From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Export Synthetic RegisteredP LinTimeDecodable NP.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LTerm LUnit LSum.
From Undecidability.L Require Export Functions.Decoding.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LTerm LUnit LSum.
From Undecidability.L Require Export Functions.Decoding.
Definition listOf (X : eqType) (p : X -> Prop) (l : list X) := dupfree l /\ forall x, p x <-> x el l.
Definition cardOf (X : eqType) (p : X -> Prop) (n : nat) := exists (l : list X), listOf p l /\ n = (|l|).
Lemma cardOf_functional (X : eqType) (p : X -> Prop) (n1 n2 : nat) : cardOf p n1 -> cardOf p n2 -> n1 = n2.
intros (l1 & (H1 & H2) & H3) (l2 & (F1 & F2) & F3).
enough (l1 === l2).
{ rewrite H3, F3. rewrite <- !dupfree_card by easy. now rewrite H. }
split; intros x Hel.
- apply F2, H2, Hel.
- apply H2, F2, Hel.
Instance registered_is_eqType (X : Type) `{registered X} : eq_dec X.
intros a b. enough (dec (enc a = enc b)) as Hdec.
- destruct H. destruct Hdec as [e | e].
+ left. now apply inj_enc in e.
+ right. contradict e. easy.
- easy.
The verifier should only accept terms of a polynomial size.
Stating the correctness statement R_Sharp__correct in terms of a polynomial instead causes trouble (for instance in the proof of closure under multiplication) as the exact number of accepted certificates is important and over-approximations do not work.
Definition restrictedF (X : Type) (vX : X -> Prop) := { x : X | vX x} -> nat.
Definition restrictByF {X} vX (f:X->nat) : restrictedF vX := fun '(exist _ x _) => f x.
Arguments restrictByF : clear implicits.
Arguments restrictByF {_} _ _ !_.
Definition unrestrictedF {X} (f:X->nat) : restrictedF (fun _ => True) := restrictByF _ f.
Arguments unrestrictedF X f !x.
Record sharpCertRel (X Y : Type) `{registered X} `{registered Y} `(f : restrictedF vX) (R : {x : X | vX x} -> Y -> Prop) : Set :=
p__sCR : nat -> nat;
bounded__sCR : forall (x : {x : X | vX x}) (y : Y), R x y -> size (enc y) <= p__sCR (size (enc (proj1_sig x)));
poly__sCR : inOPoly p__sCR;
mono__sCR : monotonic p__sCR;
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply poly__sCR) : inO.
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply mono__sCR) : inO.
Local Set Warnings "-cannot-define-projection".
Record inSharpP {X : Type} `{registered X} `(f : restrictedF (X := X) vX) : Prop :=
R_Sharp : {x | vX x} -> term -> Prop;
R_Sharp__comp : inTimePoly (curryRestrRel R_Sharp);
R_Sharp__bounded : sharpCertRel f (R_Sharp);
R_Sharp__correct : forall (x : { x : X | vX x}), cardOf (fun cert => R_Sharp x cert) (f x);
Lemma inSharpP_intro {X Y} `{_:registered X} `{registered Y} {_:decodable Y} `(f : restrictedF (X:=X) vX) (R : _ -> Y -> Prop):
polyTimeComputable (decode Y)
-> inTimePoly (curryRestrRel R)
-> sharpCertRel f R
-> (forall (x : { x : X | vX x}), cardOf (fun cert => R x cert) (f x))
-> inSharpP f.
intros decode__comp R__comp R__bound R__correct.
eexists (fun x y => exists y', y = enc y' /\ R x y').
exists (fun x => p__sCR R__bound x * 11).
2,3:solve [smpl_inO].
intros (x & HvX) y (y' & -> &HR).
rewrite size_term_enc. destruct R__bound. rewrite bounded__sCR0. 2: easy. cbn. lia.
destruct R__comp as (t__f&[R__comp]&?&mono_t__f).
pose (f' (x:X*term) :=
let '(x,y):= x in
match decode Y y with
None => false
| Some y => (f__decInTime R__comp) (x,y)
evar (t__f' : nat -> nat). [t__f']:intro.
exists t__f'. repeat eapply conj.
-split. exists f'.
