From Undecidability.L Require Import L.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LTerm LBool.
From Complexity.Complexity Require Import NP Definitions Monotonic Subtypes.
From Complexity.NP.L Require Import CanEnumTerm_def GenNP.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import Size.
Import Nat.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma NPhard_GenNP X__cert `{R__cert : encodable X__cert}:
canEnumTerms X__cert -> NPhard (GenNP X__cert).
intros enumTerm'.
destruct (canEnumTerms_compPoly enumTerm') as (enumTerm&[comp1]&[comp2]&[comp3]);clear enumTerm'.
intros X reg__X regP__X Q [R R__comp' R__spec'].
destruct (polyCertRel_compPoly R__spec') as (R__spec&[pR__comp]);clear R__spec'.
destruct (inTimePoly_compTime R__comp') as (timeR&[timeR__comp]&[R__comp]&poly_t__R&mono_t__R);clear R__comp'.
pose (f x := fun c => f__decInTime R__comp (x,f__toTerm enumTerm c)).
evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n.
assert (computableTime' f (fun x _ => (1,fun c _ => (time (size (enc (x,c))) ,tt))));cbn [timeComplexity] in *.
{subst f. extract.
recRel_prettify. intros x _. split. nia. intros c__t _. split. 2:easy.
remember (size (enc (x, c__t))) as n0 eqn:eqn0.
rewrite (mono__polyTC enumTerm (x':=n0)). 2:{ subst n0. rewrite size_prod. cbn;lia. }
erewrite (mono_t__R _).
rewrite size_prod in eqn0|-*;cbn [fst snd] in eqn0|-*.
rewrite (bounds__rSP enumTerm c__t). rewrite (mono__rSP _ (x':=n0)). 2:{subst n0;nia. }
instantiate (1:=n0 + resSize__rSP enumTerm n0). nia.
unfold time;reflexivity.
evar (stepsInner : nat -> nat). [stepsInner]:intros n0.
evar (mSize : nat -> nat). [mSize]:intros n0. evar (steps : nat -> nat). [steps]:intros n0.
pose (g:= fun (x:X) => (lam (trueOrDiverge (extT f (enc x) 0)), mSize (size (enc x))
,steps (size (enc x)))).
apply reducesPolyMO_intro_restrictBy_out with (f:= g);cbn [fst snd].
intros x. remember (g x) as x0 eqn:eqx0. destruct x0 as ((t0,maxSize0),steps0).
unfold g in eqx0. injection eqx0. intros Hx0 Hsize0 Hsteps0. clear eqx0.
cbn [GenNP restrictBy fst snd].
unfold LHaltsOrDiverges.
set (n0:= size (enc x)).
assert (Ht0 : forall c, size (enc c) <= maxSize0 -> t0 (enc c) >(<= stepsInner n0) trueOrDiverge (enc (f x c))).
{intros c Hc. subst t0. eapply le_redLe_proper. 2,3:reflexivity. 2:now Lsimpl.
cbn [fst snd]. ring_simplify.
rewrite size_prod. cbn [fst snd]. unfold time.
rewrite (mono__polyTC enumTerm). 2:now rewrite Hc.
hnf in mono_t__R;erewrite mono_t__R.
2:{ rewrite (mono__rSP enumTerm). all:rewrite Hc. all:reflexivity. }
unfold stepsInner. subst maxSize0. fold n0. reflexivity.
assert (Ht0' : forall c, t0 (enc c) >* trueOrDiverge (enc (f x c))).
{intros c. subst t0. eapply redLe_star_subrelation.
eapply le_redLe_proper. 2,3:reflexivity. 2:now Lsimpl. reflexivity.
+repeat simple apply conj.
*now subst t0;Lproc.
*intros c k t Ht.
specialize (Ht0' c) as Ht0''.
unshelve eassert (eqb := trueOrDiverge_eval _).
eapply equiv_eval_proper.
3:eapply evalIn_eval_subrelation;exact Ht. 2:reflexivity.
rewrite Ht0'. easy.
rewrite eqb in Ht0''.
assert (H:=eqb).
unfold f in H. unshelve rewrite <- correct__decInTime in H.
hnf in H.
replace t with I in *. clear t.
