Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.Base.
Require Import Lia.
From Undecidability.L Require Import L_facts.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.ListAutomation.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Export Tactics.

Various preliminaries for the TM -> SAT part of the Cook-Levin Theorem

Results regarding lists
Section tabulate.
  Variable (A : Type).
  Fixpoint tabulate (f : nat -> A) (n : nat): list A := match n with 0 => []
                                                                      | S n => tabulate f n ++ [f n]

  Lemma tabulate_length (f : nat -> A) (n : nat) : |tabulate f n| = n.
    induction n; cbn.
    - reflexivity.
    - rewrite app_length, IHn. cbn;lia.

  Lemma tabulate_nth (f : nat -> A) (n : nat) : forall k, k < n -> nth_error (tabulate f n) k = Some (f k).
    intros. induction n.
    - lia.
    - destruct (Nat.eqb k n) eqn:H1; dec_bool.
      + rewrite H1 in *; clear H1. cbn. rewrite nth_error_app2, tabulate_length. 2: specialize (tabulate_length f n); lia.
        rewrite Nat.sub_diag; cbn; reflexivity.
      + assert (k < n) by lia. clear H1 H. cbn. rewrite nth_error_app1. 2: now rewrite tabulate_length.
        now apply IHn.

  Lemma tabulate_In (f : nat -> A) (n : nat) : forall a, a el tabulate f n <-> exists k, k < n /\ f k = a.
    specialize (@tabulate_nth f n) as H1.
    intros a. split.
    - intros (n0 & H2)%In_nth_error.
      assert (n0 < n). { rewrite <- tabulate_length with (f := f). now apply nth_error_Some_lt with (x:=a). }
      exists n0. split; [assumption|].
      specialize (H1 n0 H). congruence.
    - intros (k & H2 & H3). specialize (H1 k H2).
      rewrite <- H3; eapply nth_error_In, H1.
End tabulate.

Section subsequence.
  Variable (X : Type).
  Definition subsequence (A B : list X) := exists C D, B = C ++ A ++ D.
  Notation "A 'subs' B" := (subsequence A B)(at level 70).

  Lemma subsequence_incl (A B : list X) : A subs B -> incl A B.
    induction B.
    - unfold subsequence. destruct A; cbn; try firstorder.
      intros (C & D & H). destruct C; cbn in H; congruence.
    - intros (C & D & H). intros x xel. destruct C.
      + cbn in H. rewrite H. firstorder.
      + cbn in H. assert (x0 = a) as -> by congruence.
        right. apply IHB; [|assumption]. exists C,D. congruence.
End subsequence.

Lemma dupfree_nthe (X : Type) (l : list X) : dupfree l <-> forall i j a b, nth_error l i = Some a -> nth_error l j = Some b -> i <> j -> a <> b.
  - induction 1.
    + intros. destruct i; cbn in H; congruence.
    + intros. destruct i, j.
      * congruence.
      * cbn in H1, H2. apply nth_error_In in H2. assert (x = a) by congruence. rewrite H4 in H. congruence.
      * cbn in H1, H2. apply nth_error_In in H1. assert (x = b) by congruence. rewrite H4 in H. congruence.
      * cbn in H1, H2. apply IHdupfree with (i:= i) (j:=j); [assumption | assumption | congruence].
  - induction l.
    + intros. constructor.
    + intros. constructor.
      * intros Hel%In_nth_error. destruct Hel as (j & Hel).
        specialize (H 0 (S j) a a). cbn in H. apply H; firstorder.
      * apply IHl. firstorder. apply H with (i := S i) (j:= S j); firstorder.

Section remove.
  Variable (X : Type).
  Context (eqdec : (forall x y: X, dec (x = y))).
  Lemma in_remove_iff (l : list X) (a b : X) : a el remove eqdec b l <-> a el l /\ a <> b.
    revert a. induction l; intros; cbn.
    - tauto.
    - destruct (eqdec b a).
      + split; [firstorder | ]. intros [[-> | H1] H2]; [congruence|]. now apply IHl.
      + split; [ firstorder; congruence | firstorder ].

  Lemma remove_length (l : list X) (a : X) : |remove eqdec a l| <= |l|.
    induction l; cbn.
    - lia.
    - destruct eqdec; cbn; lia.

