Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.
From Undecidability Require Import L.Functions.EqBool.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes Require Import VectorFin Cardinality.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.TM_facts.
From Complexity Require Import L.TM.TMflat.
From Undecidability Require L.TM.TMEncoding.
Definition Vector_of_list_length A n (l:list A) : option (Vector.t A n) :=
match Nat.eq_dec (length l) n with
Specif.left H =>
Some (eq_rect _ (fun n => Vector.t A n) (Vector.of_list l) _ H)
| _ => None
Lemma Vector_of_list_length_eq A (l:list A) :
Vector_of_list_length (length l) l = Some (Vector.of_list l).
unfold Vector_of_list_length.
destruct _. 2:easy.
rewrite <- Eqdep_dec.eq_rect_eq_dec. easy. decide equality.
Definition unflatten_symb (sig:finType) (i:option nat): option sig:=
match i with
None => None
| Some i => nth i (map Some (elem _)) None
Definition unflatten_acts' (sig:finType) (l__r : list (option nat * move)): (list (option sig * move)) :=
map (fun '(i,m) => (unflatten_symb sig i,m)) l__r.
Definition unflatten_acts (sig:finType) n (l__r : list (option nat * move)) : (Vector.t (option sig*move) n) :=
match Vector_of_list_length n (unflatten_acts' sig l__r) with
| Some l__r => l__r
| _ => Vector.const (None,Nmove) n
Definition unflatten_trans (states:finType) (sig:finType) d n (f:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move))))
: states * Vector.t (option sig) n -> states * Vector.t (option sig * move) n :=
fun '(st,l) =>
let (st__o,l__r) := lookup f (index st,map (option_map (fun x => index x)) (Vector.to_list l)) (index st,repeat (None,Nmove) n) in
(nth st__o (elem _) d, unflatten_acts sig n l__r).
Definition unflatten_halt states (f: list bool) (i : (Fin.t states)) : bool :=
nth (index i) f false.
Local Definition def n : Fin.t (max 1 n).
destruct n;cbn.
all:now constructor.
Defined .
Program Definition unflattenTM (M:flatTM) : TM (finType_CS (Fin.t (sig M))) (tapes M) :=
let d := def _ in
{|TM.state := (finType_CS ((Fin.t (max 1 (states M)))));
TM.trans := unflatten_trans d (trans M);
TM.start := nth (start M) (elem _) d;
TM.halt := unflatten_halt (halt M);
Lemma index_nth_elem (X:finType) i d:
i < Cardinality X
-> index (nth (A:=X) i (elem _) d) = i.
intros. unfold index. apply getPosition_nth.
-eapply dupfree_elements.
-refine (_:_ < Cardinality _). easy.
Lemma index_nth_elem_fint i n d:
i < n
-> index (nth (A:=Fin.t n)i (elem _) d) = i.
eapply index_nth_elem.
refine (_:_ < Cardinality _);setoid_rewrite Fin_cardinality at 1. easy.
Definition defFin (X:finType):
0 < Cardinality X
-> X.
unfold Cardinality.
destruct (elem X). cbn. intros. lia. easy.
Definition unflatten_in (sig:finType) n (l__r : list (option nat)) : (Vector.t (option sig) n) :=
match Vector_of_list_length n (map (unflatten_symb sig) l__r) with
| Some l__r => l__r
| _ => Vector.const None n
Lemma unflatten_in_correct (sig:finType) n v:
length v = n ->
(forall a : nat, Some a el v -> a < Cardinality sig) ->
map (option_map index) (Vector.to_list (unflatten_in sig n v)) = v.
intros <-.
unfold unflatten_in.
erewrite <- map_length.
rewrite Vector_of_list_length_eq,VectorSpec.to_list_of_list_opp.
rewrite MCList.map_map_compose.
erewrite map_ext_in with (g:=fun x => x). now apply map_id.
intros. destruct a. 2:easy.
apply H in H0.
unfold Basics.compose. cbn.
unshelve erewrite nth_indep with (d':= Some _).
-eapply defFin. lia.
-rewrite map_nth. cbn.
erewrite index_nth_elem. all:try easy.
-rewrite map_length. easy.
Record validFlatTrans (sig n states:nat) (f:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) : Prop :=
(forall a' b1 b2 , (a', b1) el f -> (a', b2) el f -> b1 = b2);
flatTrans_bound: forall s s' v v',
((s,v),(s',v')) el f
-> s < states
/\ length v = n
/\ (forall a, Some a el v -> a < sig)
/\ s' < states
/\ length v' = n
/\ (forall a m, (Some a,m) el v' -> a < sig)
Definition validFlatTM (M:flatTM) :=
validFlatTrans M.(sig) M.(tapes) M.(states) M.(trans)
/\ M.(start) < M.(states).
