From Undecidability.H10 Require Import H10 dio_single dio_logic.
Require Import Undecidability.FOL.PCP.
Require Import Shared.FiniteTypes Shared.FiniteTypes.Arbitrary.
Require Import LTactics LNat Lists LProd MuRec Synthetic GenEncode.

Case Study 2: Diophantine Equations

Inductive poly : Set :=
    poly_cnst : nat -> poly
  | poly_var : nat -> poly
  | poly_add : poly -> poly -> poly
  | poly_mul : poly -> poly -> poly.

Run TemplateProgram (tmGenEncode "enc_poly" poly).
Hint Resolve enc_poly_correct : Lrewrite.

Instance term_poly_cnst: computable poly_cnst. extract constructor. Qed.
Instance term_poly_var : computable poly_var. extract constructor. Qed.
Instance term_poly_add : computable poly_add. extract constructor. Qed.
Instance term_poly_mul : computable poly_mul. extract constructor. Qed.

Fixpoint eval (p : poly) (L : list nat) :=
  match p with
  | poly_cnst n => n
  | poly_var n => nth n L 0
  | poly_add p1 p2 => eval p1 L + eval p2 L
  | poly_mul p1 p2 => eval p1 L * eval p2 L
Instance term_eval : computable eval. extract. Qed.

Definition poly_add' '(x,y) : poly := poly_add x y.
Instance term_poly_add' : computable poly_add'. extract. Qed.

Definition poly_mul' '(x,y) : poly := poly_mul x y.
Instance term_poly_mul' : computable poly_mul'. extract. Qed.

Fixpoint L_poly n : list (poly) :=
  match n with
  | 0 => []
  | S n => L_poly n ++ map poly_cnst (L_nat n)
                                   ++ map poly_var (L_nat n)
                                   ++ map poly_add' (list_prod (L_poly n) (L_poly n))
                                   ++ map poly_mul' (list_prod (L_poly n) (L_poly n))

Instance term_L_poly : computable L_poly. extract. Qed.

Instance enum_poly :
  enumT (poly) := {| L_T := L_poly |}.
  - eauto.
  - intros p. induction p.
    + destruct (el_T n) as [m].
      exists (1 + m). cbn. in_app 2. eauto.
    + destruct (el_T n) as [m].
      exists (1 + m). cbn. in_app 3. eauto.
    + destruct IHp1 as [m1]. destruct IHp2 as [m2].
      exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 4. in_collect (p1, p2); eapply cum_ge'; eauto; omega.
    + destruct IHp1 as [m1]. destruct IHp2 as [m2].
      exists (1 + m1 + m2). cbn. in_app 5. in_collect (p1, p2); eapply cum_ge'; eauto; omega.

Fixpoint conv n (p : dio_single.dio_polynomial (pos.pos n) Empty_set) : poly.
  destruct p.
  - exact (poly_cnst n0).
  - exact (poly_var (pos.pos2nat p)).
  - inv e.
  - destruct d.
    + exact (poly_add (conv _ p1) (conv _ p2)).
    + exact (poly_mul (conv _ p1) (conv _ p2)).

Fixpoint L_from (n : nat) : (pos.pos n -> nat) -> list nat.
  intros phi. destruct n.
  - exact [].
  - refine (_ :: L_from _ _)%list.
    + exact (phi pos.pos_fst).
    + intros. eapply phi. econstructor 2. exact H.

Lemma L_nth n phi (p : pos.pos n) : nth (pos.pos2nat p) (L_from phi) 0 = phi p.
  induction n.
  - inv p.
  - cbn. pos.pos_inv p.
    + cbn. now rewrite pos.pos2nat_fst.
    + now rewrite pos.pos2nat_nxt, IHn.

Lemma phi_to_L n : forall phi, forall p, dp_eval phi (fun _ => 0) p = eval (@conv n p) (L_from phi).
  induction p; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - now rewrite L_nth.
  - destruct p.
  - destruct d; cbn; congruence.

Lemma eval_L_from n p L :
  eval (@conv n p) (L_from (fun n0 : pos.pos n => nth (pos.pos2nat n0) L 0)) = eval (conv p) L.
  induction p; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - revert L; induction n; intros; cbn.
    + inv v.
    + pos.pos_inv v.
      * rewrite pos.pos2nat_fst. reflexivity.
      * rewrite pos.pos2nat_nxt in *.
        destruct L.
        -- cbn. clear. induction n.
           ++ cbn. pos.pos_inv v.
           ++ cbn. pos.pos_inv v. rewrite !pos.pos2nat_fst.
              now rewrite pos.pos2nat_nxt.
              now rewrite pos.pos2nat_nxt.
        -- cbn. now rewrite <- IHn with (L := L).
  - inv p.
  - destruct d; cbn; congruence.