  Lemma remove_length_el (l : list X) (a : X) : a el l -> |remove eqdec a l| < |l|.
    induction l.
    - intros [].
    - intros [-> | H1].
      + cbn. destruct (eqdec a a); [specialize (remove_length l a); lia | congruence].
      + cbn. destruct (eqdec a a0); [specialize (remove_length l a); lia | cbn; firstorder nia ].
End remove.

Proposition map_dupfree (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y) (A : list X) : dupfree (map f A) -> dupfree A.
  remember (map f A) as B. intros H1. revert A HeqB. induction H1; intros B HeqB.
  - destruct B; cbn in HeqB; [constructor | congruence].
  - destruct B; cbn in HeqB; [congruence | ].
    inv HeqB. constructor.
    + rewrite in_map_iff in H. contradict H. eauto.
    + now apply IHdupfree.

Require Import Lia.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Export FiniteTypes.FinTypes FiniteTypes.BasicFinTypes FiniteTypes.CompoundFinTypes Retracts Inhabited Base Vectors.Vectors FiniteTypes.
Require Export smpl.Smpl.
From Undecidability.Shared Require Import Prelim.

From Undecidability.L Require Import Util.L_facts.
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import Lrewrite.

Definition optReturn := @Some.
Definition optBind {X Y : Type} (x : option X) (f : X -> option Y) :=
  match x with
  | None => None
  | Some x => f x

Notation "A >>= F" := (optBind A F) (at level 40, left associativity).
Notation "'do' X <- A ; B" := (optBind A (fun X => B)) (at level 200, X ident, A at level 100, B at level 200).

Definition involution (X : Type) (f : X -> X) := forall (x : X), f (f x) = x.

Lemma map_involution (X : Type)(f : X -> X) : involution f -> involution (map f).
  intros. intros l. rewrite map_map. setoid_rewrite H. now rewrite map_id.

Lemma involution_invert_eqn (X : Type) (f : X -> X) : involution f -> forall a b, f a = f b -> a = b.
  intros. enough (f (f a) = f(f b)). { now rewrite !H in H1. } now rewrite H0.

Lemma involution_invert_eqn2 (X : Type) (f : X -> X) : involution f -> forall a b, f a = b -> a = f b.
  intros. rewrite <- (H a). now apply involution_invert_eqn with (f := f).

Smpl Create involution.
Ltac involution_simpl := smpl involution; repeat (involution_simpl).

Smpl Add (apply map_involution) : involution.

Lemma rev_involution (X : Type): involution (@rev X).
  unfold involution. apply rev_involutive.

Smpl Add (apply rev_involution) : involution.

Definition prefix (X : Type) (a b : list X) := exists b', b = a ++ b'.
Definition substring (X : Type) (a b : list X) := exists b1 b2, b = b1 ++ a ++ b2.

Lemma map_skipn (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (l : list A) (n : nat) : map f (skipn n l) = skipn n (map f l).
  induction n as [ | n] in l |-*; cbn; [reflexivity | destruct l as [ | x l]]; cbn; firstorder.

Lemma skipn_add (X : Type) (xs vs: list X) (i j : nat) : length vs = j -> skipn (j + i) (vs ++ xs) = skipn i xs.
  revert vs; induction j; intros.
  - inv_list. now cbn.
  - inv_list. cbn. apply IHj. cbn in H; congruence.

Lemma skipn_app2 (X : Type) i (a b c : list X): c <> [] -> skipn i a = c -> skipn i (a ++ b) = c ++ b.
  intros H; revert i; induction a; intros.
  - destruct i; cbn in H0; congruence.
  - destruct i; cbn in H0.
    + cbn. now rewrite <- H0.
    + cbn. now apply IHa.

Lemma skipn_app3 (X : Type) i (a b : list X) : i <= |a| -> exists a', skipn i (a ++ b) = a' ++ b /\ a = firstn i a ++ a'.
  intros. exists (skipn i a). split.
  + destruct (nat_eq_dec i (|a|)).
    - rewrite skipn_app. 2: apply e. rewrite skipn_all2. 2: lia. now cbn.
    - apply skipn_app2.
      * enough (|skipn i a| <> 0) by (destruct skipn; cbn in *; congruence). rewrite skipn_length. lia.
      * reflexivity.
  + now rewrite firstn_skipn.

Lemma firstn_skipn_rev (X : Type) i (h : list X) : firstn i h = rev (skipn (|h| - i) (rev h)).
  rewrite <- (firstn_skipn i h) at 3.
  rewrite rev_app_distr.
  rewrite skipn_app.
  - now rewrite rev_involution.
  - rewrite rev_length. now rewrite skipn_length.