Lemma unflatten_acts_correct (sig:finType) n v':
length v' = n ->
(forall a m , (Some a,m) el v' -> a < Cardinality sig) ->
map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list (unflatten_acts sig n v')) = v'.
intros <-.
unfold unflatten_acts,unflatten_acts'.
erewrite <- map_length.
rewrite Vector_of_list_length_eq,VectorSpec.to_list_of_list_opp.
rewrite MCList.map_map_compose.
erewrite map_ext_in with (g:=fun x => x). now apply map_id.
intros. destruct a as [[] ?]. 2:easy.
apply H in H0.
unfold Basics.compose. cbn.
unshelve erewrite nth_indep with (d':= Some ltac:(eapply defFin)).
abstract lia.
2:{ rewrite map_length. easy. }
rewrite map_nth. cbn.
rewrite index_nth_elem;easy.
Lemma vector_to_list_length X n (l: Vector.t X n):
length (Vector.to_list l) = n.
induction l;cbn. easy. rewrite IHl at 1. reflexivity.
Lemma lookup_sound' (A: eqType) (B: Type) (L : list (prod A B)) a b def :
(forall a' b1 b2, (a',b1) el L -> (a',b2) el L -> b1=b2) -> ( (a,b) el L \/ ((forall b', ~ (a,b') el L) /\ b = def) ) -> lookup L a def = b.
intros H1 H2. unfold lookup.
destruct filter eqn:E.
- destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
+assert ((a,b) el filter (fun p : A * B => Dec (fst p = a)) L) by ( rewrite in_filter_iff ; eauto).
now rewrite E in H.
- destruct p. assert ((e,b0) el (filter (fun p : A * B => Dec (fst p = a)) L)) by now rewrite E.
rewrite in_filter_iff in H.
dec; cbn in *; subst; firstorder.
Lemma unflatten_trans_correct st sig n d trans0:
validFlatTrans sig n st trans0
-> isFlatteningTransOf trans0 (unflatten_trans (sig:=finType_CS (Fin.t sig)) (states := finType_CS (Fin.t st)) (n:=n) d trans0).
intros H.
-intros ? ? ? ? H'.
eexists (nth s (elem _) d),(nth s' (elem _) d).
eexists (unflatten_in _ _ v), (unflatten_acts _ _ v').
unfold unflatten_trans.
specialize (flatTrans_bound H H') as (?&<-&?&?&?&?).
rewrite !index_nth_elem_fint. 2,3:easy.
rewrite unflatten_in_correct. 2,3:now try rewrite Fin_cardinality;easy.
erewrite lookup_sound. 2:eapply flatTrans_inj;eassumption. 2:easy.
cbn -[finType_CS].
setoid_rewrite unflatten_in_correct. 2,3:now try rewrite Fin_cardinality;easy.
setoid_rewrite unflatten_acts_correct. 2,3:now try rewrite Fin_cardinality;easy.
repeat split.
-intros s0 v0.
unfold unflatten_trans.
edestruct lookup_complete with (def := (0,@nil (option nat * move))) as [H'|H'].
+erewrite lookup_sound. 3:eassumption. 2:eapply flatTrans_inj;eassumption.
edestruct lookup as (st0,l__r). left.
specialize (flatTrans_bound H H') as (?&?&?&?&?&?).
rewrite !index_nth_elem_fint. 2:easy. cbn -[finType_CS] in *.
replace ((index s0, map (option_map index) (Vector.to_list v0),
(st0, map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list (unflatten_acts (finType_CS (Fin.t sig)) n l__r)))))
with (index s0, map (option_map (fun x : Fin.t sig => index x)) (Vector.to_list v0), (st0, l__r)).
2:{ repeat f_equal. symmetry. rewrite unflatten_acts_correct. 1,2:easy. rewrite Fin_cardinality. easy. }
+erewrite lookup_sound'. 2:eapply flatTrans_inj;eassumption.
2:{right. easy. }
cbn -[finType_CS]. right.
setoid_rewrite index_nth. split. easy.
clear. unfold unflatten_acts,unflatten_acts'.
rewrite map_repeat. cbn.
pattern n at 1 2 4 5 6 7 8.
replace n with (length (@repeat (option (Fin.t sig) * move) (@None (Fin.t sig), Nmove) n)) at 1.
2:now rewrite repeat_length.
rewrite Vector_of_list_length_eq.
induction n;cbn. easy.
rewrite <- IHn. easy.
Lemma isFlatteningTrans_validFlatTrans n sig' (M' : TM sig' n) f:
isFlatteningTransOf f (TM.trans (m:=M'))
-> validFlatTrans (Cardinality sig') n (Cardinality (TM.state M')) f.
intros [H'].
