h_unifHom].
specialize (h_multiplier [e]) as H1. cbn in H1. rewrite Nat.mul_1_r, app_nil_r in H1.
apply app_eq_length in H; [ | cbn in *; rewrite app_nil_r; lia].
exists e, a. split; [easy | tauto ].
Lemma h_app_inv a c u v : h a = u ++ v -> |u| = c * k -> exists a1 a2, a = a1 ++ a2 /\ h a1 = u /\ h a2 = v.
intros. revert a u H0 H. induction c; intros.
- cbn in H0; destruct u; [ | cbn in H0; congruence].
exists [], a. split; [ now cbn | split; [apply homo_nil, h_unifHom | cbn in H; apply H]].
- cbn in H0. assert (k <= |u|) by lia. apply list_length_split1 in H1 as (s1 & s2 & H2 & H3 & ->).
rewrite H0 in H3. replace (k + c * k - k) with ( c * k) in H3 by nia.
rewrite <- app_assoc in H. apply h_app_inv1 in H as (a1 & a' & -> & H4 & H5); [ | apply H2] .
apply IHc in H5 as (a0 & a2 & -> & H5 & H6); [ | apply H3].
exists (a1 :: a0), a2. cbn; split; [easy | split].
+ unfold h, canonicalHom in H5. cbn in H4; rewrite app_nil_r in H4. easy.
+ apply H6.
the transformed PR instance
Definition hoffset := k * offset.
Definition hwidth := k * width.
Definition hinit := h init.
Definition hwindow win := match win with Build_PRWin prem conc => Build_PRWin (h prem) (h conc) end.
Definition hwindows := map hwindow windows.
Definition hfinal := map h final.
Definition hsteps := steps.
Definition hPR := Build_PR hoffset hwidth hinit hwindows hfinal hsteps.
Definition hwidth := k * width.
Definition hinit := h init.
Definition hwindow win := match win with Build_PRWin prem conc => Build_PRWin (h prem) (h conc) end.
Definition hwindows := map hwindow windows.
Definition hfinal := map h final.
Definition hsteps := steps.
Definition hPR := Build_PR hoffset hwidth hinit hwindows hfinal hsteps.
from now on, we assume a well-formed instance for the main results
Context (A : PR_wellformed fpr).
Lemma hPR_wf : PR_wellformed hPR.
destruct A as (F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5 & F6).
unfold PR_wellformed. cbn. unfold hwidth, hoffset, hinit, hwindows, hsteps. repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; try nia.
- destruct F3 as (k0 & F3 & F3'). exists k0; split; [easy | nia].
- rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
- intros win H. apply in_map_iff in H as (win' & <- & H). apply F5 in H.
destruct win'; destruct H as [H1 H2]. cbn in *. split; unfold hwindow; cbn; rewrite h_multiplier; nia.
- destruct F6 as (k0 & F6). exists k0. rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
Lemma hPR_wf : PR_wellformed hPR.
destruct A as (F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5 & F6).
unfold PR_wellformed. cbn. unfold hwidth, hoffset, hinit, hwindows, hsteps. repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; try nia.
- destruct F3 as (k0 & F3 & F3'). exists k0; split; [easy | nia].
- rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
- intros win H. apply in_map_iff in H as (win' & <- & H). apply F5 in H.
destruct win'; destruct H as [H1 H2]. cbn in *. split; unfold hwindow; cbn; rewrite h_multiplier; nia.
- destruct F6 as (k0 & F6). exists k0. rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
we show equivalence of the original instance and the transformed instance
agreement of rewritesHead
Lemma rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff win a b :
rewritesHead win a b <-> rewritesHead (hwindow win) (h a) (h b).
- unfold hwindow. destruct win. intros ((c1 & H1) & (c2 & H2)).
subst. split; cbn -[canonicalHom]; rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom); unfold prefix; eauto.
