Theorem: Univ can simulate multi-tape Turing machines with polynominal time and linear space overhead

From Undecidability Require Import TM.Code.ProgrammingTools.
From Undecidability Require Import TM.Univ.StepTM. From Undecidability Require Import TM.Single.EncodeTapes TM.Single.StepTM.
From Undecidability Require Import PrettyBounds PrettyBounds.SizeBounds MaxList.
From Undecidability Require UnivBounds.
From Undecidability Require UnivSpaceBounds.
From Undecidability Require M2MBounds.

Require Import Derive.

Local Arguments loopM {_ _} _ _ _.
Local Arguments halt {_ _} _ _.
Local Arguments step {_ _} _ _.

Lemma max_list_rec_repeat (a : nat) (s : nat) (n : nat) :
  n <> 0 ->
  max_list_rec s (repeat a n) = max s a.
  revert s.
  induction n as [ | n IH]; intros s.
  - cbn. now intros [].
  - intros _.
    destruct n.
    + cbn. nia.
    + change (repeat a (S (S n))) with (a :: repeat a (S n)). cbn [max_list_rec].
      rewrite IH by congruence. nia.

Lemma max_list_map_repeat (X : Type) (f : X -> nat) (a : X) (n : nat) :
  n <> 0 ->
  max_list_map f (repeat a n) = f a.
  intros H.
  unfold max_list_map.
  rewrite map_repeat.
  now apply max_list_rec_repeat.

Lemma vector_const_to_list (X : Type) (a : X) (n : nat) :
  vector_to_list (Vector.const a n) = repeat a n.
Proof. induction n; intros; cbn in *; now f_equal. Qed.

Definition terminates (sigM : finType) (n : nat) (M : mTM sigM n) (tp : tapes sigM n) (k : nat) (tp' : tapes sigM n) :=
  exists (q : states M), loopM _ (initc M tp) k = Some (mk_mconfig q tp').

I forgot to write this function...
Definition ToSingleTape_steps (sigM F : finType) (n : nat) (pM : pTM sigM F n) (T : tapes sigM n) (k : nat) : nat := Single.StepTM.Loop_steps (start (projT1 pM)) T k.

Apply a size-function to every tape
Definition apply_sizeFun {n:nat} (f : Vector.t (nat->nat) n) (s : Vector.t nat n) : Vector.t nat n := tabulate (fun i => f @> i s[@i]).

Create the initial tapes of Univ, given a single-tape machine M and a tape t.
Section InitUniv.

  Variable (sigM sig : finType).
  Definition sigGraph := (sigList (sigPair (sigPair (option sigM) sigState) (sigPair (option sigM * move) sigState))).
  Variable (retr_sigGraph_sig : Retract sigGraph sig).
  Variable retr_sigTape_sig : Retract sigM sig.

  Derive makeUnivWorkingTape SuchThat (forall (T : tape sigM), containsWorkingTape retr_sigTape_sig (makeUnivWorkingTape T : tape sig^+) T) As makeUnivWorkingTape_correct.
    subst makeUnivWorkingTape. cbn. intros.
    instantiate (1 := fun T => _). cbn.
    hnf. reflexivity.

  Lemma containsWorkingTape_iff (tp : tape sig^+) (T : tape sigM) :
    containsWorkingTape _ tp T <-> tp = makeUnivWorkingTape T.
    - apply id.
    - intros ->. apply makeUnivWorkingTape_correct.

  Derive makeUnivGraphTape SuchThat (forall (M : mTM sigM 1), containsTrans_size retr_sigGraph_sig (makeUnivGraphTape M : tape sig^+) M 0) As makeUnivGraphTape_correct_size.
    subst makeUnivGraphTape. cbn. intros.
    instantiate (1 := fun M => _). cbn.
    unfold containsTrans. apply initValue_contains_size.

  Lemma makeUnivGraphTape_correct M : containsTrans _ (makeUnivGraphTape M) M.
  Proof. eapply containsTrans_size_containsTrans. apply makeUnivGraphTape_correct_size. Qed.

