From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Prelim.MoreList Prelim.MoreBase Datatypes.LBinNums.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Export Monotonic ONotation LinTimeDecodable.
Global Generalizable Variable vX.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Export Monotonic ONotation LinTimeDecodable.
Global Generalizable Variable vX.
Basics of decision problems
Definition restrictedP {X} vX := ({x:X | vX x} -> Prop).
Definition restrictBy {X} vX (P:X->Prop) : restrictedP vX := fun '(exist _ x _) => P x.
Arguments restrictBy : clear implicits.
Arguments restrictBy {_} _ _ !_.
Definition unrestrictedP {X} (P:X->Prop) : restrictedP (fun _ => True) := restrictBy _ P.
Arguments unrestrictedP X P !x.
Record decInTime {X} `{R :registered X} `(P : restrictedP vX) (fT : nat -> nat) :Type :=
f__decInTime : X -> bool ;
compIn__decInTime : computableTime (ty:=TyArr (TyB X) (TyB bool)) f__decInTime (fun x _ => (fT (L.size (enc x)),tt)) ;
correct__decInTime : forall x (Hx : vX x), P (exist _ x Hx) <-> f__decInTime x = true
Hint Extern 1 (computableTime (f__decInTime _) _) => solve [unshelve (simple apply @compIn__decInTime)] :typeclass_instances.
Lemma complete__decInTime {X} `{R :registered X} `(P : restrictedP vX) (fT : nat -> nat) (P__dec:decInTime P fT) :
forall x (Hx : vX x), P (exist _ x Hx) -> f__decInTime P__dec x = true.
apply correct__decInTime.
Lemma sound__decInTime {X} `{R :registered X} `(P : restrictedP vX) (fT : nat -> nat) (P__dec:decInTime P fT) :
forall x, f__decInTime P__dec (proj1_sig x) = true -> P x.
intros []. apply correct__decInTime.
Lemma decInTime_restriction_antimono X `{R :registered X} vP vQ (P : restrictedP vP) (Q:restrictedP vQ) (fT : nat -> nat) :
(forall x, vQ x -> vP x)
-> (forall x H__P H__Q, P (exist vP x H__P) <-> Q (exist vQ x H__Q))
-> decInTime P fT
-> decInTime Q fT.
intros Hv Hx dP. eexists. apply compIn__decInTime with (d:=dP).
intros x HQ. rewrite <- Hx with (H__P:=Hv _ HQ). apply correct__decInTime.
Lemma decInTime_restriction_antimono_restrictBy X `{R :registered X} (vX vX' P : X -> Prop) (fT : nat -> nat):
(forall x, vX' x -> vX x)
-> decInTime (restrictBy vX P) fT
-> decInTime (restrictBy vX' P) fT.
intros ?. apply decInTime_restriction_antimono. easy. cbn. easy.
Definition inTimeO {X} `{R :registered X} `(P:restrictedP vX) f :=
exists f', inhabited (decInTime P f') /\ f' ∈O f.
Notation "P ∈TimeO f" := (inTimeO P f) (at level 70).
Definition inTimeo {X} `{R :registered X} `(P:restrictedP vX) f :=
exists f', inhabited (decInTime P f') /\ f' ∈o f.
Notation "P ∈Timeo f" := (inTimeo P f) (at level 70).
Definition restrictBy {X} vX (P:X->Prop) : restrictedP vX := fun '(exist _ x _) => P x.
Arguments restrictBy : clear implicits.
Arguments restrictBy {_} _ _ !_.
Definition unrestrictedP {X} (P:X->Prop) : restrictedP (fun _ => True) := restrictBy _ P.
Arguments unrestrictedP X P !x.
Record decInTime {X} `{R :registered X} `(P : restrictedP vX) (fT : nat -> nat) :Type :=
f__decInTime : X -> bool ;
compIn__decInTime : computableTime (ty:=TyArr (TyB X) (TyB bool)) f__decInTime (fun x _ => (fT (L.size (enc x)),tt)) ;
correct__decInTime : forall x (Hx : vX x), P (exist _ x Hx) <-> f__decInTime x = true
Hint Extern 1 (computableTime (f__decInTime _) _) => solve [unshelve (simple apply @compIn__decInTime)] :typeclass_instances.