- intros. unfold hwindow in H. destruct win. destruct H as ((c1 & H1) & (c2 & H2)).
cbn in *. destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & _ & A4 & _ ).
eapply h_app_inv in H1 as (a1 & a2 & -> & H1 & <-); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply h_multiplier].
eapply h_app_inv in H2 as (b1 & b2 & -> & H2 & <-); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply h_multiplier].
apply h_injective in H1 as <-.
apply h_injective in H2 as <-.
split; unfold prefix; eauto.
rewritesHead win a b <-> rewritesHead (hwindow win) (h a) (h b).
- unfold hwindow. destruct win. intros ((c1 & H1) & (c2 & H2)).
subst. split; cbn -[canonicalHom]; rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom); unfold prefix; eauto.
- intros. unfold hwindow in H. destruct win. destruct H as ((c1 & H1) & (c2 & H2)).
cbn in *. destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & _ & A4 & _ ).
eapply h_app_inv in H1 as (a1 & a2 & -> & H1 & <-); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply h_multiplier].
eapply h_app_inv in H2 as (b1 & b2 & -> & H2 & <-); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply h_multiplier].
apply h_injective in H1 as <-.
apply h_injective in H2 as <-.
split; unfold prefix; eauto.
For the direction from homomorphisms to the original instance, we actually need a stronger result telling us that
the conclusion is again in the image of the homomorphism
Lemma rewritesHead_homomorphism2 win a1 a2 u v:
win el hwindows
-> |a1| = offset
-> |u| = k * offset
-> rewritesHead win (h a1 ++ h a2) (u ++ v)
-> exists b1, u = h b1 /\ |b1| = offset
/\ rewritesHead win (h a1 ++ h a2) (h b1 ++ v).
intros. destruct H2 as ((c1 & H3) & (c2 & H4)).
unfold hwindows in H; apply in_map_iff in H as (win' & <- & H).
destruct win'; cbn in *.
destruct A as (_ & _ & (ak & A5 & ->) & _ & A4 & _).
apply A4 in H as (H & H'). cbn in *.
assert (|u| <= |h conc|) by (rewrite h_multiplier; nia).
apply list_length_split1 in H2 as (b1' & b2' & H2 & _ & H2').
eapply h_app_inv in H2' as (b1 & b2 & -> & <- & <-); [ | rewrite H2, H1, Nat.mul_comm; reflexivity ].
rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom), <-app_assoc in H4.
apply app_eq_length in H4 as (-> & ->); [ | easy].
exists b1.
split; [ easy | split].
- rewrite h_multiplier in H1; nia.
- split; cbn.
+ unfold prefix. exists c1. easy.
+ unfold prefix. exists c2. now rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom), <- app_assoc.
win el hwindows
-> |a1| = offset
-> |u| = k * offset
-> rewritesHead win (h a1 ++ h a2) (u ++ v)
-> exists b1, u = h b1 /\ |b1| = offset
/\ rewritesHead win (h a1 ++ h a2) (h b1 ++ v).
intros. destruct H2 as ((c1 & H3) & (c2 & H4)).
unfold hwindows in H; apply in_map_iff in H as (win' & <- & H).
destruct win'; cbn in *.
destruct A as (_ & _ & (ak & A5 & ->) & _ & A4 & _).
apply A4 in H as (H & H'). cbn in *.
assert (|u| <= |h conc|) by (rewrite h_multiplier; nia).
apply list_length_split1 in H2 as (b1' & b2' & H2 & _ & H2').
eapply h_app_inv in H2' as (b1 & b2 & -> & <- & <-); [ | rewrite H2, H1, Nat.mul_comm; reflexivity ].
rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom), <-app_assoc in H4.
apply app_eq_length in H4 as (-> & ->); [ | easy].
exists b1.
split; [ easy | split].
- rewrite h_multiplier in H1; nia.
- split; cbn.
+ unfold prefix. exists c1. easy.
+ unfold prefix. exists c2. now rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom), <- app_assoc.
agreement for valid
Hint Constructors valid.
Lemma valid_homomorphism1 a b :
|a| >= width
-> valid offset width windows a b
-> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) (h b).
intros H0. unfold hwidth, hoffset.
induction 1.
+ rewrite homo_nil; [eauto | apply h_unifHom].
+ rewrite app_length in H0. nia.
