From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics.
From Undecidability.L Require Import UpToC.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Functions.EqBool.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Export List.List_enc.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section list_in.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (eqb : X -> X -> bool).
Variable eqb_correct : forall a b, a = b <-> eqb a b = true.
Definition list_in_decb := fix rec (l : list X) (x : X) : bool :=
match l with [] => false
| (l :: ls) => eqb l x || rec ls x
Lemma list_in_decb_iff (l : list X) : forall x, list_in_decb l x = true <-> x el l.
Proof using eqb_correct.
intros x. induction l.
- cbn. firstorder.
- split.
+ intros [H1 | H1]%orb_true_elim. left. now apply eqb_correct.
apply IHl in H1. now right.
+ intros [H | H].
cbn. apply orb_true_intro; left; now apply eqb_correct.
cbn. apply orb_true_intro; right; now apply IHl.
Lemma list_in_decb_iff' (l : list X) : forall x, list_in_decb l x = false <-> not (x el l).
Proof using eqb_correct.
intros x. split.
- intros H H'. apply list_in_decb_iff in H'. congruence.
- intros H'. destruct (list_in_decb l x) eqn:H.
+ now apply list_in_decb_iff in H.
+ reflexivity.
Fixpoint list_incl_decb (a b : list X) :=
match a with
| [] => true
| (x::a) => list_in_decb b x && list_incl_decb a b
Lemma list_incl_decb_iff (a b : list X) : a <<= b <-> list_incl_decb a b = true.
Proof using eqb_correct.
induction a; cbn; [firstorder | ].
split; intros.
- rewrite andb_true_iff. split; [ | apply IHa; firstorder].
apply list_in_decb_iff; firstorder.
- apply andb_true_iff in H as (H1 & H2). intros x [-> | H3].
+ now apply list_in_decb_iff.
+ apply IHa in H2. apply H2, H3.
Lemma list_incl_decb_iff' (a b : list X) : not (a <<= b) <-> list_incl_decb a b = false.
Proof using eqb_correct.
- intros H'. destruct (list_incl_decb a b) eqn:H.
+ now apply list_incl_decb_iff in H.
+ reflexivity.
- intros H H'. apply list_incl_decb_iff in H'. congruence.
End list_in.
Section list_in_time.
Variable (X : Type).
Context {H : encodable X}.
Context (eqbX : X -> X -> bool).
Context {Xeq : eqbClass eqbX}.
Context {XeqbComp : eqbCompT X}.
Definition c__listInDecb := 21.
Fixpoint list_in_decb_time (l : list X) (e : X) :=
match l with
| [] => c__listInDecb
| x :: l => eqbTime (X := X) (size (enc x)) (size (enc e)) + c__listInDecb + list_in_decb_time l e
Global Instance term_list_in_decb : computableTime' (@list_in_decb X eqbX) (fun l _ => (5, fun x _ => (list_in_decb_time l x, tt))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold c__listInDecb; solverec.
Definition c__list_incl_decb := 22.
Fixpoint list_incl_decb_time (a b : list X) :=
match a with
| [] => c__list_incl_decb
| (x::a) => list_in_decb_time b x + list_incl_decb_time a b + c__list_incl_decb
Global Instance term_list_incl_decb : computableTime' (@list_incl_decb X eqbX)
(fun a _ => (5, fun b _ => (list_incl_decb_time a b, tt))).
extract. solverec. all: unfold c__list_incl_decb; solverec.
End list_in_time.
Section dupfree_dec.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (eqbX : X -> X -> bool).
Variable (eqbX_correct : forall a b, a = b <-> eqbX a b = true).
Fixpoint dupfreeb (l : list X) : bool :=
match l with [] => true
| (x :: ls) => negb (list_in_decb eqbX ls x) && dupfreeb ls
Lemma dupfreeb_correct (l : list X) : reflect (dupfree l) (dupfreeb l).
Proof using eqbX_correct.
destruct dupfreeb eqn:H; constructor.
- induction l; constructor. all: cbn in H; apply andb_prop in H.
all: cbn in H; destruct H. apply ssrbool.negbTE in H.
now intros H1%(list_in_decb_iff eqbX_correct).
now apply IHl.
- intros H0. induction H0. cbn in H; congruence.
apply IHdupfree. cbn in H; apply andb_false_elim in H. destruct H.
apply ssrbool.negbFE in e. apply (list_in_decb_iff eqbX_correct) in e. tauto.
Lemma dupfreeb_iff (l : list X) : dupfreeb l = true <-> dupfree l.
Proof using eqbX_correct.
specialize (dupfreeb_correct l) as H0.
destruct dupfreeb. inv H0. split; eauto. inv H0; split; eauto.
End dupfree_dec.
Section dupfree_dec_time.
Context {X : Type}.
Context {H : encodable X}.
Context (eqbX : X -> X -> bool).
Context {Xeq : eqbClass eqbX}.
Context {XeqbComp : eqbCompT X}.
Definition c__dupfreeb := 25.
Fixpoint dupfreeb_time (l : list X) :=
match l with
| [] => c__dupfreeb
| l :: ls => list_in_decb_time ls l + c__dupfreeb + dupfreeb_time ls
Global Instance term_dupfreeb: computableTime' (@dupfreeb X eqbX) (fun l _ => (dupfreeb_time l, tt)).
solverec. all: unfold c__dupfreeb; solverec.
End dupfree_dec_time.
From Undecidability.L Require Import UpToC.
