Bounds For M2M

From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.PrettyBounds.
From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.BaseCode.

From Undecidability Require Import TM.Single.StepTM.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Single.EncodeTapes.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Util.VectorPrelim.

Note that we do not need place bound, because the tape is globally specified

Local Arguments Encode_list_size {sigX X cX}.

Lemma dominatedWith_match_tape (sig : Type) (c0 c1 c2 c3 z : nat)
      (f0 : nat) (f1 : sig -> list sig -> nat)
      (f2 : sig -> list sig -> nat)
      (f3 : list sig -> sig -> list sig -> nat)
      (tp : tape sig) :
  (tp = niltape _ -> f0 <=(c0) z) ->
  (forall r rs, tp = leftof r rs -> f1 r rs <=(c1) z) ->
  (forall l ls, tp = rightof l ls -> f2 l ls <=(c2) z) ->
  (forall ls m rs, tp = midtape ls m rs -> f3 ls m rs <=(c3) z) ->
  match tp with
  | @niltape _ => f0
  | leftof r rs => f1 r rs
  | rightof l ls => f2 l ls
  | midtape ls m rs => f3 ls m rs
  end <=(max c0 (max c1 (max c2 c3) )) z.
Proof with reflexivity + apply Nat.mul_le_mono; eauto 4 using le_trans, Nat.le_max_r,Nat.le_max_l.
  intros H1 H2 H3 H4. unfold dominatedWith in *.
  destruct tp.
  - rewrite H1...
  - rewrite H2...
  - rewrite H3...
  - rewrite H4...

Smpl Add 12
     match goal with
     | [ |- (match _ with @niltape _ => _ | _ => _ end) <=(_) _ ] =>
       let H := fresh in
       (eapply dominatedWith_match_tape; [ intros H | intros ? ? H | intros ? ? H | intros ? ? ? H]); try rewrite !H
     end : domWith_match.

Lemma dominatedWith_match_move (c0 c1 c2 z : nat)
      (f0 f1 f2 : nat) (m : move) :
  (m = Lmove -> f0 <=(c0) z) ->
  (m = Rmove -> f1 <=(c1) z) ->
  (m = Nmove -> f2 <=(c2) z) ->
  match m with
  | Lmove => f0
  | Rmove => f1
  | Nmove => f2
  end <=(max c0 (max c1 c2)) z.
Proof with reflexivity + apply Nat.mul_le_mono; eauto 4 using le_trans, Nat.le_max_r,Nat.le_max_l.
  intros H1 H2 H3. unfold dominatedWith in *.
  destruct m.
  - rewrite H1...
  - rewrite H2...
  - rewrite H3...

Smpl Add 12
     match goal with
     | [ |- (match _ with Lmove => _ | _ => _ end) <=(_) _ ] =>
       let H := fresh in
       (eapply dominatedWith_match_move; [ intros H | intros H | intros H]); try rewrite !H
     end : domWith_match.

Local Arguments plus : simpl never. Local Arguments mult : simpl never.

Section ToSingleTape_bounds.

  Implicit Types (sig : finType) (F : finType).
  Local Arguments finMax' : simpl never.

  Notation sigSim := (FinType(EqType(boundary + sigList (sigTape sig)))).

  Lemma GoToCurrent_steps'_nice :
    { c | forall sig (tp : tape sig), GoToCurrent_steps' tp <=(c) length (left tp) + 4 }.
  Proof. eexists. intros. unfold GoToCurrent_steps'. domWith_match; cbn in *; domWith_approx. Qed.

  Lemma GoToCurrent_steps_nice :
    { c | forall (sig : finType) (tp : tape sig), GoToCurrent_steps tp <=(c) length (left tp) + 1 }.
    eexists. intros. unfold GoToCurrent_steps.
    apply dominatedWith_add_r. 2: lia.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - apply (proj2_sig GoToCurrent_steps'_nice).
    - domWith_approx.