Lemma complete__decInTime {X} `{R :registered X} `(P : restrictedP vX) (fT : nat -> nat) (P__dec:decInTime P fT) :
forall x (Hx : vX x), P (exist _ x Hx) -> f__decInTime P__dec x = true.
apply correct__decInTime.
Lemma sound__decInTime {X} `{R :registered X} `(P : restrictedP vX) (fT : nat -> nat) (P__dec:decInTime P fT) :
forall x, f__decInTime P__dec (proj1_sig x) = true -> P x.
intros []. apply correct__decInTime.
Lemma decInTime_restriction_antimono X `{R :registered X} vP vQ (P : restrictedP vP) (Q:restrictedP vQ) (fT : nat -> nat) :
(forall x, vQ x -> vP x)
-> (forall x H__P H__Q, P (exist vP x H__P) <-> Q (exist vQ x H__Q))
-> decInTime P fT
-> decInTime Q fT.
intros Hv Hx dP. eexists. apply compIn__decInTime with (d:=dP).
intros x HQ. rewrite <- Hx with (H__P:=Hv _ HQ). apply correct__decInTime.
Lemma decInTime_restriction_antimono_restrictBy X `{R :registered X} (vX vX' P : X -> Prop) (fT : nat -> nat):
(forall x, vX' x -> vX x)
-> decInTime (restrictBy vX P) fT
-> decInTime (restrictBy vX' P) fT.
intros ?. apply decInTime_restriction_antimono. easy. cbn. easy.
Definition inTimeO {X} `{R :registered X} `(P:restrictedP vX) f :=
exists f', inhabited (decInTime P f') /\ f' ∈O f.
Notation "P ∈TimeO f" := (inTimeO P f) (at level 70).
Definition inTimeo {X} `{R :registered X} `(P:restrictedP vX) f :=
exists f', inhabited (decInTime P f') /\ f' ∈o f.
Notation "P ∈Timeo f" := (inTimeo P f) (at level 70).
Lemma inTime_mono f g X (_ : registered X):
f ∈O g -> forall `(P:restrictedP vX), P ∈TimeO f -> P ∈TimeO g.
intros H P ? (?&?&?). unfold inTimeO.
eexists _. split. eassumption. now rewrite H1.
f ∈O g -> forall `(P:restrictedP vX), P ∈TimeO f -> P ∈TimeO g.
intros H P ? (?&?&?). unfold inTimeO.
eexists _. split. eassumption. now rewrite H1.
Time Constructibility
TODO: As we might want to project out the term, we don't use inTimeO to avoid the elim-restriction...
Definition timeConstructible (f:nat -> nat) := Eval cbn [timeComplexity] in
{ f' : nat -> nat &
(f' ∈O f)
* computableTime' (fun n => N.of_nat (f n)) (fun n _ => (f' n,tt))}%type.
Definition timeConstructible_computableTime' f (H:timeConstructible f) :
computableTime' (fun n => N.of_nat (f n)) (fun n _ => (projT1 H n,tt))
:= snd (projT2 H).
Definition timeConstructible_inO f (H:timeConstructible f) :
projT1 H ∈O f := fst (projT2 H).
Record resSizePoly X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f : X -> Y) : Type :=
resSize__rSP : nat -> nat;
bounds__rSP : forall x, size (enc (f x)) <= resSize__rSP (size (enc x));
poly__rSP : inOPoly resSize__rSP;
mono__rSP : monotonic resSize__rSP;
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply poly__rSP) : inO.
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply mono__rSP) : inO.
Record polyTimeComputable X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f : X -> Y): Type :=
time__polyTC : nat -> nat;
comp__polyTC : computableTime' f (fun x _ => (time__polyTC (L.size (enc x)),tt));
poly__polyTC : inOPoly time__polyTC ;
mono__polyTC : monotonic time__polyTC;
resSize__polyTC :> resSizePoly f;
Hint Extern 1 (computableTime _ _) => unshelve (simple apply @comp__polyTC);eassumption :typeclass_instances.