-intros [] [] [] (?&?&?&?&?&->&->&->&->)%H' (?&?&?&?&?&eq1&->&eq2&->)%H'.
apply injective_index in eq1 as <-.
enough (x1=x5) by congruence.
clear - eq2.
eapply map_injective in eq2.
+now apply vector_to_list_inj.
+intros [] [] [=]. 2:easy.
f_equal;eauto using injective_index.
-intros. eapply H' in H as (?&?&?&?&?&->&->&->&->).
repeat split.
+eapply index_le.
+rewrite map_length,vector_to_list_length. easy.
+intros ? ([]&[=<- ]&?)%in_map_iff. eapply index_le.
+eapply index_le.
+rewrite map_length,vector_to_list_length. easy.
+intros ? ? ([[]]&[= <- <-]&?)%in_map_iff. eapply index_le.
Lemma unflattenTM_correct M:
validFlatTM M
-> isFlatteningTMOf M (unflattenTM M).
intros (?&?). destruct M.
cbn in *.
assert (H_st:(Init.Nat.max 1 states) = states) by now destruct states.
econstructor; cbn - [finType_CS max].
-now rewrite Fin_cardinality.
-rewrite H_st.
setoid_rewrite <- Fin_cardinality at 1. easy.
-eapply unflatten_trans_correct.
rewrite H_st. easy.
-generalize (def states).
rewrite H_st. intros ?.
unfold index. setoid_rewrite getPosition_nth. easy.
+apply dupfree_elements.
+refine (_:_ < Cardinality _).
setoid_rewrite Fin_cardinality at 1. easy.
-cbn -[max]. rewrite H_st.
econstructor. reflexivity.
Lemma isFlattening_is_valid M sig n (M':TM sig n):
isFlatteningTMOf M M'
-> validFlatTM M.
intros []. destruct M.
cbn in *;subst.
-now apply isFlatteningTrans_validFlatTrans.
-apply index_le.
Definition allSameEntry {X Y} eqbX eqbY `{_:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY} x y (f : list (X*Y)) :=
forallb (fun '(x',y') => implb (eqbX x x') (eqbY y y')) f.
Definition isInjFinfuncTable {X Y} eqbX eqbY `{_:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY}
:= fix isInjFinfuncTable (f : list (X*Y)) : bool :=
match f with
[] => true
| (x,y)::f => allSameEntry x y f
&& isInjFinfuncTable f
Lemma allSameEntry_spec X Y eqbX eqbY `{Hx:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{Hy:eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY} x y (f:list (X*Y)):
reflect (forall (y' : Y), (x, y') el f -> y = y') (allSameEntry x y f).
unfold allSameEntry.
apply iff_reflect. rewrite forallb_forall.
transitivity (forall x' y', (x',y') el f -> implb (eqbX x x') (eqbY y y') = true).
2:{split. now intros ? [].
intros H x' y'. specialize (H (x',y'));cbn in H. easy. }
-intros H x' y' ?.
destruct (Hx x x'). 2:easy.
edestruct (Hy y y') as [ | []]. easy.
subst. eauto.
-intros H y' ?.
specialize (H x y').
destruct (Hx x x). 2:easy.
edestruct (Hy y y') as [ | ]. easy.
apply H in H0. easy.
Lemma isInjFinfuncTable_spec X Y eqbX eqbY `{Hx:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{Hy:eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY} (f:list (X*Y)):
reflect (forall (a : X) (b b' : Y), (a, b) el f -> (a, b') el f -> b = b') (isInjFinfuncTable f).
induction f as [ |[x y] f].
cbn;constructor. easy.
edestruct (allSameEntry_spec x y f) as [H' | H'].
2:{cbn. constructor.
intros H. eapply H'. intros.
eapply H;[left|right]. all:easy.
eapply ssrbool.equivP. eassumption.
split. 2:now firstorder.
intros ? ? ? ? [[= -> ->]| ] [[= ->] | ]. all:subst.
3:symmetry. all:easy.
Definition isBoundTransTable (sig n states : nat) (f : list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) :=
forallb (fun '((s,v),(s',v')) =>
(s <? states)
&& (length v =? n)
&& (forallb (fun a => match a with None => true | Some a => a <? sig end) v)
&& (s' <? states)
&& (length v' =? n)
&& (forallb (fun a => match fst a with None => true | Some a => a <? sig end) v')) f.
Lemma isBoundTransTable_spec sig n states f:
reflect (forall (s s' : nat) (v : list (option nat)) (v' : list (option nat * move)),
(s, v, (s', v')) el f ->
s < states /\
| v | = n /\
(forall a : nat, Some a el v -> a < sig) /\
s' < states /\ | v' | = n /\ (forall (a : nat) (m : move), (Some a, m) el v' -> a < sig))
(isBoundTransTable sig n states f).
unfold isBoundTransTable.
apply iff_reflect. rewrite forallb_forall.
transitivity (forall (s s' : nat) (v : list (option nat)) (v' : list (option nat * move)),
(s, v, (s', v')) el f
-> (((s <? states) && (| v | =? n) && forallb (fun a : option nat => match a with
| Some a => a <? sig
| None => true
end) v && (s' <? states) && (| v' | =? n) &&
forallb (fun a : option nat * move => match fst a with
| Some a => a <? sig
| None => true
end) v') = true)).
