From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM Code ProgrammingTools.
From Undecidability.TM Require CodeTM.
Import Retracts.
Definition prefixInjective (sig: Type) (X: Type) (encode : X -> list sig) :=
forall (x x' :X) t t', encode x ++ t = encode x' ++ t' -> x = x'.
Module ContainsEncoding.
Section containsEncoding.
Local Unset Implicit Arguments.
Context {sig tau:Type} {X:Type}.
Context (encode : X -> list sig) (f : sig -> tau).
Definition Rel : pRel tau bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
match yout with
true => exists (x:X),
tape_local tin[@Fin0] = map f (encode x) ++ right tout[@Fin0]
/\ tape_local_l tout[@Fin0] = map f (rev (encode x)) ++ left tin[@Fin0]
| false => forall (x:X) t__R, tape_local tin[@Fin0] <> map f (encode x) ++ t__R
end /\ exists k, tout[@Fin0] = nat_rect _ tin[@Fin0] (fun _ => @tape_move_right _) k .
Definition Rel_legacy : pRel tau bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
match yout with
true => exists (x:X) t__L t__R,
(exists x__hd x__tl, encode x = x__hd::x__tl /\ tin[@Fin0] = midtape t__L (f x__hd) (map f x__tl++t__R) )
/\ exists x__init x__last , encode x = x__init ++ [x__last] /\ tout[@Fin0] = midtape (map f (rev x__init)++ t__L) (f x__last) t__R
| false => (forall t__L (x:X) t__R,
exists x__hd x__tl, map f (encode x) = x__hd::x__tl /\
tin[@Fin0] <> midtape t__L x__hd (x__tl++t__R))
end /\ exists k, tout[@Fin0] = nat_rect _ tin[@Fin0] (fun _ => @tape_move_right _) k .
Lemma legacy_iff :
(forall x, encode x <> [])
-> forall t y, Rel t y <-> Rel_legacy t y.
intros Hnil. unfold Rel, Rel_legacy. intros t [y t'].
eapply Morphisms_Prop.and_iff_morphism_obligation_1. 2:easy.
destruct y.
-eapply Morphisms_Prop.ex_iff_morphism. intros x. specialize (Hnil x). destruct (encode x) eqn:Heqx. easy. clear Hnil.
destruct (t[@Fin0]). 1-3:cbn;now firstorder congruence.
cbn - [rev]. destruct rev eqn:Hr. length_not_eq in Hr.
apply (f_equal (@rev _) )in Hr. autorewrite with list in Hr. setoid_rewrite Hr at 2. cbn.
+intros [[= -> ->] Ht]. destruct (t'[@Fin0]). 1-3:now length_not_eq in Ht. inv Ht. repeat eexists. cbn. now autorewrite with list.
+intros (?&?&(?&?&[= <- <-]&[= -> -> ->])&(?&?&Hrev%(f_equal (@rev _))&->)).
cbn in *. autorewrite with list in *. inv Hrev. intuition.
+specialize (Hnil x). destruct encode eqn:Hx. easy. do 3 eexists. cbn. easy. intros H'. eapply (H x). now rewrite H',Hx.
+specialize (Hnil x). destruct encode eqn:Hx. easy. destruct t[@Fin0]. 1-3:easy. cbn.
edestruct H with (x:=x) as (?&?&H1&H2). rewrite Hx in H1. inv H1. intros [= -> ->]. eapply H2. f_equal.
Lemma functional_true :
(forall x, encode x <> []) ->
prefixInjective (fun x => map f (encode x)) ->
functional (fun t t' => Rel t (true,t')).
intros Hnnil pInj t tr1 tr2 [H1 (k1&H1')] [H2 (k2&H2')].
destruct H1 as (x1&H1&Hr1). destruct H2 as (x2&H2&Hr2). specialize (Hnnil x1).
unfold tapes in *. destruct_vector. cbn in *. f_equal.
rewrite H2 in H1.
replace x2 with x1 in * by now specialize (pInj _ _ _ _ H1). clear x2. apply app_inv_head in H1.
rewrite <- Hr2 in Hr1. destruct h;destruct h0. all:cbn in *. all:inv H1. all:inv Hr1. all:try reflexivity.
all:destruct encode;[easy | ]. all:length_not_eq in Hr2.
