From PslBase Require Import Base FinTypes.
From Undecidability.L.Complexity Require Import MorePrelim Problems.Cook.TPR Problems.Cook.PR.
Require Import Lia.

*Reduction of 3-PR to PR.

Section fixInstance.
  Variable (FSigma : Type).
  Variable (Finit : list FSigma).
  Variable (Fwindows : list (TPRWin FSigma)).
  Variable (Ffinal : list (list FSigma)).
  Variable (Fsteps : nat).

  Definition TPRWin_to_PRWin (X : Type) (win : TPRWin X) := Build_PRWin (TPRWinP_to_list (TPR.prem win)) (TPRWinP_to_list (TPR.conc win)).

  Definition PR_windows := map (@TPRWin_to_PRWin FSigma) Fwindows.

  Hint Constructors PR.valid.
  Hint Constructors TPR.valid.

  Lemma valid_agree (s1 s2 : list FSigma) :
    |s1| >= 3 -> TPR.valid (rewritesHeadList Fwindows) s1 s2 <-> PR.valid 1 3 PR_windows s1 s2.
    intros; split.
    - induction 1.
      + eauto.
      + cbn in H; lia.
      + replace (x :: a) with ([x] ++ a) by now cbn. replace (y :: b) with ([y] ++ b) by now cbn.
        destruct H1 as (win & H3 & H4).
        destruct (le_lt_dec 3 (|a|)) as [H2 | H2].
        * econstructor 3; [apply IHvalid; lia | easy | easy | apply in_map_iff | ].
          -- exists win. split; [reflexivity | easy].
          -- unfold rewritesHead. cbn. easy.
        * assert (|a| = 2) as H1 by now cbn in H. clear H2 H IHvalid.
          apply TPR.valid_length_inv in H0. rewrite H1 in H0.
          list_length_inv. econstructor 3; [ eapply valid_vacuous with (m := 2); cbn; eauto | easy | easy | | ].
          -- apply in_map_iff. exists win; split; [ reflexivity | easy].
          -- destruct H4. cbn; split; eauto.
    - induction 1.
      + eauto.
      + rewrite app_length in H; lia.
      + list_length_inv. cbn in *. unfold PR_windows in H3. apply in_map_iff in H3 as (win' & <- & H3).
        destruct (le_lt_dec 3 (|a|)) as [H1 | H1].
        * econstructor 3; [ apply IHvalid; lia | exists win'; split; [ apply H3 | ]].
          destruct H4; split; eauto.
        * assert (|a| = 2) by lia. clear IHvalid H1 H. apply valid_length_inv in H0. rewrite H2 in H0.
          list_length_inv. constructor 3; [ apply TPR.valid_vacuous; cbn; eauto| ].
          exists win'; split; [apply H3 | ]. destruct H4; split; eauto.

  Lemma relpower_valid_agree k (s1 s2 : list FSigma) :
    |s1| >= 3 -> relpower (TPR.valid (rewritesHeadList Fwindows)) k s1 s2 <-> relpower (PR.valid 1 3 PR_windows) k s1 s2.
    intros; split; induction 1; [ eauto | | eauto | ].
    - econstructor; [ apply valid_agree; [apply H | apply H0] | apply IHrelpower].
      apply TPR.valid_length_inv in H0; lia.
    - econstructor; [ apply valid_agree; [ apply H | apply H0] | apply IHrelpower].
      apply valid_length_inv in H0; lia.

  Lemma final_agree (s : list FSigma) : |s| = |Finit| -> TPR.satFinal Ffinal s <-> PR.satFinal 1 (length Finit) Ffinal s.
    unfold TPR.satFinal, satFinal. setoid_rewrite Nat.mul_1_r. split; intros.
    - destruct H0 as (subs & H1 & H2). exists subs.
      destruct H2 as (b1 & b2 & ->).
      exists (|b1|). split; [ apply H1 | ].
      rewrite skipn_app; [ | easy].
      split; [ rewrite !app_length in H; lia | now exists b2].
    - destruct H0 as (subs & k & H1 & H2 & (b & H3)). exists subs. split; [ apply H1 | ].
      unfold substring.
      setoid_rewrite <- (firstn_skipn k s). setoid_rewrite H3.
      exists (firstn k s), b. easy.
End fixInstance.

Definition PR_instance (tpr : TPR) := Build_PR 1 3 (TPR.init tpr) (PR_windows ( tpr)) ( tpr) (TPR.steps tpr).

Lemma TPR_to_PR (tpr : TPR) : TPRLang tpr <-> PRLang (PR_instance tpr).
  split; intros.
  - destruct H as (H & sf & H1 & H2). split; [ | exists sf; repeat split].
    + repeat split; cbn in *; [ lia | lia | exists 3; split; lia | apply H | | | ].
      * unfold PR_windows in *. apply in_map_iff in H0 as (win' & <- & H0). cbn. destruct win', prem, conc; now cbn.
      * unfold PR_windows in *. apply in_map_iff in H0 as (win' & <- & H0). cbn. destruct win', prem, conc; now cbn.
      * setoid_rewrite Nat.mul_1_r. eauto.
    + apply relpower_valid_agree, H1. apply H.
    + apply final_agree, H2. apply TPR.relpower_valid_length_inv in H1; cbn. lia.
  - destruct H as (H1 & sf & H2 & H3). split; [ | exists sf; repeat split]; cbn in *.
    + destruct H1 as (_ & _ & _ & H1 &_). cbn in H1. apply H1.
    + apply relpower_valid_agree; [ apply H1 | apply H2].
    + eapply final_agree, H3. apply relpower_valid_length_inv in H2. lia.