+unfold f'. extract.
all:rewrite !size_prod. all:cbn [fst snd].
*eapply decode_correct2 in H2 as <-.
remember (size (enc a) + size (enc (enc y)) + 4) as n eqn:eqn.
rewrite (mono_t__f _ n). 2:subst n;rewrite <- size_term_enc_r;lia.
rewrite (mono__polyTC _ (x':=n)). 2:lia.
unfold t__f';reflexivity.
*rewrite (mono__polyTC _ (x':=(size (enc a) + size (enc b) + 4))). 2:lia.
unfold t__f'. lia.
+unfold f'. intros [x] Hx. cbn.
destruct decode as [y| ] eqn:H'.
*etransitivity. 2:unshelve eapply correct__decInTime;easy. cbn.
eapply decode_correct2 in H'. symmetry in H'.
split;[intros (y'&?&?)|intros ?].
--cbn. enough (y = y') by congruence. eapply inj_enc. congruence.
*split. 2:eauto.
intros (?&->&?). rewrite decode_correct in H'. easy.
-unfold t__f'. smpl_inO.
-unfold t__f'. smpl_inO.
intros x. specialize (R__correct x). unfold cardOf in *.
destruct R__correct as (l & H1 & H2). exists (map enc l).
split; [ | now rewrite map_length].
unfold listOf in *.
- apply dupfree_map. 1: { intros x0 y0 _ _. apply inj_enc. } easy.
- intros t. rewrite in_map_iff. setoid_rewrite (proj2 H1). split; intros (y' & ? & ?); easy.
P is closed under multiplication and addition
Hint Constructors dupfree.
Fact dupfree_prod (X Y : eqType) (A : list X) (B : list Y): dupfree A -> dupfree B -> dupfree (list_prod A B).
intros HA HB. induction HA; cbn; [eauto | ].
apply dupfree_app.
- apply disjoint_forall. intros (x0 & y) (y' & <- & Hel)%in_map_iff.
intros (Hel1 & Hel2)%in_prod_iff. easy.
- apply dupfree_map; easy.
- easy.
Lemma SharpP_mul {X: Type} `{registered X} `(f : restrictedF (X := X) vX) `(g : restrictedF (X := X) vX) :
inSharpP f -> inSharpP g -> inSharpP (fun x => f x * g x).
intros [f__sharp f__comp f__bounded f__correct] [g__sharp g__comp g__bounded g__correct].
pose (R := (fun x (p : term * term) => let '(y, z) := p in f__sharp x y /\ g__sharp x z)).
apply inSharpP_intro with (R0 := R).
- apply linDec_polyTimeComputable.
- destruct f__comp as (f__time & [f__dec] & f__poly & f__mono).
destruct g__comp as (g__time & [g__dec] & g__poly & g__mono).
eexists. split.
exists (fun '(x, (y, z)) => f__decInTime f__dec (x, y) && f__decInTime g__dec (x, z)).
- extract. solverec.
rewrite (f__mono (size (enc (a, a0)))). 2: instantiate (1 := size (enc (a, (a0, b0)))); rewrite !size_prod; cbn; nia.
rewrite (g__mono (size (enc (a, b0)))). 2: instantiate (1 := size (enc (a, (a0, b0)))); rewrite !size_prod; cbn; nia.
set (k := size _). instantiate (1 := fun _ => _). cbn. reflexivity.
- intros (x & (y & z)) Hvx. cbn.
rewrite andb_true_iff. rewrite <- (@correct__decInTime _ _ _ _ _ f__dec (x, y) Hvx).
rewrite <- (@correct__decInTime _ _ _ _ _ g__dec (x, z) Hvx). now cbn.
split; smpl_inO.
- destruct f__bounded as [f__p f__size f__poly f__mono].
destruct g__bounded as [g__p g__size g__poly g__mono].
+ intros (x & HvX) (y & z). cbn.
repeat change (fun x => ?h x) with h.
rewrite size_prod. cbn.
intros (Hf & Hg).
rewrite f__size, g__size by easy.
cbn. set (m := size _). instantiate (1 := fun _ => _). cbn. reflexivity.
+ smpl_inO.
+ smpl_inO.
