Require Import PslBase.Bijection Template.All Strings.Ascii.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Prelim.StringBase.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import Lproc Computable ComputableTime Lsimpl mixedTactics Lbeta Lrewrite.
Require Export Ring Arith Lia.

Tactics proving correctness

Module Intern.

Ltac visibleHead t :=
  match t with
    ?h _ => visibleHead h
  | _ => t

Ltac fold_encs :=
  match goal with
    x:_ |- _ =>
    revert x;fold_encs;intros x;
    let H := fresh "H" in
    try (assert (H:@enc _ _ x= @enc _ _ x) by reflexivity;
         try (unfold enc in H at 1; cbn in H;rewrite !H);clear H)
  | _ => idtac

Ltac recRem P:=
  match goal with
  | |- context[rho ?s] =>
    let rP := fresh "rP" in
    set (rP:=s);
    assert (proc rP);[unfold rP;solve [Lproc]|
                      set (P := rho rP);
                      assert (proc P);[unfold P;solve [Lproc]|]]

Ltac recStepInit P:=
   lazymatch eval lazy [P] in P with
   | rho ?rP =>
     lazymatch goal with
     | |- evalLe _ _ _ =>
       let rec loop :=
           lazymatch goal with
           | |- ARS.pow step _ (app P _) _ =>unfold P;apply rho_correctPow;now Lproc
           | |- ARS.pow step _ (app _ _) _ => eapply pow_step_congL;[loop|reflexivity]
       eapply evalLe_trans;[apply pow_redLe_subrelation;loop|fold P; unfold rP]
     | |- evalIn _ _ _ =>
       let rec loop :=
           lazymatch goal with
           | |- ARS.pow step _ (app P _) _ =>unfold P;apply rho_correctPow;now Lproc
           | |- ARS.pow step _ (app _ _) _ => eapply pow_step_congL;[loop|reflexivity]
       eapply evalIn_trans;[loop|fold P; unfold rP]
     | |- eval _ _ =>
       let rec loop :=
           lazymatch goal with
           | |- step (app P _) _ =>unfold P;apply rho_correct;now Lproc
           | |- step (app _ _) _ => eapply star_step_app_proper;[loop|reflexivity]
       eapply eval_helper;[loop|fold P; unfold rP]

Ltac recStepUnnamed :=
  match goal with
    [ P := rho _ |- ?G ] => recStepInit P

Ltac destructRefine :=
  lazymatch goal with
    |- ?R ?s _ =>
    match s with
    | context C [match ?x with _ => _ end]=>
      let t := type of x in
      refine (_:R _ ((fun y:t => ltac:(destruct y)) x));
      lazymatch goal with
        |- (?R' ?i ?s1 ?s2) => tryif is_evar i then
          refine (_:R' ((fun (y:t) => ltac:(destruct y)) x ) s1 s2)
        else idtac
      | _ => idtac
      lazymatch goal with
       | |- ?R2 ?i ?s ?t =>
         let i':= eval cbn zeta in i in
             refine (_:R2 i' s t) + match goal with |- ?G => let G' := constr:(R2 i' s t) in idtac "could not refine" G "with" G' end
       | _ => idtac
      let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct x eqn:eq

Ltac extractCorrectCrush :=
  repeat(repeat destructRefine;Lsimpl).

Ltac shelveIfUnsolved msg:= first[let n:= numgoals in guard n=0|
                                  match goal with
                                    |- ?G => idtac "Could not solve some subgoal("msg"):";idtac G;shelve

Ltac ugly_fix_fix IH n :=
  lazymatch eval cbn in n with
    0 => fix IH 1
  | 1 => fix IH 4
  | 2 => fix IH 7
  | 3 => fix IH 10
  | _ => let m := eval cbn in (1+3*n) in
            fail 1000 "please add '| "n" => fix IH"m"'" " in the definition of Ltac-tactic ugly_fix_fix!"

Ltac ugly_fix_fix2 IH n :=
  lazymatch eval cbn in n with
    0 => fix IH 1
  | 1 => fix IH 5
  | 2 => fix IH 9
  | 3 => fix IH 13
  | _ => let m := eval cbn in (1+4*n) in
            fail 1000 "please add '| "n" => fix IH"m"'" " in the definition of Ltac-tactic ugly_fix_fix2!"