  Lemma GoToNext_steps'_nice :
    { c | forall sig (tp : tape sig), GoToNext_steps' tp <=(c) length (right tp) + 1 }.
  Proof. eexists. intros. unfold GoToNext_steps'. domWith_match; cbn in *; domWith_approx. Qed.

  Lemma GoToNext_steps_nice :
    { c | forall sig (tp : tape sig), GoToNext_steps tp <=(c) length (right tp) + 1 }.
    eexists. intros. unfold GoToNext_steps.
    apply dominatedWith_add_r. 2: lia.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - apply (proj2_sig GoToNext_steps'_nice).
    - domWith_approx.

  Definition tape_size {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig) := 1 + length (left tp) + length (right tp).

  Lemma tape_size_ge1 {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig) :
    1 <= tape_size tp.
  Proof. unfold tape_size. lia. Qed.

size tp is the size w.r.t. the linear encoding (adding of extra symbols for left end, etc.)
  Definition Encode_tape_hasSize {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig) :
    size tp <= tape_size tp + 2.
    unfold size.
    destruct tp; cbn.
    all: simpl_list.
    all: cbn.
    all: unfold tape_size.
    all: cbn.
    all: simpl_list.
    all: try lia.
    all: cbn.
    all: try lia.

  Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons_nice :
    { c | forall sig (tp : tape sig), ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons tp <=(c) tape_size tp }.
    unfold tape_size.
    eexists. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons. intros. domWith_approx.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig GoToCurrent_steps_nice). domWith_approx.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig GoToNext_steps_nice). domWith_approx.

  Fixpoint greatest_tape {sig : Type} (tps : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
    match tps with
    | nil => 0
    | tp :: tps' => max (tape_size tp) (greatest_tape tps')

  Fixpoint tape_size_sum {sig : Type} (tps : list (tape sig)) : nat :=
    match tps with
    | nil => 0
    | tp :: tps' => tape_size tp + tape_size_sum tps'

  Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons_nice :
    { c | forall (sig : finType) (tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig), ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons tps2 tp <=(c) tape_size_sum (tp :: tps2) + 1 }.
    pose_nice ReadCurrentSymbols_Step_steps_cons_nice Hc_step c_step.
    exists (c_step + 1). intros sig tps2. induction tps2 as [ | tp' tps2' IH]; intros.
    - specialize (Hc_step sig tp). cbn. hnf. rewrite Hc_step. hnf. cbn. nia.
    - specialize (Hc_step sig tp). cbn. hnf. rewrite Hc_step. hnf. cbn in *.
      specialize (IH tp'). hnf in IH. rewrite IH. clear. ring_simplify.
      enough (1 <= tape_size tp) by nia. apply tape_size_ge1.

  Lemma ReadCurrentSymbols_steps_nice :
    { c | forall (n : nat) sig (T : tapes sig n), ReadCurrentSymbols_steps T <=(c) tape_size_sum (vector_to_list T) + 1 }.
    eexists. intros. unfold ReadCurrentSymbols_steps.
    match goal with [ |- ?x <=(?c) ?y ] => enough (match n with 0 => x | S n' => x end <=(c) y) by (destruct n; auto) end.
    domWith_match; subst.
    - rewrite (destruct_vector_nil T). domWith_approx.
    - pose proof (destruct_vector_cons T) as (tp&T'&->). cbn. domWith_approx.
      eapply dominatedWith_trans.
      + apply (proj2_sig ReadCurrentSymbols_Loop_steps_cons_nice).
      + cbn. domWith_approx.

  Lemma Encode_tapes_hasSize {sig : Type} (tps : list (tape sig)) :
    size tps <= length tps * (3 + greatest_tape tps) + 1.
    rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
    induction tps as [ | tp tps' IH]; cbn.
    - cbv. lia.
    - rewrite IH. rewrite Encode_tape_hasSize. nia.

  Lemma Encode_tapes_size_fold {sig : Type} (tps : list (tape sig)) :
    length (encode_list _ tps) = size tps.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma size_tapes_ge1 {sig : Type} (tps : list (tape sig)) :
    1 <= size tps.
  Proof. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. Qed.