  Derive makeUnivStartStateTape SuchThat (forall (M : mTM sigM 1), containsState_size retr_sigGraph_sig (makeUnivStartStateTape M : tape sig^+) (start M) 0) As makeUnivStartStateTape_correct_size.
    subst makeUnivStartStateTape. cbn. intros.
    instantiate (1 := fun M => _). cbn.
    unfold containsState. apply initValue_contains_size.

  Lemma makeUnivStartStateTape_correct M : containsState _ (makeUnivStartStateTape M) (start M).
  Proof. eapply containsState_size_containsState. apply makeUnivStartStateTape_correct_size. Qed.

  Definition makeUnivTapes (M : mTM sigM 1) (t : tape sigM) : tapes sig^+ 6 :=
    [| makeUnivWorkingTape t; makeUnivGraphTape M; makeUnivStartStateTape M; initRight _; initRight _; initRight _ |].

  Lemma makeUnivTapes_correct_size (M : mTM sigM 1) (tp : tape sigM) :
    containsWorkingTape _ (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@Fin0] tp /\
    containsTrans_size _ (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@Fin1] M 0 /\
    containsState_size _ (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@Fin2] (start M) 0 /\
    (forall (i : Fin.t 3), isRight_size (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@FinR 3 i] 0).
    unfold makeUnivTapes. cbn. split; [ | split; [ | split ]].
    - apply makeUnivWorkingTape_correct.
    - apply makeUnivGraphTape_correct_size.
    - apply makeUnivStartStateTape_correct_size.
    - intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; apply initRight_isRight_size.

  Lemma makeUnivTapes_correct (M : mTM sigM 1) (tp : tape sigM) :
    containsWorkingTape _ (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@Fin0] tp /\
    containsTrans _ (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@Fin1] M /\
    containsState _ (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@Fin2] (start M) /\
    (forall (i : Fin.t 3), isRight (makeUnivTapes M tp)[@FinR 3 i]).
    unfold makeUnivTapes. cbn. split; [ | split; [ | split ]].
    - apply makeUnivWorkingTape_correct.
    - apply makeUnivGraphTape_correct.
    - apply makeUnivStartStateTape_correct.
    - intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; apply initRight_isRight.

End InitUniv.

Lemma vector_to_list_nil (X : Type) :
  vector_to_list [||] = @nil X.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma vector_to_list_cons (X : Type) (n : nat) (x : X) (xs : Vector.t X n) :
  vector_to_list (x ::: xs) = x :: vector_to_list xs.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Definition vector_sum {X : Type} {n : nat} (f : X -> nat) : Vector.t X n -> nat := fun xs => Vector.fold_left plus 0 ( f xs).

Lemma vector_sum_shift (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (f : X -> nat) (a : nat) :
  Vector.fold_left plus a ( f xs) = vector_sum f xs + a.
  revert a. induction xs as [ | x n xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
  - reflexivity.
  - setoid_rewrite IH at 2. setoid_rewrite IH at 1. omega.

Definition list_sum {X : Type} (f : X -> nat) : list X -> nat := fun xs => fold_left plus (map f xs) 0.

Lemma list_sum_shift (X : Type) (xs : list X) (f : X -> nat) (a : nat) :
  fold_left plus (map f xs) a = list_sum f xs + a.
  revert a. induction xs as [ | x xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
  - reflexivity.
  - setoid_rewrite IH at 2. setoid_rewrite IH at 1. omega.

Lemma vector_to_list_sum (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (f : X -> nat) :
  list_sum f (vector_to_list xs) = vector_sum f xs.
  induction xs as [ | x n xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite vector_sum_shift, list_sum_shift. f_equal. apply IH.