Lemma skipn_firstn_rev (X : Type) i (h : list X) : skipn i h = rev (firstn (|h| - i) (rev h)).
  destruct (le_lt_dec i (|h|)).
  - rewrite firstn_skipn_rev.
    rewrite !rev_involution.
    rewrite rev_length.
    replace ((|h|) - (|h| - i)) with i by lia. easy.
  - specialize (skipn_length i h) as H1. assert (|skipn i h| = 0) by lia.
    specialize (firstn_le_length (|h| - i) (rev h)) as H2. assert (|firstn (|h| - i) (rev h)| = 0) as H3 by lia.
    destruct skipn, firstn; cbn in *; try congruence.

Lemma map_firstn (X Y : Type) i (h : list X) (f : X -> Y) : map f (firstn i h) = firstn i (map f h).
  revert i; induction h; intros; cbn.
  - now rewrite !firstn_nil.
  - destruct i; cbn; [reflexivity | now rewrite IHh].

Lemma length_app_decompose (X : Type) (a : list X) i j : length a = i + j -> exists a1 a2, a = a1 ++ a2 /\ length a1 = i /\ length a2 = j.
  revert a.
  induction i.
  - cbn. intros. now exists [], a.
  - cbn. intros.
inv_list. assert (|a| = i + j) by lia. destruct (IHi a H0) as (a1 & a2 & H2 & H3).
    exists (x :: a1), a2. rewrite H2; cbn. firstorder.

Inductive relpowerRev (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) : nat -> X -> X -> Prop :=
| relpowerRevB x : relpowerRev R 0 x x
| relpowerRevS x y y' n: relpowerRev R n x y -> R y y' -> relpowerRev R (S n) x y'.
Hint Constructors relpowerRev : core.

Inductive relpower (A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Prop) : nat -> A -> A -> Prop :=
| relpowerB (a : A) : relpower R 0 a a
| relpowerS (a b c : A) n : R a b -> relpower R n b c -> relpower R (S n) a c.
Hint Constructors relpower : core.

Lemma relpower_trans A R n m (x y z : A) : relpower R n x y -> relpower R m y z -> relpower R (n + m) x z.
  induction 1.
  - now cbn.
  - intros. apply relpowerS with (b := b). assumption. now apply IHrelpower.

Lemma relpower_monotonous (X : Type) (R1 R2 : X -> X -> Prop) : (forall a b, R1 a b -> R2 a b) -> forall n a b, relpower R1 n a b -> relpower R2 n a b.
  intros H1 n a b. induction 1.
  - eauto.
  - apply H1 in H. eauto.

Lemma relpower_congruent (X : Type) (R R': X -> X -> Prop) :
  (forall x y, R x y <-> R' x y) -> forall n x y, relpower R n x y <-> relpower R' n x y.
  intros H. induction n.
  - split; intros H0; inv H0; eauto.
  - split; intros H0; inv H0.
    + apply H in H2. apply IHn in H3. eauto.
    + apply H in H2. apply IHn in H3. eauto.

Lemma relpowerRev_trans (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) n m x y z : relpowerRev R n x y -> relpowerRev R m y z -> relpowerRev R (n + m) x z.
  rewrite Nat.add_comm. induction 2; cbn; eauto.

Lemma relpower_relpowerRev (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) n x y : relpower R n x y <-> relpowerRev R n x y.
  split; induction 1; eauto.
  - replace (S n) with (1 + n) by lia. eauto using relpowerRev_trans.
  - replace (S n) with (n + 1) by lia. eauto using relpower_trans.

Lemma relpower_add_split (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) n m x y: relpower R (n + m) x y -> exists z, relpower R n x z /\ relpower R m z y.
  revert x y. induction n; intros.
  - cbn in H. eauto.
  - inv H. apply IHn in H2 as (z & H3 & H4). exists z. eauto.

Notation injective := Bijection.injective.

Lemma getPosition_map (X Y : eqType) (f : X -> Y) (l : list X) (x : X) : injective f -> getPosition (map f l) (f x) = getPosition l x.
  induction l; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct Dec; destruct Dec; try congruence.
    now apply H in e.

