From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.PrettyBounds.
From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.BaseCode.
From Undecidability Require Import LM_heap_def TM.PrettyBounds.MaxList.
From Undecidability.TM.L Require Import CaseCom Alphabets JumpTargetTM LookupTM StepTM.
From Undecidability.TM.L Require Import StepTM M_LHeapInterpreter.
From Complexity.L.AbstractMachines.FlatPro Require Import SizeAnalysisStep.
Lemma dominatedWith_match_Tok com y1 y2 y3 y4 z c1 c2 c3 c4:
(com = appT -> y1 <=(c1) z) ->
(com = lamT -> y2 <=(c2) z) ->
(com = retT -> y3 <=(c3) z) ->
(forall x, com = varT x -> y4 x <=(c4) z) ->
match com with
| appT => y1
| lamT => y2
| retT => y3
| varT x => y4 x
end <=(max c1 (max c2 (max c3 c4))) z .
Proof with reflexivity + apply Nat.mul_le_mono; eauto 4 using le_trans, Nat.le_max_r,Nat.le_max_l.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4. unfold dominatedWith in *.
destruct com.
- rewrite H4...
- rewrite H1...
- rewrite H2...
- rewrite H3...
Smpl Add 12
match goal with
| [ |- (match _ with appT => _ | _ => _ end) <=(_) _ ] =>
let H := fresh in (eapply dominatedWith_match_Tok;[intros H..|intros ? H]);try rewrite !H
end : domWith_match.
(com = appT -> y1 <=(c1) z) ->
(com = lamT -> y2 <=(c2) z) ->
(com = retT -> y3 <=(c3) z) ->
(forall x, com = varT x -> y4 x <=(c4) z) ->
match com with
| appT => y1
| lamT => y2
| retT => y3
| varT x => y4 x
end <=(max c1 (max c2 (max c3 c4))) z .
Proof with reflexivity + apply Nat.mul_le_mono; eauto 4 using le_trans, Nat.le_max_r,Nat.le_max_l.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4. unfold dominatedWith in *.
destruct com.
- rewrite H4...
- rewrite H1...
- rewrite H2...
- rewrite H3...
Smpl Add 12
match goal with
| [ |- (match _ with appT => _ | _ => _ end) <=(_) _ ] =>
let H := fresh in (eapply dominatedWith_match_Tok;[intros H..|intros ? H]);try rewrite !H
end : domWith_match.
Lemma size_ACom_singleton (t : ACom) :
size [ACom2Com t] = 4.
Proof. destruct t; cbn; cbv; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma size_ACom_singleton' (t : ACom) :
size [t] = 3.
Proof. destruct t; cbn; cbv; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma size_ACom (t : ACom) :
size t = 1.
Proof. unfold size. destruct t; cbn; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma size_ACom' (t : ACom) :
size (ACom2Com t) = 2.
Proof. unfold size. destruct t; cbn; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma size_Var (n : nat) :
size (varT n) = 2 + n.
Proof. unfold size. cbn. simpl_list. rewrite repeat_length. cbn. lia. Qed.
Lemma size_nat' (n : nat) :
size (varT n) = 1 + size n.
Proof. unfold size. cbn. simpl_list. rewrite repeat_length. cbn. lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Com_hasSize_ge1 (t : Tok) :
1 <= size t.
Proof. unfold size. destruct t; auto. unfold Encode_Heap. cbn. simpl_list. all: cbn; lia. Qed.
Lemma size_Com_singleton (t : Tok) :
size [t] = 2 + size t.
Proof. unfold size. destruct t; cbn; try lia. simpl_list. rewrite repeat_length. cbn. lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1 (P : Pro) :
1 <= size P.
Proof. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge_length (P : Pro) :
length P <= Encode_list_size _ P.
induction P.
- cbn. lia.
- cbn. rewrite IHP. lia.
Lemma Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge_length (H : Heap) :
length H <= Encode_list_size _ H.
induction H.
- cbn. lia.
- cbn. rewrite IHlist. lia.
Module JumpTarget_steps_nice.
Lemma App_steps_nice X (Σ:finType) `{codable Σ X}:
{ c | forall (Q Q' : list X), App_steps (sigX:=Σ) Q Q' <=(c) size Q + size Q' }.
eexists. intros. unfold App_steps.
rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. eapply dominatedWith_add_l.
2:{ enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. }
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (App'_steps_nice _)). apply dominatedWith_solve.
enough (size Q <= size Q + size Q') by auto. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. unshelve eapply (proj2_sig MoveValue_steps_nice').
1-2: setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
hnf. setoid_rewrite encodeList_size_app.
unfold sigPro, Encode_Prog. cbn. domWith_approx.
Lemma App_ACom_steps_nice :
{ c | forall Q t, App_ACom_steps Q t <=(c) size Q }.
eexists. intros. unfold App_ACom_steps. rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
2:{ setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. }
unfold WriteValue_steps, App_steps.
rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
2:{ setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. }
- hnf. rewrite size_ACom_singleton.
instantiate (1 := 4). ring_simplify. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia.
1: setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. hnf. instantiate (1 := 1). ring_simplify. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- apply (proj2_sig (App'_steps_nice _)).
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
eapply (proj2_sig (MoveValue_steps_nice')).