  Lemma MoveToStart_steps_nice :
    { c | forall sig (tps : list (tape sig)), MoveToStart_steps tps <=(c) size tps }.
    eexists. intros. unfold MoveToStart_steps. rewrite Encode_tapes_size_fold. domWith_approx. apply dominatedWith_const.
    enough (1 <= size tps) by nia. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.

  Lemma DoWrite_steps_nice' :
    { c | forall {sig : finType} (d : option move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)),
        DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2
           match d with
           | Some Lmove => size tps1
           | Some Rmove => size tps2
           | Some Nmove => 1
           | None => size tps1 + size tps2
           end }.
    eexists. intros. unfold DoWrite_steps.
    domWith_match; subst.
    domWith_match; subst.
    3: now domWith_approx.
    all: ring_simplify.
    all: rewrite Encode_tapes_size_fold.
    all: apply dominatedWith_add_r; [ | try now apply size_tapes_ge1].
    4:{ rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1. lia. }
    all: domWith_approx.
    1:{ rewrite Encode_tapes_size_fold. apply dominatedWith_solve. lia. }

  Lemma DoWrite_steps_nice :
    { c | forall sig (d : option move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)), DoWrite_steps d tps1 tps2 <=(c) size tps1 + size tps2 }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoWrite_steps_nice').
    destruct d as [ [ | | ] | ]; cbn; domWith_approx. hnf. ring_simplify. rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1. lia.

  Lemma DoAction_steps_nice' :
    { c | forall sig (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)),
          DoAction_steps d a tps1 tps2
             match (fst a) with
             | Some _ => size tps1 + size tps2
             | None => 1
             end }.
    eexists. intros sig d [w m] tps1 tps2. unfold DoAction_steps. cbn. domWith_match; subst.
    - ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx.
      + eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoWrite_steps_nice). domWith_approx.
      + apply dominatedWith_const. rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1. lia.
      + rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1. lia.
    - now apply dominatedWith_const.

  Lemma DoAction_steps_nice :
    { c | forall sig (d : option move) (a : option sig * move) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)), DoAction_steps d a tps1 tps2 <=(c) size tps1 + size tps2 }.
    eexists. intros sig d [w m] tps1 tps2. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoAction_steps_nice'). cbn. domWith_match; subst.
    - domWith_approx.
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1. lia.

  Lemma tape_doAct_right_length {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig) (act : option sig * move) :
    length (right (doAct tp act)) <= 1 + length (right tp).
  Proof. destruct tp, act as [ [ | ] [ | | ] ]; cbn; simpl_tape; simpl_list; cbn; lia. Qed.

  Lemma size_tape_bounded : forall {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig), tape_size tp <= size tp.
    unfold tape_size, size.
    destruct tp.
    all: cbn.
    all: simpl_list; cbn; simpl_list; cbn.
    all: lia.

  Lemma doAct_size : forall {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig) act, size (doAct tp act) <= size tp + 2.
    intros. unfold size. cbn. unfold encode_tape.
    destruct tp, act as [ [ w | ] [ | | ] ]; cbn.
    all: simpl_list; cbn.
    all: try lia.
    - destruct l; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.
    - destruct l0; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.
    - destruct l; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.
    - destruct l0; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.

  Lemma doAct_size' : forall {sig : Type} (tps1 : list (tape sig)) tp tps2 act, (size (tps1 ++ doAct tp act :: tps2) <= size (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2) + 2).
    intros. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn.
    enough (size (doAct tp act) <= size tp + 2) by nia.
    apply doAct_size.

  Lemma doAct_size'' : forall {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig) act, size tp <= size (doAct tp act).
    intros. unfold size. cbn. unfold encode_tape.
    destruct tp, act as [ [ w | ] [ | | ] ]; cbn.
    all: simpl_list; cbn.
    all: try lia.
    - destruct l; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.
    - destruct l0; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.
    - destruct l; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.
    - destruct l0; cbn; repeat (simpl_list; cbn); lia.