Lemma getPosition_app1 (X : eqType) (A B : list X) x k : k < |A| -> getPosition A x = k -> getPosition (A ++ B) x = k.
  revert k. induction A; intros; cbn in *.
  - lia.
  - destruct Dec; [assumption | destruct k; [ lia | erewrite IHA]].
    + reflexivity.
    + lia.
    + easy.

Lemma getPosition_app2 (X : eqType) (A B : list X) x k : k < |B| -> not (x el A) -> getPosition B x = k -> getPosition (A ++ B) x = |A| + k.
  revert k. induction A; intros; cbn in *.
  - apply H1.
  - destruct Dec; [ exfalso ; auto | ].
    erewrite IHA; eauto.

Lemma prodLists_length (X Y : Type) (A : list X) (B : list Y) : |prodLists A B| = |A| * |B|.
  induction A; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite app_length. rewrite map_length, IHA. lia.

Lemma in_prodLists_iff (X Y : Type) (A : list X) (B : list Y) a b : (a, b) el prodLists A B <-> a el A /\ b el B.
  induction A; cbn.
  - tauto.
  - split; intros.
    + apply in_app_iff in H. destruct H as [H | H].
      * apply in_map_iff in H; destruct H as (? & H1 & H2). inv H1. auto.
      * apply IHA in H. tauto.
    + destruct H as [[H1 | H1] H2].
      * apply in_app_iff. left. apply in_map_iff. exists b. firstorder congruence.
      * apply in_app_iff. right. now apply IHA.

Lemma getPosition_prodLists (X Y : eqType) (A : list X) (B : list Y) x1 x2 k1 k2 : getPosition A x1 = k1 -> k1 < |A| -> getPosition B x2 = k2 -> k2 < |B| -> getPosition (prodLists A B) (x1, x2) = (k1 * |B|) + k2.
  revert k1. induction A; intros; cbn in *.
  - lia.
  - destruct k1.
    + destruct Dec; [ | congruence].
      rewrite getPosition_app1 with (k := k2); [reflexivity | now rewrite map_length| ].
      rewrite e; now rewrite getPosition_map.
    + destruct Dec; [ congruence | ].
      rewrite getPosition_app2 with (k := (k1 * |B|) + k2).
      * rewrite map_length. lia.
      * setoid_rewrite prodLists_length. nia.
      * intros (? & ? &?)%in_map_iff. congruence.
      * apply IHA; eauto. lia.

Fixpoint filterSome (X : Type) (l : list (option X)) := match l with
                                                        | [] => []
                                                        | (Some x :: l) => x :: filterSome l
                                                        | None :: l => filterSome l

Lemma in_filterSome_iff (X : Type) (l : list (option X)) a:
  a el filterSome l <-> Some a el l.
  induction l as [ | []]; cbn.
  - tauto.
  - split.
    + intros [-> | H]; [eauto | right; now apply IHl].
    + intros [H1 | H]; [eauto | ]. inv H1.
      * eauto.
      * right; now apply IHl.
  - rewrite IHl. split; intros H; [ eauto | now destruct H].

Lemma in_filter_iff (X : Type) (x : X) (p : X -> bool) (A : list X): x el filter p A <-> x el A /\ p x = true.
  induction A; cbn.
  - tauto.
  - destruct (p a) eqn:H1.
    + cbn. rewrite IHA. split; [intros [-> | [H2 H3]]; tauto | tauto ].
    + rewrite IHA. split; [tauto | intros [[-> | H2] H3]; [congruence | tauto] ].

Lemma nth_error_nth (X : Type) x (l : list X) n : nth_error l n = Some x -> nth n l x = x.
  revert n; induction l; intros; cbn.
  - now destruct n.
  - destruct n; cbn in H.
    * congruence.
    * now apply IHl.

Lemma nth_error_nth' (X : Type) x y (l : list X) n : nth_error l n = Some x -> nth n l y = x.
  revert n; induction l; intros; cbn.
  - now destruct n.
  - destruct n; cbn in H.
    * congruence.
    * now apply IHl.

Lemma nth_error_map (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (n : nat) (l : list A) : nth_error (map f l) n = option_map f (nth_error l n).
  induction n as [ | n] in l |-* ; destruct l as [ | x l]; cbn; congruence.

Lemma nth_error_Some_length (A : Type) (l : list A) (n : nat) (v : A) : nth_error l n = Some v -> n < |l|.
  induction l as [ | x l IH] in n |-*; destruct n as [ | n]; cbn; try congruence. lia. intros H%IH; lia.