- intros x. unfold cardOf in *. specialize (f__correct x) as (l__f & f__card1 & f__card2).
specialize (g__correct x) as (l__g & g__card1 & g__card2).
exists (list_prod l__f l__g). split; [ | setoid_rewrite prod_length; easy].
unfold listOf in *. split .
* apply dupfree_prod; easy.
* intros (y & z). setoid_rewrite in_prod_iff. cbn.
destruct f__card1 as (_ & f__card1). destruct g__card1 as (_ & g__card1).
rewrite <- f__card1, <- g__card1. easy.
Lemma SharpP_add {X: Type} `{registered X} `(f : restrictedF (X := X) vX) `(g : restrictedF (X := X) vX) :
inSharpP f -> inSharpP g -> inSharpP (fun x => f x + g x).
intros [f__sharp f__comp f__bounded f__correct] [g__sharp g__comp g__bounded g__correct].
pose (R := (fun x (p : term + term) => match p with inl y => f__sharp x y | inr z => g__sharp x z end)).
apply inSharpP_intro with (R0 := R).
- apply linDec_polyTimeComputable.
- destruct f__comp as (f__time & [f__dec] & f__poly & f__mono).
destruct g__comp as (g__time & [g__dec] & g__poly & g__mono).
eexists. split.
exists (fun '(x, s) => match s with inl y => f__decInTime f__dec (x, y) | inr z => f__decInTime g__dec (x, z) end).
- instantiate (1 := fun n => f__time n + g__time n + 11). extract. solverec.
+ rewrite (f__mono (size (enc (a, a0)))). 2: instantiate (1 := size (enc (a, inl a0 : term + term))); rewrite !size_prod, size_sum; cbn; lia. lia.
+ rewrite (g__mono (size (enc (a, b0)))). 2: instantiate (1 := size (enc (a, inr b0 : term + term))); rewrite !size_prod, size_sum; cbn; nia. lia.
- intros (x & [y | z]) Hvx; cbn.
+ now rewrite <- (@correct__decInTime _ _ _ _ _ f__dec (x, y) Hvx).
+ now rewrite <- (@correct__decInTime _ _ _ _ _ g__dec (x, z) Hvx).
split; smpl_inO.
- destruct f__bounded as [f__p f__size f__poly f__mono].
destruct g__bounded as [g__p g__size g__poly g__mono].
eexists (fun n => f__p n + g__p n + 5).
+ intros (x & HvX) [y | z]; cbn; repeat change (fun x => ?h x) with h.
* rewrite size_sum. intros Hf. rewrite f__size by easy. cbn. lia.
* rewrite size_sum. intros Hg. rewrite g__size by easy. cbn. lia.
+ smpl_inO.
+ smpl_inO.
- intros x. unfold cardOf in *. specialize (f__correct x) as (l__f & f__card1 & f__card2).
specialize (g__correct x) as (l__g & g__card1 & g__card2).
exists (map inl l__f ++ map inr l__g).
split; [ | rewrite app_length, !map_length; easy].
unfold listOf in *. split .
+ apply dupfree_app; [ | now apply dupfree_map | now apply dupfree_map ].
apply disjoint_forall. intros [y | z] (w & H0 & Hel)%in_map_iff; [ | congruence].
inv H0. intros (y' & Hc & Hel')%in_map_iff. inv Hc.
+ intros cert. rewrite in_app_iff, !in_map_iff. cbn.
destruct f__card1 as (_ & f__card1). destruct g__card1 as (_ & g__card1).
setoid_rewrite <- f__card1. setoid_rewrite <- g__card1.
destruct cert as [y | z]; cbn.
* split; [intros ?; left; exists y; eauto | intros [ (x0 & Hx0 & ?) | (x0 & Hx0 & ?)]; inv Hx0; eauto].
* split; [intros ?; right; exists z; eauto | intros [ (x0 & Hx0 & ?) | (x0 & Hx0 & ?)]; inv Hx0; eauto].
Parsimonious reductions
Generalizable Variable vY.
Record reducesParsimoniousMO X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} `(f : restrictedF vX) `(g : restrictedF vY) : Prop :=
reducesParsimoniousMO_introSpec {
r : X -> Y;
r__comp : polyTimeComputable r;
r__condition : forall x, vX x -> vY (r x);
r__parsimonious : forall x Hx, f (exist vX x Hx) = g (exist vY (r x) (r__condition Hx))
Notation "f ≤p g" := (reducesParsimoniousMO f g) (at level 50).