  Lemma DoActions_Step_steps_cons_nice'' :
    { c | forall sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
        DoActions_Step_steps_cons acts i tps1 tps2 tp <=(c) tape_size tp + size tps1 + size tps2 }.
    unfold tape_size.
    eexists. intros. unfold DoActions_Step_steps_cons. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig GoToCurrent_steps_nice). domWith_approx.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoAction_steps_nice). domWith_approx.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig GoToNext_steps_nice). domWith_approx.
      apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite tape_doAct_right_length. lia.
    - rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1. lia.

Replace tape_size with size,
  Lemma DoActions_Step_steps_cons_nice' :
    { c | forall sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
        DoActions_Step_steps_cons acts i tps1 tps2 tp <=(c) size tp + size tps1 + size tps2 }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoActions_Step_steps_cons_nice''). domWith_approx.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. apply size_tape_bounded.
    - domWith_approx.

... and summarize the sizes in a list
  Lemma DoActions_Step_steps_cons_nice :
    { c | forall sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
        DoActions_Step_steps_cons acts i tps1 tps2 tp <=(c) size (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2) }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoActions_Step_steps_cons_nice').
    apply dominatedWith_solve.
    rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn. lia.

  Lemma size_doActions {sig : Type} (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (tps : list (tape sig)) :
    size (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts tps) <= size tps + 2 * n.
    rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize.
    revert tps. induction acts as [ | act n acts IH]; intros.
    - destruct tps; cbn; lia.
    - destruct tps as [ | tp tps]; cbn in *; try lia.
      rewrite IH. rewrite doAct_size. lia.

  Lemma size_doActions' {sig : Type} (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (tps : list (tape sig)) :
    size tps <= size (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts tps).
    rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize.
    revert tps. induction acts as [ | act n acts IH]; intros.
    - destruct tps; cbn; lia.
    - destruct tps as [ | tp tps]; cbn in *; try lia.
      rewrite IH. rewrite <- doAct_size''. lia.

First optimsation step for DoActions_Loop_steps_cons: structurally same function, but with terms replaced by bounded terms.
  Fixpoint DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym {sig : Type} (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :=
    match tps2 with
    | nil => size (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2)
    | tp' :: tps2' =>
      match finSucc_opt i with
      | Some i' => size (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2) + DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym acts i' (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) tps2' tp'
      | None => 0

Then bound every term with size (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2)
  Fixpoint DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym2 {sig : Type} (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :=
    match tps2 with
    | nil => size (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2))
    | tp' :: tps2' =>
      match finSucc_opt i with
      | Some i' => size (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2)) + DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym2 acts i' (tps1 ++ [tp]) tps2' tp'
      | None => 0

  Lemma DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_nice'' :
    { c | forall sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
        DoActions_Loop_steps_cons acts i tps1 tps2 tp <=(c) DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym acts i tps1 tps2 tp }.
    pose_nice DoActions_Step_steps_cons_nice Hc_step c_step. exists (c_step + 1).
    intros. revert n acts i tps1 tp. induction tps2 as [ | tp' tps2 IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - hnf. rewrite Hc_step. nia.
    - destruct finSucc_opt as [ i' | ]; [ | hnf; lia].
      specialize (IH n acts i' (tps1 ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) tp'). hnf in IH. rewrite IH. clear IH.
      hnf. rewrite Hc_step. ring_simplify.
      enough (1 <= size (tps1 ++ tp :: tp' :: tps2)) by nia. apply size_tapes_ge1.

  Instance sub_le_mono : Proper (le ==> ge ==> le) minus.
  Proof. repeat intro. nia. Qed.

  Lemma le_ge (n m : nat) : n <= m -> m >= n. Proof. nia. Qed.

  Lemma size_tape_ge1 {sig : Type} (tp : tape sig) :
    1 <= size tp.
  Proof. unfold size. destruct tp; cbn; lia. Qed.

