From Undecidability.L Require Import Tactics.LTactics.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat LSum LOptions.
Require Export Undecidability.L.Prelim.LoopSum.
Section loopSum.
Variable X Y : Type.
Context `{encodable X}.
Context `{encodable Y}.
Fixpoint time_loopSum (f: X -> X + Y) (fT : timeComplexity (X -> X + Y))
(n:nat) (x : X) {struct n}:=
4 + match n with
| 0 => 0
| S n' => fst (fT x tt)
+ match f x with
inl x' => time_loopSum f fT n' x'
| inr x => 0
end + 11.
Global Instance termT_loopSum : computableTime' (@loopSum X Y) (fun n _ => (5,fun f fT => (1,fun x _ => (time_loopSum f fT n x,tt)))).
End loopSum.
Lemma time_loopSum_bound_onlyByN {X Y} (H : encodable X) (H0 : encodable Y) (f:X -> X + Y) fT (P: nat -> _ -> Prop) boundL boundR:
(forall n x, P n x -> match f x with
| inl x' => P (S n) x' /\ fst (fT x tt) <= boundL
| inr y => forall n', n <= n' -> fst (fT x tt) <= boundL + boundR n'
end) ->
forall n x,
P 0 x ->
time_loopSum f fT n x <= n * (boundL + 15) + boundR n + 15.
intros H' n x.
pose (n':=n). assert (Hleq : n<=n') by (cbn;lia).
replace 0 with (n'-n) at 1 by (cbn;lia).
replace (boundR n) with (boundR n') by reflexivity.
clearbody n'.
induction n in x,Hleq |-*. 1:now cbn;Lia.nia.
intros HPx.
cbn -[plus].
specialize H' with (x:=x).
destruct (f x).
-edestruct H' as [? ->]. eassumption. rewrite IHn. 2:easy. Lia.lia. replace (n'-n) with (S (n'-S n)) by Lia.nia. eassumption.
-rewrite H' with (n':=n'). 2:easy. all:Lia.lia.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat LSum LOptions.
Require Export Undecidability.L.Prelim.LoopSum.
Section loopSum.
Variable X Y : Type.
Context `{encodable X}.
Context `{encodable Y}.
Fixpoint time_loopSum (f: X -> X + Y) (fT : timeComplexity (X -> X + Y))
(n:nat) (x : X) {struct n}:=
4 + match n with
| 0 => 0
| S n' => fst (fT x tt)
+ match f x with
inl x' => time_loopSum f fT n' x'
| inr x => 0
end + 11.
Global Instance termT_loopSum : computableTime' (@loopSum X Y) (fun n _ => (5,fun f fT => (1,fun x _ => (time_loopSum f fT n x,tt)))).
End loopSum.
Lemma time_loopSum_bound_onlyByN {X Y} (H : encodable X) (H0 : encodable Y) (f:X -> X + Y) fT (P: nat -> _ -> Prop) boundL boundR:
(forall n x, P n x -> match f x with
| inl x' => P (S n) x' /\ fst (fT x tt) <= boundL
| inr y => forall n', n <= n' -> fst (fT x tt) <= boundL + boundR n'
end) ->
forall n x,
P 0 x ->
time_loopSum f fT n x <= n * (boundL + 15) + boundR n + 15.
intros H' n x.
pose (n':=n). assert (Hleq : n<=n') by (cbn;lia).
replace 0 with (n'-n) at 1 by (cbn;lia).
replace (boundR n) with (boundR n') by reflexivity.
clearbody n'.
induction n in x,Hleq |-*. 1:now cbn;Lia.nia.
intros HPx.
cbn -[plus].
specialize H' with (x:=x).
destruct (f x).
-edestruct H' as [? ->]. eassumption. rewrite IHn. 2:easy. Lia.lia. replace (n'-n) with (S (n'-S n)) by Lia.nia. eassumption.
-rewrite H' with (n':=n'). 2:easy. all:Lia.lia.