1-2: setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
hnf. setoid_rewrite encodeList_size_app.
setoid_rewrite size_ACom_singleton. instantiate (1 := 6).
Set Keyed Unification.
set (c:= size Q). enough (1 <= c) by nia.
1: subst c. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
Unset Keyed Unification.
Lemma App_Com_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (Q : Pro) (t : Tok), App_Com_steps Q t <=(c) size Q + size t }.
eexists. intros. unfold App_Com_steps. rewrite <- !Nat.add_assoc. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
2: { enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. }
ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_nil_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size t /\ 1 <= size Q) by lia. split.
+ apply Encode_Com_hasSize_ge1.
+ setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
+ refine (proj2_sig Constr_cons_steps_nice _ _ _ _).
+ rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_S'.
* enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
+ refine (proj2_sig App_steps_nice Q [t]).
+ rewrite size_Com_singleton. ring_simplify. rewrite Nat.add_comm. eapply dominatedWith_add_l.
* instantiate (1 := 1). cbv - [size "+"]. nia.
* enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
+ apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
+ rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
* enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma JumpTarget_Step_steps_CaseCom_nice :
{ c | forall Q k t, JumpTargetTM.JumpTarget_Step_steps_CaseCom Q k t
match t with
| retT =>
match k with
| S _ => size Q
| 0 => 1
| lamT => size Q
| appT => size Q
| varT n => size Q + n
end }.
eexists. intros. apply dominatedWith_match_Tok.
- intros ->. apply (proj2_sig App_ACom_steps_nice).
- intros ->. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
+ apply (proj2_sig App_ACom_steps_nice).
+ setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- intros ->. apply dominatedWith_match_nat.
+ intros ->. domWith_approx.
+ intros k' ->. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
* apply (proj2_sig App_ACom_steps_nice).
* setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- intros n ->. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans.
* apply (proj2_sig App_Com_steps_nice).
* rewrite size_Var. ring_simplify. rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
-- apply dominatedWith_refl. constructor.
-- enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma JumpTarget_Step_steps_CaseList_nice :
{ c | forall P Q k, JumpTargetTM.JumpTarget_Step_steps_CaseList P Q k
match P with
| t :: P' =>
match t with
| retT =>
match k with
| S _ => size Q
| 0 => 1
| lamT => size Q
| appT => size Q
| varT n => size Q + n
| nil => 1
end }.
pose_nice JumpTarget_Step_steps_CaseCom_nice H c'.
eexists. intros. apply dominatedWith_match_list.
- intros ->. apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
- intros t P' ->. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
+ apply H.
+ destruct t.
4: destruct k; [reflexivity| ].
all: enough (1 <= size Q) by lia; setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma JumpTarget_Step_steps_nice :
{ c | forall P Q k, JumpTargetTM.JumpTarget_Step_steps P Q k
match P with
| t :: P' =>
match t with
| retT =>
match k with
| S _ => size Q
| 0 => 1
| lamT => size Q
| appT => size Q
| varT n => size Q + n
| nil => 1
end }.
pose_nice JumpTarget_Step_steps_CaseList_nice H c'.
eexists. intros. unfold JumpTarget_Step_steps. specialize (H P Q k).
rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
- apply dominatedWith_add.
+ apply dominatedWith_match_list.
* intros ->. apply dominatedWith_const. lia.
* intros t P' ->. destruct t.
-- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
++ apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_cons_nice).
++ rewrite size_Var. ring_simplify. rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
** apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
** enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
-- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_cons_nice).
hnf. cbn. setoid_rewrite (size_ACom' appAT). enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
-- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_cons_nice).
hnf. cbn. setoid_rewrite (size_ACom' lamAT). enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
-- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_cons_nice).
hnf. cbn. setoid_rewrite (size_ACom' retAT).
destruct k. lia.
enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ apply H.
- destruct P; [reflexivity| ]. destruct t.
4: destruct k; [reflexivity| ].
all: enough (1 <= size Q) by lia; setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
Fabian's lemma
Lemma JumpTarget_Step_steps_nice' :
{ c | forall P Q k, JumpTarget_Step_steps P Q k <=(c) hd 0 (map size P) + size Q + 1}.
eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig JumpTarget_Step_steps_nice).
- cbn. apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- domWith_match; cbn.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ domWith_match.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ subst. apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q /\ 2 + x0 <= size (varT x0)) by lia. split.
* setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
* now setoid_rewrite size_Var.
{ c | forall P Q k, JumpTarget_Step_steps P Q k <=(c) hd 0 (map size P) + size Q + 1}.
eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig JumpTarget_Step_steps_nice).
- cbn. apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- domWith_match; cbn.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ domWith_match.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ subst. apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q /\ 2 + x0 <= size (varT x0)) by lia. split.
* setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
* now setoid_rewrite size_Var.
Fabian's second lemma
Lemma JumpTarget_Loop_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (P Q:Pro) (k:nat), JumpTarget_Loop_steps P Q k <=(c) (size Q + size P + length P + 1) * (length P + 1)}.
pose_nice JumpTarget_Step_steps_nice H1 c1.
evar (c:nat). exists c.
intros P Q k. unfold dominatedWith.
assert (c1 <= c) by shelve.
induction P in Q,k|-*;cbn [JumpTarget_Loop_steps].