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_intro X Y `{HX : registered X} `{HY: registered Y} `(f : restrictedF vX) `(g : restrictedF vY) (r : X -> Y) :
polyTimeComputable r
-> (forall x (Hx : vX x), {Hy : vY (r x) | f (exist vX x Hx) = g (exist vY (r x) Hy)})
-> f ≤p g.
intros H H'. econstructor.
- eassumption.
- intros x Hx. apply (proj2_sig (H' _ Hx)).
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_intro_unrestricted X Y `{HX : registered X} `{HY: registered Y} (f : X -> nat) (g : Y -> nat) (r : X -> Y) :
polyTimeComputable r
-> (forall x, f x = g (r x))
-> (unrestrictedF f) ≤p (unrestrictedF g).
intros H H'. eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_intro; [apply H | ].
cbn. intros x _. exists Logic.I. apply H'.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_intro_restrictByF X Y `{RX : registered X} `{RY : registered Y} (vf : X -> Prop) (f : X -> nat) (vg : Y -> Prop) (g : Y ->nat) (r : X -> Y) :
polyTimeComputable r
-> (forall x (Hx : vf x), {Hrx : vg (r x) | f x = g (r x)})
-> restrictByF vf f ≤p restrictByF vg g.
intros H H'. econstructor.
- eassumption.
- Unshelve. all: intros ? ?; now edestruct H'.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_elim X Y `{RX : registered X} `{RY : registered Y} `(f : restrictedF vX) `(g : restrictedF vY) :
f ≤p g
-> exists r, inhabited (polyTimeComputable r)
/\ (forall x (Hx : vX x), { Hy : vY (r x) | f (exist vX x Hx) = g (exist vY (r x) Hy)}).
intros [r ? ? ?]. eexists; split.
- easy.
- intros. eexists. easy.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_restriction_antimonotone X `{registered X} {vf} (f : restrictedF vf) {vg} (g : restrictedF vg) :
(forall x Hx, {Hy | f (exist vf x Hx) = g (exist vg x Hy)})
-> f ≤p g.
intros r. eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_intro with (r := fun x => x).
2: easy.
exists (fun _ => 1). 4: exists (fun x => x).
2, 3, 5, 6: solve[smpl_inO].
- extract. solverec.
- reflexivity.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_reflexive X `{RX : registered X} `(f : restrictedF vX) : f ≤p f.
eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_restriction_antimonotone. intros ? H. exists H. easy.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_transitive X Y Z {vX vY vZ} {rX : registered X} {rY : registered Y} {rZ : registered Z} (f : restrictedF (X := X) vX) (g : restrictedF (X := Y) vY) (h : restrictedF (X := Z) vZ) :
f ≤p g -> g ≤p h -> f ≤p h.
intros [r r__c r__cons r__correct] [s s__c s__cons s__correct].
eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_intro with (r := fun x => s (r x)).
2: { intros ? ?. eexists. now rewrite r__correct, s__correct. }
clear dependent s__cons. clear dependent r__cons.
exists (fun x => time__polyTC r__c x + time__polyTC s__c (resSize__rSP r__c x) + 1).
- extract. solverec.
erewrite (mono__polyTC s__c). 2: now apply bounds__rSP. reflexivity.
- smpl_inO. eapply inOPoly_comp; smpl_inO.
- smpl_inO.
- exists (fun x => resSize__rSP s__c (resSize__rSP r__c x)).
+ intros. rewrite (bounds__rSP s__c), (mono__rSP s__c).
2: apply (bounds__rSP r__c). easy.
+ eapply inOPoly_comp; smpl_inO.
+ eapply monotonic_comp; smpl_inO.
Lemma red_inSharpP X Y `{rX : registered X} `{rY : registered Y} `(f : restrictedF (X := X) vX) `(g : restrictedF (X := Y) vY) :
f ≤p g -> inSharpP g -> inSharpP f.
intros [r r__comp r__condition r__parsimonious] [R R__poly R__bounded R__correct].
unshelve eexists (fun '(exist _ x Hx) z => R (exist vY (r x) (r__condition x Hx)) z).