2:{eapply eval_unique. 2:now eapply evalIn_eval_subrelation.
split. 2:Lproc. rewrite Ht0''. rewrite trueOrDiverge_true. easy. }
edestruct complete__pCR with (p:=R__spec) as (tc'&HRc'&Hsizec').
{ eapply sound__pCR in H. 2:easy. eassumption. }
subst t0.
cbn [proj1_sig] in Hsizec'.
specialize (complete__toTerm enumTerm tc') as (c'&<-&Hc').
eexists c';split.
2:{ Intern.infer_instances. Lsimpl. split. 2:now Lproc. rewrite <- trueOrDiverge_true. apply star_trans_r.
enough (H':f x c' = true) by (rewrite H';reflexivity ).
unfold f. rewrite <- correct__decInTime. hnf. easy.
subst steps0. rewrite Hc'.
etransitivity. 1:{eapply monoIn__toTerm. eassumption. }
subst maxSize0. subst mSize. set (size _). hnf. reflexivity.
*intros c H' k t Ht. specialize (Ht0 c H') as (kt0<__j&Ht0).
unshelve eassert (eqb := trueOrDiverge_eval _).
eapply equiv_eval_proper.
3:eapply evalIn_eval_subrelation;exact Ht. 2:reflexivity.
eapply pow_star in Ht0;rewrite Ht0. easy.
rewrite eqb in Ht0.
edestruct evalIn_unique with (1:=Ht) as [eqk _].
{clear Ht. eapply evalIn_trans. exact Ht0. split. apply trueOrDiverge_true. Lproc. }
subst k steps0. rewrite lt__j. fold n0. unfold steps. reflexivity.
*intros (c&?&H')%(complete__pCR R__spec). cbn [proj1_sig] in H'. destruct (complete__toTerm enumTerm c) as (c__X&eqf__term&le_c__X).
exists c__X. split.
--rewrite le_c__X. subst maxSize0.
rewrite (monoIn__toTerm enumTerm (x:=_)). 2:exact H'.
set (n1:=size (enc x)). unfold mSize. reflexivity.
--exists I.
unshelve eassert (Hc'' := Ht0 c__X _).
{subst maxSize0. rewrite le_c__X. rewrite (monoIn__toTerm enumTerm (x:=_)). 2:exact H'. unfold mSize. reflexivity. }
eapply evalIn_mono.
{Lsimpl. unfold f. rewrite eqf__term.
erewrite (complete__decInTime R__comp). 2:cbn;easy. Lsimpl. Lreflexivity. }
subst steps0 steps. fold n0. easy.
*intros (c&size__c&?&R'). eapply (sound__pCR R__spec).
eapply (sound__decInTime (P__dec:=R__comp) (x:=(x,_))). cbn.
eapply trueOrDiverge_eval with (t:=x0).
eapply equiv_eval_proper. 2:reflexivity.
{unfold f in Ht0. specialize (Ht0 _ size__c). apply redLe_star_subrelation in Ht0. rewrite <- Ht0.
symmetry. apply star_equiv_subrelation. eapply redLe_star_subrelation. apply R'.
destruct R'. Lreflexivity.
-unfold g. evar (f':nat -> nat). [f']:refine (fun x => _).
eexists (fun x => f' x).
+unfold mSize, steps, stepsInner. extract.
recRel_prettify2. generalize (size (enc x)). intro. unfold f'. reflexivity.
+subst f'. cbn beta. setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp.
all:unfold add_time; smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO.
all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO.
+subst f'. cbn beta. setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc. all:unfold add_time; smpl_inO.
+unfold mSize,steps,stepsInner. eexists (fun x => _).
repeat (setoid_rewrite -> size_prod;cbn[fst snd]).
rewrite !size_nat_enc,!size_term_enc. cbn [size].
generalize (size (enc x)). intros. reflexivity.
*smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LTerm LBool.
