From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LNat Lists LProd LFinType LVector .
From Undecidability.L Require Import Functions.FinTypeLookup Functions.EqBool.

From Undecidability.L Require Import TM.TapeFuns.

From Undecidability.TM Require Import TM_facts.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Local Notation L := TM.Lmove.
Local Notation R := TM.Rmove.
Local Notation N := TM.Nmove.

Section loopM.
  Context (sig : finType).
  Let reg_sig := @encodable_finType sig.
  Existing Instance reg_sig.

  Let eqb_sig := eqbFinType_inst (X:=sig).
  Existing Instance eqb_sig.
  Variable n : nat.
  Variable M : TM sig n.

  Let reg_state := @encodable_finType (state M).
  Existing Instance reg_state.

  Let eqb_state := eqbFinType_inst (X:=state M).
  Existing Instance eqb_state.
  Import Vector.

  Local Definition c__trans :=
       (length ( elem (state M) ) * 4 + (n * (4 * length ( elem sig ) + 10) + 4) + 4) *
       c__eqbComp (finType_CS (state M * VectorDef.t (option sig) n)).
  Definition transTime := (| funTable (trans (m:=M)) |) * (c__trans + 24) + 4 + 9.
  Global Instance term_trans : computableTime' (trans (m:=M)) (fun _ _ => (transTime,tt)).
    pose (t:= (funTable (trans (m:=M)))).
    apply computableTimeExt with (x:= (fun c => lookup c t (start M,Vector.const (None , N) _ ) )).
    2:{ remember t as lock__t .
         extract. solverec. subst lock__t .
        rewrite lookupTime_leq.
                                        setoid_rewrite size_prod;cbn [fst snd].
         unfold reg_state;rewrite (size_finType_le a).

         rewrite enc_vector_eq. evar (c__elem' : nat).
         evar (c__elem : nat).
         rewrite size_list,sumn_le_bound with (c:=c__elem).
           intros ? (?&<-&?)%in_map_iff.
           rewrite LOptions.size_option.
           [c__elem]: exact( c__elem' + 10). subst c__elem.
           destruct x. 2: { unfold c__listsizeCons. lia. }
           unfold reg_sig;rewrite (size_finType_le e).
           [c__elem']: exact (4 * (| elem sig |)). subst c__elem'. unfold c__listsizeCons. lia.
         rewrite map_length,to_list_length.
         unfold c__elem',transTime,c__trans,t,c__elem. reflexivity.
    cbn -[t] ;intro. subst t. setoid_rewrite lookup_funTable. reflexivity.

  Definition step' (c : mconfig sig (state M) n) : mconfig sig (state M) n :=
    let (news, actions) := trans (cstate c, current_chars (ctapes c)) in
    mk_mconfig news (doAct_multi (ctapes c) actions).

  Global Instance term_doAct_multi: computableTime' (doAct_multi (n:=n) (sig:=sig)) (fun _ _ => (1,fun _ _ =>(n * 108 + 123,tt))).
    rewrite time_map2_leq with (k:=90).
    2:now solverec.
    solverec. now rewrite to_list_length.

  Global Instance term_step' : computableTime' (step (M:=M)) (fun _ _ => (n* 130+ transTime + 172,tt)).

  Local Definition cHalt := ((| elem (state M) |) * 4 * c__eqbComp (state M) + 24).

  Definition haltTime := length (funTable (halt (m:=M))) * cHalt + 12.

  Global Instance term_halt : computableTime' (halt (m:=M)) (fun _ _ => (haltTime,tt)).
    pose (t:= (funTable (halt (m:=M)))).
    apply computableTimeExt with (x:= fun c => lookup c t false).
       rewrite lookupTime_leq.
       unfold reg_state at 1;rewrite size_finType_le.
       unfold haltTime. subst t. unfold cHalt. nia.
    cbn;intro. subst t. setoid_rewrite lookup_funTable. reflexivity.

  Global Instance term_haltConf : computableTime' (haltConf (M:=M)) (fun _ _ => (haltTime+8,tt)).

  Global Instance term_loopM :
  let c1 := (haltTime + n*130 + transTime + 85 + 108) in
    let c2 := 15 + haltTime in
    computableTime' (loopM (M:=M)) (fun _ _ => (5,fun k _ => (c1 * k + c2,tt))).
    unfold loopM.     extract.

  Instance term_test cfg :
    computable (fun k => LOptions.isSome (loopM (M := M) cfg k)).

End loopM.