- rewrite H1.
cbn [hd map]. ring_simplify; nia.
- destruct a;[..|destruct k].
all:setoid_rewrite H1.
all:try rewrite IHP.
all:cbn [hd map length].
all:unfold Encode_Prog, sigPro.
all:repeat rewrite_sizes.
all:rewrite H.
1-3,5:assert (H':1<=c) by shelve;rewrite H' at 1.
1: setoid_rewrite size_Var.
all: nia.
instantiate (c := (max 1 c1)).
all:eauto using Nat.le_max_r, Nat.le_max_l.
Lemma JumpTarget_steps_nice :
{ c | forall P, JumpTarget_steps P <=(c) size P * size P}.
Ltac sizePge1 := (lazymatch goal with [P : Pro |- _] => apply dominatedWith_solve; enough (1 <= size P) by nia; apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1 end).
eexists. intros. unfold JumpTarget_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Constr_nil_steps_nice)). sizePge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Constr_O_steps_nice)). sizePge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (JumpTarget_Loop_steps_nice)).
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (|P| <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge_length.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (|P| <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge_length.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (|P| <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge_length.
+ enough (1 <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- enough (1 <= size P) by nia; apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1.
End JumpTarget_steps_nice.
{ c | forall (P Q:Pro) (k:nat), JumpTarget_Loop_steps P Q k <=(c) (size Q + size P + length P + 1) * (length P + 1)}.
pose_nice JumpTarget_Step_steps_nice H1 c1.
evar (c:nat). exists c.
intros P Q k. unfold dominatedWith.
assert (c1 <= c) by shelve.
induction P in Q,k|-*;cbn [JumpTarget_Loop_steps].
- rewrite H1.
cbn [hd map]. ring_simplify; nia.
- destruct a;[..|destruct k].
all:setoid_rewrite H1.
all:try rewrite IHP.
all:cbn [hd map length].
all:unfold Encode_Prog, sigPro.
all:repeat rewrite_sizes.
all:rewrite H.
1-3,5:assert (H':1<=c) by shelve;rewrite H' at 1.
1: setoid_rewrite size_Var.
all: nia.
instantiate (c := (max 1 c1)).
all:eauto using Nat.le_max_r, Nat.le_max_l.
Lemma JumpTarget_steps_nice :
{ c | forall P, JumpTarget_steps P <=(c) size P * size P}.
Ltac sizePge1 := (lazymatch goal with [P : Pro |- _] => apply dominatedWith_solve; enough (1 <= size P) by nia; apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1 end).
eexists. intros. unfold JumpTarget_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Constr_nil_steps_nice)). sizePge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Constr_O_steps_nice)). sizePge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (JumpTarget_Loop_steps_nice)).
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (|P| <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge_length.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (|P| <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge_length.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (|P| <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge_length.
+ enough (1 <= Encode_list_size _ P) by nia. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- enough (1 <= size P) by nia; apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1.
End JumpTarget_steps_nice.
Lemma Encode_Clos_hasSize (g : HClos) :
size g = fst g + Encode_list_size _ (snd g) + 1.
destruct g as (a,P); cbn.
setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; unfold Encode_pair_size.
setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
Lemma Encode_Clos_hasSize' (g : HClos) :
size g = size (fst g) + Encode_list_size _ (snd g).
destruct g as (a,P); cbn.
setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; unfold Encode_pair_size.
setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
Lemma Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1 (g : HClos) :
1 <= size g.
Proof. rewrite Encode_Clos_hasSize. lia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_HEntr_hasSize_ge1 (e : HEntr) :
1 <= size e.
Proof. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. apply Encode_option_hasSize_ge1. Qed.
Lemma Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1 (H : Heap) :
1 <= size H.
Proof. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. Qed.
Module LM_Lookup_nice.
Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_CaseNat_nice :
{ c | forall (n : nat) (e' : HClos * HAdd), LookupTM.Lookup_Step_steps_CaseNat n e' <=(c) size (fst e') + size (snd e') }.
eexists. intros n (g,b). unfold LookupTM.Lookup_Step_steps_CaseNat.
domWith_match; subst; cbn -[mult plus].
- ring_simplify. rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_add_l. 1: domWith_approx.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice). hnf. instantiate (1 := 1). ring_simplify.
enough (1 <= size g) by lia. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
+ apply dominatedWith_const. enough (1 <= size g) by lia. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Translate_steps_nice).
hnf. instantiate (1 := 1). ring_simplify.
enough (1 <= size g /\ 1 <= size b) by lia. split. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ enough (1 <= size g) by lia. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
- ring_simplify. rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_add_l. 1: domWith_approx.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CopyValue_steps_nice). hnf. instantiate (1 := 1). ring_simplify.
enough (1 <= size g) by lia. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Translate_steps_nice).
hnf. instantiate (1 := 1). ring_simplify.
enough (1 <= size g /\ 1 <= size b) by lia. split. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice ). hnf. instantiate (1 := 1). ring_simplify.
enough (1 <= size g) by lia. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice). hnf. instantiate (1 := 1). ring_simplify.
enough (1 <= size g /\ 1 <= size b) by lia. split. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ enough (1 <= size g) by lia. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_CaseOption_nice :
{ c | forall (n : nat) (e : HEntr), LookupTM.Lookup_Step_steps_CaseOption n e <=(c) size e }.
eexists. intros. unfold LookupTM.Lookup_Step_steps_CaseOption. domWith_match; subst.
