From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts.
From Complexity.Libs Require Import MorePrelim.
Require Import Lia.
From Complexity.Libs Require Import MorePrelim.
Require Import Lia.
Simpler definitions for single-tape Turing machines.
We introduce easier definitions for single-tape Turing machines where the single tape is not wrapped in a singleton vector. We also define a relpower-based computation relation (instead of using loopM). (This is motivated by the fact that it is easier to reason inductively about a relpower-based relation.)
We use a variant of the Turing machine definitions fixed to a single tape
Variable (Sigma : finType).
Variable (TM : TM Sigma 1).
Local Notation mstates := (@TM.state Sigma 1 TM).
Local Notation mtrans := (@TM.trans Sigma 1 TM).
Local Notation start := (@TM.start Sigma 1 TM).
Local Notation halt := (@TM.halt Sigma 1 TM).
Definition strans (a : mstates * option Sigma) : (mstates * (option Sigma * move)) :=
let (q, t) := a in let (q', ac) := mtrans (q, [| t |]) in (q', Vector.nth ac Fin.F1).
Definition sconfig := (mstates * tape Sigma)%type. Implicit Type (c : sconfig).
Definition sstep (trans : mstates * option Sigma -> mstates * (option Sigma * move)) c : sconfig :=
let (q, tp) := c in let (q', act) := trans (q, current tp) in (q', doAct tp act).
Definition mconfig_for_sconfig c := let (q, tp) := c in mk_mconfig q [| tp |].
Definition sconfig_for_mconfig (c : mconfig Sigma mstates 1) := let (q, tps) := c in (q, Vector.nth tps Fin.F1).
Lemma vec_case1 (X : Type) (v : Vector.t X 1) : exists x, v = [|x|].
eapply Vector.caseS' with (v0:=v).
intros. revert t. apply Vector.case0. easy.
Agreement for single computation steps
Lemma sstep_agree1 c : sconfig_for_mconfig (@step Sigma 1 TM (mconfig_for_sconfig c)) = sstep strans c.
destruct c. cbn.
destruct mtrans eqn:H1. unfold sconfig_for_mconfig.
unfold step. unfold doAct_multi. cbn. unfold current_chars. cbn. setoid_rewrite H1.
specialize(vec_case1 t0) as (? & ->).
erewrite Vector.nth_map2 with (p2 := Fin0) (p3 := Fin0). 2-3: reflexivity. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma sstep_agree2 (c : mconfig Sigma mstates 1) : mconfig_for_sconfig (sstep strans (sconfig_for_mconfig c)) = step (c : mconfig Sigma (state TM) 1).
destruct c. cbn. unfold step. cbn. unfold current_chars.
assert ([| current ctapes[@Fin0]|] = (current (Σ := Sigma)) ctapes).
{ specialize (vec_case1 ctapes) as (? & ->). easy. }
rewrite H. destruct mtrans eqn:H1.
specialize (vec_case1 t) as (? & ->).
specialize (vec_case1 ctapes) as (? & ->).
cbn. reflexivity.
Definition configState c := match c with (q, _) => q end.
Definition sstepRel s s' := halt (configState s) = false /\ sstep strans s = s'.
Notation "s '≻' s'" := (sstepRel s s') (at level 50).
Notation "s '≻(' k ')' s'" := (relpower sstepRel k s s') (at level 40).
destruct c. cbn.
destruct mtrans eqn:H1. unfold sconfig_for_mconfig.
unfold step. unfold doAct_multi. cbn. unfold current_chars. cbn. setoid_rewrite H1.
specialize(vec_case1 t0) as (? & ->).
erewrite Vector.nth_map2 with (p2 := Fin0) (p3 := Fin0). 2-3: reflexivity. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma sstep_agree2 (c : mconfig Sigma mstates 1) : mconfig_for_sconfig (sstep strans (sconfig_for_mconfig c)) = step (c : mconfig Sigma (state TM) 1).
destruct c. cbn. unfold step. cbn. unfold current_chars.
assert ([| current ctapes[@Fin0]|] = (current (Σ := Sigma)) ctapes).