  Fixpoint vector_drop (X : Type) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t X n) (k : nat) {struct k} : Vector.t X (n-k).
    refine (match k with
            | 0 => Vector.cast vs _
            | S k' => match vs with
                     | [| |] => Vector.cast [| |] _
                     | _ ::: vs' => Vector.cast (vector_drop _ _ vs' k') _
            end); abstract lia.
  Defined .

  Lemma map_vect_list_app_drop (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y -> X) (n : nat) (vs : Vector.t Y n) (xs ys : list X)
        (i : Fin.t n) :
    fin_to_nat i = length xs ->
    map_vect_list f vs (xs ++ ys) =
    map_vect_list f vs xs ++ map_vect_list f (vector_drop vs (length xs)) ys.
    revert n vs i. induction xs as [ | x xs' IH]; cbn; intros.
    - destruct vs. destruct_fin i. apply fin_is_0 in H as ->. cbn.
      f_equal. f_equal. now rewrite vector_cast_refl.
    - destruct vs as [ | v n vs]; cbn in *.
      + destruct_fin i.
      + f_equal.
        pose proof fin_destruct_S i as [ (i'&->) | -> ]; cbn in *.
        * rewrite fin_to_nat_S in *. erewrite IH; eauto.
          f_equal. f_equal. now rewrite vector_cast_refl.
        * lia.

The easy part
  Lemma DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym2_bounded sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :
    DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym2 acts i tps1 tps2 tp <= size (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2)) * (1 + length tps2).
    revert tps1 tp n acts i. induction tps2 as [ | tp' tps2' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - nia.
    - destruct finSucc_opt as [ i' | ] eqn:E; [ | nia].
      rewrite IH. clear IH. simpl_list. cbn. nia.

The harder part
  Lemma DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym_bounded'' sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :
    length tps1 = fin_to_nat i ->
    length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) = n ->
    DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym acts i (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts tps1) tps2 tp <=
    DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym2 acts i tps1 tps2 tp.
    revert tps1 tp n acts i. induction tps2 as [ | tp' tps2' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - erewrite map_vect_list_app; eauto.
      rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize, !Encode_list_hasSize_app; cbn.
      enough (size tp <= size (doAct tp acts[@i])) by nia.
      apply doAct_size''.
    - destruct finSucc_opt as [ i' | ] eqn:E; [ | nia].
      erewrite map_vect_list_app_drop; eauto.
      rewrite !encodeList_size_app_eq.
      rewrite <- map_vect_list_app; eauto.
      erewrite IH. clear IH.
      2-3: apply finSucc_opt_Some' in E; simpl_list; cbn; lia.
      enough (size (tp :: tp' :: tps2') <= size (map_vect_list (doAct (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) (vector_drop acts (| tps1 |)) (tp :: tp' :: tps2'))) by nia.
      apply size_doActions'.

Remove the uggly map_vect_list from the above bound
  Lemma DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym_monotone sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1a tps1b tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :
    size tps1a <= size tps1b ->
    DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym acts i tps1a tps2 tp <=
    DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym acts i tps1b tps2 tp.
    revert tps1a tps1b tp n acts i. induction tps2 as [ | tp' tps2' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize, !Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn. rewrite <- !Encode_list_hasSize. lia.
    - destruct finSucc_opt as [ i' | ] eqn:E; [ | nia].
      specialize (IH (tps1a ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) (tps1b ++ [doAct tp acts[@i]]) tp' _ acts i'). spec_assert IH.
      { rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize, !Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn. rewrite <- !Encode_list_hasSize. lia. }
      rewrite IH.
      enough (size (tps1a ++ tp :: tp' :: tps2') <= size (tps1b ++ tp :: tp' :: tps2')) by nia.
      { rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize, !Encode_list_hasSize_app. cbn. rewrite <- !Encode_list_hasSize. lia. }

  Lemma DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym_bounded' sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig) :
    length tps1 = fin_to_nat i ->
    length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) = n ->
    DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym acts i tps1 tps2 tp <=
    DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym2 acts i tps1 tps2 tp.
    intros. erewrite DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym_monotone.
    - now apply DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym_bounded''.
    - apply size_doActions'.