Ltac intro_to_assumed x :=
  lazymatch goal with
    H : Lock _ |- _ =>
    let tx := type of x in
    revert x;unlock H;revert H;
    refine (_ : (forall (x:tx), _:Prop) -> _);
    intros H x;specialize (H x);lock H

Ltac split_assumed :=
  lazymatch goal with
    H : Lock _ |- _ =>
    unlock H;
    split;[eapply proj1 in H|eapply proj2 in H];lock H

Ltac clean_assumed :=
    lazymatch goal with
      H : Lock (_/\_) |- ?G =>
      unlock H; apply proj2 in H;lock H

Ltac is_assumed_add :=
  lazymatch goal with
    H : Lock _ |- ?G =>
    unlock H; refine (proj1 H);shelve

Ltac is_assumed :=
  lazymatch goal with
    H : Lock _ |- ?G =>
    unlock H; refine H;shelve

Ltac close_assumed :=
  lazymatch goal with
    H : Lock _ |- ?G =>unlock H;assert True by exact H

Ltac cstep' extractSimp:=
  let x := fresh "x" in
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- computes _ _ (match ?x with _ => _ end)=>
    let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct x eqn:eq
  | |- computes (TyArr ?tt1 ?tt2) ?f ?intF=>
    let fRep := constr:(ltac:(quote_term f (fun x => exact x))) in
    lazymatch fRep with
      Ast.tFix (_::_::_) => fail 1000 "mutual recursion not supported"
    | Ast.tFix [BasicAst.mkdef _ _ _ _ ?recArg] 0 =>
      (let P := fresh "P" in
      recRem P;
      eapply computesExpStart;[solve [Lproc]|];
      let n:= (eval cbn in (S recArg)) in
      let rec step n:=
          (lazymatch n with
           | S ?n =>
              eapply computesExpStep;[try recStep P;extractSimp idtac;shelveIfUnsolved "pos5"|Lproc;shelveIfUnsolved "pos6"|];
              let x := fresh "x" in
              let xInt := fresh x "Int" in
              let xInts := fresh x "Ints" in
              intros x xInt xInts;
              change xInt with (@ext _ _ x (Build_computable xInts));
              lazymatch type of xInts with
                computes (@TyB _ ?reg) _ _ =>
                rewrite (ext_is_enc (Build_computable xInts)) in *;
                clear xInt xInts;assert (xInt:True) by constructor; assert (xInts:True) by constructor
              | computes (TyArr _ _) _ _ => idtac
              step n;
              revert x xInt xInts
           | 0 => idtac
           end) in
      step n;
        let IH := fresh "IH" P in
        ugly_fix_fix IH recArg;
          let rec loop n :=
              lazymatch n with
                0 => intros [] ? ?
              | S ?n' => intros ? ? ?;loop n'
              end in
          loop recArg;
          (split;[try recStep P;extractSimp idtac;shelveIfUnsolved "pos7"|]))

    | _=>
      let xInt := fresh x "Int" in
      let xNorm := fresh x "Norm" in
      let xInts := fresh x "Ints" in
      let vProc := fresh "vProc" in
      eapply computesTyArr;[try Lproc;shelveIfUnsolved "pos1"|idtac];
      intros x xInt xInts;
      change xInt with (@ext _ _ x (Build_computable xInts));
      lazymatch tt1 with
        TyB _ => rewrite (ext_is_enc (Build_computable xInts)) in *;
                clear xInt xInts;assert (xInt:True) by constructor; assert (xInts:True) by constructor
      | _ => idtac
      eexists;split;[extractSimp idtac;shelveIfUnsolved "pos2" | intros vProc]

