PrettyBound for Univ

From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.PrettyBounds.
From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.BaseCode.

Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_gt_length (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) :
  length xs < Encode_list_size _ xs.
Proof. induction xs as [ | x xs' IH]; cbn in *; lia. Qed.

Lemma Encode_list_hasSize_ge_length (sigX X : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (xs : list X) :
  length xs <= Encode_list_size _ xs.
Proof. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. apply Encode_list_hasSize_gt_length. Qed.

Assoc List Lookup

From Undecidability.TM.Univ Require LookupAssociativeListTM Univ LowLevel.

Module Univ_nice.

  Import Univ.LookupAssociativeListTM.

  Section LookupAssociativeList_nice.

    Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_Compare_nice :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x x' : X) (y : Y) (xs : list (X * Y)),
          Lookup_Step_steps_Compare x x' y xs
             if Dec (x=x')
             then size x + size y + size xs + 1
             else size x' + size y + 1 }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Lookup_Step_steps_Compare. domWith_match.
      - subst. clear H. ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
        + eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig MoveValue_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
        + eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
        + eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
      - ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
        + eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
        + eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.

    Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList_nice :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (xs : list (X * Y)) (x : X),
          Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList xs x
             match xs with
             | [] => 1
             | (x', y) :: xs' =>
               if Dec (x=x')
               then size x + size y + size xs + 1
               else size x + size x' + size y + 1
             end }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList. domWith_match. domWith_approx. rename H into EqXs, xs0 into xs'. destruct x0 as (x',y).
      ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CompareValues_steps_nice). decide (x = x') as [ -> | Hd].
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. lia.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CasePair_steps_nice). decide (x = x') as [ -> | Hd].
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. lia.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Lookup_Step_steps_Compare_nice). decide (x = x') as [ -> | Hd].
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. lia.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. lia.
      - decide (x = x') as [ -> | Hd]; lia.

    Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_nice :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (xs : list (X * Y)) (x : X),
          Lookup_Step_steps xs x
             match xs with
             | [] => 1
             | (x', y) :: xs' =>
               if Dec (x=x')
               then size x + size y + size xs + 1
               else size x + size x' + size y + 1
             end }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Lookup_Step_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. 1: domWith_approx.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CaseList_steps_nice). destruct xs as [ | (x',y) ? ].
        + domWith_approx.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. decide (x = x') as [ -> | Hd]; lia.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Lookup_Step_steps_CaseList_nice)). destruct xs as [ | (x',y) ? ].
        + domWith_approx.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. decide (x = x') as [ -> | Hd]; lia.
      - destruct xs as [ | (x',y) ? ]. lia. decide (x = x') as [ -> | Hd]; lia.

    Lemma Lookup_Step_steps_nice' :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (xs : list (X * Y)) (x : X),
          Lookup_Step_steps xs x
             match xs with
             | [] => 1
             | (x', y) :: xs' =>
               if Dec (x=x')
               then (size x + 1) + size xs
               else (size x + 1) + size (x', y)
             end }.
      eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Lookup_Step_steps_nice).
      - domWith_approx.
      - rename xs0 into xs'. destruct x0 as (x',y).
        decide (x = x') as [-> | Hd].
        + rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
        + hnf. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. lia.

    Lemma Lookup_Loop_steps_eq (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)) :
      Lookup_Loop_steps x xs =
      match xs with
      | nil => Lookup_Step_steps xs x
      | (x',y) :: xs' => if Dec(x=x')
                        then Lookup_Step_steps xs x
                        else 1 + Lookup_Step_steps xs x + Lookup_Loop_steps x xs'
    Proof. now destruct xs. Qed.