2:{split. now intros H [[] []].
intros H s s' v v'. specialize (H ((s,v),(s',v')));cbn in H. easy. }
do 4 (eapply Morphisms_Prop.all_iff_morphism;intros ?).
eapply Morphisms_Prop.iff_iff_iff_impl_morphism. easy.
rewrite <- !andb_assoc. rewrite !andb_true_iff.
repeat apply Morphisms_Prop.and_iff_morphism.
1,4:now rewrite Nat.ltb_lt.
1,3:now rewrite Nat.eqb_eq.
all:rewrite forallb_forall.
-intros ? []. rewrite Nat.ltb_lt. all:easy.
-intros H ? ?%H. now rewrite <- Nat.ltb_lt.
-intros ? [[] ]; cbn - [Nat.ltb]. rewrite Nat.ltb_lt. all:easy.
-intros H ? ? ?%H. now rewrite <- Nat.ltb_lt.
Definition isValidFlatTrans sig n states (f : list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) :=
isInjFinfuncTable f && isBoundTransTable sig n states f.
Lemma isValidFlatTrans_spec sig n states f:
reflect (validFlatTrans sig n states f)
(isValidFlatTrans sig n states f).
unfold isValidFlatTrans.
eapply iff_reflect.
rewrite andb_true_iff. rewrite <- !reflect_iff.
2:{ eapply isBoundTransTable_spec. }
2:{ eapply isInjFinfuncTable_spec. }
-now intros [].
-econstructor. all:easy.
Definition isValidFlatTM M :=
isValidFlatTrans M.(sig) M.(tapes) M.(states) M.(trans) && (M.(start) <? M.(states)).
Lemma isValidFlatTM_spec M:
reflect (validFlatTM M)
(isValidFlatTM M).
unfold isValidFlatTM.
eapply iff_reflect.
destruct M; cbn -[Nat.ltb].
rewrite andb_true_iff. rewrite <- !reflect_iff.
2:{ apply Nat.ltb_spec0. }
2:{ apply isValidFlatTrans_spec. }
split;intros []. all:easy.
From Undecidability Require Import L.Functions.EqBool.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes Require Import VectorFin Cardinality.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.TM_facts.
From Complexity Require Import L.TM.TMflat.
From Undecidability Require L.TM.TMEncoding.
Definition Vector_of_list_length A n (l:list A) : option (Vector.t A n) :=
match Nat.eq_dec (length l) n with
Specif.left H =>
Some (eq_rect _ (fun n => Vector.t A n) (Vector.of_list l) _ H)
| _ => None
Lemma Vector_of_list_length_eq A (l:list A) :
Vector_of_list_length (length l) l = Some (Vector.of_list l).
unfold Vector_of_list_length.
destruct _. 2:easy.
rewrite <- Eqdep_dec.eq_rect_eq_dec. easy. decide equality.
Definition unflatten_symb (sig:finType) (i:option nat): option sig:=
match i with
None => None
| Some i => nth i (map Some (elem _)) None
Definition unflatten_acts' (sig:finType) (l__r : list (option nat * move)): (list (option sig * move)) :=
map (fun '(i,m) => (unflatten_symb sig i,m)) l__r.
Definition unflatten_acts (sig:finType) n (l__r : list (option nat * move)) : (Vector.t (option sig*move) n) :=
match Vector_of_list_length n (unflatten_acts' sig l__r) with
| Some l__r => l__r
| _ => Vector.const (None,Nmove) n
Definition unflatten_trans (states:finType) (sig:finType) d n (f:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move))))
: states * Vector.t (option sig) n -> states * Vector.t (option sig * move) n :=
fun '(st,l) =>
let (st__o,l__r) := lookup f (index st,map (option_map (fun x => index x)) (Vector.to_list l)) (index st,repeat (None,Nmove) n) in
(nth st__o (elem _) d, unflatten_acts sig n l__r).
Definition unflatten_halt states (f: list bool) (i : (Fin.t states)) : bool :=
nth (index i) f false.
Local Definition def n : Fin.t (max 1 n).
destruct n;cbn.
all:now constructor.
Defined .
