From PslBase Require Import Base FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import MorePrelim Problems.Cook.PR Reductions.Cook.UniformHomomorphisms.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity.Problems.Cook Require BinaryPR .
Require Import Lia.

Results on the behaviour of PR under string homomorphisms

Specifically, we show that we can obtain equivalent PR instances by applying injective uniform homomorphisms.

Section fixInstance.
  Variable (Y : finType).   Variable (fpr : PR).

  Notation Sigma := (Sigma fpr).
  Notation offset := (offset fpr).
  Notation width := (width fpr).
  Notation init := (init fpr).
  Notation windows := (windows fpr).
  Notation final := (final fpr).
  Notation steps := (steps fpr).

A unique homomorphism is defined by h'
  Variable (h' : Sigma -> list Y).
  Definition h := canonicalHom h'.

A0 and A1 model uniformity and ε-freeness
  Variable (k : nat).
  Context (A0 : forall x, |h' x| = k).
  Context (A1 : k >= 1).

of course, we need injectivity
  Context (A2 : injective h').

we show basic results about h
  Lemma h_unifHom : uniform_homomorphism h.
    repeat split.
    - apply canonicalHom_is_homomorphism.
    - intros. cbn. rewrite !app_nil_r. now rewrite !A0.
    - intros. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r. now rewrite A0.

  Hint Extern 4 (uniform_homomorphism h) => apply h_unifHom.
  Lemma h_injective l1 l2 : h l1 = h l2 -> l1 = l2.
    revert l2. induction l1; intros l2 H0.
    - destruct l2; [cbn in *; reflexivity | ].
      cbn in H0. apply list_eqn_length in H0. rewrite app_length in H0. cbn in H0.
      specialize (A0 e). lia.
    - destruct l2; [ apply h_length_inv' in H0; cbn in *; auto; congruence | ].
      rewrite homo_cons in H0; [ | apply h_unifHom ].
      rewrite homo_cons with (x := e) in H0; [ | apply h_unifHom].
      apply app_eq_length in H0 as (H0 & H0'); [ | apply (proj1 (proj2 (h_unifHom)))].
      apply IHl1 in H0'.
      cbn in H0; rewrite !app_nil_r in H0. now apply A2 in H0.

  Lemma h_multiplier x : |h x| = k * |x|.
    induction x.
    - cbn. lia.
    - cbn. rewrite app_length. unfold h, canonicalHom in IHx. rewrite IHx. rewrite A0. nia.

  Lemma h_app_inv1 a u v : h a = u ++ v -> |u| = k -> exists a1 a2, a = a1::a2 /\ h [a1] = u /\ h a2 = v.
    intros. destruct a.
    - specialize (h_multiplier []) as H1. rewrite H in H1. rewrite app_length in H1. cbn in H1. nia.
    - rewrite homo_cons in H; [ | apply h_unifHom].
      specialize (h_multiplier [e]) as H1. cbn in H1. rewrite Nat.mul_1_r, app_nil_r in H1.
      apply app_eq_length in H; [ | cbn in *; rewrite app_nil_r; lia].
      exists e, a. split; [easy | tauto ].

  Lemma h_app_inv a c u v : h a = u ++ v -> |u| = c * k -> exists a1 a2, a = a1 ++ a2 /\ h a1 = u /\ h a2 = v.
    intros. revert a u H0 H. induction c; intros.
    - cbn in H0; destruct u; [ | cbn in H0; congruence].
      exists [], a. split; [ now cbn | split; [apply homo_nil, h_unifHom | cbn in H; apply H]].
    - cbn in H0. assert (k <= |u|) by lia. apply list_length_split1 in H1 as (s1 & s2 & H2 & H3 & ->).
      rewrite H0 in H3. replace (k + c * k - k) with ( c * k) in H3 by nia.
      rewrite <- app_assoc in H. apply h_app_inv1 in H as (a1 & a' & -> & H4 & H5); [ | apply H2] .
      apply IHc in H5 as (a0 & a2 & -> & H5 & H6); [ | apply H3].
      exists (a1 :: a0), a2. cbn; split; [easy | split].
      + unfold h, canonicalHom in H5. cbn in H4; rewrite app_nil_r in H4. easy.
      + apply H6.

the transformed PR instance
  Definition hoffset := k * offset.
  Definition hwidth := k * width.
  Definition hinit := h init.
  Definition hwindow win := match win with Build_PRWin prem conc => Build_PRWin (h prem) (h conc) end.
  Definition hwindows := map hwindow windows.
  Definition hfinal := map h final.
  Definition hsteps := steps.