End containsEncoding.
End ContainsEncoding.
Lemma map_retract_prefix_inj X Y `{Retract X Y} (x:list X) xs y (ys: list Y):
map Retr_f x ++ xs = map Retr_f y ++ ys -> { xs' & {ys' & x++xs' = y++ys' }}.
induction x in xs,y,ys|-*.
1:{ cbn. intros ->. eexists _,[]. now autorewrite with list. }
destruct y.
1:{ cbn. intros <-. eexists [],_. now autorewrite with list. }
cbn. intros [= ->%retract_f_injective (?&?&Heq)%IHx ].
do 2 eexists _. rewrite Heq. easy.
Arguments ContainsEncoding.Rel : simpl never.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools MoveToSymbol.
Module CheckTapeContains.
Section fixx.
Import CodeTM.
Context {sig:Type} {tau:finType} {n:nat} {X:Type}.
Context (cX : codable sig X) (I : Retract sig tau).
Let Rel : pRel (tau ^+) bool 1 :=
fun t '(b,t') => inhabited (reflect (exists x, tape_contains I t[@Fin0] x) b)
/\ (b = true -> t = t').
Variable M_checkX : pTM (tau ^+) bool 1.
Definition M : pTM (tau ^+) bool 1:=
If (Relabel ReadChar (fun c => match Option.bind Retr_g c with Some (inl START) => true | _ => false end))
(If (Move Rmove;;M_checkX)
(Move Rmove;;
If (Relabel ReadChar (fun c => match Option.bind Retr_g c with Some (inl STOP) => true | _ => false end))
(Move Rmove;;
If (Relabel ReadChar (Option.apply (fun _ => false) true))
(Move Lmove;;Return (MoveToSymbol_L (fun x => match x with (inl START) => true | _ => false end) id) true)
(Return Nop false)
(Return Nop false)
(Return Nop false)
(Return Nop false)
Lemma Realise (Realises_M_checkX : M_checkX ⊨ ContainsEncoding.Rel (X:=X) encode Retr_f) (prefInj : prefixInjective cX)
: M ⊨ Rel.
Local Set Printing Depth 30.
unfold M,Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. eassumption. }
hnf;cbn. intros t0(y&tout) H. remember t0[@Fin0] as tin eqn:eqt0.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&Hf&->&->)&(->&_&<-)).
split. 2:easy. split. constructor. intros (x&?&Heq). setoid_rewrite Heq in Hf. now cbn in Hf. }
destruct H as (?&(?&Hc&->&->)&H).
destruct (t0[@Fin0]) as [ | | | t__L c t__R] eqn:eqt0';cbn in Hc. 1-3:now inv Hc. revert Hc. destruct c as [ [] | ]. 2-4:subst tin;easy.
rewrite eqt0 at 1. intros _. destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(_&t1&Ht1&Ht2)&(->&_&<-)). split. 2:easy. split. constructor. subst tin.
intros (x&?&[= -> ->]). hnf in Ht2. destruct Ht2 as [H _].
eapply H. rewrite Ht1. cbn. rewrite tape_local_move_right'. rewrite map_map. reflexivity.
destruct H as (t2&(_&t1&Ht1&Henc)&_&t3&Ht3&H).
hnf in Henc. rename t__R into t__R'. destruct Henc as [(x&Hxt1&Hxt2) _].
erewrite Ht1, tape_local_move_right in Hxt1. 2:easy. subst t__R'.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&Hc&->&->)&->&?&<-). split. 2:easy.
split. constructor. intros (x'&?&Heq);revert Heq. rewrite eqt0 at 1. cbn. rewrite map_map. intros[= <- Heq].
replace x' with x in *.