+ rewrite !(proj1 h_unifHom). destruct win as [prem conc].
econstructor 3.
* destruct (le_lt_dec width (|a|)).
-- apply IHvalid. nia.
clear IHvalid H2 H3.
specialize (valid_multiple_of_offset H) as (m & H').
eapply valid_vacuous with (m := m).
++ rewrite !h_multiplier. apply valid_length_inv in H. nia.
++ rewrite !h_multiplier. nia.
++ rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
* rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
* rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
* unfold hwindows. apply in_map_iff. exists (Build_PRWin prem conc). split; [ | apply H3]. reflexivity.
* rewrite <- !(proj1 h_unifHom). apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff; assumption.
Lemma valid_homomorphism1 a b :
|a| >= width
-> valid offset width windows a b
-> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) (h b).
intros H0. unfold hwidth, hoffset.
induction 1.
+ rewrite homo_nil; [eauto | apply h_unifHom].
+ rewrite app_length in H0. nia.
+ rewrite !(proj1 h_unifHom). destruct win as [prem conc].
econstructor 3.
* destruct (le_lt_dec width (|a|)).
-- apply IHvalid. nia.
clear IHvalid H2 H3.
specialize (valid_multiple_of_offset H) as (m & H').
eapply valid_vacuous with (m := m).
++ rewrite !h_multiplier. apply valid_length_inv in H. nia.
++ rewrite !h_multiplier. nia.
++ rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
* rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
* rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
* unfold hwindows. apply in_map_iff. exists (Build_PRWin prem conc). split; [ | apply H3]. reflexivity.
* rewrite <- !(proj1 h_unifHom). apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff; assumption.
For the other direction, we again prove a stronger result saying that the conclusion is in the image of the homomorphism.
The lemma decomposes to two interesting cases:
- the case where a single rewrite window covers the whole string
- the case where a part of the string is already covered by some windows and we add a new window at the front
Lemma valid_homomorphism2 a b' :
|a| >= width
-> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) b'
-> exists b, b' = h b /\ valid offset width windows a b.
intros H H0. assert (valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) b' /\ |h a| >= hwidth) as H1%validDirect_valid.
{ split; [easy | ]. unfold hwidth; rewrite h_multiplier. nia. }
all: unfold hoffset, hwidth.
4: { destruct A as (_ & H5 & _). nia. }
3: { destruct A as (_ & _ & (k0 & H5 & H6) &_). exists k0. nia. }
2: { destruct A as (H5 & _). nia. }
enough (exists b, b' = h b /\ validDirect offset width windows a b).
{ destruct H2 as (b & -> & H2). apply validDirect_valid in H2. 2-4: apply A. easy. }
clear H0 H.
remember (h a). revert a Heql. induction H1; intros.
- subst.
destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & _ & H5 & _). unfold hwindows in H1. apply in_map_iff in H1 as (win' & <- & H1).
specialize (H5 _ H1) as (H1' & H1'').
exists (conc win'). remember H2 as H20. clear HeqH20. destruct H2 as ((a1 & H2) & (b1 & H3)). assert (b1 = []).
rewrite H2, H3, !app_length in H. destruct win'. cbn in *.
rewrite !h_multiplier in H. enough (a1 = []) as -> by (destruct b1; [easy | cbn in H; nia]).
rewrite H2, app_length, h_multiplier in H0. unfold hwidth in H0. destruct a1; [easy | cbn in H0; nia].
rewrite H3, H4, app_nil_r. destruct win'. cbn in *. split; [easy | ].
eapply h_app_inv in H2 as (b1' & b2 & -> & H2 & <-); [ | rewrite h_multiplier, Nat.mul_comm; reflexivity].
apply h_injective in H2 as ->.
assert (b2 = []) as ->.
{ rewrite h_multiplier, app_length in H0. unfold hwidth in H0. destruct b2; [easy | cbn in H0; nia]. }
rewrite app_nil_r. econstructor; [lia | lia | apply H1 | ].
apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff.
rewrite H3, H4, !app_nil_r in H20. apply H20.