Program Definition unflattenTM (M:flatTM) : TM (finType_CS (Fin.t (sig M))) (tapes M) :=
let d := def _ in
{|TM.state := (finType_CS ((Fin.t (max 1 (states M)))));
TM.trans := unflatten_trans d (trans M);
TM.start := nth (start M) (elem _) d;
TM.halt := unflatten_halt (halt M);
Lemma index_nth_elem (X:finType) i d:
i < Cardinality X
-> index (nth (A:=X) i (elem _) d) = i.
intros. unfold index. apply getPosition_nth.
-eapply dupfree_elements.
-refine (_:_ < Cardinality _). easy.
Lemma index_nth_elem_fint i n d:
i < n
-> index (nth (A:=Fin.t n)i (elem _) d) = i.
eapply index_nth_elem.
refine (_:_ < Cardinality _);setoid_rewrite Fin_cardinality at 1. easy.
Definition defFin (X:finType):
0 < Cardinality X
-> X.
unfold Cardinality.
destruct (elem X). cbn. intros. lia. easy.
Definition unflatten_in (sig:finType) n (l__r : list (option nat)) : (Vector.t (option sig) n) :=
match Vector_of_list_length n (map (unflatten_symb sig) l__r) with
| Some l__r => l__r
| _ => Vector.const None n
Lemma unflatten_in_correct (sig:finType) n v:
length v = n ->
(forall a : nat, Some a el v -> a < Cardinality sig) ->
map (option_map index) (Vector.to_list (unflatten_in sig n v)) = v.
intros <-.
unfold unflatten_in.
erewrite <- map_length.
rewrite Vector_of_list_length_eq,VectorSpec.to_list_of_list_opp.
rewrite MCList.map_map_compose.
erewrite map_ext_in with (g:=fun x => x). now apply map_id.
intros. destruct a. 2:easy.
apply H in H0.
unfold Basics.compose. cbn.
unshelve erewrite nth_indep with (d':= Some _).
-eapply defFin. lia.
-rewrite map_nth. cbn.
erewrite index_nth_elem. all:try easy.
-rewrite map_length. easy.
Record validFlatTrans (sig n states:nat) (f:list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) : Prop :=
(forall a' b1 b2 , (a', b1) el f -> (a', b2) el f -> b1 = b2);
flatTrans_bound: forall s s' v v',
((s,v),(s',v')) el f
-> s < states
/\ length v = n
/\ (forall a, Some a el v -> a < sig)
/\ s' < states
/\ length v' = n
/\ (forall a m, (Some a,m) el v' -> a < sig)
Definition validFlatTM (M:flatTM) :=
validFlatTrans M.(sig) M.(tapes) M.(states) M.(trans)
/\ M.(start) < M.(states).
Lemma unflatten_acts_correct (sig:finType) n v':
length v' = n ->
(forall a m , (Some a,m) el v' -> a < Cardinality sig) ->
map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list (unflatten_acts sig n v')) = v'.
intros <-.
unfold unflatten_acts,unflatten_acts'.
erewrite <- map_length.
rewrite Vector_of_list_length_eq,VectorSpec.to_list_of_list_opp.
rewrite MCList.map_map_compose.
erewrite map_ext_in with (g:=fun x => x). now apply map_id.
intros. destruct a as [[] ?]. 2:easy.
apply H in H0.
unfold Basics.compose. cbn.
unshelve erewrite nth_indep with (d':= Some ltac:(eapply defFin)).
abstract lia.
2:{ rewrite map_length. easy. }
rewrite map_nth. cbn.
rewrite index_nth_elem;easy.
Lemma vector_to_list_length X n (l: Vector.t X n):
length (Vector.to_list l) = n.
induction l;cbn. easy. rewrite IHl at 1. reflexivity.
Lemma lookup_sound' (A: eqType) (B: Type) (L : list (prod A B)) a b def :
(forall a' b1 b2, (a',b1) el L -> (a',b2) el L -> b1=b2) -> ( (a,b) el L \/ ((forall b', ~ (a,b') el L) /\ b = def) ) -> lookup L a def = b.
intros H1 H2. unfold lookup.
destruct filter eqn:E.
- destruct H2 as [H2|H2].
+assert ((a,b) el filter (fun p : A * B => Dec (fst p = a)) L) by ( rewrite in_filter_iff ; eauto).
now rewrite E in H.
- destruct p. assert ((e,b0) el (filter (fun p : A * B => Dec (fst p = a)) L)) by now rewrite E.
rewrite in_filter_iff in H.
dec; cbn in *; subst; firstorder.
Lemma unflatten_trans_correct st sig n d trans0:
validFlatTrans sig n st trans0
-> isFlatteningTransOf trans0 (unflatten_trans (sig:=finType_CS (Fin.t sig)) (states := finType_CS (Fin.t st)) (n:=n) d trans0).
intros H.