    Lemma Lookup_Loop_steps_nice' :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)), Lookup_Loop_steps x xs <=(c) (size x + 1) * (size xs + 1) }.
      pose_nice Lookup_Step_steps_nice' Hc_Step c_Step.
      exists (c_Step + 1). intros. induction xs as [ | (x',y) xs' IH]; cbn [Lookup_Step_steps] in *.
      - rewrite Lookup_Loop_steps_eq. eapply dominatedWith_mono_c; [..|shelve].
        eapply dominatedWith_trans.
        + hnf. apply Hc_Step.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. unfold size. cbn. lia.
          Unshelve. lia.
      - rewrite Lookup_Loop_steps_eq. specialize Hc_Step with (xs:= ((x',y) :: xs')) (x:=x). cbn [Lookup_Loop_steps] in *. decide (x = x') as [ Heq | Hd].
        + hnf. rewrite Hc_Step. ring_simplify. clear_all. nia.
        + hnf. rewrite Hc_Step. hnf in IH. rewrite IH. ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_list_hasSize. cbn. ring_simplify. clear_all. nia.

    Lemma Lookup_Loop_steps_nice :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)), Lookup_Loop_steps x xs <=(c) (size x + 1) * size xs }.
      eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Lookup_Loop_steps_nice'). ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
      - apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size xs) by nia. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
      - apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size xs) by nia. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.

    Lemma Lookup_steps_nice :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)), Lookup_steps x xs <=(c) (size x + 1) * size xs }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Lookup_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CopyValue_steps_nice). domWith_approx. apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size xs) by nia. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (Lookup_Loop_steps_nice)). domWith_approx.
      - enough (1 <= size xs) by nia. rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1.

    Lemma Lookup_steps_nice' :
      { c | forall (sigX sigY : Type) (X : eqType) (Y : Type) (cX : codable sigX X) (cY : codable sigY Y) (x : X) (xs : list (X*Y)) (size_X_ge1 : forall (x : X), 1 <= size x), Lookup_steps x xs <=(c) size x * size xs }.
      eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Lookup_steps_nice). ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
      apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size x) by nia. apply size_X_ge1.

  End LookupAssociativeList_nice.

Some lemmas about the index position in a finite enumeration

  Lemma getPosition_le (X : finType) (A : list X) (x : X) :
    In x A ->
    getPosition A x < length A.
    intros. induction A as [ | a A' IH]; cbn in *.
    - tauto.
    - destruct H as [ <- | H].
      + decide (a = a) as [_ | ?]; [ | tauto]. lia.
      + decide (x = a) as [<- | HDec].
        * lia.
        * specialize IH with (1 := H). lia.

  Lemma index_le (E : finType) (x : E) : index x < length (enum : list E).
    unfold enum. unfold index.
    apply getPosition_le.
    apply countIn. setoid_rewrite enum_ok. lia.

  Arguments enum type {_}.

  Lemma fin_empty_or_element (X : finType) :
    ((forall (x : X), False) /\ enum X = nil) \/ (exists (x : X), enum X <> nil).
    destruct (enum X) eqn:E.
    - left. split; eauto. intros.
      enough (BasicDefinitions.count (enum X) x = 0).
      { rewrite enum_ok in H. congruence. }
      rewrite E. cbn. reflexivity.
    - right. exists e. congruence.

  Lemma prodLists_length (X Y : Type) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) :
    length (prodLists xs ys) = length xs * length ys.
    induction xs as [ | x xs' IH]; cbn in *.
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl_list. lia.

  Lemma prodLists_nil_Y_nil (X Y : Type) (xs : list X) (ys : list Y) :
    xs <> nil ->
    prodLists xs ys = nil ->
    ys = nil.
    pose proof prodLists_length xs ys.
    assert (0 < length xs) by (destruct xs; cbn in *; congruence||lia).
    rewrite H0 in H1; cbn in H1.
    assert (|ys| = 0) by nia.
    destruct ys; cbn in *; congruence||lia.

  Lemma fin_prod_nil_Y_nil (X Y : finType) :
    enum X <> nil ->
    enum (EqType(X*Y)) = nil ->
    enum Y = nil.
    pose proof fin_empty_or_element X as [ [H1 H2] | [x H] ].
    - cbn. unfold elem. rewrite !H2. cbn. congruence.
    - cbn. unfold elem. intros. eapply prodLists_nil_Y_nil; eauto.

  Lemma enum_not_nil (X : finType) (x : X) :
    enum X <> nil.
  Proof. pose proof fin_empty_or_element X as [ [H1 H2] | [x' H]]; auto. Qed.

