From Undecidability.L Require Import L_facts.
From Complexity Require Import AbstractMachines.AbstractHeapMachineDef.

We define a function f to unfold a closure, needed for the Turing machine M_unf.

Section UnfoldPro.

  Variable H : list heapEntry.

  Set Default Proof Using "Type".

  Import L_Notations.

  Fixpoint unfoldC fuel (s:term) a k {struct fuel}: option term :=
    match fuel with
      0 => None
    | S fuel =>
      match s with
      | app s t =>
        match unfoldC fuel s a k, unfoldC fuel t a k with
          Some s',Some t' => Some (s' t')
        | _,_ => None
      | lam s =>
        match unfoldC fuel s a (S k) with
          Some s' => Some (lam s')
        | _ => None
      | var n =>
        if leb k n then
          match lookup H a (n-k) with
            Some (s,b) =>
            match unfoldC fuel s b 1 with
              Some s' => Some (lam s')
            | _ => None
          | _ => None
          Some (var n)

  Lemma unfoldC_mono s a k n n':
    n <= n' -> forall t, unfoldC n s a k = Some t -> unfoldC n' s a k = Some t.
    induction n in s,a,k,n'|-*. now cbn.
    destruct n'. now lia.
    intros leq%Peano.le_S_n t.
    specialize IHn with (1:=leq). clear leq.
    cbn in *.
    repeat (let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct _ eqn:eq);subst.
    all:try congruence.
    all: repeat match goal with
          H : (unfoldC ?n ?P ?a ?k = Some _)
            |- _ => progress eapply IHn in H
    all:try congruence.

  Fixpoint depth s : nat :=
    match s with
      app s t => S (max (depth s) (depth t))
    | lam s => S (depth s)
    | _ => 1

  Lemma unfoldC_correct a k s s':
    unfolds H a k s s' ->
    unfoldC (depth s') s a k = Some s'.
    induction 1. all:cbn.
    1,2: (destruct (Nat.leb_spec0 k n); try lia);[].
    - easy.
    -rewrite H1, IHunfolds. all:easy.
    -rewrite IHunfolds. easy.
    -unshelve erewrite (unfoldC_mono _ IHunfolds1). nia.
     unshelve erewrite (unfoldC_mono _ IHunfolds2). nia. easy.

  Lemma unfoldC_correct_final P a s:
    reprC H (P,a) s ->
    exists t, s = lam t /\ exists n, unfoldC n P a 1 = Some t.
    intros H'. inv H'.
    specialize (unfoldC_correct H5) as eq. eauto.

  Lemma unfoldsC_correct2 n s a k s':
    unfoldC n s a k = Some s'
    -> unfolds H a k s s'.
    induction n in a,s,s',k|-*. now inversion 1.
    destruct s. 1:destruct (Nat.leb_spec0 k n0).
    all:repeat (let eq := fresh "eq" in destruct _ eqn:eq);intros [= <-];subst.
    all: repeat lazymatch goal with
                   H : (unfoldC ?n ?P ?a ?k = Some _)
            |- _ => apply IHn in H
     all:eauto using unfolds,not_ge.
End UnfoldPro.

Lemma unfolds_inj H k s a s1 s2 :
  unfolds H k s a s1 -> unfolds H k s a s2 -> s1=s2.

  induction 1 in s2|-*;intros H';inv H';try congruence;try lia.
  -rewrite H1 in H5. inv H5. f_equal. eauto.
  -f_equal. eauto.
  -f_equal. all:auto.