From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts.
From Undecidability.L.TM Require Import TMEncoding.
From Complexity.Complexity Require Import NP Subtypes.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics.
From Undecidability.L.TM Require Import TMEncoding.
From Complexity.Complexity Require Import NP Subtypes.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics.
For each Machine M (with n+1 tapes), we define this problem:
Given n tapes and a sizeBound and a step bound, does there exist a (small enough) first tape such that the machine halts on the resulting n+1 tapes in fewer steps than the step bound?
We contain this on haltsOrDiverges as our MutiTape2SingleTape-translation probably only knows upper bounds of the step count.
Section mTM.
Context {sig : finType} {n} (M : TM sig (S n)).
Definition HaltsOrDiverges_mTM_fixed : Vector.t (tape sig) n * nat * nat -> Prop :=
fun '(ts, maxSize, steps) =>
forall t__cert' k res', loopM (initc M (t__cert':::ts)) k = Some res'
-> exists t__cert res, sizeOfTape t__cert <= maxSize
/\ loopM (initc M (t__cert:::ts)) steps = Some res.
Definition mTMGenNP_fixed' := (fun '(ts, maxSize, steps) =>
exists t1, sizeOfTape t1 <= maxSize /\ exists f, loopM (initc M (t1:::ts)) steps = Some f).
Definition mTMGenNP_fixed : {x | HaltsOrDiverges_mTM_fixed x} -> Prop :=
restrictBy HaltsOrDiverges_mTM_fixed mTMGenNP_fixed'.
End mTM.
Arguments mTMGenNP_fixed {_ _} _.
Definition initTape_singleTapeTM (sig : Type) (s : list sig) :=
match s with
| [] => niltape sig
| x::s => @leftof sig x s
Definition TMGenNP_fixed {sig : finType} (M : TM sig 1)
:= (fun '(ts, maxSize, steps) =>
exists (cert : list sig), length cert <= maxSize
/\ exists res, execTM M [|initTape_singleTapeTM (ts++cert)|] steps = Some res).
Context {sig : finType} {n} (M : TM sig (S n)).
Definition HaltsOrDiverges_mTM_fixed : Vector.t (tape sig) n * nat * nat -> Prop :=
fun '(ts, maxSize, steps) =>
forall t__cert' k res', loopM (initc M (t__cert':::ts)) k = Some res'
-> exists t__cert res, sizeOfTape t__cert <= maxSize
/\ loopM (initc M (t__cert:::ts)) steps = Some res.
Definition mTMGenNP_fixed' := (fun '(ts, maxSize, steps) =>
exists t1, sizeOfTape t1 <= maxSize /\ exists f, loopM (initc M (t1:::ts)) steps = Some f).
Definition mTMGenNP_fixed : {x | HaltsOrDiverges_mTM_fixed x} -> Prop :=
restrictBy HaltsOrDiverges_mTM_fixed mTMGenNP_fixed'.
End mTM.
Arguments mTMGenNP_fixed {_ _} _.
Definition initTape_singleTapeTM (sig : Type) (s : list sig) :=
match s with
| [] => niltape sig
| x::s => @leftof sig x s
Definition TMGenNP_fixed {sig : finType} (M : TM sig 1)
:= (fun '(ts, maxSize, steps) =>
exists (cert : list sig), length cert <= maxSize
/\ exists res, execTM M [|initTape_singleTapeTM (ts++cert)|] steps = Some res).