Combine both bounds!
Finally, a better bound for DoActions_Loop_steps_cons
  Lemma DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_nice :
    { c | forall sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (i : Fin.t n) (tps1 tps2 : list (tape sig)) (tp : tape sig),
        length tps1 = fin_to_nat i ->
        length tps1 + (1 + length tps2) = n ->
        DoActions_Loop_steps_cons acts i tps1 tps2 tp <=(c) size (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts (tps1 ++ tp :: tps2)) * (1 + length tps2) }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - apply (proj2_sig DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_nice'').
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. now apply DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_asym_bounded.

  Lemma DoActions_steps_nice :
    { c | forall sig (n : nat) (acts : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) (tps : list (tape sig)),
        length tps = n ->
        DoActions_steps acts tps <=(c) size (map_vect_list (@doAct sig) acts tps) * (length tps) + 1 }.
    eexists. intros sig n acts tps Hlen. unfold DoActions_steps. repeat domWith_match; subst. 1,3: domWith_approx.
    ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r.
    2: { rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1. cbn. lia. }
    rename x0 into tp, xs into tps.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoActions_Loop_steps_cons_nice).
    - cbn. now apply finMin_opt_Some_val in H.
    - cbn. nia.
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. cbn [app length]. nia.

  Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge_length (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) :
    length xs <= Encode_list_size xs.
  Proof. induction xs as [ | x xs IH]; cbn in *; lia. Qed.

  Lemma tape_size_sum_le_size {sig : Type} (tps : list (tape sig)) :
    tape_size_sum tps <= size tps.
    rewrite Encode_list_hasSize.
    induction tps as [ | tp tps IH]; cbn in *.
    - lia.
    - rewrite IH. rewrite size_tape_bounded. lia.

  Lemma Step_steps_nice' :
    { c | forall sig (F : finType) (n : nat) (pM : pTM sig F n) (q : state (projT1 pM)) (T : tapes sig n),
        let (q', act) := trans (m := projT1 pM) (q, current_chars T) in
        Step_steps q T <=(c) size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act)) * size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act)) }.
    eexists. intros. unfold Step_steps. destruct trans as (q', act) eqn:E. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig ReadCurrentSymbols_steps_nice).
      apply dominatedWith_add_r.
      + apply dominatedWith_solve.
        enough (tape_size_sum (vector_to_list T) <= size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act))) by nia.
        unfold doAct_multi. rewrite <- map_vect_list_eq. rewrite <- size_doActions'. apply tape_size_sum_le_size.
      + enough (1 <= size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act))) by nia. apply size_tapes_ge1.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig MoveToStart_steps_nice).
      apply dominatedWith_solve.
      enough (size (vector_to_list T) <= size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act))) by nia.
      unfold doAct_multi. rewrite <- map_vect_list_eq. apply size_doActions'.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig DoActions_steps_nice).
      + apply vector_to_list_length.
      + apply dominatedWith_add_r. 2: now rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1.
        apply dominatedWith_solve. unfold doAct_multi. rewrite <- map_vect_list_eq.
        enough ((| vector_to_list T |) <= size (map_vect_list (doAct (sig:=eqType_X (type sig))) act (vector_to_list T))) by nia.
        rewrite vector_to_list_length.
        rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. rewrite <- Encode_list_hasSize_ge_length. now rewrite map_vect_list_length, vector_to_list_length.
    - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig MoveToStart_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
    - enough (1 <= size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act))) by nia. apply size_tapes_ge1.

