Require Import List Arith Omega.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW Require Import Utils.utils Vec.pos Vec.vec.
From Undecidability.ILL.Code Require Import subcode sss.
From Undecidability.ILL.Mm Require Export mm_defs.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Tactic Notation "rew" "length" := autorewrite with length_db.
Local Notation "e #> x" := (vec_pos e x).
Local Notation "e [ v / x ]" := (vec_change e x v).
Alternate Minsky Machines such that two counters are enough for undec
Semantics for MM2 based on vectors
Section Minsky_Machine_alternate.
Variable (n : nat).
Inductive mma_sss : mm_instr n -> mm_state n -> mm_state n -> Prop :=
| in_mma_sss_inc : forall i x v, INC x // (i,v) -1> (1+i,v[(S (v#>x))/x])
| in_mma_sss_dec_0 : forall i x k v, v#>x = O -> DEC x k // (i,v) -1> (1+i,v)
| in_mma_sss_dec_1 : forall i x k v u, v#>x = S u -> DEC x k // (i,v) -1> (k,v[u/x])
where "i // s -1> t" := (mma_sss i s t).
Fact mma_sss_fun i s t1 t2 : i // s -1> t1 -> i // s -1> t2 -> t1 = t2.
intros []; subst.
inversion 1; subst; auto.
inversion 1; subst; auto.
rewrite H in H6; discriminate.
inversion 1; subst; auto.
rewrite H in H6; discriminate.
rewrite H in H6; inversion H6; subst; auto.
Fact mma_sss_total ii s : { t | ii // s -1> t }.
destruct s as (i,v).
destruct ii as [ x | x j ]; [ | case_eq (v#>x); [ | intros k ]; intros E ].
* exists (1+i,v[(S (v#>x))/x]); constructor.
* exists (1+i,v); constructor; auto.
* exists (j,v[k/x]); constructor; auto.
Fact mma_sss_INC_inv x i v j w : INC x // (i,v) -1> (j,w) -> j=1+i /\ w = v[(S (v#>x))/x].
Proof. inversion 1; subst; auto. Qed.
Fact mma_sss_DEC0_inv x k i v j w : v#>x = O -> DEC x k // (i,v) -1> (j,w) -> j = 1+i /\ w = v.
intros H; inversion 1; subst; auto; rewrite H in H2; try discriminate.
Fact mma_sss_DEC1_inv x k u i v j w : v#>x = S u -> DEC x k // (i,v) -1> (j,w) -> j=k /\ w = v[u/x].
intros H; inversion 1; subst; auto; rewrite H in H2; try discriminate.
inversion H2; subst; auto.
Notation "P // s -[ k ]-> t" := (sss_steps mma_sss P k s t).
Notation "P // s -+> t" := (sss_progress mma_sss P s t).
Notation "P // s ->> t" := (sss_compute mma_sss P s t).
Fact mma_sss_progress_INC P i x v st :
(i,INC x::nil) <sc P
-> P // (1+i,v[(S (v#>x))/x]) ->> st
-> P // (i,v) -+> st.
intros H1 H2.
apply sss_progress_compute_trans with (2 := H2).
apply subcode_sss_progress with (1 := H1).
exists 1; split; auto; apply sss_steps_1.
apply in_sss_step with (l := nil).
simpl; omega.
constructor; auto.
Corollary mma_sss_compute_INC P i x v st : (i,INC x::nil) <sc P -> P // (1+i,v[(S (v#>x))/x]) ->> st -> P // (i,v) ->> st.
Proof. intros; apply sss_progress_compute; eapply mma_sss_progress_INC; eauto. Qed.
Fact mma_sss_progress_DEC_0 P i x k v st :
(i,DEC x k::nil) <sc P
-> v#>x = O
-> P // (1+i,v) ->> st
-> P // (i,v) -+> st.
intros H1 H2 H3.
apply sss_progress_compute_trans with (2 := H3).
apply subcode_sss_progress with (1 := H1).
exists 1; split; auto; apply sss_steps_1.
apply in_sss_step with (l := nil).
simpl; omega.
constructor; auto.
Corollary mma_sss_compute_DEC_0 P i x k v st : (i,DEC x k::nil) <sc P -> v#>x = O -> P // (1+i,v) ->> st -> P // (i,v) ->> st.
Proof. intros; apply sss_progress_compute; eapply mma_sss_progress_DEC_0; eauto. Qed.
