From Undecidability.L Require Import L_facts Complexity.ResourceMeasures AbstractMachines.LargestVar.
From Complexity.L Require Export AbstractMachines.AbstractHeapMachineDef.
Import AbstractHeapMachineDef.clos_notation.
Require Import Lia.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma get_current H m H' alpha : put H m = (H', alpha) -> get H' alpha = Some m.
unfold put, get. intros [= <- <-].
rewrite nth_error_app2. now rewrite <- minus_n_n. reflexivity.
Lemma put_extends H H' m b: put H m = (H',b) -> extended H H'.
unfold extended,get,put.
intros [= <- <-] ? ? ?. rewrite nth_error_app1;eauto using nth_error_Some_lt.
Lemma step_functional : functional step.
intros ? ? ? R1 R2;inv R1;inv R2. all:congruence.
Lemma unfolds_functional H a k:
functional (unfolds H a k).
intros x y1 y2 R1 R2.
induction R1 in y2,R2|-*.
-inv R2. easy. nia.
-inv R2. nia.
rewrite H1 in H4. inv H4.
eapply IHR1. eauto.
-inv R2. f_equal.
eapply IHR1. easy.
-inv R2. f_equal. all: now auto.
Lemma unfolds_bound H k s s' a:
unfolds H a k s s'
-> bound k s'.
induction 1.
-now constructor.
-econstructor. eapply bound_ge;eauto. lia.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
Lemma reprC_functional H :
functional (reprC H ).
intros x y1 y2 R1 R2.
inv R1. inv R2.
eapply unfolds_functional. all:now eauto.
Lemma unfolds_subst' H s s' t' a a' k g:
get H a' = Some (heapEntryC g a) ->
reprC H g t' ->
unfolds H a (S k) s s' ->
unfolds H a' k s (subst s' k t').
intros H1 R I__s. remember (S k) as k' eqn:eq__k.
induction I__s in H1,k,eq__k|-*. all:subst k0.
-cbn. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n k).
+assert (H':lookup H a' (n-k) = Some g).
{subst n. cbn. rewrite Nat.sub_diag. cbn. rewrite H1. reflexivity. }
inv R.
all:try eauto using unfolds;try lia.
+econstructor. lia.
-rename s into u.
assert (H':lookup H a' (n-k) = Some (u,b)).
{destruct n. lia. rewrite Nat.sub_succ_l. cbn. rewrite H1. now rewrite Nat.sub_succ in H2. lia. }
rewrite bound_closed_k.
2:{ eapply bound_ge with (k:=0). 2:lia. now eauto using unfolds,unfolds_bound. }
econstructor. all:try eassumption;lia.
-econstructor. all:eauto.
-econstructor. all:eauto.
Lemma unfolds_subst H s s' t' a a' g:
get H a' = Some (heapEntryC g a) ->
reprC H g t' ->
unfolds H a 1 s s' ->
unfolds H a' 0 s (subst s' 0 t').
apply unfolds_subst'.
Lemma bound_unfolds_id H k s a:
bound k s ->
unfolds H a k s s.
induction 1.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
Instance extended_PO :
PreOrder extended.
unfold extended;split;repeat intro. all:eauto.
Typeclasses Opaque extended.
Lemma lookup_extend H H' a x g:
extended H H' -> lookup H a x = Some g -> lookup H' a x = Some g.
induction x in H,H',a,g|-*;intros H1 H2.
all:cbn in H2|-*.
all:destruct get as [[]|]eqn:H3.
all:try congruence.
all:try rewrite (H1 _ _ H3).
all:try congruence.
eapply IHx;eauto.
Lemma unfolds_extend H H' a s t k :
extended H H' ->
unfolds H a k s t ->
unfolds H' a k s t.
induction 2.
all:econstructor. 1-2,4-7:now eauto. erewrite lookup_extend;eauto.
Instance unfold_extend_Proper : Proper (extended ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==>Basics.impl) unfolds.
repeat intro. subst. eapply unfolds_extend. all:eassumption.
Lemma reprC_extend H H' g s:
extended H H' ->
reprC H g s ->
reprC H' g s.
inversion 2. subst. eauto using reprC, unfolds_extend.
Lemma In_extend H H' g:
extended H H' ->
g el H ->
g el H'.
unfold extended,get.
intros H1 H2.
eapply In_nth_error in H2 as (?&H2).
apply H1 in H2. eauto using nth_error_In.
Instance reprC_extend_Proper : Proper (extended ==> eq ==> eq ==>Basics.impl) reprC.
repeat intro. subst. eapply reprC_extend. all:eassumption.