From Complexity.Complexity Require Import NP Definitions Monotonic Subtypes.
From Complexity.NP.L Require Import CanEnumTerm_def GenNP.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import Size.
Import Nat.
Import L_Notations.
Lemma NPhard_GenNP X__cert `{R__cert : encodable X__cert}:
canEnumTerms X__cert -> NPhard (GenNP X__cert).
intros enumTerm'.
destruct (canEnumTerms_compPoly enumTerm') as (enumTerm&[comp1]&[comp2]&[comp3]);clear enumTerm'.
intros X reg__X regP__X Q [R R__comp' R__spec'].
destruct (polyCertRel_compPoly R__spec') as (R__spec&[pR__comp]);clear R__spec'.
destruct (inTimePoly_compTime R__comp') as (timeR&[timeR__comp]&[R__comp]&poly_t__R&mono_t__R);clear R__comp'.
pose (f x := fun c => f__decInTime R__comp (x,f__toTerm enumTerm c)).
evar (time : nat -> nat). [time]:intros n.
assert (computableTime' f (fun x _ => (1,fun c _ => (time (size (enc (x,c))) ,tt))));cbn [timeComplexity] in *.
{subst f. extract.
recRel_prettify. intros x _. split. nia. intros c__t _. split. 2:easy.
remember (size (enc (x, c__t))) as n0 eqn:eqn0.
rewrite (mono__polyTC enumTerm (x':=n0)). 2:{ subst n0. rewrite size_prod. cbn;lia. }
erewrite (mono_t__R _).
rewrite size_prod in eqn0|-*;cbn [fst snd] in eqn0|-*.
rewrite (bounds__rSP enumTerm c__t). rewrite (mono__rSP _ (x':=n0)). 2:{subst n0;nia. }
instantiate (1:=n0 + resSize__rSP enumTerm n0). nia.
unfold time;reflexivity.
evar (stepsInner : nat -> nat). [stepsInner]:intros n0.
evar (mSize : nat -> nat). [mSize]:intros n0. evar (steps : nat -> nat). [steps]:intros n0.
pose (g:= fun (x:X) => (lam (trueOrDiverge (extT f (enc x) 0)), mSize (size (enc x))
,steps (size (enc x)))).
apply reducesPolyMO_intro_restrictBy_out with (f:= g);cbn [fst snd].
intros x. remember (g x) as x0 eqn:eqx0. destruct x0 as ((t0,maxSize0),steps0).
unfold g in eqx0. injection eqx0. intros Hx0 Hsize0 Hsteps0. clear eqx0.
cbn [GenNP restrictBy fst snd].
unfold LHaltsOrDiverges.
set (n0:= size (enc x)).
assert (Ht0 : forall c, size (enc c) <= maxSize0 -> t0 (enc c) >(<= stepsInner n0) trueOrDiverge (enc (f x c))).
{intros c Hc. subst t0. eapply le_redLe_proper. 2,3:reflexivity. 2:now Lsimpl.
cbn [fst snd]. ring_simplify.
rewrite size_prod. cbn [fst snd]. unfold time.
rewrite (mono__polyTC enumTerm). 2:now rewrite Hc.
hnf in mono_t__R;erewrite mono_t__R.
2:{ rewrite (mono__rSP enumTerm). all:rewrite Hc. all:reflexivity. }
unfold stepsInner. subst maxSize0. fold n0. reflexivity.
assert (Ht0' : forall c, t0 (enc c) >* trueOrDiverge (enc (f x c))).
{intros c. subst t0. eapply redLe_star_subrelation.
eapply le_redLe_proper. 2,3:reflexivity. 2:now Lsimpl. reflexivity.
+repeat simple apply conj.
*now subst t0;Lproc.
*intros c k t Ht.
specialize (Ht0' c) as Ht0''.
unshelve eassert (eqb := trueOrDiverge_eval _).
eapply equiv_eval_proper.
3:eapply evalIn_eval_subrelation;exact Ht. 2:reflexivity.
rewrite Ht0'. easy.
rewrite eqb in Ht0''.
assert (H:=eqb).
unfold f in H. unshelve rewrite <- correct__decInTime in H.
hnf in H.
replace t with I in *. clear t.