2:{ eassert (H:=map_retract_prefix_inj (X:= sig) (Y:=tau ^+)). specialize H with (1:=Heq) as (?&?&Heq').
now eapply prefInj in Heq'. }
apply app_inv_head in Heq as Ht2'. rewrite Ht3 in Hc.
destruct (t2[@Fin0]) as [ | | | ? ? []];cbn in Hc,Ht2'. all:inv Ht2'. all:easy.
destruct H as (_&(?&Hc&->&->)&(?&t4&Ht4&H)).
destruct (t3[@Fin0]) as [ | | | t__L' c t__R];cbn in Hc. 1-3:now inv Hc. revert Hc. destruct c as [ [] | ]. 1,3,4:now subst tin. intros _.
destruct t2[@Fin0];cbn in Ht4,Ht3. 1,3:easy. 1:{ destruct (cX x);cbn in *. now rewrite Ht1 in Hxt2. now length_not_eq in Hxt2. }
cbn in Hxt2.
revert Ht3. destruct l0;cbn. all:intros [= -> <- <-].
cbn in Hxt2. cbn [right] in *.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&Hc&->&->)&(->&_&<-)). split. 2:easy. split. constructor.
intros (x'&?&Heq);revert Heq. rewrite eqt0 at 1. cbn. rewrite map_map. intros[= <- Heq].
replace x' with x in *.
2:{ eassert (H:=map_retract_prefix_inj (X:= sig) (Y:=tau ^+)). specialize H with (1:=Heq) as (?&?&Heq').
now eapply prefInj in Heq'. }
apply app_inv_head in Heq as [= ->]. now rewrite Ht4 in Hc. }
destruct H as (_&(?&Hc&->&->)&(?&t5&Ht5&->&_&Hout)).
destruct t__R.
2:{ exfalso. rewrite Ht4 in Hc. now cbn in Hc. }
cbn in Ht4. rewrite Ht4 in *. cbn in Hc. clear Hc. clear t4 Ht4. cbn in Ht5.
rewrite Ht5 in Hout. clear Ht5 t5 x0 x1.
split. 2:intros _.
-split. constructor. exists x. eexists. unfold Encode_map;cbn. unfold retract_inr_f in *. rewrite map_map. exact eqt0.
-rewrite Hxt2 in *.
erewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct with (x:=inl START) (str1:=inl STOP :: _) in Hout.
4:{ cbn. rewrite Ht1;cbn. rewrite tape_left_move_right'. reflexivity. } 3:easy.
2:{ cbn. intros ?. unfold retract_inr_f. intuition try now subst. now apply in_map_iff in H0 as (?&<-&?). }
unfold tapes in t0,tout. destruct_vector. f_equal. cbn in Hout,eqt0'. rewrite Hout,eqt0'.
unfold retract_inr_f. autorewrite with list. unfold id. rewrite map_map , <- map_rev,rev_involutive. easy.
Import Ring Arith.
Lemma Terminates
(Realises_M_checkX : M_checkX ⊨ ContainsEncoding.Rel (X:=X) encode Retr_f)
{T__X} (Terminates_M_checkX : projT1 M_checkX ↓ T__X):
projT1 M ↓ (fun t k => exists k', T__X ([|tape_move_right t[@Fin0]|]) k'
/\ k' + 4 * S(| right t[@Fin0] |) + 19 <= k ).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold M. TM_Correct. all:eassumption. }
intros t k (k'&HT__X&?). infTer 3. shelve.
cbn. intros tout b (?&Hb&->&->).
destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 8. 1:{ intros ? _ Heq. unfold tapes in t,tout. destruct_vector;cbn in *.
rewrite <- Heq in HT__X. eassumption. }
intros ? ? (_&t1&Ht&Hx). destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t2 _ Ht2.
infTer 4. intros ? b' (?&Hb'&->&->).
destruct b'. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t3 _ Ht3.
infTer 4. intros ? b2 (?&Hb2&->&->). destruct b2. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t4 _ ->.
destruct (current t3[@Fin0]) eqn: Hc3;inv Hb2.
destruct (current t2[@Fin0]) as [[[] | ]| ] eqn: Hc2 ;inv Hb'.
erewrite Ht3,tape_move_right_left. 2:eassumption. rewrite Ht3 in Hc3.
rewrite Ht2. hnf in Hx. destruct Hx as [(x&Ht1&Htout) _].
