From Complexity Require Import Complexity.Definitions.
From Undecidability.L Require Import L.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics.

Lemma resSizePoly_composition X Y Z `{encodable X} `{encodable Y} `{encodable Z} (f:X-> Y) (g : Y -> Z):
  resSizePoly f -> resSizePoly g -> resSizePoly (fun x => g (f x)).
  intros Hf Hg.
  evar (fsize : nat -> nat). [fsize]:intros n0.
  exists fsize.
  {intros x. rewrite (bounds__rSP Hg). setoid_rewrite mono__rSP. 2:now apply (bounds__rSP Hf).
   set (n0:=size _). unfold fsize. reflexivity.
  1,2:now unfold fsize;smpl_inO;eapply inOPoly_comp;smpl_inO.

Lemma polyTimeComputable_composition X Y Z `{encodable X} `{encodable Y} `{encodable Z} (f:X-> Y) (g : Y -> Z):
  polyTimeComputable f -> polyTimeComputable g -> polyTimeComputable (fun x => g (f x)).
  intros Hf Hg.
  evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
  exists time.
  {extract. solverec.
   setoid_rewrite mono__polyTC at 2. 2:now apply (bounds__rSP Hf). set (size (enc x)). unfold time. reflexivity.
  1,2:now unfold time;smpl_inO;eapply inOPoly_comp;smpl_inO.
  eapply resSizePoly_composition. all:eauto using resSize__polyTC.

Lemma resSizePoly_composition2 X Y1 Y2 Z `{encodable X} `{encodable Y1} `{encodable Y2} `{encodable Z}
      (f1:X-> Y1) (f2:X-> Y2) (g : Y1 -> Y2 -> Z):
  resSizePoly f1 -> resSizePoly f2 -> resSizePoly (fun y => g (fst y) (snd y)) -> resSizePoly (fun x => g (f1 x) (f2 x)).
  intros Hf1 Hf2 Hg.
  evar (fsize : nat -> nat). [fsize]:intros n0.
  exists fsize.
  {intros x. erewrite (bounds__rSP Hg (f1 x,f2 x)). setoid_rewrite mono__rSP.
   2:{ rewrite LProd.size_prod;cbn. rewrite (bounds__rSP Hf1). now rewrite (bounds__rSP Hf2). }
   set (n0:=size _). unfold fsize. reflexivity.
  1,2:now unfold fsize;smpl_inO;eapply inOPoly_comp;smpl_inO.

Lemma polyTimeComputable_composition2 X Y1 Y2 Z `{encodable X} `{encodable Y1} `{encodable Y2} `{encodable Z}
      (f1:X-> Y1) (f2:X-> Y2) (g : Y1 -> Y2 -> Z):
  polyTimeComputable f1 -> polyTimeComputable f2 -> polyTimeComputable (fun y => g (fst y) (snd y)) -> polyTimeComputable (fun x => g (f1 x) (f2 x)).
  intros Hf1 Hf2 Hg. set (g':= fun y : Y1 * Y2 => g (fst y) (snd y)) in *.
  evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
  exists time.
  {eapply computableTimeExt with (x:= fun x => g' (f1 x,f2 x)). now cbv.
   extract. solverec.
   setoid_rewrite mono__polyTC at 3.
   2:{ rewrite LProd.size_prod;cbn. rewrite (bounds__rSP Hf1). now rewrite (bounds__rSP Hf2). }
   set (size (enc x)). unfold time. reflexivity.
  1,2:now unfold time;smpl_inO;eapply inOPoly_comp;smpl_inO.
  eapply resSizePoly_composition2. all:eauto using resSize__polyTC.

Lemma resSizePoly_prod X Y Z `{encodable X} `{encodable Y} `{encodable Z} (f:X-> Y) (g : X -> Z):
  resSizePoly f -> resSizePoly g -> resSizePoly (fun x => (f x, g x)).
  intros Hf Hg.
  evar (fsize : nat -> nat). [fsize]:intros n0.
  exists fsize.
  {intros x. rewrite LProd.size_prod;cbn [fst snd].
   rewrite (bounds__rSP Hf),(bounds__rSP Hg).
   set (n0:=size _). unfold fsize. reflexivity.
  1,2:now unfold fsize;smpl_inO;eapply inOPoly_comp;smpl_inO.