Lemma vector_sum_monotone (X : Type) (n : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (f1 f2 : X -> nat) :
  (forall x, Vector.In x xs -> f1 x <= f2 x) ->
  vector_sum f1 xs <= vector_sum f2 xs.
  intros H. induction xs as [ | x n xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite !vector_sum_shift. rewrite H by constructor. now rewrite IH by (intros; apply H; now constructor).

Lemma vector_sum_monotone_plus (X : Type) (n : nat) (a : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (f1 f2 : X -> nat) :
  (forall x, Vector.In x xs -> f1 x <= f2 x + a) ->
  vector_sum f1 xs <= vector_sum f2 xs + a * n.
  intros H. induction xs as [ | x n xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
  - omega.
  - rewrite !vector_sum_shift. rewrite Nat.mul_succ_r.
    rewrite H by constructor. rewrite IH by (intros; apply H; now constructor). omega.

Lemma vector_sum_monotone_plus' (X : Type) (n : nat) (a : nat) (xs : Vector.t X n) (f1 f2 : X -> nat) :
  (forall x, Vector.In x xs -> f1 x + a <= f2 x) ->
  vector_sum f1 xs + a * n <= vector_sum f2 xs.
  intros H. induction xs as [ | x n xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
  - omega.
  - rewrite !vector_sum_shift. rewrite Nat.mul_succ_r.
    rewrite <- H by constructor. rewrite <- IH by (intros; apply H; now constructor). omega.

Section MakeSingleTape.

  Variable (sigM : finType) (n : nat).
  Derive makeSingleTape SuchThat (forall (T : tapes sigM n), contains_tapes (makeSingleTape T : tape _) T) As makeSingleTape_correct.
    subst makeSingleTape.
    instantiate (1 := fun T => _). cbn.
    intros. hnf. reflexivity.

  Lemma contains_tapes_injective (T : tapes sigM n) tp1 tp2 :
    contains_tapes tp1 T -> contains_tapes tp2 T -> tp1 = tp2.
  Proof. unfold contains_tapes. now intros -> ->. Qed.

  Lemma contains_tapes_iff (T : tapes sigM n) tp :
    contains_tapes tp T <-> tp = makeSingleTape T.
  Proof. split; intros ->; auto. apply makeSingleTape_correct. Qed.

Size of makeSingleTape

  Definition Encode_tape_size (tp : tape sigM) : nat :=
    match tp with
    | niltape _ => 1
    | _ => sizeOfTape tp + 2

  Lemma Encode_tape_hasSize : forall (tp : tape sigM), size tp = Encode_tape_size tp.
  Proof. intros. unfold size. cbn. destruct tp; repeat progress (cbn; simpl_list); omega. Qed.

  Lemma Encode_tape_hasSize_le (tp : tape sigM) :
    Encode_tape_size tp <= sizeOfTape tp + 2.
  Proof. destruct tp; cbn -[sizeOfTape]; omega. Qed.

  Lemma Encode_tapes_hasSize :
    forall (T : tapes sigM n), size T = vector_sum (fun t => Encode_tape_size t + 1) T + 1.
    intros T.
    unfold size. cbn. unfold encode_tapes. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite Encode_list_hasSize with (cX := Encode_tape sigM).
    induction T as [ | t n T IH]; cbn; intros.
    - omega.
    - rewrite Encode_tape_hasSize. rewrite vector_sum_shift. rewrite IH. omega.

  Lemma makeSingleTape_sizeOfTape (T : tapes sigM n) :
    sizeOfTape (makeSingleTape T) <= vector_sum (fun tp => sizeOfTape tp + 2) T + n + 3.
    unfold tapes in *. unfold makeSingleTape. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize. ring_simplify.
    apply add_le_mono; auto.
    transitivity (vector_sum (fun tp : tape (eqType_X (type sigM)) => sizeOfTape tp + 2) T + (1 * n)); try nia.
    apply vector_sum_monotone_plus.
    intros t _. now rewrite Encode_tape_hasSize_le.