  Lemma enum_length_ge1 (X : finType) :
    enum X <> [] ->
    1 <= | enum X |.
  Proof. destruct (enum X) eqn:E; cbn; congruence || lia. Qed.

  Import Univ.Univ Univ.LowLevel.

  Section Univ_nice.

Note that Univ actually needs to be instantiated with some retraction, but we don't need to do it here for the running time bounds
The alphabet of the simulated machine
    Implicit Type (sigM : finType).
The simulated machine

    Lemma DoAction'_steps_nice :
      { c | DoAction'_steps <=(c) 1 }.
    Proof. eexists. domWith_approx. Qed.

    Lemma ReadCurrent'_steps_nice :
      { c | ReadCurrent'_steps <=(c) 1 }.
    Proof. eexists. domWith_approx. Qed.

    Lemma Univ_Step_steps_CasePair_nice :
      { c | forall sigM (a : option sigM * move), Univ_Step_steps_CasePair a <=(c) 1 }.
      eexists. intros ?. unfold Univ_Step_steps_CasePair. intros (w,m). eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CasePair_steps_nice).
      domWith_approx. apply dominatedWith_solve. reflexivity.

    Definition number_of_states sigM (M : TM sigM 1): nat := length (enum (state M)).

    Lemma size_state_index_lt sigM (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) : size (index q) < size (number_of_states M).
    Proof. hnf. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. enough (index q < (number_of_states M)) by lia. apply index_le. Qed.

    Lemma size_state_index_le sigM (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) : size (index q) <= size (number_of_states M).
    Proof. apply Nat.lt_le_incl. apply size_state_index_lt. Qed.

    Lemma Univ_Step_steps_ConstrPair_nice :
      { c | forall sigM (tp : tape sigM), Univ_Step_steps_ConstrPair tp <=(c) 1 }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Univ_Step_steps_ConstrPair. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Constr_pair_steps_nice).
      domWith_approx. apply dominatedWith_solve. reflexivity.

    Lemma Univ_Step_steps_ResetSymbol_nice :
      { c | forall sigM (tp : tape sigM), Univ_Step_steps_ResetSymbol tp <=(c) 1 }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Univ_Step_steps_ResetSymbol. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Reset_steps_nice).
      domWith_approx. apply dominatedWith_solve. reflexivity.

    Lemma Encode_state_hasSize sigM (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) :
      size (halt q, index q) <= size (number_of_states M).
      setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. cbn. hnf.
      pose proof size_state_index_lt q. hnf in H. nia.

    Lemma IsFinal_steps_nice :
      { c | forall (b : bool), IsFinal_steps b <=(c) 1 }.
      eexists. intros. unfold IsFinal_steps. ring_simplify. apply dominatedWith_add_r; [ domWith_approx | reflexivity ].
      eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig CasePair_steps_nice). domWith_approx.
      rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. domWith_approx.

    Local Existing Instance Encode_graph.

    Lemma graph_of_fun_length (A : finType) (B : Type) (f : A -> B) :
      length (graph_of_fun f) = length (enum A).
    Proof. unfold graph_of_fun. now simpl_list. Qed.

    Lemma length_graph_is_number_of_states sigM (M : TM sigM 1):
      length (graph_of_TM M) = (number_of_states M) * (1 + length (elem sigM)).
      unfold graph_of_TM, number_of_states. simpl_list. setoid_rewrite graph_of_fun_length. cbn -[enum]. cbn. simpl_list.
      rewrite prodLists_length. simpl_list. ring_simplify. now rewrite Nat.mul_comm.

    Instance tam (x : nat) : Proper (lt --> Basics.flip Basics.impl) (le x).
    Proof. hnf. intros. cbn in *. hnf in *. intros. lia. Qed.

    Lemma Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1 sigM (M : TM sigM 1):
      1 <= size (graph_of_TM M).
    Proof. setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize. apply Encode_list_hasSize_ge1. Qed.