(destruct (current _) as [ [ [] | ] | ] eqn:Hct in *;inv Hb);[].
rewrite Ht2 in Hc2,Hc3;cbn in Hc2.
erewrite Ht,tape_left_move_right in Htout. 2:eassumption.
destruct (tout[@Fin0]) as [ | ? [] | | ? ? [ | [] [] ] ] eqn:eq. all:cbn in Hc2,Hc3.
all:revert Hc2. all:intros [= ->]. now length_not_eq in Htout. easy. 2:easy.
cbn - [plus mult] in *.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_local with (sym:=inl START). 3:easy.
2:{ cbn in *. rewrite Htout. instantiate (2:=(_::_)). reflexivity. }
repeat (cbn [length] in *;autorewrite with list in * ). cbn - [mult plus] in *.
rewrite Ht in Ht1.
destruct t[@Fin0] as [ | | | ? ? t__R] eqn:Ht'. all:inv Hct. cbn - [mult plus] in *.
rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Ht1. subst t__R. autorewrite with list in *. cbn - [mult plus] in *.
instantiate (1 := k - k' - 15). Lia.nia.
ring_simplify. Lia.nia.
End fixx.
End CheckTapeContains.
From Undecidability.TM Require CodeTM.
Import Retracts.
Definition prefixInjective (sig: Type) (X: Type) (encode : X -> list sig) :=
forall (x x' :X) t t', encode x ++ t = encode x' ++ t' -> x = x'.
Module ContainsEncoding.
Section containsEncoding.
Local Unset Implicit Arguments.
Context {sig tau:Type} {X:Type}.
Context (encode : X -> list sig) (f : sig -> tau).
Definition Rel : pRel tau bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
match yout with
true => exists (x:X),
tape_local tin[@Fin0] = map f (encode x) ++ right tout[@Fin0]
/\ tape_local_l tout[@Fin0] = map f (rev (encode x)) ++ left tin[@Fin0]
| false => forall (x:X) t__R, tape_local tin[@Fin0] <> map f (encode x) ++ t__R
end /\ exists k, tout[@Fin0] = nat_rect _ tin[@Fin0] (fun _ => @tape_move_right _) k .
Definition Rel_legacy : pRel tau bool 1 :=
fun tin '(yout, tout) =>
match yout with
true => exists (x:X) t__L t__R,
(exists x__hd x__tl, encode x = x__hd::x__tl /\ tin[@Fin0] = midtape t__L (f x__hd) (map f x__tl++t__R) )
/\ exists x__init x__last , encode x = x__init ++ [x__last] /\ tout[@Fin0] = midtape (map f (rev x__init)++ t__L) (f x__last) t__R
| false => (forall t__L (x:X) t__R,
exists x__hd x__tl, map f (encode x) = x__hd::x__tl /\
tin[@Fin0] <> midtape t__L x__hd (x__tl++t__R))
end /\ exists k, tout[@Fin0] = nat_rect _ tin[@Fin0] (fun _ => @tape_move_right _) k .
Lemma legacy_iff :
(forall x, encode x <> [])
-> forall t y, Rel t y <-> Rel_legacy t y.
intros Hnil. unfold Rel, Rel_legacy. intros t [y t'].
eapply Morphisms_Prop.and_iff_morphism_obligation_1. 2:easy.
destruct y.