Exact version
  Lemma makeSingleTape_sizeOfTape' (T : tapes sigM n) :
    sizeOfTape (makeSingleTape T) = vector_sum (fun tp => Encode_tape_size tp + 1) T + 3.
    unfold tapes in *. unfold makeSingleTape. cbn. simpl_list. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize. now ring_simplify.

  Lemma isRight_size_hasSize (tp : tape sigM) (s : nat) :
    isRight_size tp s ->
    Encode_tape_size tp <= s + 3.
  Proof. intros (x&ls&->&Hs). cbn. simpl_list; cbn. ring_simplify. now rewrite Hs. Qed.

End MakeSingleTape.

Lemma makeSingleTape_size' (sigM : finType) (n : nat) (T : tapes sigM n) :
  Encode_tape_size (makeSingleTape T) = vector_sum (fun tp => Encode_tape_size tp + 1) T + 5.
  unfold makeSingleTape. repeat (cbn; simpl_list).
  change (| encode_tapes T |) with (size T).
  setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize.
  now ring_simplify.

Lemma makeSingleTape_size (sigM : finType) (n : nat) (T : tapes sigM n) :
  size (makeSingleTape T) = vector_sum (fun tp => Encode_tape_size tp + 1) T + 5.
Proof. setoid_rewrite Encode_tape_hasSize. apply makeSingleTape_size'. Qed.

Lemma vector_1_eta (X : Type) (v : Vector.t X 1) :
  exists x, v = [| x |].
Proof. destruct_vector. eauto. Qed.

Lemma graph_of_fun_ext (A : finType) (B : Type) (f1 f2 : A -> B) :
  (forall (a : A), f1 a = f2 a) ->
  graph_of_fun f1 = graph_of_fun f2.
  unfold graph_of_fun.
  apply List.map_ext.
  intros. f_equal. apply H.

Local Arguments liftState {n sig F1 F2 pM} (l q).

Section StateWhile_irrelevant.
  Variable sig : finType.

  Variable F1 F2 : finType.
  Variable pM : F1 -> pTM sig (F1 + F2) 1.
  Hypothesis (defF : inhabitedC F2).

  Lemma StateWhile_graph_irrelevant (l1 l2 : F1) :
    graph_of_TM (projT1 (StateWhile pM l1)) = graph_of_TM (projT1 (StateWhile pM l2)).
  Proof. unfold graph_of_TM. reflexivity. Qed.

End StateWhile_irrelevant.

Section StateWhile_irrelevant'.
  Variable sig : finType.
  Variable n : nat.

  Variable F1 F2 : finType.
  Variable pM : F1 -> pTM sig (F1 + F2) n.
  Hypothesis (defF : inhabitedC F2).

  Lemma StateWhile_halt_irrelevant (l1 l2 : F1) q :
    halt (projT1 (StateWhile pM l1)) (liftState l1 q) = halt (projT1 (StateWhile pM l2)) (liftState l1 q).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma StateWhile_halt_irrelevant' (l1 l2 : F1) (q : StateWhile_states pM) :
    halt (projT1 (StateWhile pM l1)) q = halt (projT1 (StateWhile pM l2)) q.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma StateWhile_index_irrelevant (l1 l2 : F1) q :
    index (liftState l1 q : states (projT1 (StateWhile pM l1))) =
    index (liftState l1 q : states (projT1 (StateWhile pM l2))).
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma StateWhile_liftStart_halt (l1 : F1) (l2 : F2) (q : states (projT1 (pM l1))) :
    projT2 (pM l1) q = inr l2 ->
    halt (projT1 (StateWhile pM l1)) (liftState l1 q) = halt _ q.
  Proof. intros H. unfold halt at 1, StateWhile; cbn. unfold StateWhile_halt; cbn. rewrite H. now rewrite andb_true_r. Qed.

End StateWhile_irrelevant'.

We need an injection from states of M to states of M'
Section M2M_Retract.