    Lemma Univ_Step_steps_Lookup_nice :
      { c | forall sigM (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M) (tp : tape sigM), Univ_Step_steps_Lookup q tp <=(c) size (number_of_states M) * size (graph_of_TM M) }.
      eexists. unfold Univ_Step_steps_Lookup. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig Lookup_steps_nice').
      - intros (s,(f,i)). setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. setoid_rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. lia. constructor.       - setoid_rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize; cbn [Encode_pair_size]. setoid_rewrite Encode_Finite_hasSize. ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. setoid_rewrite Encode_state_hasSize.
          apply Nat.eq_le_incl. reflexivity.
        + apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite <- Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1. rewrite Nat.mul_1_l. reflexivity.

    Lemma Univ_Step_steps_Translate_nice :
      { c | forall sigM (M : TM sigM 1) (q : state M), Univ_Step_steps_Translate q <=(c) size (number_of_states M) }.
      eexists. unfold Univ_Step_steps_Translate. intros.
      eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Translate_steps_nice).
      rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize. cbn. rewrite Encode_bool_hasSize. ring_simplify. domWith_approx.
      - apply dominatedWith_solve. apply size_state_index_le.
      - instantiate (1 := 2). hnf. enough (1 <= size (number_of_states M)) by lia. apply Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1.

    Lemma Univ_Step_steps_IsFinal_nice :
      { c | forall sigM M (q : state M) (tp : tape sigM),
          Univ_Step_steps_IsFinal q tp
             if halt q
             then 1
             else size (number_of_states M) * size (graph_of_TM M) }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Univ_Step_steps_IsFinal. domWith_match. domWith_approx. destruct trans as (q',acts) eqn:E. ring_simplify.
      specialize (Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1 (number_of_states M)) as ?.
      specialize ((Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1 M)) as ?. apply dominatedWith_add_r. domWith_approx.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Univ_Step_steps_ConstrPair_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Univ_Step_steps_ResetSymbol_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Univ_Step_steps_Lookup_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Univ_Step_steps_CasePair_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Univ_Step_steps_Translate_nice).
         eapply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
      - specialize (Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1 M) as ?. nia.

    Lemma Univ_Step_steps_nice :
      { c | forall sigM M (q : state M) (tp : tape sigM),
          Univ_Step_steps q tp
             if halt q
             then 1
             else size (number_of_states M) * size (graph_of_TM M) }.
      eexists. intros. unfold Univ_Step_steps. ring_simplify.
      specialize (Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1 (number_of_states M)) as ?.
      specialize ((Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1 M)) as ?.
      apply dominatedWith_add_r; [ domWith_approx | ].
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig IsFinal_steps_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. destruct halt; [lia | nia].
      - eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Univ_Step_steps_IsFinal_nice). apply dominatedWith_solve. reflexivity.
      - destruct halt; [lia | specialize (Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1 M)]. nia.

    Local Arguments Univ_Step_steps : simpl never.

    Lemma Univ_steps_nice :
      { c | forall sig (M: TM sig 1) (q : state M) (tp : tape sig) (k : nat), Univ_steps q tp k <=(c) size k * size (graph_of_TM M) * size (number_of_states M) }.
      pose_nice Univ_Step_steps_nice Hc_Step c_Step.
      exists (c_Step + 1). intros.

      specialize (Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1 (number_of_states M)) as ?.
      specialize ((Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1 M)) as ?.
      induction k as [ | k' IH] in q,tp|-*; cbn [Univ_steps] in *.
      -specialize (Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1 0) as ?.
        hnf. rewrite Hc_Step. destruct halt.
        + rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. nia.
        + rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. replace (size 0) with 1 by reflexivity. nia.
      -specialize (Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1 (S k')) as ?.
       specialize (Hc_Step _ M q tp). hnf. destruct halt eqn:E.
        + rewrite Hc_Step. change (S k') with (1+k') in *. ring_simplify.
        rewrite <- Encode_nat_hasSize_ge1. rewrite <- Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1. nia.
        + destruct (step (mk_mconfig q [|tp|])) as (q',tp') eqn:E'. specialize (IH q' tp'[@Fin0]); hnf in IH. rewrite IH. rewrite Hc_Step. clear_all.
          ring_simplify. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize. ring_simplify. enough (1 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia. apply Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1.

  End Univ_nice.

End Univ_nice.