- unfold hoffset, hwidth in *. unfold hwindows in H2. apply in_map_iff in H2 as (rule' & <- & H10).
symmetry in Heql. eapply h_app_inv in Heql as (a1 & a2 & -> & F1 & F2); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply H].
subst. apply rewritesHead_homomorphism2 in H3 as (b1 & -> & H7 & H3); [ |now apply in_map_iff | rewrite h_multiplier in H; nia | easy ].
specialize (IHvalidDirect a2 eq_refl) as (b0 & -> & IH).
exists (b1 ++ b0). repeat split.
* now rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom).
* econstructor; [ easy | rewrite h_multiplier in H; nia | easy | apply H10 | ].
rewrite <- !(proj1 h_unifHom) in H3. apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff in H3; eauto.
|a| >= width
-> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) b'
-> exists b, b' = h b /\ valid offset width windows a b.
intros H H0. assert (valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) b' /\ |h a| >= hwidth) as H1%validDirect_valid.
{ split; [easy | ]. unfold hwidth; rewrite h_multiplier. nia. }
all: unfold hoffset, hwidth.
4: { destruct A as (_ & H5 & _). nia. }
3: { destruct A as (_ & _ & (k0 & H5 & H6) &_). exists k0. nia. }
2: { destruct A as (H5 & _). nia. }
enough (exists b, b' = h b /\ validDirect offset width windows a b).
{ destruct H2 as (b & -> & H2). apply validDirect_valid in H2. 2-4: apply A. easy. }
clear H0 H.
remember (h a). revert a Heql. induction H1; intros.
- subst.
destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & _ & H5 & _). unfold hwindows in H1. apply in_map_iff in H1 as (win' & <- & H1).
specialize (H5 _ H1) as (H1' & H1'').
exists (conc win'). remember H2 as H20. clear HeqH20. destruct H2 as ((a1 & H2) & (b1 & H3)). assert (b1 = []).
rewrite H2, H3, !app_length in H. destruct win'. cbn in *.
rewrite !h_multiplier in H. enough (a1 = []) as -> by (destruct b1; [easy | cbn in H; nia]).
rewrite H2, app_length, h_multiplier in H0. unfold hwidth in H0. destruct a1; [easy | cbn in H0; nia].
rewrite H3, H4, app_nil_r. destruct win'. cbn in *. split; [easy | ].
eapply h_app_inv in H2 as (b1' & b2 & -> & H2 & <-); [ | rewrite h_multiplier, Nat.mul_comm; reflexivity].
apply h_injective in H2 as ->.
assert (b2 = []) as ->.
{ rewrite h_multiplier, app_length in H0. unfold hwidth in H0. destruct b2; [easy | cbn in H0; nia]. }
rewrite app_nil_r. econstructor; [lia | lia | apply H1 | ].
apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff.
rewrite H3, H4, !app_nil_r in H20. apply H20.
- unfold hoffset, hwidth in *. unfold hwindows in H2. apply in_map_iff in H2 as (rule' & <- & H10).
symmetry in Heql. eapply h_app_inv in Heql as (a1 & a2 & -> & F1 & F2); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply H].
subst. apply rewritesHead_homomorphism2 in H3 as (b1 & -> & H7 & H3); [ |now apply in_map_iff | rewrite h_multiplier in H; nia | easy ].
specialize (IHvalidDirect a2 eq_refl) as (b0 & -> & IH).
exists (b1 ++ b0). repeat split.
* now rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom).
* econstructor; [ easy | rewrite h_multiplier in H; nia | easy | apply H10 | ].
rewrite <- !(proj1 h_unifHom) in H3. apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff in H3; eauto.
we can obtain an equivalence, but its second direction is significantly weaker than the direction which we've just shown
Lemma valid_homomorphism_iff a b :
|a| >= width
-> valid offset width windows a b <-> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) (h b).
intros H0; split. unfold hwidth, hoffset.
- apply valid_homomorphism1; easy.
- intros. apply valid_homomorphism2 in H as (b' & Heq & H1 ).
+ symmetry in Heq. apply h_injective in Heq; easy.