-intros ? ? ? ? H'.
eexists (nth s (elem _) d),(nth s' (elem _) d).
eexists (unflatten_in _ _ v), (unflatten_acts _ _ v').
unfold unflatten_trans.
specialize (flatTrans_bound H H') as (?&<-&?&?&?&?).
rewrite !index_nth_elem_fint. 2,3:easy.
rewrite unflatten_in_correct. 2,3:now try rewrite Fin_cardinality;easy.
erewrite lookup_sound. 2:eapply flatTrans_inj;eassumption. 2:easy.
cbn -[finType_CS].
setoid_rewrite unflatten_in_correct. 2,3:now try rewrite Fin_cardinality;easy.
setoid_rewrite unflatten_acts_correct. 2,3:now try rewrite Fin_cardinality;easy.
repeat split.
-intros s0 v0.
unfold unflatten_trans.
edestruct lookup_complete with (def := (0,@nil (option nat * move))) as [H'|H'].
+erewrite lookup_sound. 3:eassumption. 2:eapply flatTrans_inj;eassumption.
edestruct lookup as (st0,l__r). left.
specialize (flatTrans_bound H H') as (?&?&?&?&?&?).
rewrite !index_nth_elem_fint. 2:easy. cbn -[finType_CS] in *.
replace ((index s0, map (option_map index) (Vector.to_list v0),
(st0, map (map_fst (option_map index)) (Vector.to_list (unflatten_acts (finType_CS (Fin.t sig)) n l__r)))))
with (index s0, map (option_map (fun x : Fin.t sig => index x)) (Vector.to_list v0), (st0, l__r)).
2:{ repeat f_equal. symmetry. rewrite unflatten_acts_correct. 1,2:easy. rewrite Fin_cardinality. easy. }
+erewrite lookup_sound'. 2:eapply flatTrans_inj;eassumption.
2:{right. easy. }
cbn -[finType_CS]. right.
setoid_rewrite index_nth. split. easy.
clear. unfold unflatten_acts,unflatten_acts'.
rewrite map_repeat. cbn.
pattern n at 1 2 4 5 6 7 8.
replace n with (length (@repeat (option (Fin.t sig) * move) (@None (Fin.t sig), Nmove) n)) at 1.
2:now rewrite repeat_length.
rewrite Vector_of_list_length_eq.
induction n;cbn. easy.
rewrite <- IHn. easy.
Lemma isFlatteningTrans_validFlatTrans n sig' (M' : TM sig' n) f:
isFlatteningTransOf f (TM.trans (m:=M'))
-> validFlatTrans (Cardinality sig') n (Cardinality (TM.state M')) f.
intros [H'].
-intros [] [] [] (?&?&?&?&?&->&->&->&->)%H' (?&?&?&?&?&eq1&->&eq2&->)%H'.
apply injective_index in eq1 as <-.
enough (x1=x5) by congruence.
clear - eq2.
eapply map_injective in eq2.
+now apply vector_to_list_inj.
+intros [] [] [=]. 2:easy.
f_equal;eauto using injective_index.
-intros. eapply H' in H as (?&?&?&?&?&->&->&->&->).
repeat split.
+eapply index_le.
+rewrite map_length,vector_to_list_length. easy.
+intros ? ([]&[=<- ]&?)%in_map_iff. eapply index_le.
+eapply index_le.
+rewrite map_length,vector_to_list_length. easy.
+intros ? ? ([[]]&[= <- <-]&?)%in_map_iff. eapply index_le.
Lemma unflattenTM_correct M:
validFlatTM M
-> isFlatteningTMOf M (unflattenTM M).
intros (?&?). destruct M.
cbn in *.
assert (H_st:(Init.Nat.max 1 states) = states) by now destruct states.
econstructor; cbn - [finType_CS max].
-now rewrite Fin_cardinality.
-rewrite H_st.
setoid_rewrite <- Fin_cardinality at 1. easy.
-eapply unflatten_trans_correct.
rewrite H_st. easy.
-generalize (def states).
rewrite H_st. intros ?.
unfold index. setoid_rewrite getPosition_nth. easy.
+apply dupfree_elements.
+refine (_:_ < Cardinality _).
setoid_rewrite Fin_cardinality at 1. easy.
-cbn -[max]. rewrite H_st.
econstructor. reflexivity.
Lemma isFlattening_is_valid M sig n (M':TM sig n):
isFlatteningTMOf M M'
-> validFlatTM M.
intros []. destruct M.
cbn in *;subst.
-now apply isFlatteningTrans_validFlatTrans.
-apply index_le.
Definition allSameEntry {X Y} eqbX eqbY `{_:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY} x y (f : list (X*Y)) :=
forallb (fun '(x',y') => implb (eqbX x x') (eqbY y y')) f.