- destruct R__poly as (R__time & [R__comp] & R__time_poly & R__time_mono).
evar (t : nat -> nat). [t]: intros n. exists t. split.
+ constructor. exists (fun '(x, z) => f__decInTime R__comp (r x, z)).
* extract. solverec.
all: rewrite !LProd.size_prod; cbn [fst snd]. set (n0:=size (enc a) + size (enc b) + 4).
rewrite (mono__polyTC _ (x':=n0)). 2:subst n0;nia.
erewrite (R__time_mono _ _).
2:{ rewrite (bounds__rSP r__comp), (mono__rSP r__comp (x':=n0)). 2:unfold n0;lia. instantiate (1:=resSize__rSP r__comp n0 + n0). unfold n0;try lia. }
unfold t. reflexivity.
* intros [x c] Hx. cbn. rewrite <- correct__decInTime;cbn. easy.
+ unfold t;split;smpl_inO.
{ eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. }
- exists (fun x => p__sCR R__bounded (resSize__rSP r__comp x)).
+ intros [] ? ?%R__bounded. cbn. cbn in H0. rewrite H0.
rewrite (mono__sCR R__bounded (x := size (enc (r x)))).
2: { rewrite (bounds__rSP r__comp). reflexivity. }
+ apply inOPoly_comp; smpl_inO.
+ smpl_inO.
- intros (x & Hx). specialize (R__correct (exist _ (r x) (r__condition x Hx))).
cbn in *. rewrite r__parsimonious. easy.
Record reducesParsimoniousMO X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} `(f : restrictedF vX) `(g : restrictedF vY) : Prop :=
reducesParsimoniousMO_introSpec {
r : X -> Y;
r__comp : polyTimeComputable r;
r__condition : forall x, vX x -> vY (r x);
r__parsimonious : forall x Hx, f (exist vX x Hx) = g (exist vY (r x) (r__condition Hx))
Notation "f ≤p g" := (reducesParsimoniousMO f g) (at level 50).
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_intro X Y `{HX : registered X} `{HY: registered Y} `(f : restrictedF vX) `(g : restrictedF vY) (r : X -> Y) :
polyTimeComputable r
-> (forall x (Hx : vX x), {Hy : vY (r x) | f (exist vX x Hx) = g (exist vY (r x) Hy)})
-> f ≤p g.
intros H H'. econstructor.
- eassumption.
- intros x Hx. apply (proj2_sig (H' _ Hx)).
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_intro_unrestricted X Y `{HX : registered X} `{HY: registered Y} (f : X -> nat) (g : Y -> nat) (r : X -> Y) :
polyTimeComputable r
-> (forall x, f x = g (r x))
-> (unrestrictedF f) ≤p (unrestrictedF g).
intros H H'. eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_intro; [apply H | ].
cbn. intros x _. exists Logic.I. apply H'.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_intro_restrictByF X Y `{RX : registered X} `{RY : registered Y} (vf : X -> Prop) (f : X -> nat) (vg : Y -> Prop) (g : Y ->nat) (r : X -> Y) :
polyTimeComputable r
-> (forall x (Hx : vf x), {Hrx : vg (r x) | f x = g (r x)})
-> restrictByF vf f ≤p restrictByF vg g.
intros H H'. econstructor.
- eassumption.
- Unshelve. all: intros ? ?; now edestruct H'.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_elim X Y `{RX : registered X} `{RY : registered Y} `(f : restrictedF vX) `(g : restrictedF vY) :
f ≤p g
-> exists r, inhabited (polyTimeComputable r)
/\ (forall x (Hx : vX x), { Hy : vY (r x) | f (exist vX x Hx) = g (exist vY (r x) Hy)}).
intros [r ? ? ?]. eexists; split.
- easy.
- intros. eexists. easy.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_restriction_antimonotone X `{registered X} {vf} (f : restrictedF vf) {vg} (g : restrictedF vg) :
(forall x Hx, {Hy | f (exist vf x Hx) = g (exist vg x Hy)})
-> f ≤p g.
intros r. eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_intro with (r := fun x => x).
2: easy.
exists (fun _ => 1). 4: exists (fun x => x).