-eapply Morphisms_Prop.ex_iff_morphism. intros x. specialize (Hnil x). destruct (encode x) eqn:Heqx. easy. clear Hnil.
destruct (t[@Fin0]). 1-3:cbn;now firstorder congruence.
cbn - [rev]. destruct rev eqn:Hr. length_not_eq in Hr.
apply (f_equal (@rev _) )in Hr. autorewrite with list in Hr. setoid_rewrite Hr at 2. cbn.
+intros [[= -> ->] Ht]. destruct (t'[@Fin0]). 1-3:now length_not_eq in Ht. inv Ht. repeat eexists. cbn. now autorewrite with list.
+intros (?&?&(?&?&[= <- <-]&[= -> -> ->])&(?&?&Hrev%(f_equal (@rev _))&->)).
cbn in *. autorewrite with list in *. inv Hrev. intuition.
+specialize (Hnil x). destruct encode eqn:Hx. easy. do 3 eexists. cbn. easy. intros H'. eapply (H x). now rewrite H',Hx.
+specialize (Hnil x). destruct encode eqn:Hx. easy. destruct t[@Fin0]. 1-3:easy. cbn.
edestruct H with (x:=x) as (?&?&H1&H2). rewrite Hx in H1. inv H1. intros [= -> ->]. eapply H2. f_equal.
Lemma functional_true :
(forall x, encode x <> []) ->
prefixInjective (fun x => map f (encode x)) ->
functional (fun t t' => Rel t (true,t')).
intros Hnnil pInj t tr1 tr2 [H1 (k1&H1')] [H2 (k2&H2')].
destruct H1 as (x1&H1&Hr1). destruct H2 as (x2&H2&Hr2). specialize (Hnnil x1).
unfold tapes in *. destruct_vector. cbn in *. f_equal.
rewrite H2 in H1.
replace x2 with x1 in * by now specialize (pInj _ _ _ _ H1). clear x2. apply app_inv_head in H1.
rewrite <- Hr2 in Hr1. destruct h;destruct h0. all:cbn in *. all:inv H1. all:inv Hr1. all:try reflexivity.
all:destruct encode;[easy | ]. all:length_not_eq in Hr2.
End containsEncoding.
End ContainsEncoding.
Lemma map_retract_prefix_inj X Y `{Retract X Y} (x:list X) xs y (ys: list Y):
map Retr_f x ++ xs = map Retr_f y ++ ys -> { xs' & {ys' & x++xs' = y++ys' }}.
induction x in xs,y,ys|-*.
1:{ cbn. intros ->. eexists _,[]. now autorewrite with list. }
destruct y.
1:{ cbn. intros <-. eexists [],_. now autorewrite with list. }
cbn. intros [= ->%retract_f_injective (?&?&Heq)%IHx ].
do 2 eexists _. rewrite Heq. easy.
Arguments ContainsEncoding.Rel : simpl never.
From Undecidability.TM Require Import ProgrammingTools MoveToSymbol.
Module CheckTapeContains.
Section fixx.
Import CodeTM.
Context {sig:Type} {tau:finType} {n:nat} {X:Type}.
Context (cX : codable sig X) (I : Retract sig tau).
Let Rel : pRel (tau ^+) bool 1 :=
fun t '(b,t') => inhabited (reflect (exists x, tape_contains I t[@Fin0] x) b)
/\ (b = true -> t = t').
Variable M_checkX : pTM (tau ^+) bool 1.
Definition M : pTM (tau ^+) bool 1:=
If (Relabel ReadChar (fun c => match Option.bind Retr_g c with Some (inl START) => true | _ => false end))
(If (Move Rmove;;M_checkX)
(Move Rmove;;
If (Relabel ReadChar (fun c => match Option.bind Retr_g c with Some (inl STOP) => true | _ => false end))
(Move Rmove;;
If (Relabel ReadChar (Option.apply (fun _ => false) true))
(Move Lmove;;Return (MoveToSymbol_L (fun x => match x with (inl START) => true | _ => false end) id) true)
(Return Nop false)
(Return Nop false)
(Return Nop false)
(Return Nop false)
Lemma Realise (Realises_M_checkX : M_checkX ⊨ ContainsEncoding.Rel (X:=X) encode Retr_f) (prefInj : prefixInjective cX)
: M ⊨ Rel.