  Lemma Step_steps_nice :
    { c | forall sig F (n : nat) (pM : pTM sig F n) (q : state (projT1 pM)) (T : tapes sig n),
        Step_steps q T <=(c) size (vector_to_list T) * size (vector_to_list T) }.
    eexists. intros.
    pose proof (proj2_sig Step_steps_nice' _ _ _ _ q T). destruct trans as [q' act] eqn:Etrans.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply H.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. unfold doAct_multi. rewrite <- map_vect_list_eq. rewrite !size_doActions. reflexivity.
    - ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
      + rewrite (Nat.mul_comm 4), <- Nat.mul_comm, !Nat.mul_assoc. apply dominatedWith_mult_r.
        apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (n <= size (vector_to_list T)) by nia. now rewrite Encode_list_hasSize, <- Encode_list_hasSize_ge_length, vector_to_list_length.
      + rewrite (Nat.mul_comm 4), <- Nat.mul_comm, !Nat.mul_assoc. apply dominatedWith_mult_r.
        apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (n <= size (vector_to_list T)) by nia. now rewrite Encode_list_hasSize, <- Encode_list_hasSize_ge_length, vector_to_list_length.

Same structure as Loop_steps, but with bounded terms
  Fixpoint Loop_steps_asym {n : nat} sig {M : TM sig n} q (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat) {struct k} :=
    if halt q
    then 0
    else match k with
         | 0 => 0
         | S k' =>
           let (q', acts) := trans (m := M) (q, current_chars T) in
           size (vector_to_list T) * size (vector_to_list T) + Loop_steps_asym q' (doAct_multi T acts) k'

  Lemma Loop_steps_asym_halt {n : nat} sig {M : TM sig n} (q : state M) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat) :
    halt q = true ->
    Loop_steps_asym q T k = 0.
  Proof. now destruct k; cbn; intros ->. Qed.

  Lemma Loop_steps_asym_nice :
    { c | forall sig F (n : nat) (pM : pTM sig F n) (q : state (projT1 pM)) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat),
          Loop_steps q T k <=(c) Loop_steps_asym q T k }.
    pose_nice Step_steps_nice Hc_step c_step. exists (c_step + 1).
    intros sig F n pM q T k. revert q T. induction k as [ | k' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - destruct halt; hnf; nia.
    - destruct halt eqn:Ehalt; [hnf; nia| ].
      destruct trans as [q' acts] eqn:Etrans.
      specialize IH with (q := q') (T := doAct_multi T acts); hnf in IH.
      rewrite Hc_step, IH. hnf. ring_simplify.
      enough (1 <= size (vector_to_list T) * size (vector_to_list T)) by nia.
      now rewrite <- size_tapes_ge1.

  Lemma size_doAct_multi {sig : Type} (n : nat) (T : tapes sig n) (act : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) :
    size (vector_to_list T) <= size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act)).
  Proof. unfold doAct_multi. rewrite <- map_vect_list_eq. apply size_doActions'. Qed.

  Lemma size_doAct_multi' {sig : Type} (n : nat) (T : tapes sig n) (act : Vector.t (option sig * move) n) :
    size (vector_to_list (doAct_multi T act)) <= size (vector_to_list T) + 2 * n.
  Proof. unfold doAct_multi. rewrite <- map_vect_list_eq. apply size_doActions. Qed.

  Lemma size_final_tapes {sig : finType} {n : nat} {M : TM sig n} (q : state M) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat) (q_fin : state M) (T_fin : tapes sig n) :
    loopM (mk_mconfig q T) k = Some (mk_mconfig q_fin T_fin) ->
    size (vector_to_list T) <= size (vector_to_list T_fin).
    intros HLoop. revert q T q_fin T_fin HLoop. induction k as [ | k' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - unfold haltConf in HLoop. cbn in *. destruct (halt q); now inv HLoop.
    - unfold haltConf in HLoop. cbn in *. destruct (halt q).
      + inv HLoop. reflexivity.
      + destruct (trans (m := M) (q, current_chars T)) eqn:Etrans.
        unfold step in HLoop. cbn -[doAct_multi] in *. rewrite Etrans in HLoop.
        specialize IH with (1 := HLoop).
        rewrite <- IH. apply size_doAct_multi.