2, 3, 5, 6: solve[smpl_inO].
- extract. solverec.
- reflexivity.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_reflexive X `{RX : registered X} `(f : restrictedF vX) : f ≤p f.
eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_restriction_antimonotone. intros ? H. exists H. easy.
Lemma reducesParsimoniousMO_transitive X Y Z {vX vY vZ} {rX : registered X} {rY : registered Y} {rZ : registered Z} (f : restrictedF (X := X) vX) (g : restrictedF (X := Y) vY) (h : restrictedF (X := Z) vZ) :
f ≤p g -> g ≤p h -> f ≤p h.
intros [r r__c r__cons r__correct] [s s__c s__cons s__correct].
eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_intro with (r := fun x => s (r x)).
2: { intros ? ?. eexists. now rewrite r__correct, s__correct. }
clear dependent s__cons. clear dependent r__cons.
exists (fun x => time__polyTC r__c x + time__polyTC s__c (resSize__rSP r__c x) + 1).
- extract. solverec.
erewrite (mono__polyTC s__c). 2: now apply bounds__rSP. reflexivity.
- smpl_inO. eapply inOPoly_comp; smpl_inO.
- smpl_inO.
- exists (fun x => resSize__rSP s__c (resSize__rSP r__c x)).
+ intros. rewrite (bounds__rSP s__c), (mono__rSP s__c).
2: apply (bounds__rSP r__c). easy.
+ eapply inOPoly_comp; smpl_inO.
+ eapply monotonic_comp; smpl_inO.
Lemma red_inSharpP X Y `{rX : registered X} `{rY : registered Y} `(f : restrictedF (X := X) vX) `(g : restrictedF (X := Y) vY) :
f ≤p g -> inSharpP g -> inSharpP f.
intros [r r__comp r__condition r__parsimonious] [R R__poly R__bounded R__correct].
unshelve eexists (fun '(exist _ x Hx) z => R (exist vY (r x) (r__condition x Hx)) z).
- destruct R__poly as (R__time & [R__comp] & R__time_poly & R__time_mono).
evar (t : nat -> nat). [t]: intros n. exists t. split.
+ constructor. exists (fun '(x, z) => f__decInTime R__comp (r x, z)).
* extract. solverec.
all: rewrite !LProd.size_prod; cbn [fst snd]. set (n0:=size (enc a) + size (enc b) + 4).
rewrite (mono__polyTC _ (x':=n0)). 2:subst n0;nia.
erewrite (R__time_mono _ _).
2:{ rewrite (bounds__rSP r__comp), (mono__rSP r__comp (x':=n0)). 2:unfold n0;lia. instantiate (1:=resSize__rSP r__comp n0 + n0). unfold n0;try lia. }
unfold t. reflexivity.
* intros [x c] Hx. cbn. rewrite <- correct__decInTime;cbn. easy.
+ unfold t;split;smpl_inO.
{ eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. }
- exists (fun x => p__sCR R__bounded (resSize__rSP r__comp x)).
+ intros [] ? ?%R__bounded. cbn. cbn in H0. rewrite H0.
rewrite (mono__sCR R__bounded (x := size (enc (r x)))).
2: { rewrite (bounds__rSP r__comp). reflexivity. }
+ apply inOPoly_comp; smpl_inO.
+ smpl_inO.
- intros (x & Hx). specialize (R__correct (exist _ (r x) (r__condition x Hx))).
cbn in *. rewrite r__parsimonious. easy.
P hardness and completeness
Definition SharpPhard X `{registered X} `(f : restrictedF vX) :=
forall Y `{registeredP Y} vY (g : restrictedF (X:=Y) vY),
inSharpP g -> g ≤p f.
Lemma red_SharpPhard X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} `(f : restrictedF (X:=X) vX) `(g : restrictedF (X:=Y) vY)
: f ≤p g -> SharpPhard f -> SharpPhard g.
intros R hard.
intros ? ? ? ? f' H'. apply hard in H'. 2:easy.
eapply reducesParsimoniousMO_transitive with (1:=H'). all:eassumption.
Definition SharpPcomplete X `{registered X} `(f : restrictedF vX) :=
SharpPhard f /\ inSharpP f.
Hint Unfold SharpPcomplete.