Lemma polyTimeComputable_prod X Y Z `{encodable X} `{encodable Y} `{encodable Z} (f:X-> Y) (g : X -> Z):
  polyTimeComputable f -> polyTimeComputable g -> polyTimeComputable (fun x => (f x, g x)).
  intros Hf Hg.
  evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n0.
  exists time.
  {extract. solverec. set (size (enc x)). unfold time. reflexivity.
  1,2:now unfold time;smpl_inO;eapply inOPoly_comp;smpl_inO.
  eapply resSizePoly_prod. all:eauto using resSize__polyTC.

From Coq Require Import CRelationClasses CMorphisms.
Local Set Universe Polymorphism.

Instance polyTimeComputable_proper_eq X Y {_: encodable X} {_ : encodable Y}:
  Proper ( Morphisms.pointwise_relation X eq ==> arrow) (@polyTimeComputable X Y _ _).
  intros ?? Heq [a b c d e].
  exists a. 2-3:eassumption.
  -eapply computableTimeExt. 2:easy. now hnf.
  -destruct e as [e H]. exists e. 2-3:easy. hnf in Heq. intros;rewrite <- Heq. apply H.

Instance polyTimeComputable_proper_eq_flip X Y {_: encodable X} {_ : encodable Y}:
  Proper (Morphisms.pointwise_relation X eq ==> flip arrow) (@polyTimeComputable X Y _ _).
  repeat intro. eapply polyTimeComputable_proper_eq. 2:easy. now symmetry.

Applying n-ary polyTimeComputable lemmas

Local Set Universe Polymorphism.

Lemma polyTimeComputable_eta X Y {_: encodable X} {_ : encodable Y} (f:X -> Y) :
  (polyTimeComputable f) = (polyTimeComputable (fun x => f x)).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Smpl Add 2 rewrite polyTimeComputable_eta in *: nary_prepare.

Import GenericNary UpToCNary.

Lemma polyTimeComputable_simpl (X:list Set) Y {_: encodable(Rtuple X)} {_ : encodable Y} (f:Rtuple X -> Y) :
  iffT (polyTimeComputable (fun x => Fun' f x)) (polyTimeComputable f).
  split.   apply polyTimeComputable_proper_eq. 2:apply polyTimeComputable_proper_eq_flip.
  all:hnf. all:apply Fun'_simpl.

Smpl Add 2 rewrite polyTimeComputable_simpl in *: generic.

Ltac polyTimeComputable_domain G :=
  match G with
  | @polyTimeComputable ?F _ _ _ _ =>
    let L := domain_of_prod F in
    let L := constr:(L) in
    exact (Mk_domain_of_goal L)

Hint Extern 0 Domain_of_goal => (mk_domain_getter polyTimeComputable_domain) : domain_of_goal.

Lemma pTC_destructuringToProj (domain : list Set) X (regD:encodable(Rtuple domain)) (regX : encodable X) (f : Rarrow domain X)
  : polyTimeComputable (App f) -> polyTimeComputable (Fun' (App f)).
Proof. apply polyTimeComputable_simpl. Qed.

Smpl Create polyTimeComputable.
Smpl Add 4 assumption : polyTimeComputable.

Smpl Add 5 simple apply polyTimeComputable_prod : polyTimeComputable.

Local Ltac pTC_composition :=
  lazymatch goal with
    |- polyTimeComputable (fun x : _ => _ _) => simple eapply polyTimeComputable_composition

Smpl Add 10 pTC_composition : polyTimeComputable.

Lemma pTC_fst X Y `{encodable X} `{encodable Y}: polyTimeComputable (@fst X Y).
  eexists (fun _ => _). exact _. 1,2:now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun x => x). 2,3:now smpl_inO. intros []. rewrite LProd.size_prod. cbn. lia.
Smpl Add 0 simple apply pTC_fst : polyTimeComputable.

Lemma pTC_snd X Y `{encodable X} `{encodable Y}: polyTimeComputable (@snd X Y).
  eexists (fun _ => _). exact _. 1,2:now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun x => x). 2,3:now smpl_inO. intros []. rewrite LProd.size_prod. cbn. lia.
Smpl Add 0 simple apply pTC_snd : polyTimeComputable.