  Variable (sigM F : finType) (n : nat).
  Variable (pM : pTM sigM F n).
  Notation M := (projT1 pM).
  Notation pM' := (ToSingleTape pM).
  Notation M' := (projT1 pM').

  Definition ToSingleTape_Loop_inj (q q' : states (projT1 pM)) : states (projT1 (Loop q')).
  Proof. apply StateWhile.liftState with (l := q). apply start. Defined.

  Definition ToSingleTape_inj (q : states (projT1 pM)) : states (projT1 pM').
  Proof. apply ToSingleTape_Loop_inj. apply q. Defined.

  Lemma ToSingleTape_Loop_graph (q q' : states (projT1 pM)) :
    graph_of_TM (projT1 (Loop q)) = graph_of_TM (projT1 (Loop q')).
  Proof. apply StateWhile_graph_irrelevant. Qed.

  Lemma ToSingleTape_Loop_halt (q1 q2 : states (projT1 pM)) q :
    halt (projT1 (Loop q1)) (ToSingleTape_Loop_inj q q1) = halt (projT1 (Loop q2)) (ToSingleTape_Loop_inj q q2).
    unfold Loop.
    unfold ToSingleTape_Loop_inj.
    erewrite <- StateWhile_halt_irrelevant.
    erewrite StateWhile_halt_irrelevant.

  Lemma ToSingleTape_Loop_index (q1 q2 q : states (projT1 pM)) :
    index (ToSingleTape_Loop_inj q q1) = index (ToSingleTape_Loop_inj q q2).
    unfold ToSingleTape_Loop_inj.
    setoid_rewrite <- StateWhile_index_irrelevant.
    setoid_rewrite -> StateWhile_index_irrelevant.
    Unshelve. auto.

End M2M_Retract.

Section MoreDominationLemmas.

  Lemma dominatedWith_add' (c1 c2 : nat) (A B C D : nat) :
    A <=(c1) C ->
    B <=(c2) D ->
    A + B <=(c1 + c2) C + D.
  Proof. unfold dominatedWith. nia. Qed.

  Lemma dominatedWith_S''' (a b c : nat) :
    S a <=(c) b ->
    a <=(S c) b.
  Proof. unfold dominatedWith. nia. Qed.

  Lemma dominatedWith_mult (c1 c2 : nat) (A B C D : nat) :
    A <=(c1) C ->
    B <=(c2) D ->
    A * B <=(c1 * c2) C * D.
  Proof. unfold dominatedWith. nia. Qed.

  Corollary dominatedWith_quad (c1 : nat) (A C : nat) :
    A <=(c1) C ->
    A * A <=(c1 * c1) C * C.
  Proof. intros. now apply dominatedWith_mult. Qed.

  Corollary dominatedWith_mult3 (c1 c2 c3 : nat) (A B C D E F : nat) :
    A <=(c1) D ->
    B <=(c2) E ->
    C <=(c3) F ->
    A * B * C <=(c1 * c2 * c3) D * E * F.
    intros. apply dominatedWith_mult.
    - now apply dominatedWith_mult.
    - assumption.

  Corollary dominatedWith_cube (c : nat) (A D : nat) :
    A <=(c) D ->
    A * A * A <=(c * c * c) D * D * D.
  Proof. intros. now apply dominatedWith_mult3. Qed.

End MoreDominationLemmas.

Local Existing Instance Encode_graph.

Single-tape and instantiated version of Univ, U. At this point, the input of U is just an arbitrary single-tape machine M.
Section U.

  Variable (sigM : finType).
The alphabet of the simulated single-tape machine
  Variable (F : finType).
The label-type of the simulated single-tape machine

  Hypothesis (inhSigM : inhabitedC sigM).
This is only a technical assumption.
Instantiate Univ with its alphabet and retractions.
  Definition sigUniv' := FinType(EqType(sigList (sigPair (sigPair (option sigM) sigState) (sigPair (option (sigM) * move) sigState)))).
  Definition sigUniv : finType := sigUniv' ^+.
  Definition retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv : Retract (sigList (sigPair (sigPair (option sigM) sigState) (sigPair (option (sigM) * move) sigState))) sigUniv' :=
    Retract_id _.
  Existing Instance retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv.
  Definition retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv : Retract sigM sigUniv' := ltac:(eauto).
  Existing Instance retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv.
  Definition Univ : pTM sigUniv unit 6 := @Univ sigM sigUniv' retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv.