  | |- computes (TyB _) _ ?t=> is_ground t;apply computesTyB

  | |- computes _ _ (@ext _ _)=> apply extCorrect

  | H : Lock _ |- computesTime _ _ (match ?x with _ => _ end) _=>
    let t := type of x in
    unlock H;revert H;(refine (_: ((fun z:t => ltac:(destruct z):Prop) x) -> _);intros H;lock H);
    let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct x eqn:eq
  | H:Lock _ |- computesTime (TyArr ?tt1 ?tt2) ?f ?intF ?T=>
    let fRep := constr:(ltac:(quote_term f (fun x => exact x))) in
    lazymatch fRep with
      Ast.tFix (_::_::_) => fail 1000 "mutual recursion not supported"
    | Ast.tFix [BasicAst.mkdef _ _ _ _ ?recArg] 0 =>
      let P := fresh "P" in
      let H' := fresh H "'" in
      recRem P;
      eapply computesTimeExpStart;[solve [Lproc]|];
      let n:= (eval cbn in (S recArg)) in
      let rec step n:=
          (lazymatch n with
           | S ?n' =>
              let x := fresh "x" in
              let xInt := fresh x "Int" in
              let xT := fresh x "T" in
              let xInts := fresh x "Ints" in
              (refine (computesTimeExpStep (fT:=fun x xT => _) _ _ _ _) ;
               [|try recStepUnnamed;extractSimp idtac;shelveIfUnsolved "pos8"|Lproc;shelveIfUnsolved "pos9"|]);
              [try reflexivity;is_assumed_add|];clean_assumed;
              intros x xInt xT; intro_to_assumed x;intro_to_assumed xT;intro xInts;
              change xInt with (@extT _ _ x _ (Build_computableTime xInts));
              lazymatch type of xInts with
                computesTime (@TyB _ ?reg) _ _ _=>
                rewrite (extT_is_enc (Build_computableTime xInts)) in *;
                destruct xT;
                clear xInt xInts;assert (xInt:True) by constructor; assert (xInts:True) by constructor; assert (xT:True) by constructor
              | computesTime (TyArr _ _) _ _ _=> idtac
              step n';
              revert x xInt xT xInts
           | 0 => idtac
           end) in
      step n;
      let IH := fresh "IH" P in
      ugly_fix_fix2 IH recArg;
        let rec loop n :=
             let x := fresh "x" in
             let xT := fresh x "T" in
             intros x ? xT ? ;
             let tx := type of x in
             let txT := type of xT in
             unlock H; revert H;refine (_ : (forall (x:_) (xT:_) , (_ :Prop)) -> _ );
             intros H;specialize (H x xT);lock H;
             lazymatch n with
               0 => unlock H;revert H;(refine (_: ((fun z:tx => ltac:(destruct z):Prop) x) -> _);intros H;lock H);
                   eexists (ltac:(destruct x));destruct x;(split;unlock H;
                     lazymatch goal with
                       |- evalLe ?k _ _ =>
                       refine (le_evalLe_proper _ eq_refl eq_refl _);[refine (proj1 H);shelve|apply proj2 in H;lock H];
                       try recStepUnnamed;extractSimp idtac;shelveIfUnsolved "pos10"
                    |apply proj2 in H;lock H])
             | S ?n' => loop n'
             end ) in
        loop recArg
    | _ =>
      let xInt := fresh x "Int" in
      let xNorm := fresh x "Norm" in
      let xInts := fresh x "Time" in
      let xInts := fresh x "Ints" in
      let xT := fresh x "T" in
      let vProc := fresh "vProc" in
      eapply computesTimeTyArr_helper with (time := fun x xT => _);[try Lproc;shelveIfUnsolved "pos3"|];
      intros x xT;intro_to_assumed x;intro_to_assumed xT;
      split_assumed;[now is_assumed|];
      intros xInt xInts;
      change xInt with (@extT _ _ x _ (Build_computableTime xInts));
      lazymatch tt1 with
        TyB _ => rewrite (extT_is_enc (Build_computableTime xInts)) in *;
                clear xInt xInts;assert (xInt:True) by constructor; assert (xInts:True) by constructor
      | _ => idtac
      eexists;split;[extractSimp idtac;shelveIfUnsolved "pos4"| intros vProc]

  | H : Lock _ |- computesTime (TyB _) _ ?t ?tt=> is_ground t;close_assumed; destruct tt;apply computesTimeTyB
  | H : Lock _ |-computesTime _ _ (@extT _ _) _ => apply extTCorrect

  | |- computesTime _ _ _ _ =>
    match goal with
    | H : Lock _ |- _ => fail 1
    | |- _ =>
      refine (computesTimeIfStart (P:= fun fT => _) _ _);
      [let H := fresh "H" in
       let fT := fresh "fT" in
       intros fT H; lock H|]

Tactic Notation "progress'" tactic(t) :=
  lazymatch goal with
    | |- ?R ?s _ =>idtac "now";print_goal;
    t tt;idtac"then";print_goal;
    lazymatch goal with
      |- R s _ => fail "noprogress"
    | |- _ => idtac

Ltac extractCorrectCrush_new :=
  repeat (progress (repeat Intern.destructRefine);Lrewrite_new);
  try Lreflexivity.

Ltac cstep := cstep' ltac:(fun _ =>
                               lazymatch goal with
                                 |- eval _ _ => extractCorrectCrush_new
                               | |- evalLe _ _ _ => extractCorrectCrush_new
                               | |- evalIn _ _ _ => Lsimpl;fail "evalIn does not support full Lrewrite and should only occur when simplifying rho/recursion"
                               | |- ?G => idtac "cstep found unexpected" G
                               end;try (idtac;[idtac "could not simplify some occuring term, shelved instead"];shelve)).