Local Set Printing Depth 30.
unfold M,Rel.
eapply Realise_monotone.
{ TM_Correct. eassumption. }
hnf;cbn. intros t0(y&tout) H. remember t0[@Fin0] as tin eqn:eqt0.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&Hf&->&->)&(->&_&<-)).
split. 2:easy. split. constructor. intros (x&?&Heq). setoid_rewrite Heq in Hf. now cbn in Hf. }
destruct H as (?&(?&Hc&->&->)&H).
destruct (t0[@Fin0]) as [ | | | t__L c t__R] eqn:eqt0';cbn in Hc. 1-3:now inv Hc. revert Hc. destruct c as [ [] | ]. 2-4:subst tin;easy.
rewrite eqt0 at 1. intros _. destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(_&t1&Ht1&Ht2)&(->&_&<-)). split. 2:easy. split. constructor. subst tin.
intros (x&?&[= -> ->]). hnf in Ht2. destruct Ht2 as [H _].
eapply H. rewrite Ht1. cbn. rewrite tape_local_move_right'. rewrite map_map. reflexivity.
destruct H as (t2&(_&t1&Ht1&Henc)&_&t3&Ht3&H).
hnf in Henc. rename t__R into t__R'. destruct Henc as [(x&Hxt1&Hxt2) _].
erewrite Ht1, tape_local_move_right in Hxt1. 2:easy. subst t__R'.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&Hc&->&->)&->&?&<-). split. 2:easy.
split. constructor. intros (x'&?&Heq);revert Heq. rewrite eqt0 at 1. cbn. rewrite map_map. intros[= <- Heq].
replace x' with x in *.
2:{ eassert (H:=map_retract_prefix_inj (X:= sig) (Y:=tau ^+)). specialize H with (1:=Heq) as (?&?&Heq').
now eapply prefInj in Heq'. }
apply app_inv_head in Heq as Ht2'. rewrite Ht3 in Hc.
destruct (t2[@Fin0]) as [ | | | ? ? []];cbn in Hc,Ht2'. all:inv Ht2'. all:easy.
destruct H as (_&(?&Hc&->&->)&(?&t4&Ht4&H)).
destruct (t3[@Fin0]) as [ | | | t__L' c t__R];cbn in Hc. 1-3:now inv Hc. revert Hc. destruct c as [ [] | ]. 1,3,4:now subst tin. intros _.
destruct t2[@Fin0];cbn in Ht4,Ht3. 1,3:easy. 1:{ destruct (cX x);cbn in *. now rewrite Ht1 in Hxt2. now length_not_eq in Hxt2. }
cbn in Hxt2.
revert Ht3. destruct l0;cbn. all:intros [= -> <- <-].
cbn in Hxt2. cbn [right] in *.
destruct H as [H|H].
2:{ destruct H as (?&(?&Hc&->&->)&(->&_&<-)). split. 2:easy. split. constructor.
intros (x'&?&Heq);revert Heq. rewrite eqt0 at 1. cbn. rewrite map_map. intros[= <- Heq].
replace x' with x in *.
2:{ eassert (H:=map_retract_prefix_inj (X:= sig) (Y:=tau ^+)). specialize H with (1:=Heq) as (?&?&Heq').
now eapply prefInj in Heq'. }
apply app_inv_head in Heq as [= ->]. now rewrite Ht4 in Hc. }
destruct H as (_&(?&Hc&->&->)&(?&t5&Ht5&->&_&Hout)).
destruct t__R.