{ specialize (vec_case1 ctapes) as (? & ->). easy. }
rewrite H. destruct mtrans eqn:H1.
specialize (vec_case1 t) as (? & ->).
specialize (vec_case1 ctapes) as (? & ->).
cbn. reflexivity.
Definition configState c := match c with (q, _) => q end.
Definition sstepRel s s' := halt (configState s) = false /\ sstep strans s = s'.
Notation "s '≻' s'" := (sstepRel s s') (at level 50).
Notation "s '≻(' k ')' s'" := (relpower sstepRel k s s') (at level 40).
This is similar to what loopM does
Notation "s '▷(' k ')' s'" := (s ≻(k) s' /\ halt (configState s') = true) (at level 40).
Notation "s '▷(≤' k ')' s'" := (exists l, l <= k /\ s ▷(l) s') (at level 40).
Notation "s '▷(≤' k ')' s'" := (exists l, l <= k /\ s ▷(l) s') (at level 40).
Agreement of loop and relpower
Lemma relpower_loop_agree l q tape q' tape':
relpower sstepRel l (q, tape) (q', tape')
-> halt (configState (q', tape')) = true
-> loop (step (M := TM)) (haltConf (M := TM)) (mk_mconfig q [|tape|]) l = Some (mk_mconfig q' [|tape'|]).
revert q tape q' tape'.
induction l; cbn; intros.
- inv H. unfold haltConf. cbn. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
- inv H. destruct b as (q'' & tape''). eapply IHl in H3.
2: cbn; apply H0.
destruct H2 as (F1 & F2). unfold haltConf. cbn in *. rewrite F1.
setoid_rewrite <- (sstep_agree2 (mk_mconfig q [|tape|])).
cbn. destruct TM.trans. inv F2. cbn. apply H3.
Lemma loop_relpower_agree q tape q' tape' n:
loopM (mk_mconfig q [|tape|]) n = Some (mk_mconfig q' [|tape'|])
-> (q, tape) ▷(≤ n) (q', tape').
revert q tape q' tape'.
induction n; intros; cbn in *; unfold haltConf in H; cbn in H; destruct halt eqn:H1; [ | congruence | | ].
- inv H. exists 0. eauto.
- inv H. exists 0. repeat split; [lia | eauto | eauto].
- specialize (sstep_agree1 (q, tape)) as H2.
cbn [mconfig_for_sconfig] in H2.
destruct (step (mk_mconfig q [|tape|])) as (q'' &tape'') eqn:H3.
revert H H3 H2.
specialize (vec_case1 tape'') as (? & ->).
intros H H3 H2.
apply IHn in H as (l & F1 & F2 & F3).
exists (S l). repeat split .
+ lia.
+ econstructor. 2: apply F2. unfold sstepRel. rewrite <- H2. cbn. eauto.
+ apply F3.
Lemma loopM_halt sig l (M : TM.TM sig l) (c : TM_facts.mconfig sig (TM.state M) l) n (q' : TM.state M) tape' :
loopM c n = Some (mk_mconfig q' tape') -> TM.halt q' = true.
intros. revert c q' tape' H. induction n; intros; cbn in H.
+ unfold haltConf in H. destruct c. cbn in H. destruct (TM.halt cstate) eqn:H1; [ | congruence].
inv H. eauto.
+ destruct c. unfold haltConf in H. cbn in H. destruct (TM.halt cstate) eqn:H1.
* inv H. eauto.
* eapply IHn, H.
relpower sstepRel l (q, tape) (q', tape')
-> halt (configState (q', tape')) = true
-> loop (step (M := TM)) (haltConf (M := TM)) (mk_mconfig q [|tape|]) l = Some (mk_mconfig q' [|tape'|]).
revert q tape q' tape'.
induction l; cbn; intros.