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply poly__polyTC) : inO.
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply mono__polyTC) : inO.
Lemma inOPoly_computable (f:nat -> nat):
inOPoly f -> exists f':nat -> nat , inhabited (polyTimeComputable f') /\ (forall x, f x <= f' x) /\ inOPoly f' /\ monotonic f'.
intros (i&Hf).
eapply inO__bound in Hf as (c&Hf).
exists (fun n => c + c*n^i). split.
-evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
split. exists time.
{extract. solverec.
rewrite Nat.pow_le_mono_l. 2:now apply LNat.size_nat_enc_r.
rewrite (LNat.size_nat_enc_r x) at 1.
set (n0:= (size (enc x))). unfold time. reflexivity.
3:{intros. rewrite (LNat.size_nat_enc) at 1. rewrite Nat.pow_le_mono_l. 2:now apply (LNat.size_nat_enc_r). set (size (enc x)). instantiate (1:= fun n0 => _). cbn beta;reflexivity.
all:unfold time;smpl_inO.
-repeat apply conj. easy. all:smpl_inO.
Lemma resSizePoly_compSize X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f: X -> Y):
resSizePoly f -> exists H : resSizePoly f, inhabited (polyTimeComputable (resSize__rSP H)).
intros R__spec. destruct (inOPoly_computable (poly__rSP R__spec)) as (p'&[?]&Hbounds&?&?).
unshelve eexists.
exists p'.
2-5:now eauto using resSize__polyTC. intros. rewrite bounds__rSP. easy.
Lemma polyTimeComputable_compTime X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f: X -> Y):
polyTimeComputable f -> exists H : polyTimeComputable f, inhabited (polyTimeComputable (time__polyTC H)) /\ inhabited (polyTimeComputable (resSize__rSP H)).
intros R__spec. destruct (inOPoly_computable (poly__polyTC R__spec)) as (p'&[?]&Hbounds&?&?).
destruct (resSizePoly_compSize R__spec) as (?&[]).
unshelve eexists.
exists p'.
2-5:now eauto. eexists. eapply computesTime_timeLeq. 2:now apply extTCorrect.
intros ? ?;cbn. now rewrite Hbounds.
Import Functions.Decoding LTerm LOptions.
Lemma linDec_polyTimeComputable X `{_:linTimeDecodable X}: polyTimeComputable (decode X).
evar (time:nat -> nat). [time]:intro n.
exists time.
-eexists _.
eapply computesTime_timeLeq.
2:now eapply comp_enc_lin.
intros x _;cbn [fst snd]. split.
rewrite size_term_enc_r. generalize (size (enc x)) as n;intros.
unfold time. reflexivity.
-unfold time. smpl_inO.
-unfold time. smpl_inO.
-{evar (resSize : nat -> nat). [resSize]:intro n.
exists resSize.
-intros t.
specialize (decode_correct2 (X:=X) (t:=t)) as H'.
destruct decode.
setoid_rewrite <- H'. 2:reflexivity.
*rewrite size_option,LTerm.size_term_enc_r.
generalize (size (enc (enc x))). unfold resSize. reflexivity.
*unfold enc at 1. cbn. unfold resSize. nia.
-unfold resSize. smpl_inO.
-unfold resSize. smpl_inO.
{ f' : nat -> nat &
(f' ∈O f)
* computableTime' (fun n => N.of_nat (f n)) (fun n _ => (f' n,tt))}%type.
Definition timeConstructible_computableTime' f (H:timeConstructible f) :
computableTime' (fun n => N.of_nat (f n)) (fun n _ => (projT1 H n,tt))
:= snd (projT2 H).
Definition timeConstructible_inO f (H:timeConstructible f) :
projT1 H ∈O f := fst (projT2 H).