- destruct x as (g,b). ring_simplify. rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_add_l. 1: domWith_approx.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CasePair_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize at 2. cbn.
hnf. enough (size g + 1 <= size g + size b) by auto with arith. enough (1 <= size b) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ apply dominatedWith_const. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. lia.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Lookup_Step_steps_CaseNat_nice). cbn.
apply dominatedWith_solve. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize at 2. cbn.
hnf. enough (size g + 1 <= size g + size b) by auto with arith. enough (1 <= size b) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. lia.
- apply dominatedWith_const. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. lia.
Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_Nth'_nice :
{ c | forall (H : list HEntr) (a n : nat),
LookupTM.Lookup_Step_steps_Nth' H a n
<=(c) match nth_error H a with
| None => 1
| Some e => size e
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold LookupTM.Lookup_Step_steps_Nth'. domWith_match.
- apply dominatedWith_add_l.
+ apply (proj2_sig Lookup_Step_steps_CaseOption_nice).
+ apply Encode_HEntr_hasSize_ge1.
- domWith_approx.
Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (H : Heap) (a n : nat), LookupTM.Lookup_Step_steps H a n <=(c) size H + size a }.
eexists. intros. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. unfold Lookup_Step_steps. setoid_rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. eapply dominatedWith_add_l.
- domWith_approx.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Nth'_steps_nice _)).
rewrite Nat.add_comm. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (size H + a <= size H + S a) by eauto. lia. * enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Lookup_Step_steps_Nth'_nice). domWith_match.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (size x < size H) by lia.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_el.
eapply nth_error_In; eauto.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
Arguments Lookup_Step_steps : simpl never.
Lemma Lookup_steps_eq (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
Lookup_steps H a n =
match nth_error H a with
| Some (Some (g, b)) =>
match n with
| 0 => Lookup_Step_steps H a n
| S n' => 1 + Lookup_Step_steps H a n + Lookup_steps H b n'
| _ => Lookup_Step_steps H a n
Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
The greatest address for nth_error that is encountered duing the execution of lookup
Fixpoint heap_greatest_address (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) { struct n } : HAdd :=
match nth_error H a with
| Some (Some (g, b)) =>
match n with
| 0 => a
| S n' => max a (heap_greatest_address H b n')
| _ => a
Lemma heap_greatest_address_eq (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
heap_greatest_address H a n =
match nth_error H a with
| Some (Some (g, b)) =>
match n with
| 0 => a
| S n' => max a (heap_greatest_address H b n')
| _ => a
Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ge1_mul (a b : nat) :
1 <= a -> 1 <= b -> 1 <= a * b.
Proof. nia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_nat_hasSize_max (a b : nat) :
size (max a b) = max (size a) (size b).
Proof. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. nia. Qed.
Lemma max_plus (a b c : nat) :
max (c + a) (c + b) = c + max a b.
Proof. lia. Qed.
Lemma max_mult (a b c : nat) :
c * max b c = max (c*a) (c*b).
Proof. Abort.
Lemma Lookup_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat), Lookup_steps H a n <=(c) size n * (size H + size (heap_greatest_address H a n)) }.
pose_nice Lookup_Step_steps_nice Hc_step c_step.
exists (1 + c_step).
intros. induction n as [ | n' IH] in H,a|-*.
- rewrite Lookup_steps_eq. cbn.
destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g,b) | ] | ] eqn:E; cbn.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
- rewrite Lookup_steps_eq. cbn -[mult plus].
destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g,b) | ] | ] eqn:E.
hnf. unfold dominatedWith in IH. setoid_rewrite IH. rewrite Hc_step.
enough (1 + c_step * (size H + size a) + (1 + c_step) * (size n' * (size H + size (heap_greatest_address H b n'))) <=
(1 + c_step) * (size (S n') * (size H + size (Init.Nat.max a (heap_greatest_address H b n'))))) by auto.
ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. nia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
Lemma heap_greatest_address_invalid (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
nth_error H a = None \/ nth_error H a = Some None ->
heap_greatest_address H a n = a.
Proof. rewrite heap_greatest_address_eq. now intros [-> | ->]. Qed.
Fixpoint heap_greatest_address2 (H:Heap) :=
match H with
[] => 0
| Some (g,a) :: H => max a (heap_greatest_address2 H)
| _ :: H => heap_greatest_address2 H
Lemma heap_greatest_address_leq H a n :
heap_greatest_address H a n <= max a (heap_greatest_address2 H).
induction n in H,a|-*.
all:rewrite heap_greatest_address_eq;cbn.
-destruct nth_error as [[[]| ]| ];eauto with arith.
-destruct nth_error as [[[g b]| ]| ] eqn:eq. 2,3:eauto with arith.
rewrite IHn.
assert (H':b <= heap_greatest_address2 H).
{ clear - eq.
induction a in H,eq|-*;destruct H as [ | [[] | ]];inv eq;cbn. now eauto with arith.
all:rewrite IHa;try eassumption. all: eauto with arith.
rewrite H'. repeat apply Nat.max_case_strong;eauto.
Section heap_global_greatest_address_Bound.