  Lemma size_final_tapes' {sig : finType} {n : nat} {M : TM sig n} (q : state M) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat) (q_fin : state M) (T_fin : tapes sig n) :
    loopM (mk_mconfig q T) k = Some (mk_mconfig q_fin T_fin) ->
    size (vector_to_list T_fin) <= size (vector_to_list T) + 2 * n * k.
    intros HLoop. revert q T q_fin T_fin HLoop. induction k as [ | k' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - unfold haltConf in HLoop. cbn in *. destruct (halt q); inv HLoop. nia.
    - unfold haltConf in HLoop. cbn in *. destruct (halt q).
      + inv HLoop. nia.
      + destruct (trans (m := M) (q, current_chars T)) eqn:Etrans.
        unfold step in HLoop. cbn -[doAct_multi] in *. rewrite Etrans in HLoop.
        specialize IH with (1 := HLoop).
        rewrite IH. rewrite size_doAct_multi'. ring_simplify. nia.

Bound every step term with the term for the tape after the execution
  Lemma Loop_steps_asym_bounded sig {n : nat} {M : TM sig n} (q : state M) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat) (q_fin : state M) (T_fin : tapes sig n) :
    loopM (mk_mconfig q T) k = Some (mk_mconfig q_fin T_fin) ->
    Loop_steps_asym q T k <= size (vector_to_list T_fin) * size (vector_to_list T_fin) * k.
    intros HLoop. revert q T q_fin T_fin HLoop. induction k as [ | k' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - destruct halt; nia.
    - unfold haltConf in HLoop. cbn in *.
      destruct halt eqn:Eh; [nia| ].
      destruct trans as [q' acts] eqn:Etrans.
      specialize IH with (q := q') (T := doAct_multi T acts) (q_fin := q_fin) (T_fin := T_fin). rewrite IH. clear IH.
      2:{ rewrite <- HLoop. unfold step. cbn. now rewrite Etrans. }
      enough (size (vector_to_list T) <= size (vector_to_list T_fin)) by nia.
      eapply size_final_tapes with (k := (S k')). setoid_rewrite loop_step; eauto. all: now rewrite <- HLoop.   Qed.

Bound for the loop w.r.t. the final tapes
  Lemma Loop_steps_nice_final :
    { c | forall sig F (n : nat) (pM : pTM sig F n) (q : state (projT1 pM)) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat),
        forall (q_fin : state (projT1 pM)) (T_fin : tapes sig n),
          loopM (mk_mconfig q T) k = Some (mk_mconfig q_fin T_fin) ->
          Loop_steps q T k <=(c) size (vector_to_list T_fin) * size (vector_to_list T_fin) * k }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Loop_steps_asym_nice).
    apply dominatedWith_solve. eapply Loop_steps_asym_bounded; eauto.

Bound for the final tape size after k steps
  Lemma Loop_steps_asym_bounded' sig {n : nat} {M : TM sig n} (q : state M) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat) :
    Loop_steps_asym q T k <= (size (vector_to_list T) + 2 * n * k) * (size (vector_to_list T) + 2 * n * k) * k.
    revert q T. induction k as [ | k' IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - destruct halt; nia.
    - destruct halt eqn:Eh. cbn. lia.
      destruct trans as (q', acts) eqn:Etrans.
      rewrite IH. rewrite size_doAct_multi'. lia.

  Lemma Loop_steps_nice :
    { c | forall sig F (n : nat) (pM : pTM sig F n) (q : state (projT1 pM)) (T : tapes sig n) (k : nat),
          Loop_steps q T k <=(c) (size (vector_to_list T) + n * k) * (size (vector_to_list T) + n * k) * k }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Loop_steps_asym_nice).
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. eapply Loop_steps_asym_bounded'; eauto.
    - ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
      + rewrite <- !Nat.mul_assoc. domWith_approx.
      + rewrite <- !Nat.mul_assoc. domWith_approx.

End ToSingleTape_bounds.