Record resSizePoly X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f : X -> Y) : Type :=
resSize__rSP : nat -> nat;
bounds__rSP : forall x, size (enc (f x)) <= resSize__rSP (size (enc x));
poly__rSP : inOPoly resSize__rSP;
mono__rSP : monotonic resSize__rSP;
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply poly__rSP) : inO.
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply mono__rSP) : inO.
Record polyTimeComputable X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f : X -> Y): Type :=
time__polyTC : nat -> nat;
comp__polyTC : computableTime' f (fun x _ => (time__polyTC (L.size (enc x)),tt));
poly__polyTC : inOPoly time__polyTC ;
mono__polyTC : monotonic time__polyTC;
resSize__polyTC :> resSizePoly f;
Hint Extern 1 (computableTime _ _) => unshelve (simple apply @comp__polyTC);eassumption :typeclass_instances.
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply poly__polyTC) : inO.
Smpl Add 10 (simple apply mono__polyTC) : inO.
Lemma inOPoly_computable (f:nat -> nat):
inOPoly f -> exists f':nat -> nat , inhabited (polyTimeComputable f') /\ (forall x, f x <= f' x) /\ inOPoly f' /\ monotonic f'.
intros (i&Hf).
eapply inO__bound in Hf as (c&Hf).
exists (fun n => c + c*n^i). split.
-evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
split. exists time.
{extract. solverec.
rewrite Nat.pow_le_mono_l. 2:now apply LNat.size_nat_enc_r.
rewrite (LNat.size_nat_enc_r x) at 1.
set (n0:= (size (enc x))). unfold time. reflexivity.
3:{intros. rewrite (LNat.size_nat_enc) at 1. rewrite Nat.pow_le_mono_l. 2:now apply (LNat.size_nat_enc_r). set (size (enc x)). instantiate (1:= fun n0 => _). cbn beta;reflexivity.
all:unfold time;smpl_inO.
-repeat apply conj. easy. all:smpl_inO.
Lemma resSizePoly_compSize X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f: X -> Y):
resSizePoly f -> exists H : resSizePoly f, inhabited (polyTimeComputable (resSize__rSP H)).
intros R__spec. destruct (inOPoly_computable (poly__rSP R__spec)) as (p'&[?]&Hbounds&?&?).
unshelve eexists.
exists p'.
2-5:now eauto using resSize__polyTC. intros. rewrite bounds__rSP. easy.
Lemma polyTimeComputable_compTime X Y `{registered X} `{registered Y} (f: X -> Y):
polyTimeComputable f -> exists H : polyTimeComputable f, inhabited (polyTimeComputable (time__polyTC H)) /\ inhabited (polyTimeComputable (resSize__rSP H)).
intros R__spec. destruct (inOPoly_computable (poly__polyTC R__spec)) as (p'&[?]&Hbounds&?&?).
destruct (resSizePoly_compSize R__spec) as (?&[]).
unshelve eexists.
exists p'.
2-5:now eauto. eexists. eapply computesTime_timeLeq. 2:now apply extTCorrect.
intros ? ?;cbn. now rewrite Hbounds.
Import Functions.Decoding LTerm LOptions.
Lemma linDec_polyTimeComputable X `{_:linTimeDecodable X}: polyTimeComputable (decode X).
evar (time:nat -> nat). [time]:intro n.
exists time.
-eexists _.
eapply computesTime_timeLeq.
2:now eapply comp_enc_lin.
intros x _;cbn [fst snd]. split.
rewrite size_term_enc_r. generalize (size (enc x)) as n;intros.
unfold time. reflexivity.
-unfold time. smpl_inO.
-unfold time. smpl_inO.
-{evar (resSize : nat -> nat). [resSize]:intro n.
exists resSize.
-intros t.
specialize (decode_correct2 (X:=X) (t:=t)) as H'.
destruct decode.
setoid_rewrite <- H'. 2:reflexivity.
*rewrite size_option,LTerm.size_term_enc_r.
generalize (size (enc (enc x))). unfold resSize. reflexivity.
*unfold enc at 1. cbn. unfold resSize. nia.
-unfold resSize. smpl_inO.
-unfold resSize. smpl_inO.