From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import Base FiniteTypes.
From Complexity.Libs Require Import MorePrelim.
Require Import Lia.

Uniform homomorphisms

We define uniform homomorphisms (of strings): Given strings of the same length, they output strings of the same length.
Section fixX.
  Variable (X Y : Type).


  Definition homomorphism (h : list X -> list Y) := forall x1 x2, h (x1 ++ x2) = h x1 ++ h x2.

  Lemma homo_nil h : homomorphism h -> h [] = [].
    intros. unfold homomorphism in H. specialize (H [] []).
    cbn in H; rewrite H. destruct (h []) eqn:Heqn; cbn; [ congruence | ].
    assert (|y :: l| = |(y :: l) ++ y :: l|) as H0 by congruence.
    cbn in H0. rewrite app_length in H0. cbn in H0; lia.

  Lemma homo_cons h x l : homomorphism h -> h (x::l) = h [x] ++ h l.
    intros. replace (x :: l) with ([x] ++ l) by now cbn. apply H.

  Lemma homo_concat h : homomorphism h -> forall x, h (concat x) = concat (map h x).
    intros. induction x.
    - cbn. apply homo_nil, H.
    - cbn. rewrite H. now rewrite IHx.

Given an arbitrary function mapping elements of X into strings over Y, we can derive a homomorphism in a canonical way
  Definition canonicalHom (h' : X -> list Y) := fun (l : list X) => concat (map h' l).
  Lemma canonicalHom_is_homomorphism h' : homomorphism (canonicalHom h').
    unfold homomorphism. intros. unfold canonicalHom.
    now rewrite map_app, concat_app.

  Lemma canonicalHom_is_unique h' : forall h'', homomorphism h'' -> (forall x, h'' [x] = h' x) -> forall x, h'' x = canonicalHom h' x.
    intros. induction x.
    - cbn. erewrite homo_nil; easy.
    - erewrite homo_cons; [ | easy]; cbn. rewrite IHx. now rewrite H0.

Uniform Homomorphisms

A uniform homomorphism is ε-free and maps all strings of the same length to strings of the same length, (stated differently: |h x| = n * |x| for n > 0)
  Definition uniform_homomorphism (h : list X -> list Y) :=
    homomorphism h
    /\ (forall x y, |h [x]| = |h [y]|)
    /\ (forall x, |h[x]| >= 1).

  Lemma unif_homo_length h x y : uniform_homomorphism h -> |x| = |y| -> |h x| = |h y|.
    intros (H1 & H2 & _).
    revert y. induction x; intros.
    - destruct y; cbn in *; [ | congruence]. now cbn.
    - destruct y; cbn in *; [ congruence | ].
      replace (a :: x) with ([a] ++ x) by now cbn. replace (x0 :: y) with ([x0] ++ y) by now cbn.
      rewrite !H1. rewrite !app_length. erewrite H2 with (y := x0).
      rewrite IHx with (y := y); eauto.

  Lemma unif_homo_eps_free h : uniform_homomorphism h -> forall x, h x = [] -> x = [].
    intros (H1 & H2 & H3) x H.
    destruct x as [ | x y]; [easy | ]. rewrite homo_cons in H by easy.
    apply list_eqn_length in H. rewrite app_length in H. cbn in H.
    specialize (H3 x); lia.

  Lemma canonical_uniform_homo f k : (forall x, |f x| = k) -> k > 0 -> uniform_homomorphism (canonicalHom f).
    intros H1 H2. repeat split.
    - apply canonicalHom_is_homomorphism.
    - intros x y. cbn. now rewrite !app_nil_r, !H1.
    - intros x. cbn. rewrite !app_nil_r, H1. lia.

  Variable (h : list X -> list Y).
  Context (h_unifHom : uniform_homomorphism h).
  Lemma h_nil_cons x l : not (|h []| = |h (x :: l)|).
    intros H. replace (x ::l) with ([x] ++ l) in H by now cbn.
    rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom) in H. rewrite (homo_nil (proj1 h_unifHom)) in H.
    rewrite !app_length in H. cbn in H.
    specialize (proj2 (proj2 h_unifHom) x). lia.

  Lemma h_length_inv l1 l2 : |h l1| = |h l2| -> |l1| = |l2|.
    revert l2. induction l1; intros.
    + destruct l2; [easy | now apply h_nil_cons in H].
    + destruct l2; [ symmetry in H; now apply h_nil_cons in H | ].
      cbn. f_equal. apply IHl1.
      rewrite homo_cons in H; [ | apply h_unifHom].
      rewrite homo_cons with (x := x) in H; [ | apply h_unifHom].
      rewrite !app_length in H.
      rewrite (proj1 (proj2 h_unifHom)) with (y := x) in H. lia.

  Lemma h_length_inv' l1 l2 : h l1 = h l2 -> |l1| = |l2|.
  Proof. intros; now apply h_length_inv. Qed.

  Lemma h_nil_inv a : h a = [] -> a = [].
    intros H. destruct a; [ easy | ]. replace (x ::a) with ([x] ++ a) in H by now cbn.
    rewrite (proj1 h_unifHom) in H. apply list_eqn_length in H. rewrite app_length in H.
    specialize (proj2 (proj2 h_unifHom) x). cbn in H; lia.

End fixX.

Lemma h_length_multiply (X : finType) (Y : Type) (h : list X -> list Y) : uniform_homomorphism h -> { k : nat & forall x, |h x| = k * |x| }.
  intros (H1 & H2 & H3).
  destruct (elem X) eqn:H4 .
  - exists 42. intros [].
    + rewrite homo_nil by auto. easy.
    + specialize (elem_spec e) as H5. rewrite H4 in H5. destruct H5.
  - exists (|h [e]|).
    induction x as [ | a x IH].
    + rewrite homo_nil by auto; easy.
    + rewrite homo_cons by auto. rewrite app_length, IH. cbn. enough (|h[a]| = |h[e]|) as -> by lia.
      apply H2.