Fact mma_sss_progress_DEC_S P i x k v u st :
(i,DEC x k::nil) <sc P
-> v#>x = S u
-> P // (k,v[u/x]) ->> st
-> P // (i,v) -+> st.
intros H1 H2 H3.
apply sss_progress_compute_trans with (2 := H3).
apply subcode_sss_progress with (1 := H1).
exists 1; split; auto; apply sss_steps_1.
apply in_sss_step with (l := nil).
simpl; omega.
constructor; auto.
Corollary mma_sss_compute_DEC_S P i x k v u st : (i,DEC x k::nil) <sc P -> v#>x = S u -> P // (k,v[u/x]) ->> st -> P // (i,v) ->> st.
Proof. intros; apply sss_progress_compute; eapply mma_sss_progress_DEC_S; eauto. Qed.
Fact mma_sss_steps_INC_inv k P i x v st :
(i,INC x::nil) <sc P
-> k <> 0
-> P // (i,v) -[k]-> st
-> exists k', k' < k /\ P // (1+i,v[(S (v#>x))/x]) -[k']-> st.
intros H1 H2 H4.
apply sss_steps_inv in H4.
destruct H4 as [ (? & ?) | (k' & st2 & ? & H4 & H5) ]; subst; auto.
destruct H2; auto.
apply sss_step_subcode_inv with (1 := H1) in H4.
exists k'; split.
inversion H4; subst; auto.
Fact mma_sss_steps_DEC_0_inv k P i x p v st :
(i,DEC x p::nil) <sc P
-> k <> 0
-> v#>x = 0
-> P // (i,v) -[k]-> st
-> exists k', k' < k /\ P // (1+i,v) -[k']-> st.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4.
apply sss_steps_inv in H4.
destruct H4 as [ (? & ?) | (k' & st2 & ? & H4 & H5) ]; subst; auto.
destruct H2; auto.
apply sss_step_subcode_inv with (1 := H1) in H4.
exists k'; split.
inversion H4; subst; auto.
rewrite H3 in H9; discriminate.
Fact mma_sss_steps_DEC_1_inv k P i x p v u st :
(i,DEC x p::nil) <sc P
-> k <> 0
-> v#>x = S u
-> P // (i,v) -[k]-> st
-> exists k', k' < k /\ P // (p,v[u/x]) -[k']-> st.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4.
apply sss_steps_inv in H4.
destruct H4 as [ (? & ?) | (k' & st2 & ? & H4 & H5) ]; subst; auto.
destruct H2; auto.
apply sss_step_subcode_inv with (1 := H1) in H4.
exists k'; split.
inversion H4; subst; auto; rewrite H3 in H9.
inversion H9; subst; auto.
End Minsky_Machine_alternate.
Local Notation "P // s -+> t" := (sss_progress (@mma_sss _) P s t).
Local Notation "P // s ->> t" := (sss_compute (@mma_sss _) P s t).
Local Notation "P // s ↓" := (sss_terminates (@mma_sss _) P s).
Tactic Notation "mma" "sss" "INC" "with" uconstr(a) :=
match goal with
| |- _ // _ -+> _ => apply mma_sss_progress_INC with (x := a)
| |- _ // _ ->> _ => apply mma_sss_compute_INC with (x := a)
end; auto.
Tactic Notation "mma" "sss" "DEC" "0" "with" uconstr(a) uconstr(b) :=
match goal with
| |- _ // _ -+> _ => apply mma_sss_progress_DEC_0 with (x := a) (k := b)
| |- _ // _ ->> _ => apply mma_sss_compute_DEC_0 with (x := a) (k := b)
end; auto.
Tactic Notation "mma" "sss" "DEC" "S" "with" uconstr(a) uconstr(b) uconstr(c) :=
match goal with
| |- _ // _ -+> _ => apply mma_sss_progress_DEC_S with (x := a) (k := b) (u := c)
| |- _ // _ ->> _ => apply mma_sss_compute_DEC_S with (x := a) (k := b) (u := c)
end; auto.
Tactic Notation "mma" "sss" "stop" := exists 0; apply sss_steps_0; auto.
Definition MMA2_PROBLEM := (list (mm_instr 2) * vec nat 2)%type.
Definition MMA2_HALTING (P : MMA2_PROBLEM) := (1,fst P) // (1,snd P) ↓.