Local Arguments max_list : simpl never.
match nth_error H a with
| Some (Some (g, b)) =>
match n with
| 0 => a
| S n' => max a (heap_greatest_address H b n')
| _ => a
Lemma heap_greatest_address_eq (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
heap_greatest_address H a n =
match nth_error H a with
| Some (Some (g, b)) =>
match n with
| 0 => a
| S n' => max a (heap_greatest_address H b n')
| _ => a
Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma ge1_mul (a b : nat) :
1 <= a -> 1 <= b -> 1 <= a * b.
Proof. nia. Qed.
Lemma Encode_nat_hasSize_max (a b : nat) :
size (max a b) = max (size a) (size b).
Proof. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. nia. Qed.
Lemma max_plus (a b c : nat) :
max (c + a) (c + b) = c + max a b.
Proof. lia. Qed.
Lemma max_mult (a b c : nat) :
c * max b c = max (c*a) (c*b).
Proof. Abort.
Lemma Lookup_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat), Lookup_steps H a n <=(c) size n * (size H + size (heap_greatest_address H a n)) }.
pose_nice Lookup_Step_steps_nice Hc_step c_step.
exists (1 + c_step).
intros. induction n as [ | n' IH] in H,a|-*.
- rewrite Lookup_steps_eq. cbn.
destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g,b) | ] | ] eqn:E; cbn.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
- rewrite Lookup_steps_eq. cbn -[mult plus].
destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g,b) | ] | ] eqn:E.
hnf. unfold dominatedWith in IH. setoid_rewrite IH. rewrite Hc_step.
enough (1 + c_step * (size H + size a) + (1 + c_step) * (size n' * (size H + size (heap_greatest_address H b n'))) <=
(1 + c_step) * (size (S n') * (size H + size (Init.Nat.max a (heap_greatest_address H b n'))))) by auto.
ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. nia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
+ hnf. rewrite Hc_step. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
Lemma heap_greatest_address_invalid (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
nth_error H a = None \/ nth_error H a = Some None ->
heap_greatest_address H a n = a.
Proof. rewrite heap_greatest_address_eq. now intros [-> | ->]. Qed.
Fixpoint heap_greatest_address2 (H:Heap) :=
match H with
[] => 0
| Some (g,a) :: H => max a (heap_greatest_address2 H)
| _ :: H => heap_greatest_address2 H
Lemma heap_greatest_address_leq H a n :
heap_greatest_address H a n <= max a (heap_greatest_address2 H).
induction n in H,a|-*.
all:rewrite heap_greatest_address_eq;cbn.
-destruct nth_error as [[[]| ]| ];eauto with arith.
-destruct nth_error as [[[g b]| ]| ] eqn:eq. 2,3:eauto with arith.
rewrite IHn.
assert (H':b <= heap_greatest_address2 H).
{ clear - eq.
induction a in H,eq|-*;destruct H as [ | [[] | ]];inv eq;cbn. now eauto with arith.
all:rewrite IHa;try eassumption. all: eauto with arith.
rewrite H'. repeat apply Nat.max_case_strong;eauto.
Section heap_global_greatest_address_Bound.
Local Arguments max_list : simpl never.
heap_greatest_address is bounded by the maximal occuring heap address (pointer) in the heap
Definition heap_global_greatest_address_helper (e : HEntr) : nat :=
match e with
| Some (g, b) => b
| None => 0
Definition heap_global_greatest_address (H : Heap) :=
max_list_map heap_global_greatest_address_helper H.
Lemma heap_global_greatest_address_ge H g b :
In (Some (g, b)) H ->
b <= heap_global_greatest_address H.
intros. unfold heap_global_greatest_address.
pose proof max_list_map_ge heap_global_greatest_address_helper H0. cbn in *. auto.
Lemma heap_greatest_address_bounded (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
heap_greatest_address H a n <= max a (heap_global_greatest_address H).
induction n as [ | n' IH] in a|-*; cbn in *.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g',b) | ] | ] eqn:E; nia.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g',b) | ] | ] eqn:E; try nia.
assert (b <= heap_global_greatest_address H) as L by (eapply heap_global_greatest_address_ge; eapply nth_error_In; eauto).
specialize (IH b). lia.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge_max (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) :
max_list_map size xs <= Encode_list_size _ xs.
Proof. apply max_list_map_lower_bound. intros x Hx. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. now eapply Encode_list_hasSize_el. Qed.
Lemma heap_greatest_address_size (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
heap_greatest_address H a n <= max (size a) (size H).
rewrite heap_greatest_address_bounded.
unfold heap_global_greatest_address.
setoid_rewrite max_list_map_monotone.
- setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_ge_max. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. instantiate (1 := Encode_HEntr). rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
- intros [ [ g b ] | ]; cbn. 2: lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize; cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
End heap_global_greatest_address_Bound.
End LM_Lookup_nice.
Module LM.
Import JumpTarget_steps_nice LM_Lookup_nice.
match e with
| Some (g, b) => b
| None => 0
Definition heap_global_greatest_address (H : Heap) :=
max_list_map heap_global_greatest_address_helper H.
Lemma heap_global_greatest_address_ge H g b :
In (Some (g, b)) H ->
b <= heap_global_greatest_address H.
intros. unfold heap_global_greatest_address.
pose proof max_list_map_ge heap_global_greatest_address_helper H0. cbn in *. auto.