Lemma In_explicit (X : Type) (x : X) (l : list X) :
  x el l <-> exists s1 s2, l = s1 ++ [x] ++ s2.
  induction l; cbn.
  - split; [tauto | intros (s1 & s2 & H)].
    destruct s1; cbn in H; congruence.
  - split.
    + intros [-> | (s1 & s2 & ->)%IHl].
      * exists [], l. eauto.
      * exists (a :: s1), s2; eauto.
    + intros ([] & s2 & H).
      * inv H. eauto.
      * inv H. right; apply IHl.
        exists l0, s2. eauto.

Section repEl_fixX.
  Variable (X : Type).

  Fixpoint repEl n (e : X) :=
   match n with
   | 0 => []
   | S n => e :: repEl n e

  Lemma repEl_length n (e : X) : |repEl n e| = n.
  Proof. induction n; cbn; eauto. Qed.

  Lemma repEl_add (a : X) n1 n2: repEl (n1 + n2) a = repEl n1 a ++ repEl n2 a.
  Proof. induction n1; cbn; [eauto | congruence]. Qed.
End repEl_fixX.

Lemma map_repEl (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y) n (e : X) : map f (repEl n e) = repEl n (f e).
Proof. induction n; cbn; [eauto | congruence]. Qed.

Lemma list_length_split1 (X : Type) (s : list X) n : n <= |s| -> exists s1 s2, |s1| = n /\ |s2| = |s| - n /\ s = s1 ++ s2.
  revert s. induction n; intros.
  - exists [], s. cbn; rewrite Nat.sub_0_r. eauto.
  - destruct s; cbn in H; [lia | ]. assert (n <= |s|) as H' by lia.
    apply IHn in H' as (s1 & s2 & H1 & H2 & ->).
    exists (x::s1), s2. cbn. eauto.

Lemma list_length_split2 (X : Type) (s : list X) n : n <= |s| -> exists s1 s2, |s1| = |s| - n /\ |s2| = n /\ s = s1 ++ s2.
  intros. assert (|s| - n <= |s|) as H' by lia.
  specialize (list_length_split1 H') as (s1 & s2 & H1 & H2 & ->).
  exists s1, s2.
  rewrite app_length in *.
  repeat split; [lia | lia].

Lemma app_eq_length (X : Type) (s1 s2 w1 w2 : list X) : |s1| = |w1| -> s1 ++ s2 = w1 ++ w2 -> s1 = w1 /\ s2 = w2.
  intros. revert w1 H H0. induction s1; cbn in *; intros.
  - destruct w1; cbn in *; eauto.
  - destruct w1; cbn in *; [congruence | ]. inv H0. inv H.
    specialize (IHs1 w1 H1 H3) as (-> & ->). eauto.

Lemma list_eq_length (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X) : l1 = l2 -> |l1| = |l2|.

Lemma nth_error_step (X : Type) x s (l : list X) a y : x >= S s -> nth_error l (x - S s) = Some a <-> nth_error (y :: l) (x - s) = Some a.
  intros. replace (y :: l) with ([y] ++ l) by now cbn.
  rewrite nth_error_app2; cbn; [ | lia].
  replace (x - s - 1) with (x - S s) by lia. tauto.

Lemma list_eq_nth_error (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X) :
  l1 = l2 <-> (|l1| = |l2| /\ forall k, k < |l1| -> nth_error l1 k = nth_error l2 k).
  split; [intros -> | intros (H1 & H2)].
  - split; [easy | intros; easy ].
  - revert l2 H1 H2; induction l1; intros; destruct l2.
    + easy.
    + cbn in H1; congruence.
    + cbn in H1; congruence.
    + cbn in H1. apply Nat.succ_inj in H1. enough (a = x /\ l1 = l2) by easy; split.
      * specialize (H2 0 (Nat.lt_0_succ (|l1|))). now cbn in H2.
      * apply IHl1; [ apply H1 | ].
        intros. apply Nat.succ_lt_mono in H. specialize (H2 (S k) H). now cbn in H2.

Lemma nth_error_firstn (X : Type) k m (l : list X): k < m -> nth_error (firstn m l) k = nth_error l k.
  revert k l. induction m; intros.
  - lia.
  - destruct k; cbn; destruct l; cbn; firstorder. now apply IHm.

Lemma nth_error_skipn (X : Type) k m (l : list X) : nth_error (skipn m l) k = nth_error l (m + k).
  revert k l. induction m; intros.
  - easy.
  - destruct l; cbn; [ now destruct k | apply IHm].