From Complexity.L Require Export AbstractMachines.AbstractHeapMachineDef.
Import AbstractHeapMachineDef.clos_notation.
Require Import Lia.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma get_current H m H' alpha : put H m = (H', alpha) -> get H' alpha = Some m.
unfold put, get. intros [= <- <-].
rewrite nth_error_app2. now rewrite <- minus_n_n. reflexivity.
Lemma put_extends H H' m b: put H m = (H',b) -> extended H H'.
unfold extended,get,put.
intros [= <- <-] ? ? ?. rewrite nth_error_app1;eauto using nth_error_Some_lt.
Lemma step_functional : functional step.
intros ? ? ? R1 R2;inv R1;inv R2. all:congruence.
Lemma unfolds_functional H a k:
functional (unfolds H a k).
intros x y1 y2 R1 R2.
induction R1 in y2,R2|-*.
-inv R2. easy. nia.
-inv R2. nia.
rewrite H1 in H4. inv H4.
eapply IHR1. eauto.
-inv R2. f_equal.
eapply IHR1. easy.
-inv R2. f_equal. all: now auto.
Lemma unfolds_bound H k s s' a:
unfolds H a k s s'
-> bound k s'.
induction 1.
-now constructor.
-econstructor. eapply bound_ge;eauto. lia.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
Lemma reprC_functional H :
functional (reprC H ).
intros x y1 y2 R1 R2.
inv R1. inv R2.
eapply unfolds_functional. all:now eauto.
Lemma unfolds_subst' H s s' t' a a' k g:
get H a' = Some (heapEntryC g a) ->
reprC H g t' ->
unfolds H a (S k) s s' ->
unfolds H a' k s (subst s' k t').
intros H1 R I__s. remember (S k) as k' eqn:eq__k.
induction I__s in H1,k,eq__k|-*. all:subst k0.
-cbn. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec n k).
+assert (H':lookup H a' (n-k) = Some g).
{subst n. cbn. rewrite Nat.sub_diag. cbn. rewrite H1. reflexivity. }
inv R.
all:try eauto using unfolds;try lia.
+econstructor. lia.
-rename s into u.
assert (H':lookup H a' (n-k) = Some (u,b)).
{destruct n. lia. rewrite Nat.sub_succ_l. cbn. rewrite H1. now rewrite Nat.sub_succ in H2. lia. }
rewrite bound_closed_k.
2:{ eapply bound_ge with (k:=0). 2:lia. now eauto using unfolds,unfolds_bound. }
econstructor. all:try eassumption;lia.
-econstructor. all:eauto.
-econstructor. all:eauto.
Lemma unfolds_subst H s s' t' a a' g:
get H a' = Some (heapEntryC g a) ->
reprC H g t' ->
unfolds H a 1 s s' ->
unfolds H a' 0 s (subst s' 0 t').
apply unfolds_subst'.
Lemma bound_unfolds_id H k s a:
bound k s ->
unfolds H a k s s.
induction 1.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
-now constructor.
Instance extended_PO :
PreOrder extended.
unfold extended;split;repeat intro. all:eauto.
Typeclasses Opaque extended.
Lemma lookup_extend H H' a x g:
extended H H' -> lookup H a x = Some g -> lookup H' a x = Some g.
induction x in H,H',a,g|-*;intros H1 H2.
all:cbn in H2|-*.
all:destruct get as [[]|]eqn:H3.
all:try congruence.
all:try rewrite (H1 _ _ H3).
all:try congruence.
eapply IHx;eauto.
Lemma unfolds_extend H H' a s t k :
extended H H' ->
unfolds H a k s t ->
unfolds H' a k s t.
induction 2.
all:econstructor. 1-2,4-7:now eauto. erewrite lookup_extend;eauto.
Instance unfold_extend_Proper : Proper (extended ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==>Basics.impl) unfolds.
repeat intro. subst. eapply unfolds_extend. all:eassumption.
Lemma reprC_extend H H' g s:
extended H H' ->
reprC H g s ->
reprC H' g s.
inversion 2. subst. eauto using reprC, unfolds_extend.
Lemma In_extend H H' g:
extended H H' ->
g el H ->
g el H'.
unfold extended,get.
intros H1 H2.
eapply In_nth_error in H2 as (?&H2).
apply H1 in H2. eauto using nth_error_In.
Instance reprC_extend_Proper : Proper (extended ==> eq ==> eq ==>Basics.impl) reprC.
repeat intro. subst. eapply reprC_extend. all:eassumption.
