From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat Lists LProd LFinType LVector.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Functions.EqBool.

From Undecidability.TM.Util Require Import VectorPrelim TM_facts.

Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.FinTypes.
From Undecidability.TM Require PrettyBounds.SizeBounds.

Import L_Notations.

Import GenEncode.
MetaCoq Run (tmGenEncodeInj "move_enc" move).
Hint Resolve move_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

Import TM.
Local Notation L := TM.Lmove.
Local Notation R := TM.Rmove.
Local Notation N := TM.Nmove.

Definition move_eqb (m n : move) : bool :=
  match m,n with
    N,N => true
  | L,L => true
  | R,R => true
  | _,_ => false

Lemma move_eqb_spec x y : reflect (x = y) (move_eqb x y).
  destruct x, y;constructor. all:easy.

Instance eqb_move:
  eqbClass move_eqb.
  intros ? ?. eapply move_eqb_spec.

Instance eqbComp_bool : eqbCompT move.
  evar (c:nat). exists c. unfold move_eqb.
  unfold enc;cbn.
  [c]:exact 3.
  all:unfold c;try lia.

Section reg_tapes.
  Variable sig : Type.
  Context `{reg_sig : encodable sig}.

  Implicit Type (t : TM.tape sig).
  Import GenEncode.
  MetaCoq Run (tmGenEncode "tape_enc" (TM.tape sig)).
  Hint Resolve tape_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

  Global Instance encInj_tape_enc {H : encInj reg_sig} : encInj (encodable_tape_enc).
  Proof. register_inj. Qed.

  Global Instance term_leftof : computableTime' (@leftof sig) (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1,tt))).
    extract constructor.

  Global Instance term_rightof : computableTime' (@rightof sig) (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1,tt))).
    extract constructor. solverec.

  Global Instance term_midtape : computableTime' (@midtape sig) (fun _ _ => (1, fun _ _ => (1,fun _ _ => (1,tt)))).
    extract constructor. solverec.

End reg_tapes.

Section fix_sig.
  Variable sig : finType.
  Context `{reg_sig : encodable sig}.

  Definition mconfigAsPair {B : finType} {n} (c:mconfig sig B n):= let (x,y) := c in (x,y).

  Global Instance encodable_mconfig (B : finType) `{encodable B} n: encodable (mconfig sig B n).
  Proof using reg_sig.
    eapply (registerAs mconfigAsPair).

  Global Instance term_mconfigAsPair (B : finType) `{encodable B} n: computableTime' (@mconfigAsPair B n) (fun _ _ => (1,tt)).
    apply cast_computableTime.

  Global Instance term_cstate (B : finType) `{encodable B} n: computableTime' (@cstate sig B n) (fun _ _ => (7,tt)).
    apply computableTimeExt with (x:=fun x => fst (mconfigAsPair x)).
    2:{extract. solverec. }
    intros [];reflexivity.

  Global Instance term_ctapes (B : finType) `{encodable B} n: computableTime' (@ctapes sig B n) (fun _ _ => (7,tt)).
    apply computableTimeExt with (x:=fun x => snd (mconfigAsPair x)).
    2:{extract. solverec. }
    intros [];reflexivity.

  Global Instance encodable_mk_mconfig (B : finType) `{encodable B} n: computableTime' (@mk_mconfig sig B n) (fun _ _ => (1,fun _ _ => (3,tt))).
    extract. solverec.
End fix_sig.

Hint Resolve tape_enc_correct : Lrewrite.

Import PrettyBounds.SizeBounds.

Lemma sizeOfTape_by_size {sig} `{encodable sig} (t:(tape sig)) :
  sizeOfTape t <= size (enc t).
  unfold enc;cbn.
  destruct t;cbn [tapeToList sizeOfTape length size].
  all:rewrite ?app_length,?rev_length. all:cbn [length].
  all:ring_simplify. all:try rewrite !size_list_enc_r. all:try nia.

Lemma sizeOfmTapes_by_size {sig} `{encodable sig} n (t:tapes sig n) :
  sizeOfmTapes t <= size (enc t).
  setoid_rewrite enc_vector_eq. rewrite Lists.size_list.
  erewrite <- sumn_map_le_pointwise with (f1:=fun _ => _). 2:{ intros. setoid_rewrite <- sizeOfTape_by_size. reflexivity. }
  rewrite sizeOfmTapes_max_list_map. unfold MaxList.max_list_map. rewrite max_list_sumn.
  etransitivity. 2:now apply Nat.le_add_r. rewrite vector_to_list_correct. apply sumn_map_le_pointwise. intros. nia.