From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics.
From Complexity Require Import SAT SAT_inNP kSAT CookPrelim.PolyBounds Complexity.NP Complexity.Definitions.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LBool LNat Lists LProd.

Lemma kSAT_to_SAT (k : nat): reducesPolyMO (kSAT k) SAT.
  destruct k.
    apply reducesPolyMO_intro with (f := fun N => [[(true, 0)]; [(false, 0)]]).
    - exists (fun n => 13).
      + extract. solverec.
      + smpl_inO.
      + smpl_inO.
      + exists (fun n => size (enc [[(true, 0)]; [(false, 0)]])); [solverec | smpl_inO | smpl_inO].
    - intros N. cbn. unfold kSAT.
      split; [lia | ]. intros [a H].
      unfold satisfies, evalCnf in H; cbn in H.
      destruct evalVar; cbn in H; congruence.

  apply reducesPolyMO_intro with (f := fun N => if kCNF_decb (S k) N then N else [[(true, 0)]; [(false, 0)]]) .
  - evar (f : nat -> nat). exists f.
    + extract. solverec.
      all: rewrite kCNF_decb_time_bound.
      instantiate (f := fun n => poly__kCNFDecb (n + size (enc (S k))) + 18).
      all: subst f; solverec.
    + subst f; smpl_inO. apply inOPoly_comp; smpl_inO; apply kCNF_decb_poly.
    + subst f; smpl_inO. apply kCNF_decb_poly.
    + evar (g : nat -> nat). exists g.
      * intros N. destruct kCNF_decb.
        instantiate (g := fun n => n + size (enc [[(true, 0)]; [(false, 0)]])).
        all: subst g; solverec.
      * subst g; smpl_inO.
      * subst g; smpl_inO.
  - intros N. split.
    + intros [H1 [H2 H3]].
      apply kCNF_decb_iff in H2. rewrite H2. apply H3.
    + destruct kCNF_decb eqn:H1.
      * apply kCNF_decb_iff in H1. intros H2. split; [lia | split; easy].
      * intros [a H]. unfold satisfies, evalCnf in H; cbn in H.
      destruct evalVar; cbn in H; congruence.

Lemma inNP_kSAT (k : nat) : inNP (kSAT k).
  eapply red_inNP with (Q := SAT).
  - apply kSAT_to_SAT.
  - apply sat_NP.