Lemma correctTime' s t k s0 a T V H:
timeBS k s t -> unfolds H a 0 s0 s ->
exists g l H', reprC H' g t
/\ pow step l (closT(s0,a)::T,V,H)
(T,g::V,H') /\ l = 4*k+1 /\ extended H H'.
intros Ev R.
induction Ev in s0,a,T,V,H,R |-*.
-inversion R.
+subst k s' s0. clear H1 R. rename H5 into R.
rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in H2.
eexists (s1 , b),1,H.
repeat split.
*eauto using reprC.
*apply (rcomp_1 step). now constructor.
*hnf. tauto.
+subst k s' s0. clear R. rename H3 into R.
eexists (s1 , a),1,H.
repeat split.
*apply (rcomp_1 step). constructor.
-inv R.
rename t0 into t1. rename H5 into I__s, H6 into I__t.
specialize (IHEv1 _ _ (closT (t1,a)::appT::T) V _ I__s)
as ((s0'&a')&k1&Heap1&rep1&R1&eq_k1&Ext1).
inv rep1. rename H3 into I__s'.
apply (unfolds_extend Ext1) in I__t.
specialize (IHEv2 _ _ (appT::T) ((s0',a')::V) _ I__t)
as (g__t&k2&Heap2&rep2&R2&eq2&Ext2).
edestruct (put Heap2 (heapEntryC g__t a')) as [Heap2' a2'] eqn:eq.
assert (Ext2' := (put_extends eq)).
apply ( reprC_extend Ext2') in rep2.
apply ( unfolds_extend Ext2) in I__s'. apply ( unfolds_extend Ext2') in I__s'.
specialize (unfolds_subst (get_current eq) rep2 I__s') as I__subst.
edestruct (IHEv3 _ _ T V _ I__subst) as (g__u&k3&Heap3&rep3&R3&eq3&Ext3).
eexists g__u,(1+ (_+(k2+(1+k3)))),Heap3.
split;[ | split;[| split]].
+apply pow_add. eexists. split.
{ apply (rcomp_1 step). constructor;eassumption. }
apply pow_add. eexists. split.
{ exact R1. }
apply pow_add. eexists. split.
{ exact R2. }
apply pow_add. eexists. split.
{ apply (rcomp_1 step). constructor;eassumption. }
{exact R3. }
+rewrite Ext1,Ext2,Ext2',Ext3. reflexivity.
Lemma correctTime s t k:
timeBS k s t -> closed s ->
exists g H, reprC H g t
/\ pow step (4*k+1) (init s)
intros H1 H2.
edestruct (correctTime' (s0:=s) (a:=0) (H:=[]) [] [] H1)
as (g&l&H'&rep&R&eq&_).
-apply bound_unfolds_id. eauto using closed_k_bound.
-autorewrite with list in R.
exists g,H'. split. assumption. subst l.
Lemma soundness' s0 s a T V H k sigma:
evaluatesIn step k (closT(s0,a)::T,V,H) sigma ->
unfolds H a 0 s0 s ->
exists k1 k2 g H' t n, k = k1 + k2
/\ pow step k1 (closT(s0,a)::T,V,H) (T,g::V,H')
/\ evaluatesIn step k2 (T,g::V,H') sigma
/\ ResourceMeasures.timeBS n s t
/\ extended H H'
/\ reprC H' g t
/\ k1 = 4*n+1.
intros [R Ter].
revert s s0 a T V H R.
induction k as [k IH] using lt_wf_ind .
intros s s0 a T V H R Unf.
assert (exists k', k = 1 + k') as (k'&->).
{destruct k. 2:easy.
exfalso. inv R. inv Unf.
all:eapply Ter.
1:rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in H1.
all:eauto using step.
apply pow_add in R as (?&R0&R).
apply rcomp_1 in R0.
inv R0.
-inv Unf. eexists 1,k',_,_,_,0.
repeat eapply conj.
2:apply rcomp_1 with (R:=step).
3:{ exact R. }
6:{ now econstructor. }
all:try easy;eauto using timeBS,step.
-inv Unf. easy.
rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in H2.
rewrite H2 in H7. inv H7.
eexists 1,k',_,_,_,0.
repeat eapply conj.
2:apply rcomp_1 with (R:=step).
3:{ exact R. }
6:{ now econstructor. }
all:try easy;eauto using timeBS,step.