  Definition hPR := Build_PR hoffset hwidth hinit hwindows hfinal hsteps.

from now on, we assume a well-formed instance for the main results
  Context (A : PR_wellformed fpr).

  Lemma hPR_wf : PR_wellformed hPR.
    destruct A as (F1 & F2 & F3 & F4 & F5 & F6).
    unfold PR_wellformed. cbn. unfold hwidth, hoffset, hinit, hwindows, hsteps. repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _] => split end; try nia.
    - destruct F3 as (k0 & F3 & F3'). exists k0; split; [easy | nia].
    - rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
    - intros win H. apply in_map_iff in H as (win' & <- & H). apply F5 in H.
      destruct win'; destruct H as [H1 H2]. cbn in *. split; unfold hwindow; cbn; rewrite h_multiplier; nia.
    - destruct F6 as (k0 & F6). exists k0. rewrite h_multiplier. nia.

we show equivalence of the original instance and the transformed instance
agreement of rewritesHead
  Lemma rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff win a b :
    rewritesHead win a b <-> rewritesHead (hwindow win) (h a) (h b).
    - unfold hwindow. destruct win. intros ((c1 & H1) & (c2 & H2)).
      subst. split; cbn -[canonicalHom]; rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom); unfold prefix; eauto.
    - intros. unfold hwindow in H. destruct win. destruct H as ((c1 & H1) & (c2 & H2)).
      cbn in *. destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & _ & A4 & _ ).
      eapply h_app_inv in H1 as (a1 & a2 & -> & H1 & <-); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply h_multiplier].
      eapply h_app_inv in H2 as (b1 & b2 & -> & H2 & <-); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply h_multiplier].
      apply h_injective in H1 as <-.
      apply h_injective in H2 as <-.
      split; unfold prefix; eauto.

For the direction from homomorphisms to the original instance, we actually need a stronger result telling us that the conclusion is again in the image of the homomorphism
  Lemma rewritesHead_homomorphism2 win a1 a2 u v:
    win el hwindows
    -> |a1| = offset
    -> |u| = k * offset
    -> rewritesHead win (h a1 ++ h a2) (u ++ v)
    -> exists b1, u = h b1 /\ |b1| = offset
        /\ rewritesHead win (h a1 ++ h a2) (h b1 ++ v).
    intros. destruct H2 as ((c1 & H3) & (c2 & H4)).
    unfold hwindows in H; apply in_map_iff in H as (win' & <- & H).
    destruct win'; cbn in *.
    destruct A as (_ & _ & (ak & A5 & ->) & _ & A4 & _).
    apply A4 in H as (H & H'). cbn in *.
    assert (|u| <= |h conc|) by (rewrite h_multiplier; nia).
    apply list_length_split1 in H2 as (b1' & b2' & H2 & _ & H2').
    eapply h_app_inv in H2' as (b1 & b2 & -> & <- & <-); [ | rewrite H2, H1, Nat.mul_comm; reflexivity ].
    rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom), <-app_assoc in H4.
    apply app_eq_length in H4 as (-> & ->); [ | easy].
    exists b1.
    split; [ easy | split].
    - rewrite h_multiplier in H1; nia.
    - split; cbn.
      + unfold prefix. exists c1. easy.
      + unfold prefix. exists c2. now rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom), <- app_assoc.

agreement for valid
  Hint Constructors valid.

  Lemma valid_homomorphism1 a b :
    |a| >= width
    -> valid offset width windows a b
    -> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) (h b).
    intros H0. unfold hwidth, hoffset.
    induction 1.
    + rewrite homo_nil; [eauto | apply h_unifHom].
    + rewrite app_length in H0. nia.
    + rewrite !(proj1 h_unifHom). destruct win as [prem conc].
      econstructor 3.
      * destruct (le_lt_dec width (|a|)).
        -- apply IHvalid. nia.
          clear IHvalid H2 H3.
          specialize (valid_multiple_of_offset H) as (m & H').
          eapply valid_vacuous with (m := m).
          ++ rewrite !h_multiplier. apply valid_length_inv in H. nia.
          ++ rewrite !h_multiplier. nia.
          ++ rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
      * rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
      * rewrite h_multiplier. nia.
      * unfold hwindows. apply in_map_iff. exists (Build_PRWin prem conc). split; [ | apply H3]. reflexivity.
      * rewrite <- !(proj1 h_unifHom). apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff; assumption.

