From Undecidability.L Require Import Computability.MuRec.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat LOptions LProd Lists.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import DecidabilityFacts EnumerabilityFacts ListEnumerabilityFacts ReducibilityFacts.

Require Import Datatypes.

Inductive is_computable {A} {t : TT A} (a : A) : Prop :=
  C : computable a -> is_computable a.

Notation enumerates f p := (forall x, p x <-> exists n : nat, f n = Some x).

Definition L_decidable {X} `{encodable X} (P : X -> Prop) :=
  exists f : X -> bool, is_computable f /\ forall x, P x <-> f x = true.

Definition L_enumerable {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
  exists f : nat -> option X, is_computable f /\ (enumerates f p).

Definition L_recognisable {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
  exists f : X -> nat -> bool, is_computable f /\ forall x, p x <-> exists n, f x n = true.

Definition L_recognisable' {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
  exists s : term, forall x, p x <-> converges ( s (enc x)).

Section L_enum_rec.

  Variable X : Type.
  Context `{encodable X}.
  Variable (p : X -> Prop).

  Hypotheses (f : nat -> option X) (c_f : computable f) (H_f : enumerates f p).
  Hypotheses (d : X -> X -> bool) (c_d : computable d) (H_d : forall x y, reflect (x = y) (d x y)).

  Definition test := (fun x n => match f n with Some y => d x y | None => false end).

  Instance term_test : computable test.
  Proof using c_f c_d.

  Import HOAS_Notations.

  Lemma proc_test (x : X) :
    proc [L_HOAS λ y, !!(ext test) !!(enc x) y].
    cbn. Lproc.

  Lemma L_enumerable_recognisable :
    L_recognisable' p.
  Proof using c_f c_d H_f H_d.
    exists [L_HOAS λ x, !!mu (λ y, !!(ext test) x y)].
    intros. split; intros.
    - eapply H_f in H0 as [n H0].
      edestruct (mu_complete (proc_test x)) with (n := n).
      + intros. exists (test x n0). cbn. now Lsimpl.
      + cbn. Lsimpl. unfold test. rewrite H0. destruct (H_d x x); intuition.
      + exists (ext x0). split; try Lproc.
        cbn. Lsimpl. now rewrite H1.
    - destruct H0 as (v & ? & ?).
      edestruct (mu_sound (proc_test x)) with (v := v) as (n & ? & ? & _).
      + intros. exists (test x n). cbn. now Lsimpl.
      + Lproc.
      + rewrite <- H0. symmetry. cbn. now Lsimpl.
      + subst. eapply H_f. exists n.
        assert ([L_HOAS (λ y, !! (ext test) !! (enc x) y) !!(ext n)] == ext (test x n)).
        cbn. now Lsimpl. cbn in *. rewrite H2 in *.
        eapply unique_normal_forms in H3;[|Lproc..].
        eapply inj_enc in H3.
        unfold test in H3. destruct (f n); inv H3.
        destruct (H_d x x0); firstorder congruence.

End L_enum_rec.

Definition opt_to_list n := match nat_enum n with Some x => [x] | None => [] end.

Instance term_opt_to_list : computable opt_to_list.

Definition L_nat := cumul (opt_to_list).

Instance term_L_nat : computable L_nat.
  unfold L_nat. unfold cumul.

Require Import Undecidability.Shared.embed_nat Nat.

Definition F' := (fix F (n : nat) : nat := match n with
                                                           | 0 => 0
                                                           | S n0 => S n0 + F n0

Instance term_F' : computable F'.

Definition F'' := (fix F (n0 : nat) : nat * nat := match n0 with
                                                     | 0 => (0, 0)
                                                     | S n1 => match F n1 with
                                                               | (0, y) => (S y, 0)
                                                               | (S x0, y) => (x0, S y)

Instance term_F'' : computable F''.

Instance term_embed_nat : computable embed.
  change (computable (fun '(x, y) => y + F' (y + x))).

Instance term_unembed_nat : computable unembed.
  unfold unembed.
  change (computable F'').
  exact term_F''.

Definition lenumerates {X} L (p : X -> Prop) :=
  cumulative L /\ (forall x : X, p x <-> (exists m : nat, x el L m)).

Definition L_enum {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :=
  exists L, is_computable L /\ lenumerates L p.

Lemma projection X Y {HX : encodable X} {HY : encodable Y} (p : X * Y -> Prop) :
  L_enumerable p -> L_enumerable (fun x => exists y, p (x,y)).
  intros (f & [cf] & ?).
  exists (fun n => match f n with Some (x, y) => Some x | None => None end).
  - econstructor. extract.
  - intros; split.
    + intros [y ?]. eapply H in H0 as [n]. exists n. now rewrite H0.
    + intros [n ?]. destruct (f n) as [ [] | ] eqn:E; inv H0.
      exists y. eapply H. eauto.

Lemma L_enumerable_ext X `{encodable X} p q : L_enumerable p -> (forall x : X, p x <-> q x) -> L_enumerable q.
  intros (f & cf & Hf) He. exists f; split; eauto.
  intros ?. rewrite <- He. eapply Hf.

Definition F1 {X} (T : nat -> list X) := (fun n => let (n, m) := unembed n in nth_error (T n) m).

Instance term_F1 {X} {H : encodable X} : @computable ((nat -> list X) -> nat -> option X) ((! nat ~> ! list X) ~> ! nat ~> ! option X) (@F1 X).

Lemma L_enumerable_enum {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :
  L_enum p -> L_enumerable p.
  intros (f & [cf] & Hf).
  exists (F1 f). split.
  - econstructor. extract.
  - destruct Hf as [CX HX].
    intros x. unfold F1.
    now rewrite list_enumerator_to_enumerator.

Lemma L_enumerable_halt {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :
  L_decidable (X := X * X) (fun '(x,y) => x = y) ->
  L_enumerable p -> p converges.
  intros (d & [c_d] & H_d) (f & [c_f] & H_f).
  edestruct L_enumerable_recognisable with (p := p) (d := fun x y => d (x,y)) (f := f); eauto.
  - extract.
  - intros. specialize (H_d (x,y)). destruct (d (x,y)); intuition.
  - now exists (fun x0 => x (enc x0)).

Import L_Notations.

Lemma L_recognisable'_recognisable {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :
  L_recognisable p -> L_recognisable' p.
  intros (f & [c_f] & H_f).
  exists (lam (mu (lam (ext f 1 0)))).
  assert (((lam (mu (lam ((ext f 1) 0)))) (enc x)) >* mu (lam (ext f (enc x) 0))) by now Lsimpl.
  rewrite H0. rewrite mu_spec.
  - rewrite H_f. split; intros [n]; exists n.
    Lsimpl. now rewrite H1.
    eapply enc_extinj.
    now assert ((lam (((ext f) (enc x)) 0)) (ext n) == enc (f x n)) as <- by now Lsimpl.
  - Lproc.
  - intros. exists (f x n). now Lsimpl.

Lemma L_recognisable_halt {X} `{encodable X} (p : X -> Prop) :
  L_recognisable p -> p converges.
  intros. eapply L_recognisable'_recognisable in H0 as (f & H_f). now exists (fun x0 => f (enc x0)).