- inv H. unfold haltConf. cbn. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
- inv H. destruct b as (q'' & tape''). eapply IHl in H3.
2: cbn; apply H0.
destruct H2 as (F1 & F2). unfold haltConf. cbn in *. rewrite F1.
setoid_rewrite <- (sstep_agree2 (mk_mconfig q [|tape|])).
cbn. destruct TM.trans. inv F2. cbn. apply H3.
Lemma loop_relpower_agree q tape q' tape' n:
loopM (mk_mconfig q [|tape|]) n = Some (mk_mconfig q' [|tape'|])
-> (q, tape) ▷(≤ n) (q', tape').
revert q tape q' tape'.
induction n; intros; cbn in *; unfold haltConf in H; cbn in H; destruct halt eqn:H1; [ | congruence | | ].
- inv H. exists 0. eauto.
- inv H. exists 0. repeat split; [lia | eauto | eauto].
- specialize (sstep_agree1 (q, tape)) as H2.
cbn [mconfig_for_sconfig] in H2.
destruct (step (mk_mconfig q [|tape|])) as (q'' &tape'') eqn:H3.
revert H H3 H2.
specialize (vec_case1 tape'') as (? & ->).
intros H H3 H2.
apply IHn in H as (l & F1 & F2 & F3).
exists (S l). repeat split .
+ lia.
+ econstructor. 2: apply F2. unfold sstepRel. rewrite <- H2. cbn. eauto.
+ apply F3.
Lemma loopM_halt sig l (M : TM.TM sig l) (c : TM_facts.mconfig sig (TM.state M) l) n (q' : TM.state M) tape' :
loopM c n = Some (mk_mconfig q' tape') -> TM.halt q' = true.
intros. revert c q' tape' H. induction n; intros; cbn in H.
+ unfold haltConf in H. destruct c. cbn in H. destruct (TM.halt cstate) eqn:H1; [ | congruence].
inv H. eauto.
+ destruct c. unfold haltConf in H. cbn in H. destruct (TM.halt cstate) eqn:H1.
* inv H. eauto.
* eapply IHn, H.
A Turing machine can only use one additional cell per computational step.
Lemma tm_step_size q tp q' tp' l: (q, tp) ≻ (q', tp') -> sizeOfTape tp = l -> sizeOfTape tp' <= S l.
destruct H as (_ & H). unfold sstep in H. destruct tp; destruct strans; destruct p as ([] & []); cbn in *; inv H; subst; cbn in *.
all: try lia.
all: repeat match goal with
| [ |- context[midtape ?l _ _] ] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[midtape _ _ ?l] ] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_left' ?l _ _]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_left' _ _ ?l]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_right' ?l _ _]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_right' _ _ ?l]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[(| _ ++ _ |)] ] => rewrite app_length in H
| [ |- context[(| rev _ |)] ] => rewrite rev_length in H
| [ |- context[(| _ ++ _|)]] => rewrite app_length
| [ |- context[(| rev _ |)]] => rewrite rev_length
end; cbn in * ; try lia.
End TM_single.
destruct H as (_ & H). unfold sstep in H. destruct tp; destruct strans; destruct p as ([] & []); cbn in *; inv H; subst; cbn in *.
all: try lia.
all: repeat match goal with
| [ |- context[midtape ?l _ _] ] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[midtape _ _ ?l] ] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_left' ?l _ _]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_left' _ _ ?l]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_right' ?l _ _]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[tape_move_right' _ _ ?l]] => is_var l; destruct l; cbn in *
| [ |- context[(| _ ++ _ |)] ] => rewrite app_length in H
| [ |- context[(| rev _ |)] ] => rewrite rev_length in H
| [ |- context[(| _ ++ _|)]] => rewrite app_length
| [ |- context[(| rev _ |)]] => rewrite rev_length
end; cbn in * ; try lia.
End TM_single.