From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics Prelim.MoreList Prelim.MoreBase.
From Complexity.Complexity Require Import Definitions Subtypes.

From Undecidability.L Require Import LM_heap_def.

The halting formulation of the generic NP-complete problem for the abstract machine executing L-terms. This is usefull as we have a Turing machine that simulates this abstract machine.

Definition initLMGen s c : (list (nat*list Tok)*list (nat*list Tok)*list (option ((nat * list Tok) * nat)))
  := ([(0,s++c++[appT])],[],[]).

Section fixX.
  Local Unset Implicit Arguments.
  Context (X:Type) `{R__X : encodable X}.

  Definition LMGenNP' : list Tok*nat*nat -> Prop:=
               (fun '(P, maxSize, k ) =>
                  exists (c:X), size (enc c) <= maxSize /\ (exists sigma k', k' <= k /\ evaluatesIn step k' (initLMGen P (compile (enc c))) sigma)).

  Definition LMHaltsOrDiverges : list Tok*nat*nat -> Prop :=
    fun '(P, maxSize, steps ) =>
      (exists s, P = compile s /\ proc s)
      /\ (forall (c:X) k sigma, evaluatesIn step k (initLMGen P (compile (enc c))) sigma
                          -> exists (c':X) sigma', size (enc c') <= maxSize
                                            /\ evaluates step (initLMGen P (compile (enc c'))) sigma')
      /\ forall (c : X), size (enc c) <= maxSize -> forall k sigma, evaluatesIn step k (initLMGen P (compile (enc c))) sigma -> k <= steps.

  Definition LMGenNP : {x | LMHaltsOrDiverges x} -> Prop :=
    restrictBy LMHaltsOrDiverges LMGenNP'.
End fixX.