+ apply H0.
|a| >= width
-> valid offset width windows a b <-> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) (h b).
intros H0; split. unfold hwidth, hoffset.
- apply valid_homomorphism1; easy.
- intros. apply valid_homomorphism2 in H as (b' & Heq & H1 ).
+ symmetry in Heq. apply h_injective in Heq; easy.
+ apply H0.
this lifts to powers of valid
Lemma valid_relpower_homomorphism1 a b steps :
|a| >= width
-> relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b
-> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) (h b).
intros H. induction 1; [ eauto | ]. econstructor.
+ apply valid_homomorphism_iff; [ apply H | easy ].
+ apply IHrelpower. apply valid_length_inv in H0. lia.
Lemma valid_relpower_homomorphism2 a b' steps:
|a| >= width
-> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) b'
-> exists b, b' = h b /\ relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b.
intros. remember (h a). revert a Heql H. induction H0; intros.
- exists a0. split; eauto.
- subst. apply valid_homomorphism2 in H as (b' & -> & H); [ | easy ].
edestruct (IHrelpower b' eq_refl) as (c' & -> & IH).
+ apply valid_length_inv in H; lia.
+ exists c'; split; [ easy | ]. econstructor; easy.
|a| >= width
-> relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b
-> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) (h b).
intros H. induction 1; [ eauto | ]. econstructor.
+ apply valid_homomorphism_iff; [ apply H | easy ].
+ apply IHrelpower. apply valid_length_inv in H0. lia.
Lemma valid_relpower_homomorphism2 a b' steps:
|a| >= width
-> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) b'
-> exists b, b' = h b /\ relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b.
intros. remember (h a). revert a Heql H. induction H0; intros.
- exists a0. split; eauto.
- subst. apply valid_homomorphism2 in H as (b' & -> & H); [ | easy ].
edestruct (IHrelpower b' eq_refl) as (c' & -> & IH).
+ apply valid_length_inv in H; lia.
+ exists c'; split; [ easy | ]. econstructor; easy.
again a slightly weaker equivalence
Lemma valid_relpower_homomorphism_iff a b steps :
|a| >= width
-> relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b <-> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) (h b).
intros. split.
- now apply valid_relpower_homomorphism1.
- intros (b' & Heq & H1)%valid_relpower_homomorphism2; [ | easy ].
symmetry in Heq; apply h_injective in Heq. easy.
|a| >= width
-> relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b <-> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) (h b).
intros. split.
- now apply valid_relpower_homomorphism1.
- intros (b' & Heq & H1)%valid_relpower_homomorphism2; [ | easy ].
symmetry in Heq; apply h_injective in Heq. easy.
agreement of the final constraints
Lemma final_agree sf :
|init| = |sf|
-> satFinal offset (length init) final sf <-> satFinal hoffset (length hinit) hfinal (h sf).
intros G. unfold satFinal, hoffset, hfinal. split; intros (subs & k0 & H1 & H2 & H3).
- rewrite G in H2. exists (h subs), (k0).
split; [now apply in_map_iff | split; [ unfold hinit; rewrite h_multiplier; nia | ]].
destruct H3 as (b & H3). rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (k0 * offset) sf).
rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom).
destruct subs.
+ rewrite homo_nil; [ | apply h_unifHom]. unfold prefix; cbn; eauto.
+ rewrite skipn_app.
* rewrite H3. rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom). exists (h b); eauto.
* rewrite h_multiplier. rewrite firstn_length.
enough (|sf| >= k0 * offset) by nia.
specialize (skipn_length (k0 * offset) sf). rewrite H3. cbn. nia.
- apply in_map_iff in H1 as (subs' & <- & H1).
exists subs', k0; split; [ apply H1 | ].
destruct H3 as (b & H3). unfold prefix.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (k0 * offset) sf), (proj1 h_unifHom) in H3.
unfold hinit in H2; rewrite h_multiplier in H2. split; [ nia | ].
rewrite skipn_app in H3.