Definition isInjFinfuncTable {X Y} eqbX eqbY `{_:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY}
:= fix isInjFinfuncTable (f : list (X*Y)) : bool :=
match f with
[] => true
| (x,y)::f => allSameEntry x y f
&& isInjFinfuncTable f
Lemma allSameEntry_spec X Y eqbX eqbY `{Hx:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{Hy:eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY} x y (f:list (X*Y)):
reflect (forall (y' : Y), (x, y') el f -> y = y') (allSameEntry x y f).
unfold allSameEntry.
apply iff_reflect. rewrite forallb_forall.
transitivity (forall x' y', (x',y') el f -> implb (eqbX x x') (eqbY y y') = true).
2:{split. now intros ? [].
intros H x' y'. specialize (H (x',y'));cbn in H. easy. }
-intros H x' y' ?.
destruct (Hx x x'). 2:easy.
edestruct (Hy y y') as [ | []]. easy.
subst. eauto.
-intros H y' ?.
specialize (H x y').
destruct (Hx x x). 2:easy.
edestruct (Hy y y') as [ | ]. easy.
apply H in H0. easy.
Lemma isInjFinfuncTable_spec X Y eqbX eqbY `{Hx:eqbClass (X:=X) eqbX} `{Hy:eqbClass (X:=Y) eqbY} (f:list (X*Y)):
reflect (forall (a : X) (b b' : Y), (a, b) el f -> (a, b') el f -> b = b') (isInjFinfuncTable f).
induction f as [ |[x y] f].
cbn;constructor. easy.
edestruct (allSameEntry_spec x y f) as [H' | H'].
2:{cbn. constructor.
intros H. eapply H'. intros.
eapply H;[left|right]. all:easy.
eapply ssrbool.equivP. eassumption.
split. 2:now firstorder.
intros ? ? ? ? [[= -> ->]| ] [[= ->] | ]. all:subst.
3:symmetry. all:easy.
Definition isBoundTransTable (sig n states : nat) (f : list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) :=
forallb (fun '((s,v),(s',v')) =>
(s <? states)
&& (length v =? n)
&& (forallb (fun a => match a with None => true | Some a => a <? sig end) v)
&& (s' <? states)
&& (length v' =? n)
&& (forallb (fun a => match fst a with None => true | Some a => a <? sig end) v')) f.
Lemma isBoundTransTable_spec sig n states f:
reflect (forall (s s' : nat) (v : list (option nat)) (v' : list (option nat * move)),
(s, v, (s', v')) el f ->
s < states /\
| v | = n /\
(forall a : nat, Some a el v -> a < sig) /\
s' < states /\ | v' | = n /\ (forall (a : nat) (m : move), (Some a, m) el v' -> a < sig))
(isBoundTransTable sig n states f).
unfold isBoundTransTable.
apply iff_reflect. rewrite forallb_forall.
transitivity (forall (s s' : nat) (v : list (option nat)) (v' : list (option nat * move)),
(s, v, (s', v')) el f
-> (((s <? states) && (| v | =? n) && forallb (fun a : option nat => match a with
| Some a => a <? sig
| None => true
end) v && (s' <? states) && (| v' | =? n) &&
forallb (fun a : option nat * move => match fst a with
| Some a => a <? sig
| None => true
end) v') = true)).
2:{split. now intros H [[] []].
intros H s s' v v'. specialize (H ((s,v),(s',v')));cbn in H. easy. }
do 4 (eapply Morphisms_Prop.all_iff_morphism;intros ?).
eapply Morphisms_Prop.iff_iff_iff_impl_morphism. easy.
rewrite <- !andb_assoc. rewrite !andb_true_iff.
repeat apply Morphisms_Prop.and_iff_morphism.
1,4:now rewrite Nat.ltb_lt.
1,3:now rewrite Nat.eqb_eq.
all:rewrite forallb_forall.
-intros ? []. rewrite Nat.ltb_lt. all:easy.
-intros H ? ?%H. now rewrite <- Nat.ltb_lt.
-intros ? [[] ]; cbn - [Nat.ltb]. rewrite Nat.ltb_lt. all:easy.
-intros H ? ? ?%H. now rewrite <- Nat.ltb_lt.
Definition isValidFlatTrans sig n states (f : list (nat * list (option nat) * (nat * list (option nat * move)))) :=
isInjFinfuncTable f && isBoundTransTable sig n states f.
Lemma isValidFlatTrans_spec sig n states f:
reflect (validFlatTrans sig n states f)
(isValidFlatTrans sig n states f).
unfold isValidFlatTrans.
eapply iff_reflect.
rewrite andb_true_iff. rewrite <- !reflect_iff.
2:{ eapply isBoundTransTable_spec. }
2:{ eapply isInjFinfuncTable_spec. }
-now intros [].
-econstructor. all:easy.
Definition isValidFlatTM M :=
isValidFlatTrans M.(sig) M.(tapes) M.(states) M.(trans) && (M.(start) <? M.(states)).