Lemma red :
  H10 (fun '(p1, p2) => exists L, eval p1 L = eval p2 L).
  unshelve eexists.
  - intros (n & p1 & p2). exact (conv p1, conv p2).
  - intros (n & p1 & p2). cbn.
    unfold dio_single_pred. cbn. split.
    + intros [phi]. exists (L_from phi). now rewrite <- !phi_to_L.
    + intros [L]. exists (fun n => nth (pos.pos2nat n) L 0).
      now rewrite !phi_to_L, !eval_L_from.

Definition test_eq := (fun '(p1,p2,L) => Nat.eqb (eval p1 L) (eval p2 L)).

Instance term_test_eq : computable test_eq.

Definition cons' : nat * list nat -> list nat := fun '(n, L) => n :: L.

Instance term_cons' : computable cons'.

Definition T_list_nat := @T_list nat _.

Instance term_T_list : computable T_list_nat.
  change (computable
    (fix T_list (n : nat) : list (list nat) :=
       match n with
       | 0 => [[]]
| S n0 => (T_list n0 ++ map cons' (L_nat n0 × T_list n0))%list

Lemma H10_enumerable : L_enumerable (fun '(p1, p2) => exists L, eval p1 L = eval p2 L).
  eapply L_enumerable_ext.
  eapply projection with (Y := list nat).
  instantiate (1 := fun '( (p1,p2), L) => eval p1 L = eval p2 L).
  2:{ intros []. firstorder. }
  eapply L_enumerable_enum.
  exists (fix L n := match n with 0 => [] | S n => L n ++ filter test_eq (list_prod (list_prod (L_T poly n) (L_T poly n)) (L_T (list nat) n)) end)%list.
  repeat split.
  - cbn. change (T_list enumT_nat) with (T_list_nat). extract.
  - eauto.
  - destruct x as [[p1 p2] L]. intros.
    destruct (el_T p1) as [m1], (el_T p2) as [m2], (el_T L) as [m3].
    exists (1 + m1 + m2 + m3). in_app 2.
    fold plus. eapply in_filter_iff. split.
    + rewrite !in_prod_iff. repeat split; eapply cum_ge'; try eassumption; eauto; omega.
    + unfold test_eq. edestruct (Nat.eqb_spec (eval p1 L) (eval p2 L)); eauto.
  - destruct x as [[p1 p2] L]. intros [m].
    induction m.
    + inv H.
    + eapply in_app_iff in H as [|].
      * eauto.
      * eapply in_filter_iff in H as []. unfold test_eq in H0.
        destruct (Nat.eqb_spec (eval p1 L) (eval p2 L)); eauto.

Fixpoint poly_eqb p1 p2 :=
  match p1, p2 with
  | poly_cnst n1, poly_cnst n2 => Nat.eqb n1 n2
  | poly_var v1, poly_var v2 => Nat.eqb v1 v2
  | poly_add p1 p2, poly_add p1' p2' => poly_eqb p1 p1' && poly_eqb p2 p2'
  | poly_mul p1 p2, poly_mul p1' p2' => poly_eqb p1 p1' && poly_eqb p2 p2'
  | _,_ => false

Lemma poly_eqb_spec p1 p2 :
  reflect (p1 = p2) (poly_eqb p1 p2).
  revert p2; induction p1; destruct p2; cbn.
  all: try destruct d; try destruct d0; try now (econstructor; congruence).
  - destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n n0); subst; econstructor; congruence.
  - destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n n0); subst; econstructor; congruence.
  - destruct (IHp1_1 p2_1), (IHp1_2 p2_2); cbn; econstructor; congruence.
  - destruct (IHp1_1 p2_1), (IHp1_2 p2_2); cbn; econstructor; congruence.

Instance term_poly_beq : computable poly_eqb.

Theorem H10_converges :
  H10 converges.
  eapply reduces_transitive. eapply red.
  eapply L_enumerable_halt.
  2: eapply H10_enumerable.
  exists (fun '( (p1, p2), (p1', p2')) => poly_eqb p1 p1' && poly_eqb p2 p2'). split.
  - econstructor. extract.
  - intros ( (p1, p2), (p1', p2')).
    destruct (poly_eqb_spec p1 p1'), (poly_eqb_spec p2 p2'); cbn; firstorder congruence.
Print Assumptions eval_L_from.