+ eapply h_app_inv in H3 as (a1 & a2 & -> & H4 & H5); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm, h_multiplier; easy ].
exists a2. enough (a1 = subs') by easy.
symmetry; apply h_injective. easy.
+ rewrite h_multiplier. rewrite firstn_length. nia.
|init| = |sf|
-> satFinal offset (length init) final sf <-> satFinal hoffset (length hinit) hfinal (h sf).
intros G. unfold satFinal, hoffset, hfinal. split; intros (subs & k0 & H1 & H2 & H3).
- rewrite G in H2. exists (h subs), (k0).
split; [now apply in_map_iff | split; [ unfold hinit; rewrite h_multiplier; nia | ]].
destruct H3 as (b & H3). rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (k0 * offset) sf).
rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom).
destruct subs.
+ rewrite homo_nil; [ | apply h_unifHom]. unfold prefix; cbn; eauto.
+ rewrite skipn_app.
* rewrite H3. rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom). exists (h b); eauto.
* rewrite h_multiplier. rewrite firstn_length.
enough (|sf| >= k0 * offset) by nia.
specialize (skipn_length (k0 * offset) sf). rewrite H3. cbn. nia.
- apply in_map_iff in H1 as (subs' & <- & H1).
exists subs', k0; split; [ apply H1 | ].
destruct H3 as (b & H3). unfold prefix.
rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (k0 * offset) sf), (proj1 h_unifHom) in H3.
unfold hinit in H2; rewrite h_multiplier in H2. split; [ nia | ].
rewrite skipn_app in H3.
+ eapply h_app_inv in H3 as (a1 & a2 & -> & H4 & H5); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm, h_multiplier; easy ].
exists a2. enough (a1 = subs') by easy.
symmetry; apply h_injective. easy.
+ rewrite h_multiplier. rewrite firstn_length. nia.
the transformed instance is a YES-instance iff the original instance is a YES-instance
Lemma PR_homomorphism_iff :
(exists sf, relpower (valid offset width windows) steps init sf /\ satFinal offset (|init|) final sf)
<-> (exists sf, relpower (valid hoffset hwidth hwindows) hsteps hinit sf /\ satFinal hoffset (|hinit|) hfinal sf).
unfold hsteps, hinit, hoffset, hwidth.
destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & A4 &_).
split; intros.
- destruct H as (sf & H1 & H2 ).
exists (h sf). split.
+ apply valid_relpower_homomorphism_iff; easy.
+ clear A4. apply final_agree.
* apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H1. lia.
* apply H2.
- destruct H as (sf & H1 & H2).
apply valid_relpower_homomorphism2 in H1 as (sf' & -> & H1).
+ exists sf'. split; [ easy | ].
clear A4. apply final_agree.
* apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H1; easy.
* apply H2.
+ apply A4.
Corollary PR_homomorphism_inst_iff :
PRLang fpr <-> PRLang hPR.
split; intros [H1 H2%PR_homomorphism_iff].
- split; [apply hPR_wf | apply H2].
- split; [apply A | apply H2].
End fixInstance.
(exists sf, relpower (valid offset width windows) steps init sf /\ satFinal offset (|init|) final sf)
<-> (exists sf, relpower (valid hoffset hwidth hwindows) hsteps hinit sf /\ satFinal hoffset (|hinit|) hfinal sf).
unfold hsteps, hinit, hoffset, hwidth.
destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & A4 &_).
split; intros.
- destruct H as (sf & H1 & H2 ).
exists (h sf). split.
+ apply valid_relpower_homomorphism_iff; easy.
+ clear A4. apply final_agree.
* apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H1. lia.
* apply H2.
- destruct H as (sf & H1 & H2).
apply valid_relpower_homomorphism2 in H1 as (sf' & -> & H1).
+ exists sf'. split; [ easy | ].
clear A4. apply final_agree.
* apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H1; easy.
* apply H2.
+ apply A4.
Corollary PR_homomorphism_inst_iff :
PRLang fpr <-> PRLang hPR.
split; intros [H1 H2%PR_homomorphism_iff].
- split; [apply hPR_wf | apply H2].
- split; [apply A | apply H2].
End fixInstance.