Lemma isValidFlatTM_spec M:
reflect (validFlatTM M)
(isValidFlatTM M).
unfold isValidFlatTM.
eapply iff_reflect.
destruct M; cbn -[Nat.ltb].
rewrite andb_true_iff. rewrite <- !reflect_iff.
2:{ apply Nat.ltb_spec0. }
2:{ apply isValidFlatTrans_spec. }
split;intros []. all:easy.
Definition isValidFlatTape (sig:nat) (t:tape nat):=
forallb (fun x => Nat.ltb x sig) (tapeToList t).
Definition isValidFlatTapes (sig:nat) n (t:list (tape nat)):=
if length t =? n then forallb (isValidFlatTape sig) t else false.
Lemma tapeToList_map_commute sig sig' (f : sig -> sig') t :
tapeToList (mapTape f t) = map f (tapeToList t).
destruct t;cbn. all:simpl_list.
all:try rewrite !map_rev. all:easy.
Lemma flatteningTapeIsValid (sig:finType) n t (t' : TM_facts.tapes sig n):
isFlatteningTapesOf t t' ->
isValidFlatTapes (Cardinality.Cardinality sig) n t = true.
intros H. inv H.
unfold isValidFlatTapes.
rewrite vector_to_list_length. rewrite Nat.eqb_refl.
induction t' as [ |t];cbn. easy.
rewrite andb_true_iff. split.
2:{easy. }
unfold isValidFlatTape.
rewrite tapeToList_map_commute.
setoid_rewrite forallb_forall.
intros ? (?&?&?)%in_map_iff.
rewrite Nat.ltb_lt.
subst. eapply index_le.
Lemma isUnflattableTape sig t:
isValidFlatTape (Cardinality sig) t = true -> {t' & t = (mapTape (index (F:=sig)) t')}.
cbn. unfold isValidFlatTape.
intros H. rewrite forallb_forall in H. setoid_rewrite Nat.ltb_lt in H.
destruct t;cbn - [Nat.ltb].
-exists (niltape _). easy.
-eexists (leftof _ _). cbn. f_equal.
+symmetry;eapply index_nth_elem. apply H. cbn;easy.
+erewrite MCList.map_map_compose. erewrite map_ext_in. now rewrite map_id.
intros. cbn. unfold Basics.compose. eapply index_nth_elem. apply H. cbn;easy.
-eexists (rightof _ _). cbn. f_equal.
+symmetry;eapply index_nth_elem. apply H. cbn;easy.
+erewrite MCList.map_map_compose. erewrite map_ext_in. now rewrite map_id.
intros. cbn. unfold Basics.compose. eapply index_nth_elem. apply H. cbn. rewrite in_app_iff, <- in_rev. eauto.
-eexists (midtape _ _ _). cbn. f_equal.
+erewrite MCList.map_map_compose. erewrite map_ext_in. now rewrite map_id.
intros. cbn. unfold Basics.compose. eapply index_nth_elem. apply H. cbn. rewrite in_app_iff, <- in_rev. eauto.
+symmetry;eapply index_nth_elem. apply H. cbn;easy.
+erewrite MCList.map_map_compose. erewrite map_ext_in. now rewrite map_id.
intros. cbn. unfold Basics.compose. eapply index_nth_elem. apply H. cbn. rewrite in_app_iff, <- in_rev. eauto.
all:cbn in H.
all:eapply defFin.
all:eapply Nat.le_lt_trans;[ | eapply H;easy].
Lemma isUnflattableTapes sig n t :
isValidFlatTapes (Cardinality sig) n t = true -> {t' & isFlatteningTapesOf (sig:=sig) (n:=n) t t'}.
cbn. unfold isValidFlatTapes.
intros H. destruct (Nat.eqb_spec (length t) n). 2:easy. subst n.
induction t.
-eexists [| |]. rewrite isFlatteningTapesOf_iff. easy.
-cbn in H.
rewrite !andb_true_iff in H. destruct H as (H'&H).
apply IHt in H as (v'&Hv).
apply isUnflattableTape in H' as (t0&Ht0).
eexists (t0:::v').
rewrite isFlatteningTapesOf_iff in *. cbn. f_equal. all: now cbv.
Definition validFlatTape sig (t : tape nat) :=
forall n, n el tapeToList t -> n < sig.
Lemma isValidFlatTape_spec sig t :
reflect (validFlatTape sig t) (isValidFlatTape sig t).
unfold validFlatTape, isValidFlatTape.
apply iff_reflect. rewrite forallb_forall. setoid_rewrite Nat.ltb_lt. easy.
Definition validFlatConf M (c:mconfigFlat):=
let (s,ts) := c in
length ts = M.(tapes) /\ Forall (validFlatTape M.(sig)) ts /\ s < M.(states).