2:{eapply eval_unique. 2:now eapply evalIn_eval_subrelation.
split. 2:Lproc. rewrite Ht0''. rewrite trueOrDiverge_true. easy. }
edestruct complete__pCR with (p:=R__spec) as (tc'&HRc'&Hsizec').
{ eapply sound__pCR in H. 2:easy. eassumption. }
subst t0.
cbn [proj1_sig] in Hsizec'.
specialize (complete__toTerm enumTerm tc') as (c'&<-&Hc').
eexists c';split.
2:{ Intern.infer_instances. Lsimpl. split. 2:now Lproc. rewrite <- trueOrDiverge_true. apply star_trans_r.
enough (H':f x c' = true) by (rewrite H';reflexivity ).
unfold f. rewrite <- correct__decInTime. hnf. easy.
subst steps0. rewrite Hc'.
etransitivity. 1:{eapply monoIn__toTerm. eassumption. }
subst maxSize0. subst mSize. set (size _). hnf. reflexivity.
*intros c H' k t Ht. specialize (Ht0 c H') as (kt0<__j&Ht0).
unshelve eassert (eqb := trueOrDiverge_eval _).
eapply equiv_eval_proper.
3:eapply evalIn_eval_subrelation;exact Ht. 2:reflexivity.
eapply pow_star in Ht0;rewrite Ht0. easy.
rewrite eqb in Ht0.
edestruct evalIn_unique with (1:=Ht) as [eqk _].
{clear Ht. eapply evalIn_trans. exact Ht0. split. apply trueOrDiverge_true. Lproc. }
subst k steps0. rewrite lt__j. fold n0. unfold steps. reflexivity.
*intros (c&?&H')%(complete__pCR R__spec). cbn [proj1_sig] in H'. destruct (complete__toTerm enumTerm c) as (c__X&eqf__term&le_c__X).
exists c__X. split.
--rewrite le_c__X. subst maxSize0.
rewrite (monoIn__toTerm enumTerm (x:=_)). 2:exact H'.
set (n1:=size (enc x)). unfold mSize. reflexivity.
--exists I.
unshelve eassert (Hc'' := Ht0 c__X _).
{subst maxSize0. rewrite le_c__X. rewrite (monoIn__toTerm enumTerm (x:=_)). 2:exact H'. unfold mSize. reflexivity. }
eapply evalIn_mono.
{Lsimpl. unfold f. rewrite eqf__term.
erewrite (complete__decInTime R__comp). 2:cbn;easy. Lsimpl. Lreflexivity. }
subst steps0 steps. fold n0. easy.
*intros (c&size__c&?&R'). eapply (sound__pCR R__spec).
eapply (sound__decInTime (P__dec:=R__comp) (x:=(x,_))). cbn.
eapply trueOrDiverge_eval with (t:=x0).
eapply equiv_eval_proper. 2:reflexivity.
{unfold f in Ht0. specialize (Ht0 _ size__c). apply redLe_star_subrelation in Ht0. rewrite <- Ht0.
symmetry. apply star_equiv_subrelation. eapply redLe_star_subrelation. apply R'.
destruct R'. Lreflexivity.
-unfold g. evar (f':nat -> nat). [f']:refine (fun x => _).
eexists (fun x => f' x).
+unfold mSize, steps, stepsInner. extract.
recRel_prettify2. generalize (size (enc x)). intro. unfold f'. reflexivity.
+subst f'. cbn beta. setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp.
all:unfold add_time; smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO.
all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO.
+subst f'. cbn beta. setoid_rewrite size_nat_enc. all:unfold add_time; smpl_inO.
+unfold mSize,steps,stepsInner. eexists (fun x => _).
repeat (setoid_rewrite -> size_prod;cbn[fst snd]).
rewrite !size_nat_enc,!size_term_enc. cbn [size].
generalize (size (enc x)). intros. reflexivity.
*smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO. all:eapply inOPoly_comp. all:smpl_inO.