Lemma heap_greatest_address_bounded (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
heap_greatest_address H a n <= max a (heap_global_greatest_address H).
induction n as [ | n' IH] in a|-*; cbn in *.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g',b) | ] | ] eqn:E; nia.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g',b) | ] | ] eqn:E; try nia.
assert (b <= heap_global_greatest_address H) as L by (eapply heap_global_greatest_address_ge; eapply nth_error_In; eauto).
specialize (IH b). lia.
Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge_max (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) :
max_list_map size xs <= Encode_list_size _ xs.
Proof. apply max_list_map_lower_bound. intros x Hx. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. now eapply Encode_list_hasSize_el. Qed.
Lemma heap_greatest_address_size (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
heap_greatest_address H a n <= max (size a) (size H).
rewrite heap_greatest_address_bounded.
unfold heap_global_greatest_address.
setoid_rewrite max_list_map_monotone.
- setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_ge_max. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. instantiate (1 := Encode_HEntr). rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. nia.
- intros [ [ g b ] | ]; cbn. 2: lia. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize; cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. lia.
End heap_global_greatest_address_Bound.
End LM_Lookup_nice.
Module LM.
Import JumpTarget_steps_nice LM_Lookup_nice.
Auxilliary machines
Lemma TailRec_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (P : Pro) (a : HAdd), TailRec_steps P a <=(c) size P + size a }.
eexists. intros. unfold TailRec_steps. domWith_match.
- apply dominatedWith_add_l.
+ apply dominatedWith_const. unfold size. cbn. lia.
+ unfold size. cbn. lia.
- subst. ring_simplify. rewrite Nat.add_comm. rewrite !Nat.add_assoc. do 2 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. apply dominatedWith_add_l.
1: domWith_approx.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_pair_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_add_r.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. unfold sigHAdd. nia.
* enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_cons_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_add_r.
* apply dominatedWith_solve. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. unfold sigHAdd. nia.
* enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_add_r.
* setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify.
apply dominatedWith_solve.
progress enough (size a + size x + Encode_list_size Encode_Com xs + 1 <= size x + Encode_list_size Encode_Com xs + size a + 1) by auto. nia.
* unfold size. cbn. lia.
+ unfold size. cbn. lia.
Lemma ConsClos_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (Q : Pro) (a : HAdd), ConsClos_steps Q a <=(c) size Q + size a }.
eexists. intros. unfold ConsClos_steps. rewrite <- !Nat.add_assoc. apply dominatedWith_add_l. 1:domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_pair_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size Q) by lia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_cons_steps_nice).
eapply dominatedWith_add_r.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. unfold sigHAdd. nia.
+ enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Reset_steps_nice)).
eapply dominatedWith_add_r.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. unfold sigHAdd. nia.
+ enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Reset_steps_nice)).
eapply dominatedWith_add_r.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. unfold sigHAdd. nia.
+ enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
- enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
LAM machine
Lemma Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget_nice :
{ c | forall (P : Pro) (a : HAdd),
Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget P a
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q', P') => size a + size P' + size Q'
| None => 0
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget. domWith_match.
- destruct x as (Q',P'). ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (TailRec_steps_nice)). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (ConsClos_steps_nice)). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
+ enough (1 <= size P') by lia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1.
- domWith_approx.
Lemma Step_lam_steps_nice' :
{ c | forall (P : Pro) (a : HAdd),
Step_lam_steps P a
match jumpTarget 0 [] P with
| Some (Q', P') => size a + size P * size P + size P' + size Q'
| None => size P * size P
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_lam_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig JumpTarget_steps_nice). destruct jumpTarget as [(Q',P')| ]; apply dominatedWith_solve; nia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_lam_steps_JumpTarget_nice). destruct jumpTarget as [(Q',P')| ]; apply dominatedWith_solve; nia.
- destruct jumpTarget as [(Q',P')| ]; enough (1 <= size P) by nia; apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma jumpTarget_size' (k : nat) (P Q Q' P' : Pro) :
jumpTarget k Q P = Some (Q', P') ->
size Q' + size P' <= size P + size Q /\
size P' < size P.
repeat setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
induction P as [ | c P IH] in Q,Q',P',k|-*; cbn [jumpTarget] in *.
- congruence.
- destruct c; cbn [jumpTarget]; intros.
+ modpon IH. rewrite IH; eauto. cbn [Encode_list_size]. rewrite size_Var. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn. rewrite size_Var. cbn. split; nia.
+ modpon IH. rewrite IH, IH0. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn. setoid_rewrite (size_ACom' appAT). cbn. repeat split; try nia.
+ modpon IH. rewrite IH, IH0. cbn [Encode_list_size]. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn [Encode_list_size].
setoid_rewrite (size_ACom' lamAT). cbn [plus mult]. split; nia.
+ destruct k as [ | k'].
-- inv H. cbn [Encode_list_size]. setoid_rewrite (size_ACom' retAT). repeat split; try nia.
-- inv H. modpon IH. rewrite IH, IH0. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn [Encode_list_size]. setoid_rewrite (size_ACom' retAT). split; nia.
Lemma jumpTarget_size (P : Pro) (Q' P' : Pro) :
jumpTarget 0 [] P = Some (Q', P') ->
size P' + size Q' <= size P + 1.
intros. pose proof jumpTarget_size' H as [L1 L2]. setoid_rewrite (Encode_list_hasSize _ nil) in L1. cbn in *. nia.