-inversion Unf as [| | | tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 tmp4 tmp5 Unf1 Unf2]. subst tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 s.
edestruct IH with (2:=R) (3:=Unf1) as (k11&k12&[s1' a']&H'1&t1&n1&eq1&R11&[R12 _]&Ev1&Ext1&Rg1&eqn1). now lia.
rewrite Ext1 in Unf2.
edestruct IH with (2:=R12) (3:=Unf2) as (k21&k22&g2&H'2&t2&n2&eq2&R21&[R22 _]&Ev2&Ext2&Rg2&eqn2). now lia.
setoid_rewrite Ext2 in Rg1.
assert (exists k22', k22 = 1 + k22') as (k22'&->).
{destruct k22. 2:eauto. exfalso.
inv R22. eapply Ter. econstructor. reflexivity.
apply pow_add with (R:= step) in R22 as (x&R22&R3).
apply rcomp_1 in R22. inversion R22 as [| AA BB CC DD H3 b GG HH | |]. subst AA BB CC GG HH DD. subst x.
assert (Ext2':=put_extends H0).
inversion Rg1 as [AA BB CC t1' Unft']. subst AA BB CC t1.
edestruct IH with (2:=R3) as (k31&k32&g3&H'3&t3&n3&eq3&R31&[R32 _]&Ev3&Ext3&Rg3&eqn3).
1:now lia.
1:{ eapply unfolds_subst. now eauto using get_current.
all:setoid_rewrite <- Ext2'. all:eauto.
eexists (1+(k11+(k21+(1+k31)))),k32,_,_,_,_.
repeat eapply ex_intro. repeat eapply conj.
+repeat (eapply pow_add with (R:=step);eexists;split).
all:try eapply rcomp_1 with (R:=step).
all:now eauto using step.
+inv Rg1. inv Rg2. inv Rg3. econstructor.
all:try eassumption. reflexivity.
+setoid_rewrite Ext1. setoid_rewrite Ext2. setoid_rewrite Ext2'. easy.
Lemma soundness k s sigma:
closed s ->
evaluatesIn step k (init s) sigma ->
exists g H t n , sigma = ([],[g],H) /\ ResourceMeasures.timeBS n s t /\ reprC H g t /\ k = 4*n+1.
intros cs [R Ter].
edestruct soundness' as (k1&k2&g&H&t&n&eq&R1&[R2 _]&Ev&_&Rgt&->).
-split. all:eassumption.
-apply bound_unfolds_id. eapply closed_dcl. eassumption.
-assert (k2 = 0) as ->.
{destruct k2 as [|]. easy.
destruct R2 as (?&R'&R2). inv R'.
inv R2.
eauto 10.
Lemma lookup_el H alpha x e: lookup H alpha x = Some e -> exists beta, heapEntryC e beta el H.
induction x in alpha, e|-*.
all:cbn. all:unfold get. all:destruct nth_error as [[]|] eqn:eq.
all:intros [= eq'].
all:eauto using nth_error_In.
Lemma lookup_size H a n q: lookup H a n = Some q -> largestVarC q <= largestVarH H.
intros (b&?)%lookup_el.
eapply maxl_leq. eapply in_map_iff. eexists (heapEntryC _ _). eauto.
Lemma largestVarH_bound H c:
(forall q beta, heapEntryC q beta el H -> largestVarC q <= c) -> largestVarH H <= c.
intros H'. eapply maxl_leq_l. setoid_rewrite in_map_iff.
intros ? ([]&<-&?). eauto.
Inductive subterm (s:term) : term -> Prop :=
subtermR : subterm s s
| subtermAppL (s' t:term) : subterm s s' -> subterm s (s' t)
| subtermAppR (t s':term) : subterm s s' -> subterm s (t s')
| subtermLam s': subterm s s' -> subterm s (lam s').
Instance subtermPO : PreOrder subterm.
split. now constructor.
intros x y z H1 H2.
induction H2 in H1,x|-*. all:eauto using subterm.
Lemma subterm_lam_inv s s0 :
subterm (lam s) s0 -> subterm s s0.
intros. rewrite <- H. eauto using subterm.
Lemma subterm_app_l s t s0 :
subterm (app s t) s0 -> subterm s s0.
intros. rewrite <- H. eauto using subterm.
Lemma subterm_app_r s t s0 :
subterm (app s t) s0 -> subterm t s0.
intros. rewrite <- H. eauto using subterm.
Lemma subterm_largestVar s s' :
subterm s s' -> largestVar s <= largestVar s'.
induction 1;cbn;Lia.nia.
Section Analysis.
Variable s0 : term.
Variable T : list task.
Variable V : list clos.
Variable H: list heapEntry.
Variable i : nat.
Hypothesis R: pow step i (init s0) (T,V,H).