                           Ltac computable_match:=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?R ?lhs ?rhs =>
    lazymatch lhs with
    | context C [@enc _ ?reg ?x] =>
      induction x;
      let encf := (eval hnf in (@enc _ reg)) in
      change (@enc _ reg) with encf;
      cbn -[enc];
      repeat change encf with (@enc _ reg);

Ltac infer_instances :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ |- context [ int_ext ?t ] ] => first [change (int_ext t) with (ext t) | fail 3 "Could not fold int-instance for " t]
         | [ |- context [ extT ?t ] ] => first [change (extT t) with (ext t) | fail 3 "Could not fold int-instance for " t]

Ltac infer_instancesT :=
  repeat match goal with
         | [ |- context [ int_ext ?t ] ] => first [change (int_ext t) with (extT t) | fail 3 "Could not fold extT-instance for " t]
         | [ |- context [ ext ?t ] ] => first [change (ext t) with (extT t) | fail 3 "Could not fold extT-instance for " t]

Ltac computable_prepare t :=
  let h := visibleHead t in
  tryif is_const h then unfold h else idtac.

Ltac computable_using_noProof Lter:=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- computable ?t ] =>
    eexists Lter;unfold Lter;
    let t' := eval hnf in t in
        let h := visibleHead t' in
        try unfold h;computable_prepare t;infer_instances
  | [ |- computableTime ?t _] =>
    eexists Lter;unfold Lter;
    let t' := (eval hnf in t) in
    let h := visibleHead t' in
    try unfold h; computable_prepare t; infer_instancesT

Ltac extractAs s :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ H : @extracted _ |- _ ] => idtac "WARNING: extraction is buggy if used while a term of type 'extracted _' is in Context"
  | [ |- computable ?t ] =>
    (run_template_program (tmExtract None t)
                         (fun e => pose (s:= ( e : extracted t))))
  | [ |- computableTime ?t _] =>
    (run_template_program (tmExtract None t)
                         (fun e => pose (s:= ( e : extracted t))))

Ltac extractThis t s :=
    (run_template_program (tmExtract None t)
                         (fun e => pose (s:= ( e : extracted t)))).

End Intern.

Import Intern.

Ltac register_inj := abstract (intros x; induction x; destruct 0;simpl; intros eq; try (injection eq || discriminate eq);intros;f_equal;auto;try apply inj_enc;try easy).

Ltac register_proc :=
  unfold enc_f;
  (((induction 0 || intros);
    cbn; fold_encs;Lproc

Ltac register encf := refine (@mk_registered _ encf _ _);[
                          (((induction 0 || intros);(let f := visibleHead encf in unfold f;cbn [f]);
                        )) | try register_inj].

Tactic Notation "computable" "using" open_constr(Lter) :=
  computable_using_noProof Lter;repeat cstep.

Tactic Notation "computable" "instead" open_constr(t) :=
  let s := fresh "s" in
  extractThis t s; computable using s.

Tactic Notation "computable" "infer" :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | [ |- computable ?t ] =>
    let e := constr:(int_ext t) in let e' := eval unfold int_ext in e in computable using e'
  | [ |- computableTime ?t _] =>
    let e := constr:(int_ext t) in let e' := eval unfold int_ext in e in computable using e'

Tactic Notation "extract" :=
    let term := fresh "used_term" in
    extractAs term;computable using term.

Tactic Notation "extract" "constructor":=
  let term := fresh "used_term" in
        lazymatch goal with
        | [ |- computable ?t ] =>
          run_template_program (tmExtractConstr' None t)
                                 (fun e => pose (term:= ( e : extracted t)); computable using term)
        | [ |- computableTime ?t _] =>
          run_template_program (tmExtractConstr' None t)
                               (fun e => pose (term:= ( e : extracted t)); computable using term)

Tactic Notation "extract" "match" := computable_match.

Lemma recRel_prettify_drop A B C:
  (A -> B) -> (A -> (C -> B)).

Lemma recRel_prettify_forall X (P Q : X -> Prop) :
  (forall x, Q x -> P x) -> ((forall x, Q x) -> (forall x, P x)).

Lemma recRel_prettify_conj (P P' Q Q' : Prop) :
  (P-> P') -> (Q -> Q') -> (P /\ Q -> P' /\ Q').