From Undecidability.L Require Import Functions.EqBool.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Export List.List_enc.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Section list_in.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (eqb : X -> X -> bool).
Variable eqb_correct : forall a b, a = b <-> eqb a b = true.
Definition list_in_decb := fix rec (l : list X) (x : X) : bool :=
match l with [] => false
| (l :: ls) => eqb l x || rec ls x
Lemma list_in_decb_iff (l : list X) : forall x, list_in_decb l x = true <-> x el l.
Proof using eqb_correct.
intros x. induction l.
- cbn. firstorder.
- split.
+ intros [H1 | H1]%orb_true_elim. left. now apply eqb_correct.
apply IHl in H1. now right.
+ intros [H | H].
cbn. apply orb_true_intro; left; now apply eqb_correct.
cbn. apply orb_true_intro; right; now apply IHl.
Lemma list_in_decb_iff' (l : list X) : forall x, list_in_decb l x = false <-> not (x el l).
Proof using eqb_correct.
intros x. split.
- intros H H'. apply list_in_decb_iff in H'. congruence.
- intros H'. destruct (list_in_decb l x) eqn:H.
+ now apply list_in_decb_iff in H.
+ reflexivity.
Fixpoint list_incl_decb (a b : list X) :=
match a with
| [] => true
| (x::a) => list_in_decb b x && list_incl_decb a b
Lemma list_incl_decb_iff (a b : list X) : a <<= b <-> list_incl_decb a b = true.
Proof using eqb_correct.
induction a; cbn; [firstorder | ].
split; intros.
- rewrite andb_true_iff. split; [ | apply IHa; firstorder].
apply list_in_decb_iff; firstorder.
- apply andb_true_iff in H as (H1 & H2). intros x [-> | H3].
+ now apply list_in_decb_iff.
+ apply IHa in H2. apply H2, H3.
Lemma list_incl_decb_iff' (a b : list X) : not (a <<= b) <-> list_incl_decb a b = false.
Proof using eqb_correct.
- intros H'. destruct (list_incl_decb a b) eqn:H.
+ now apply list_incl_decb_iff in H.
+ reflexivity.
- intros H H'. apply list_incl_decb_iff in H'. congruence.
End list_in.
Section list_in_time.
Variable (X : Type).
Context {H : encodable X}.
Context (eqbX : X -> X -> bool).
Context {Xeq : eqbClass eqbX}.
Context {XeqbComp : eqbCompT X}.
Definition c__listInDecb := 21.
Fixpoint list_in_decb_time (l : list X) (e : X) :=
match l with
| [] => c__listInDecb
| x :: l => eqbTime (X := X) (size (enc x)) (size (enc e)) + c__listInDecb + list_in_decb_time l e
Global Instance term_list_in_decb : computableTime' (@list_in_decb X eqbX) (fun l _ => (5, fun x _ => (list_in_decb_time l x, tt))).
extract. solverec.
all: unfold c__listInDecb; solverec.
Definition c__list_incl_decb := 22.
Fixpoint list_incl_decb_time (a b : list X) :=
match a with
| [] => c__list_incl_decb
| (x::a) => list_in_decb_time b x + list_incl_decb_time a b + c__list_incl_decb
Global Instance term_list_incl_decb : computableTime' (@list_incl_decb X eqbX)
(fun a _ => (5, fun b _ => (list_incl_decb_time a b, tt))).
extract. solverec. all: unfold c__list_incl_decb; solverec.
End list_in_time.
Section dupfree_dec.
Variable (X : Type).
Variable (eqbX : X -> X -> bool).
Variable (eqbX_correct : forall a b, a = b <-> eqbX a b = true).
Fixpoint dupfreeb (l : list X) : bool :=
match l with [] => true
| (x :: ls) => negb (list_in_decb eqbX ls x) && dupfreeb ls
Lemma dupfreeb_correct (l : list X) : reflect (dupfree l) (dupfreeb l).
Proof using eqbX_correct.
destruct dupfreeb eqn:H; constructor.
- induction l; constructor. all: cbn in H; apply andb_prop in H.
all: cbn in H; destruct H. apply ssrbool.negbTE in H.
now intros H1%(list_in_decb_iff eqbX_correct).
now apply IHl.
- intros H0. induction H0. cbn in H; congruence.
apply IHdupfree. cbn in H; apply andb_false_elim in H. destruct H.
apply ssrbool.negbFE in e. apply (list_in_decb_iff eqbX_correct) in e. tauto.
Lemma dupfreeb_iff (l : list X) : dupfreeb l = true <-> dupfree l.
Proof using eqbX_correct.
specialize (dupfreeb_correct l) as H0.
destruct dupfreeb. inv H0. split; eauto. inv H0; split; eauto.
End dupfree_dec.
Section dupfree_dec_time.
Context {X : Type}.
Context {H : encodable X}.
Context (eqbX : X -> X -> bool).
Context {Xeq : eqbClass eqbX}.
Context {XeqbComp : eqbCompT X}.
Definition c__dupfreeb := 25.
Fixpoint dupfreeb_time (l : list X) :=
match l with
| [] => c__dupfreeb
| l :: ls => list_in_decb_time ls l + c__dupfreeb + dupfreeb_time ls
Global Instance term_dupfreeb: computableTime' (@dupfreeb X eqbX) (fun l _ => (dupfreeb_time l, tt)).
solverec. all: unfold c__dupfreeb; solverec.
End dupfree_dec_time.