Lemma subterm_property:
(forall s a, closT (s,a) el T -> subterm s s0)
/\ (forall s a, (s,a) el V -> subterm (lam s) s0)
/\ (forall s a b, heapEntryC (s,a) b el H -> subterm (lam s) s0).
induction i in R,T,V,H|-*.
{inv R. cbn. intuition. inv H0. eauto using subterm. }
replace (S n) with (n + 1) in R by lia.
apply pow_add with (R:=step) in R. destruct R as [[[T' V'] H'] [R1 R2]].
specialize IHn with (1:=R1) as (IH__T&IH__V&IH__H).
eapply rcomp_1 in R2.
inv R2.
all:cbn in *.
all:(repeat split;repeat intro;
repeat lazymatch goal with
| H : (_,_)=(_,_) |- _ => inv H
| H : heapEntryC _ _=heapEntryC _ _ |- _ => inv H
| H : closT _ = closT _ |- _ => inv H
| H : _ \/ _ |- _=> inv H
| H : lookup H _ _ = Some _ |- _=> eapply lookup_el in H as (?&?)
| H : appT = closT _ |- _ => inv H
| H : put _ _ = (_, _) |- _ =>
inv H
| H : _ el (_ ++ _) |- _ =>
apply in_app_or in H;cbn in H
| _ => eauto 5 using subterm ; eauto 5 using subterm,subterm_lam_inv,In_extend,lookup_el,subterm_app_l,subterm_app_r
Lemma adress_size:
(forall s a, closT (s,a) el T -> a <= length H)
/\ (forall s a, (s,a) el V -> a <= length H)
/\ (forall s a b, heapEntryC (s,a) b el H -> a <= length H /\ b <= length H).
induction i in R,T,V,H|-*.
{inv R. cbn. intuition. inv H0. eauto using subterm. }
replace (S n) with (n + 1) in R by lia.
apply pow_add with (R:=step) in R. destruct R as [[[T' V'] H'] [R1 R2]].
specialize IHn with (1:=R1) as (IH__T&IH__V&IH__H).
eapply rcomp_1 in R2.
inv R2.
all:cbn in *.
all:(repeat split;repeat intro;
repeat lazymatch goal with
| H : (_,_)=(_,_) |- _ => inv H
| H : heapEntryC _ _=heapEntryC _ _ |- _ => inv H
| H : closT _ = closT _ |- _ => inv H
| H : _ \/ _ |- _=> inv H
| H : lookup H _ _ = Some _ |- _=> eapply lookup_el in H as (?&?)
| H : appT = closT _ |- _ => inv H
| H : put _ _ = (_, _) |- _ =>
inv H
| H : _ el (_ ++ _) |- _ =>
apply in_app_or in H;cbn in H
| H : heapEntryC (_, _) _ el _ |- _ =>
eapply IH__H in H as []
| _ => simpl_list;cbn; eauto 5 ;
try now (rewrite <- Nat.le_add_r; eauto 5)
Lemma largestVarH_leq : largestVarH H <= largestVar s0.
edestruct subterm_property as (_&_&H').
apply largestVarH_bound. intros [] ? H''%(H' _ _).
eapply subterm_lam_inv in H''.
eapply subterm_largestVar. easy.
Lemma largestVarC_V_leq : forall g, g el V -> largestVarC g <= largestVar s0.
edestruct subterm_property as (_&H'&_).
intros [] H''. apply H' in H''. eapply subterm_lam_inv in H''. eapply subterm_largestVar. easy.
Lemma length_H : length H <= i.
induction i in T,V,H,R|-*.
-inv R. cbn;lia.
-replace (S n) with (n + 1) in R by lia.
apply pow_add in R. destruct R as [[[T' V'] H'] [R1 R2]].
specialize (IHn _ _ _ R1).
eapply rcomp_1 in R2.
inv R2.
1,3,4:now lia.
inv H2. autorewrite with list. cbn. lia.
Lemma length_TV : length T + length V <= 2*i + 1.
induction i in T,V,H,R|-*.
-inv R. cbn. lia.
-replace (S n) with (n + 1) in R by lia.
apply pow_add in R. destruct R as [[[T' V'] H'] [R1 R2]].
specialize (IHn _ _ _ R1).
eapply rcomp_1 in R2.
inv R2.
all:cbn in *. all:try lia.
Lemma list_bound X size m (A:list X):
(forall x, x el A -> size x <= m) -> sumn (map size A) <= length A * m.
induction A;cbn;intros H'. lia.
rewrite IHA. rewrite H'. lia. tauto. intuition.
End Analysis.