Lemma pTC_cnst X Y `{encodable X} `{encodable Y} (c:Y): polyTimeComputable (fun (_:X) => c).
  eexists (fun _ => 1).
  { extract. cbn. solverec. } 1,2:now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun x => size (enc c)). 2,3:now smpl_inO. lia.
Smpl Add 0 simple apply pTC_cnst : polyTimeComputable.

Lemma pTC_id X `{encodable X} : polyTimeComputable (fun (x:X) => x).
  eexists (fun _ => 1).
  { extract. cbn. solverec. } 1,2:now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun x => x). 2,3:now smpl_inO. lia.
Smpl Add 0 simple apply pTC_id : polyTimeComputable.

Lemma pTC_S : polyTimeComputable S.
  eexists (fun _ => _). exact _. 1,2:now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun x => x + LNat.c__natsizeS + LNat.c__natsizeO). 2,3:now smpl_inO. intros. rewrite !LNat.size_nat_enc. lia.
Smpl Add 0 simple apply pTC_S : polyTimeComputable.

Import Nat LNat.
Lemma pTC_mult X `{encodable X} f g: polyTimeComputable f -> polyTimeComputable g -> polyTimeComputable (fun (x:X) => f x * g x).
  intros. eapply polyTimeComputable_composition2. 1,2:easy.
  evar (time:nat -> nat).
  eexists time.
  {extract. solverec. rewrite LProd.size_prod. cbn - [mult c__mult1].
   rewrite !LNat.size_nat_enc. [time]:exact (fun n => n*n). unfold time, c__mult1, mult_time, c__mult, c__natsizeO, c__natsizeS, c__add1, c__add. nia. }
  1,2:unfold time;now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun n => n*n). all:unfold time. 2,3:now smpl_inO.
  intros []. rewrite LProd.size_prod,!LNat.size_nat_enc. cbn.
  unfold c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO. lia.
Smpl Add 5 simple apply pTC_mult : polyTimeComputable.

Lemma pTC_plus X `{encodable X} f g: polyTimeComputable f -> polyTimeComputable g -> polyTimeComputable (fun (x:X) => f x + g x).
  intros. eapply polyTimeComputable_composition2. 1,2:easy.
  evar (time:nat -> nat).
  eexists time.
  {extract. solverec. rewrite LProd.size_prod. cbn - [mult].
   rewrite !LNat.size_nat_enc. [time]:exact (fun n => 3*n). unfold time. cbn.
   unfold add_time, c__add, c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO. nia. }
  1,2:unfold time;now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun n => n+n). all:unfold time. 2,3:now smpl_inO.
  intros []. rewrite LProd.size_prod,!LNat.size_nat_enc. cbn. lia.
Smpl Add 5 simple apply pTC_plus : polyTimeComputable.

Lemma pTC_max X `{encodable X} f g: polyTimeComputable f -> polyTimeComputable g -> polyTimeComputable (fun (x:X) => max (f x) (g x)).
  intros. eapply polyTimeComputable_composition2. 1,2:easy.
  evar (time:nat -> nat).
  eexists time.
  {extract. solverec. rewrite LProd.size_prod. cbn - [mult].
   rewrite !LNat.size_nat_enc. [time]:exact (fun n => n*n). unfold time. cbn.
   unfold max_time, c__max2, c__natsizeS, c__natsizeO.
   nia. }
  1,2:unfold time;now smpl_inO.
  eexists (fun n => n*n). all:unfold time. 2,3:now smpl_inO.
  intros []. rewrite LProd.size_prod,!LNat.size_nat_enc. cbn. lia.
Smpl Add 5 simple apply pTC_max : polyTimeComputable.

Require Import smpl.Smpl.

Lemma pTC_pow_c X `{encodable X} f c: polyTimeComputable f -> polyTimeComputable (fun (x:X) => f x ^ c).
  intros. induction c. all: cbn [Nat.pow].
  all:repeat smpl polyTimeComputable.
Smpl Add 5 simple apply pTC_pow_c : polyTimeComputable.