Lemma recRel_prettify_conj_drop_r (P P' Q' : Prop) :
  Q' -> (P-> P') -> (P -> (P' /\ Q')).

Lemma recRel_prettify_rel X R (x x' y y' : X):
  x = x' -> y = y' -> (R x' y' -> R x y).
  firstorder congruence.

Ltac recRel_ring_simplify_arith_enterRel :=
  lazymatch goal with
    |- _ -> ?R ?x ?y =>
    let X := type of x in
    let x' := fresh "x'" in
    let y' := fresh "y'" in
    evar (x' : X);
    evar (y' : X);
    refine (@recRel_prettify_rel X R x x' y y' _ _);subst x' y'

Ltac recRel_prettify_arith_step :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | |- _ -> (_ /\ _) =>
      refine (@recRel_prettify_conj _ _ _ _ _ _)
    | |- _ -> (forall (x:?t),@?P x) =>
      let x := fresh "x" in
      refine (@recRel_prettify_forall t P (fun (x:t) => _) _)
      ;intros x
    | |- _ -> match ?x with _ => _ end =>
      let t := type of x in
      refine (_:(((fun y : t => ltac:(destruct y)) x : Prop) -> _));

      lazymatch t with
        nat => destruct x;
            lazymatch goal with
              |- ?G -> _ =>
              let H := fresh in
              pose G as H; instantiate (1:=ltac:(clear x)) in (Value of H); subst H
      | _ => destruct x
    | |- _ -> (?x <= ?y)%nat =>
    | |- match ?x with _ => _ end = ?evar =>
      let t := type of x in
      refine (_:(_ = ((fun y : t => ltac:(destruct y)) x)));

      lazymatch t with
        nat => destruct x;
            lazymatch goal with
              |- _ = ?G =>
              let H := fresh in
              pose G as H; instantiate (1:=ltac:(clear x)) in (Value of H); subst H
      | _ => destruct x
    | |- ?x = ?evar =>
      ring_simplify x;
      let rec patternMatches:= lazymatch goal with
                                 |- context C [match _ with _ => _ end] =>
                                 let C' := constr:(fun y => ltac:(let C' := context C[y] in exact C')) in
                                 refine (@eq_rect _ _ C' _ _ _);[patternMatches|symmetry]
                               | |- _ => reflexivity
      in patternMatches
    | |- _ -> _ => exact (@impl_Reflexive _)
    | |- _ => idtac "DEBUG";print_goal

Ltac recRel_prettify_arith_loop := repeat recRel_prettify_arith_step;[>idtac "recRel_prettify_arith_step";shelve..].

Ltac recRel_prettify_arith_prepare := cbn [id fst snd];
                                      eapply Basics.apply.

Ltac recRel_prettify_arith :=
  recRel_prettify_arith_prepare;[recRel_prettify_arith_loop|cbn beta].

Ltac recRel_prettify := recRel_prettify_arith.

 Ltac recRel_prettify2 :=
      cbn [timeComplexity fst snd] in *;
      (repeat (intros; intuition idtac;
               repeat match goal with
                      | t:unit |- _ =>
                        destruct t
               try (let H:= fresh "H" in destruct _ eqn:H)));cbn [fst snd];ring_simplify.

Local Ltac solverecTry := cbn [timeComplexity] in *;
                                (repeat (intros; intuition idtac;
                                         repeat match goal with
                                                | t:unit |- _ =>
                                                  destruct t
                                         try (let H:= fresh "H" in destruct _ eqn:H);cbn -[mult plus];try ring_simplify);try lia).
Ltac solverec := try abstract (solverecTry);solverecTry.

Lemma cast_computable X Y `{registered Y} (cast : X -> Y) (Hc : injective cast) :
  let _ := registerAs cast Hc in
  computable cast.
  pose (t:=lam 0).
  computable using t.

Lemma cast_computableTime X Y `{registered Y} (cast : X -> Y) (Hc : injective cast):
  let _ := registerAs cast Hc in
  computableTime' cast (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
  pose (t:=lam 0).
  computable using t.

Ltac computable_casted_result :=
  match goal with
    |- @computable _ _ _ =>
    simple notypeclasses refine (cast_registeredAs _ _);
    [ | | | |
      cbn - [registerAs];reflexivity| ];
  | |- @ComputableTime.computableTime _ _ _ _=>
    simple notypeclasses refine (cast_registeredAs_TimeComplexity _ _);
    [ | | | |
      cbn - [registerAs];reflexivity| ];