For the other direction, we again prove a stronger result saying that the conclusion is in the image of the homomorphism. The lemma decomposes to two interesting cases:
  • the case where a single rewrite window covers the whole string
  • the case where a part of the string is already covered by some windows and we add a new window at the front
  Lemma valid_homomorphism2 a b' :
    |a| >= width
    -> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) b'
    -> exists b, b' = h b /\ valid offset width windows a b.
    intros H H0. assert (valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) b' /\ |h a| >= hwidth) as H1%validDirect_valid.
    { split; [easy | ]. unfold hwidth; rewrite h_multiplier. nia. }
    all: unfold hoffset, hwidth.
    4: { destruct A as (_ & H5 & _). nia. }
    3: { destruct A as (_ & _ & (k0 & H5 & H6) &_). exists k0. nia. }
    2: { destruct A as (H5 & _). nia. }
    enough (exists b, b' = h b /\ validDirect offset width windows a b).
    { destruct H2 as (b & -> & H2). apply validDirect_valid in H2. 2-4: apply A. easy. }
    clear H0 H.
    remember (h a). revert a Heql. induction H1; intros.
    - subst.
      destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & _ & H5 & _). unfold hwindows in H1. apply in_map_iff in H1 as (win' & <- & H1).
      specialize (H5 _ H1) as (H1' & H1'').
      exists (conc win'). remember H2 as H20. clear HeqH20.       destruct H2 as ((a1 & H2) & (b1 & H3)).       assert (b1 = []).
        rewrite H2, H3, !app_length in H. destruct win'. cbn in *.
        rewrite !h_multiplier in H. enough (a1 = []) as -> by (destruct b1; [easy | cbn in H; nia]).
        rewrite H2, app_length, h_multiplier in H0. unfold hwidth in H0. destruct a1; [easy | cbn in H0; nia].
      rewrite H3, H4, app_nil_r. destruct win'. cbn in *. split; [easy | ].
      eapply h_app_inv in H2 as (b1' & b2 & -> & H2 & <-); [ | rewrite h_multiplier, Nat.mul_comm; reflexivity].
      apply h_injective in H2 as ->.
      assert (b2 = []) as ->.
      { rewrite h_multiplier, app_length in H0. unfold hwidth in H0. destruct b2; [easy | cbn in H0; nia]. }
      rewrite app_nil_r. econstructor; [lia | lia | apply H1 | ].
      apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff.
      rewrite H3, H4, !app_nil_r in H20. apply H20.
    - unfold hoffset, hwidth in *. unfold hwindows in H2. apply in_map_iff in H2 as (rule' & <- & H10).
      symmetry in Heql. eapply h_app_inv in Heql as (a1 & a2 & -> & F1 & F2); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm; apply H].
      subst. apply rewritesHead_homomorphism2 in H3 as (b1 & -> & H7 & H3); [ |now apply in_map_iff | rewrite h_multiplier in H; nia | easy ].
       specialize (IHvalidDirect a2 eq_refl) as (b0 & -> & IH).
        exists (b1 ++ b0). repeat split.
        * now rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom).
        * econstructor; [ easy | rewrite h_multiplier in H; nia | easy | apply H10 | ].
          rewrite <- !(proj1 h_unifHom) in H3. apply rewritesHead_homomorphism_iff in H3; eauto.

we can obtain an equivalence, but its second direction is significantly weaker than the direction which we've just shown
  Lemma valid_homomorphism_iff a b :
    |a| >= width
    -> valid offset width windows a b <-> valid hoffset hwidth hwindows (h a) (h b).
    intros H0; split. unfold hwidth, hoffset.
    - apply valid_homomorphism1; easy.
    - intros. apply valid_homomorphism2 in H as (b' & Heq & H1 ).
      + symmetry in Heq. apply h_injective in Heq; easy.
      + apply H0.

this lifts to powers of valid
  Lemma valid_relpower_homomorphism1 a b steps :
    |a| >= width
    -> relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b
    -> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) (h b).
    intros H. induction 1; [ eauto | ]. econstructor.
    + apply valid_homomorphism_iff; [ apply H | easy ].
    + apply IHrelpower. apply valid_length_inv in H0. lia.

