From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LFinType LBool LProd Lists.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import EqBool.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Section Lookup.
  Variable X Y : Type.
  Context {eqbX : X -> X -> bool}.
  Context `{eqbClass X eqbX}.

  Fixpoint lookup (x:X) (A:list (X*Y)) d: Y :=
    match A with
      [] => d
    | (key,Lproc)::A =>
      if eqb x key then Lproc else lookup x A d

  Context `{encodable X} `{@eqbCompT X _ eqbX _}.

  Definition lookupTime (x:nat) (l:list (X*Y)):=
    fold_right (fun '(a,b) res => eqbTime (X:=X) x (size (enc (a:X))) + res +24) 4 l.

  Global Instance term_lookup `{encodable Y}:
    computableTime' (lookup) (fun x _ => (5, fun l _ => (1, fun d _ => (lookupTime (size (enc x)) l,tt)))).
  unfold lookup. unfold eqb.
  extract. unfold lookupTime. solverec.

  Lemma lookupTime_leq x (l:list (X*Y)):
    lookupTime x l <= length l * (x* c__eqbComp X + 24) + 4.
    induction l as [ | [a b] l].
    -cbn. lia.
    -unfold lookupTime. cbn [fold_right]. fold (lookupTime x l).
     rewrite eqbTime_le_l.
     setoid_rewrite IHl. cbn [length].
     ring_simplify. unfold eqb. lia.

End Lookup.

Section funTable.

  Variable X : finType.
  Variable Y : Type.
  Variable f : X -> Y.

  Definition funTable :=
    map (fun x => (x,f x)) (elem X).

  Variable (eqbX : X -> X -> bool).
  Context `{eqbClass X eqbX}.

  Lemma lookup_funTable x d:
    lookup x funTable d = f x.
    unfold funTable.
    specialize (elem_spec x).
    generalize (elem X) as l.
    induction l;cbn;intros Hel.
    -destruct (eqb_spec x a).
     +destruct Hel. 1:congruence.

End funTable.

Lemma lookup_sound' (A: Type) (B: Type) eqbA `{eqbClass (X:=A) eqbA} (L : list (prod A B)) a b def :
  (forall a' b1 b2, (a',b1) el L -> (a',b2) el L -> b1=b2) -> ( (a,b) el L \/ ((forall b', ~ (a,b') el L) /\ b = def) ) -> lookup a L def = b.
  intros H1 H2.
  induction L as [ |[a' b'] L]. now intuition.
  destruct (eqb_spec a a').
  -subst a. destruct H2.
   2:now exfalso.
   eapply H1. all:easy.
  -apply IHL. all:intros.
   +eapply H1. all:eauto.
   +destruct H2 as [[]|]. all:easy.

Lemma lookup_sound (A: Type) (B: Type) eqbA `{eqbClass (X:=A) eqbA} (L : list (A * B)) a b def :
  (forall a' b1 b2, (a', b1) el L -> (a', b2) el L -> b1 = b2) -> (a, b) el L -> lookup a L def = b.
  intros H1 H2. induction L; cbn; [ destruct H2 | ].
  destruct a0 as [a0 b0]. specialize (H a a0) as Heqb. apply reflect_iff in Heqb.
  unfold EqBool.eqb.
  destruct eqbA.
  - specialize (proj2 Heqb eq_refl) as ->.
    destruct H2 as [H2 | H2]; [easy | ].
    apply (H1 a0); easy.
  - assert (not (a = a0)). { intros ->. easy. }
    destruct H2 as [H2 | H2]; [ congruence | ].
    apply IHL in H2; [easy | intros; now eapply H1].

Lemma lookup_complete (A: Type) (B: Type) eqbA `{eqbClass (X:=A) eqbA} (L : list (prod A B)) a def :
  {(a,lookup a L def) el L } + {~(exists b, (a,b) el L) /\ lookup a L def = def}.
  induction L as [ |[a' b'] L].
  -cbn. right. firstorder.
  -cbn. destruct (eqb_spec a a').
   1:{ do 2 left. congruence. }
   destruct IHL as [|[? eq]];[left|right].
   +split. 2:easy.
    now intros (?&[]).

Section finFun.
  Context (X : finType) Y {reg__X:encodable X} {reg__Y:encodable Y}.
  Context {eqbX : X -> X -> bool} `{eqbClass X eqbX} `{H0 : @eqbCompT X _ eqbX _}.

  Lemma finFun_computableTime_const (f:X -> Y) (d:Y):
    {c & computableTime' f (fun _ _ => (c,tt))}.
  Proof using H0.
    evar (c:nat). exists c.
    apply computableTimeExt with (x:= (fun c => lookup c (funTable f) d )).
    { cbn. intros ?. now rewrite lookup_funTable. }
    solverec. rewrite lookupTime_leq.
    unfold funTable. rewrite map_length,size_finType_any_le. unfold c. reflexivity.
End finFun.