Lemma firstn_all_inv (X : Type) (m l : list X) : |l| = |m| -> firstn (|l|) m = l -> m = l.
  revert l; induction m; intros.
  - destruct l; cbn; easy.
  - destruct l; cbn in *; [easy | ]. inv H0. apply Nat.succ_inj in H.
    rewrite H3. f_equal. now apply IHm.

Lemma skipn_firstn_shift (X : Type) (m : list X) len l : skipn l (firstn len m) = firstn (len - l) (skipn l m).
  revert l len. induction m; cbn; intros.
  - rewrite !firstn_nil, !skipn_nil, firstn_nil. easy.
  - destruct len.
    + cbn. now destruct l.
    + cbn. destruct l; cbn; [ easy | ]. now rewrite IHm.

Lemma skipn_skipn (X : Type) (m : list X) l1 l2 : skipn l1 (skipn l2 m) = skipn (l1 + l2) m.
  revert l1 l2.
  induction m; intros; destruct l2; cbn; try now rewrite !skipn_nil.
  - now rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
  - rewrite IHm. rewrite Nat.add_succ_r. easy.

Lemma skipn_firstn_skipn (X : Type) (m : list X) l1 l2 len2 :
  skipn l1 (firstn len2 (skipn l2 m)) = firstn (len2 - l1) (skipn (l1 + l2) m).
  rewrite skipn_firstn_shift. now rewrite skipn_skipn.

Lemma firstn_add (X : Type) (m : list X) l1 l2 : firstn (l1 + l2) m = firstn l1 m ++ firstn l2 (skipn l1 m).
  revert l1 l2. induction m; intros.
  - now rewrite !skipn_nil, !firstn_nil.
  - destruct l1; cbn; [ easy | ]. now rewrite IHm.

Lemma dupfree_map_getPosition (X : eqType) (l : list X) : Dupfree.dupfree l -> seq 0 (|l|) = map (getPosition l) l.
  intros H. enough (forall n, seq n (|l|) = map (fun x => n + getPosition l x) l).
  { specialize (H0 0). apply H0. }
  induction H; intros; [ easy | ].
  cbn. destruct Dec; [ | congruence].
  rewrite Nat.add_0_r. f_equal. rewrite (IHdupfree (S n)).
  clear IHdupfree e.
  apply map_ext_in.
  intros a H1. destruct (Dec (a = x)); [ congruence | lia ].

Lemma repEl_app_inv (X : Type) (a : X) s1 s2 n : repEl n a = s1 ++ s2 -> exists n1 n2, s1 = repEl n1 a /\ s2 = repEl n2 a /\ n1 + n2 = n.
  revert s1 s2. induction n.
  - cbn. destruct s1, s2; cbn; try congruence. intros _. exists 0, 0; now cbn.
  - cbn. destruct s1.
    + cbn. destruct s2; cbn; [ congruence | ].
      intros H. inv H. exists 0, (S n); now cbn.
    + intros. cbn in H. inv H. apply IHn in H2 as (n1 & n2 & -> & -> & <-).
      exists (S n1), n2; now cbn.

Lemma app_length_split (X : Type) (v u b c : list X) : v ++ b = u ++ c -> |v| <= |u| -> exists u', u = v ++ u'.
  intros. apply list_length_split1 in H0 as (s1 & s2 & H0 & _ & ->).
  rewrite <- app_assoc in H. apply app_eq_length in H as (-> & ->); [ | easy].
  now exists s2.

Lemma list_eqn_length (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X) : l1 = l2 -> |l1| = |l2|.
Proof. congruence. Qed.

Lemma nth_nth_error (X : Type) (l : list X) n def a : nth n l def = a -> n < |l| -> nth_error l n = Some a.
  intros. apply nth_error_Some in H0. destruct nth_error eqn:H1; [ | congruence].
  clear H0. apply nth_error_nth' with (y := def) in H1. easy.

Lemma in_concat_map_iff (X Y : Type) (f : X -> list Y) (l : list X) y : y el concat (map f l) <-> exists x, x el l /\ y el f x.
  split; intros.
  - apply in_concat_iff in H as (? & H1 & (? & <- & H3)%in_map_iff). eauto.
  - apply in_concat_iff. destruct H as (x & H1 & H2). exists (f x). split;eauto.