Lemma jumpTarget_size_fab (P : Pro) (Q' P' : Pro) :
jumpTarget 0 [] P = Some (Q', P') ->
size P' <= size P /\ size Q' <= size P.
intros H.
apply jumpTarget_eq in H. cbn in H. rewrite <- H.
all:unfold sigPro,Encode_Prog in *.
all:repeat rewrite encodeList_size_app_eq.
all:repeat rewrite encodeList_size_cons.
Lemma Step_lam_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (P : Pro) (a : HAdd), Step_lam_steps P a <=(c) size a + size P * size P }.
eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_lam_steps_nice').
domWith_match; rename H into E; [destruct x as (Q',P')| ].
- apply dominatedWith_trans with (y := (size a + size P * size P + size P + 1)).
{ apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc. apply jumpTarget_size in E. rewrite E. lia. }
domWith_approx. apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size a) by nia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
- apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
Lemma Put_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (H : Heap) (g : HClos) (b : HAdd), Put_steps H g b <=(c) size H + size g + size b }.
eexists. intros. unfold Put_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Length_steps_nice _)). apply dominatedWith_solve.
enough (size H <= size H + size g + size b) by auto. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Constr_nil_steps_nice)).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Translate_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Translate_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_pair_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Constr_Some_steps_nice)).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_cons_steps_nice).
setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize at 1. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
ring_simplify. unfold Encode_pair_size. apply dominatedWith_add_r. apply dominatedWith_solve. lia. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (App'_steps_nice _)).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (size H <= size H + size g + size b) by auto. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans.
apply (proj2_sig MoveValue_steps_nice).
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. intros. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize at 1. cbn. ring_simplify. eapply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx.
+ eapply dominatedWith_trans with (Encode_list_size Encode_HEntr H + size g + size b + 3).
* apply dominatedWith_solve.
transitivity (Encode_list_size Encode_HEntr H + 2 + (size g + size b + 1)).
-- rewrite <- !Nat.add_assoc. apply Nat.le_sub_l.
-- rewrite <- !Nat.add_assoc. ring_simplify. nia.
* apply dominatedWith_add_r. apply dominatedWith_solve. lia. enough (1 <= Encode_list_size _ H) by lia. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
+ enough (1 <= Encode_list_size _ H) by lia. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize at 1. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
ring_simplify. unfold Encode_pair_size. apply dominatedWith_add_r. apply dominatedWith_solve. lia. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- enough (1 <= size H) by lia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Step_app_steps_CaseList'_nice :
{ c | forall (g : HClos) (V' : list HClos) (H : Heap) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd),
Step_app_steps_CaseList' g V' H P a
match V' with
| [] => 0
| (b,Q) :: _ => size a + size b + size g + size H + size P + size Q + size (length H)
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList'. domWith_match; subst. 1: now domWith_approx.
destruct x as (b,Q). ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CasePair_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (TailRec_steps_nice)).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size b) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Put_steps_nice)). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (ConsClos_steps_nice)).
apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (size Q + size (| H |) <= size a + size b + size g + size H + size P + size Q + size (| H |)) by auto. lia.
- enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Step_app_steps_CaseList_nice :
{ c | forall (V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (P : Pro) (a : HAdd),
Step_app_steps_CaseList V H P a
match V with
| [] => 0
| g :: V' => size a + size H + size P + size (length H) + size g + size V'
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_app_steps_CaseList. domWith_match; subst; [now domWith_approx | rename x into g, xs into V'].
ring_simplify. eapply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_nice).
destruct V' as [ | e V'']; cbn.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_app_steps_CaseList'_nice).
destruct V' as [ | (b,Q) V'']; cbn.
+ domWith_approx.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. setoid_rewrite (Encode_pair_hasSize _ _ (b,Q)); cbn.
ring_simplify. enough (size a + size b + size g + size H + size P + size Q + size (| H |) <= size a + size g + size H + size P + size Q + size (| H |) + size b + Encode_list_size Encode_HClos V'' + 1) by auto. nia.
- enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Step_app_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (V : list HClos) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (P : Pro), Step_app_steps V H a P <=(c) size a + size H + size P + size (length H) + size V }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_app_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_nice). domWith_match; subst.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Step_app_steps_CaseList_nice)). domWith_match; subst.
+ domWith_approx.
+ apply dominatedWith_solve. do 2 rewrite Encode_list_hasSize; cbn. lia.
- enough (1 <= size a) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Step_var_steps_Lookup_nice :
{ c | forall (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat),
Step_var_steps_Lookup H a n
<=(c) match lookup H a n with
| Some g => size g
| None => 0
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_var_steps_Lookup. domWith_match; rename H0 into E.
ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. all: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig Constr_cons_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx. apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
- apply Encode_Clos_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma lookup_size (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) (g : HClos) :
lookup H a n = Some g ->
size g < size H.
induction n as [ | n'] in a,n|-*; intros HEq; cbn in *.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g',b) | ] | ] eqn:E; inv HEq.
transitivity (size (Some (g, b))).
+ setoid_rewrite Encode_option_hasSize; cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize at 2; cbn. lia.