  Lemma valid_relpower_homomorphism2 a b' steps:
    |a| >= width
    -> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) b'
    -> exists b, b' = h b /\ relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b.
    intros. remember (h a). revert a Heql H. induction H0; intros.
    - exists a0. split; eauto.
    - subst. apply valid_homomorphism2 in H as (b' & -> & H); [ | easy ].
      edestruct (IHrelpower b' eq_refl) as (c' & -> & IH).
      + apply valid_length_inv in H; lia.
      + exists c'; split; [ easy | ]. econstructor; easy.

again a slightly weaker equivalence
  Lemma valid_relpower_homomorphism_iff a b steps :
    |a| >= width
    -> relpower (valid offset width windows) steps a b <-> relpower (valid (k * offset) (k * width) hwindows) steps (h a) (h b).
    intros. split.
    - now apply valid_relpower_homomorphism1.
    - intros (b' & Heq & H1)%valid_relpower_homomorphism2; [ | easy ].
      symmetry in Heq; apply h_injective in Heq. easy.

agreement of the final constraints
  Lemma final_agree sf :
    |init| = |sf|
    -> satFinal offset (length init) final sf <-> satFinal hoffset (length hinit) hfinal (h sf).
    intros G. unfold satFinal, hoffset, hfinal. split; intros (subs & k0 & H1 & H2 & H3).
    - rewrite G in H2. exists (h subs), (k0).
      split; [now apply in_map_iff | split; [ unfold hinit; rewrite h_multiplier; nia | ]].
      destruct H3 as (b & H3). rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (k0 * offset) sf).
      rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom).
      destruct subs.
      + rewrite homo_nil; [ | apply h_unifHom]. unfold prefix; cbn; eauto.
      + rewrite skipn_app.
        * rewrite H3. rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom). exists (h b); eauto.
        * rewrite h_multiplier. rewrite firstn_length.
          enough (|sf| >= k0 * offset) by nia.
          specialize (skipn_length (k0 * offset) sf). rewrite H3. cbn. nia.
    - apply in_map_iff in H1 as (subs' & <- & H1).
      exists subs', k0; split; [ apply H1 | ].
      destruct H3 as (b & H3). unfold prefix.
      rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (k0 * offset) sf), (proj1 h_unifHom) in H3.
      unfold hinit in H2; rewrite h_multiplier in H2. split; [ nia | ].
      rewrite skipn_app in H3.
      + eapply h_app_inv in H3 as (a1 & a2 & -> & H4 & H5); [ | rewrite Nat.mul_comm, h_multiplier; easy ].
        exists a2. enough (a1 = subs') by easy.
        symmetry; apply h_injective. easy.
      + rewrite h_multiplier. rewrite firstn_length. nia.

the transformed instance is a YES-instance iff the original instance is a YES-instance
  Lemma PR_homomorphism_iff :
    (exists sf, relpower (valid offset width windows) steps init sf /\ satFinal offset (|init|) final sf)
    <-> (exists sf, relpower (valid hoffset hwidth hwindows) hsteps hinit sf /\ satFinal hoffset (|hinit|) hfinal sf).
    unfold hsteps, hinit, hoffset, hwidth.
    destruct A as (_ & _ & _ & A4 &_).
    split; intros.
    - destruct H as (sf & H1 & H2 ).
      exists (h sf). split.
      + apply valid_relpower_homomorphism_iff; easy.
      + clear A4. apply final_agree.
        * apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H1. lia.
        * apply H2.
    - destruct H as (sf & H1 & H2).
      apply valid_relpower_homomorphism2 in H1 as (sf' & -> & H1).
      + exists sf'. split; [ easy | ].
        clear A4. apply final_agree.
        * apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H1; easy.
        * apply H2.
      + apply A4.

  Corollary PR_homomorphism_inst_iff :
    PRLang fpr <-> PRLang hPR.
    split; intros [H1 H2%PR_homomorphism_iff].
    - split; [apply hPR_wf | apply H2].
    - split; [apply A | apply H2].
End fixInstance.