2:{ exfalso. rewrite Ht4 in Hc. now cbn in Hc. }
cbn in Ht4. rewrite Ht4 in *. cbn in Hc. clear Hc. clear t4 Ht4. cbn in Ht5.
rewrite Ht5 in Hout. clear Ht5 t5 x0 x1.
split. 2:intros _.
-split. constructor. exists x. eexists. unfold Encode_map;cbn. unfold retract_inr_f in *. rewrite map_map. exact eqt0.
-rewrite Hxt2 in *.
erewrite MoveToSymbol_L_correct with (x:=inl START) (str1:=inl STOP :: _) in Hout.
4:{ cbn. rewrite Ht1;cbn. rewrite tape_left_move_right'. reflexivity. } 3:easy.
2:{ cbn. intros ?. unfold retract_inr_f. intuition try now subst. now apply in_map_iff in H0 as (?&<-&?). }
unfold tapes in t0,tout. destruct_vector. f_equal. cbn in Hout,eqt0'. rewrite Hout,eqt0'.
unfold retract_inr_f. autorewrite with list. unfold id. rewrite map_map , <- map_rev,rev_involutive. easy.
Import Ring Arith.
Lemma Terminates
(Realises_M_checkX : M_checkX ⊨ ContainsEncoding.Rel (X:=X) encode Retr_f)
{T__X} (Terminates_M_checkX : projT1 M_checkX ↓ T__X):
projT1 M ↓ (fun t k => exists k', T__X ([|tape_move_right t[@Fin0]|]) k'
/\ k' + 4 * S(| right t[@Fin0] |) + 19 <= k ).
eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
{ unfold M. TM_Correct. all:eassumption. }
intros t k (k'&HT__X&?). infTer 3. shelve.
cbn. intros tout b (?&Hb&->&->).
destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 8. 1:{ intros ? _ Heq. unfold tapes in t,tout. destruct_vector;cbn in *.
rewrite <- Heq in HT__X. eassumption. }
intros ? ? (_&t1&Ht&Hx). destruct b. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t2 _ Ht2.
infTer 4. intros ? b' (?&Hb'&->&->).
destruct b'. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t3 _ Ht3.
infTer 4. intros ? b2 (?&Hb2&->&->). destruct b2. 2:now apply Nat.le_0_l.
infTer 4. intros t4 _ ->.
destruct (current t3[@Fin0]) eqn: Hc3;inv Hb2.
destruct (current t2[@Fin0]) as [[[] | ]| ] eqn: Hc2 ;inv Hb'.
erewrite Ht3,tape_move_right_left. 2:eassumption. rewrite Ht3 in Hc3.
rewrite Ht2. hnf in Hx. destruct Hx as [(x&Ht1&Htout) _].
(destruct (current _) as [ [ [] | ] | ] eqn:Hct in *;inv Hb);[].
rewrite Ht2 in Hc2,Hc3;cbn in Hc2.
erewrite Ht,tape_left_move_right in Htout. 2:eassumption.
destruct (tout[@Fin0]) as [ | ? [] | | ? ? [ | [] [] ] ] eqn:eq. all:cbn in Hc2,Hc3.
all:revert Hc2. all:intros [= ->]. now length_not_eq in Htout. easy. 2:easy.
cbn - [plus mult] in *.
rewrite MoveToSymbol_L_steps_local with (sym:=inl START). 3:easy.
2:{ cbn in *. rewrite Htout. instantiate (2:=(_::_)). reflexivity. }
repeat (cbn [length] in *;autorewrite with list in * ). cbn - [mult plus] in *.
rewrite Ht in Ht1.
destruct t[@Fin0] as [ | | | ? ? t__R] eqn:Ht'. all:inv Hct. cbn - [mult plus] in *.
rewrite tape_local_move_right' in Ht1. subst t__R. autorewrite with list in *. cbn - [mult plus] in *.
instantiate (1 := k - k' - 15). Lia.nia.
ring_simplify. Lia.nia.
End fixx.
End CheckTapeContains.