+ apply nth_error_In in E. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. now apply Encode_list_hasSize_el.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g',b) | ] | ] eqn:E; inv HEq. eauto.
Lemma Step_var_steps_nice' :
{ c | forall (P : Pro) (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat),
Step_var_steps P H a n
<=(c) size P + size a + size H + size n * (size H + size (heap_greatest_address H a n)) }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_var_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig TailRec_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Lookup_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. ring_simplify.
enough (size n * size H + size n * size (heap_greatest_address H a n) <= size H * size n + size H + size (heap_greatest_address H a n) * size n + size P + size a) by nia. nia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_var_steps_Lookup_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve.
destruct lookup eqn:E.
+ enough (size h < size H) by nia. eapply lookup_size; eauto.
+ nia.
- enough (1 <= size a) by nia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Step_steps_CaseCom_nice :
{ c | forall (a : HAdd) (t : Tok) (P' : Pro) (V : list HClos) (H : Heap),
Step_steps_CaseCom a t P' V H
match t with
| varT n => size P' + size a + size H + size n * (size H + size (heap_greatest_address H a n))
| appT => size a + size H + size P' + size (length H) + size V
| lamT => size a + size P' * size P'
| retT => 0
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_steps_CaseCom. domWith_approx; subst.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_app_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_lam_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_var_steps_nice'). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
Lemma heap_greatest_address_ge (H : Heap) (a : HAdd) (n : nat) :
a <= heap_greatest_address H a n.
intros. induction n as [ | n' IH] in H,a|-*; cbn in *.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g,b) | ] | ] eqn:E; cbn; lia.
- destruct (nth_error H a) as [ [ (g,b) | ] | ] eqn:E; cbn.
+ assert (heap_greatest_address H b n' <= a \/ a <= heap_greatest_address H b n') as [HO|HO] by lia.
* rewrite max_l by assumption. lia.
* rewrite max_r by assumption. assumption.
+ lia.
+ lia.
Lemma size_length_heap (H : Heap) :
size (length H) <= Encode_list_size _ H.
induction H as [ | e H IH].
- cbn. unfold size. cbn. lia.
- cbn. setoid_rewrite <- IH. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize.
enough (S (length H) <= size (length H)) by lia.
rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. reflexivity.
Lemma Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge_length (H : Heap) :
length H <= Encode_list_size _ H.
induction H as [ | e H IH].
- cbn. unfold size. cbn. lia.
- cbn. setoid_rewrite <- IH. lia.
Lemma Step_steps_CaseList'_nice :
{ c | forall (a : HAdd) (P : Pro) (V : list HClos) (H : Heap),
Step_steps_CaseList' a P V H
match P with
| [] => 0
| t :: P' => size a + size H + size V + size P' * size P' + size t * ( 1 +size H + Init.Nat.max a (heap_greatest_address2 H))
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_steps_CaseList'. domWith_match. 1:{ apply dominatedWith_refl. constructor. } ring_simplify.
apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply dominatedWith_const. constructor. apply dominatedWith_solve.
setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. setoid_rewrite <- Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. lia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_steps_CaseCom_nice). domWith_match.
+ subst. domWith_approx.
* specialize (Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1 xs) as ?. domWith_approx.
* apply dominatedWith_solve.
rewrite size_length_heap. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. nia.
+ subst. apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
+ apply dominatedWith_const. unfold HAdd. pose (Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1 a). nia.
+ unfold HAdd. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize,size_Var.
rewrite (heap_greatest_address_leq H a x0).
assert (H':=Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1 xs).
assert (H'':=Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1 H).
assert (Hmul:size xs <= size xs * size xs) by nia. unfold sigPro,Encode_Prog in *. setoid_rewrite Hmul at 1.
- enough (1 <= size a) by nia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Step_steps_CaseList_nice :
{ c | forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap),
Step_steps_CaseList T V H
match T with
| [] => 0
| (a,P) :: _ => size a + size H + size V + size P * ( 1 + size H + Init.Nat.max a (heap_greatest_address2 H) + size P)
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_steps_CaseList. domWith_match. 1: now domWith_approx. destruct x as (a,P); rename xs into T', H0 into E. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CasePair_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve.
enough (1 <= size H) by nia. apply Encode_Heap_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve.
destruct P as [ | t P'] .
+ enough (1 <= size a) by nia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ repeat setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. nia.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Step_steps_CaseList'_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve.
destruct P as [ | t P'] .
+ enough (1 <= size a) by nia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
+ repeat setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. nia.
- enough (1 <= size a) by nia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.
Lemma Step_steps_nice :
{ c | forall (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap),
Step_steps T V H
match T with
| [] => 1
| (a,P) :: _ => size a + size H + size V + size P * ( 1 + size H + Init.Nat.max a (heap_greatest_address2 H) + size P)
end }.
eexists. intros. unfold Step_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_nice). domWith_match; [now domWith_approx | ].
destruct x as (a,P). setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. apply dominatedWith_solve.
unfold sigHAdd.
enough (1 <= size P) by nia. apply Encode_Pro_hasSize_ge1.
- eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Step_steps_CaseList_nice)). domWith_match; [now domWith_approx | ].
destruct x as (a,P). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
- destruct T. lia. destruct h as (a,P). enough (1 <= size a) by nia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.