The single-tape version of Univ for alphabet sigM
  Definition U := ToSingleTape Univ.
  Definition sigU := ltac:(lazymatch type of U with pTM ?sigU _ _ => exact sigU end).

Encode pM and the initial tape T to a tape of U.
  Definition initTapes_U (M : mTM sigM 1) (T : tape sigM) : tape sigU :=
    let tp := T in
    let T_univ := makeUnivTapes _ _ M tp in
    makeSingleTape T_univ.

contains_conf_U is a predicate for U that says that the tape t "contains" the transition function for M and the simulated tapes T : tapes sigM n.
  Definition contains_conf_Univ (M : mTM sigM 1) (T_univ : tapes sigUniv 6) (q : states M) (T : tape sigM) : Prop :=
    containsWorkingTape _ T_univ[@Fin0] T /\
    containsTrans _ T_univ[@Fin1] M /\
    containsState _ T_univ[@Fin2] q /\
    (forall (i : Fin.t 3), isRight T_univ[@FinR 3 i]).

Variant with size. Note that s_Univ[@Fin0] is irrelevant.
  Definition contains_conf_Univ_size (M : mTM sigM 1) (T_univ : tapes sigUniv 6) (q : states M) (T : tape sigM) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6) : Prop :=
    containsWorkingTape _ T_univ[@Fin0] T /\
    containsTrans_size _ T_univ[@Fin1] M s_Univ[@Fin1] /\
    containsState_size _ T_univ[@Fin2] q s_Univ[@Fin2] /\
    (forall (i : Fin.t 3), isRight_size T_univ[@FinR 3 i] s_Univ[@FinR 3 i]).

  Lemma contains_conf_Univ_size_contains_conf_Univ (M : mTM sigM 1) (T_univ : tapes sigUniv 6) (q : states M) (T : tape sigM) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6) :
    contains_conf_Univ_size T_univ q T s_Univ ->
    contains_conf_Univ T_univ q T.
    intros (H0&H1&H2&H3). repeat split.
    - apply H0.
    - eapply containsTrans_size_containsTrans; eauto.
    - eapply containsState_size_containsState; eauto.
    - intros. eapply isRight_size_isRight. apply H3.

  Definition contains_conf_U' (M : mTM sigM 1) (t : tape sigU) (T_univ : tapes sigUniv 6) (q : states M) (T : tape sigM) : Prop :=
    contains_tapes t T_univ /\ contains_conf_Univ T_univ q T.

  Definition contains_conf_U'_size (M : mTM sigM 1) (t : tape sigU) (T_univ : tapes sigUniv 6) (q : states M) (T : tape sigM) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6) : Prop :=
    contains_tapes t T_univ /\ contains_conf_Univ_size T_univ q T s_Univ.

  Definition contains_conf_U (M : mTM sigM 1) (t : tape sigU) (q : states M) (T : tape sigM) : Prop :=
    exists (T_univ : tapes sigUniv 6), contains_conf_U' t T_univ q T.

  Definition contains_conf_U_size (M : mTM sigM 1) (t : tape sigU) (q : states M) (T : tape sigM) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6) : Prop :=
    exists (T_univ : tapes sigUniv 6), contains_conf_U'_size t T_univ q T s_Univ.

  Lemma initTapes_U_correct (M : mTM sigM 1) (T : tape sigM) :
    contains_conf_U (initTapes_U M T) (start M) T.
    unfold contains_conf_U, initTapes_U. cbn.
    eexists. split.
    - apply makeSingleTape_correct.
    - apply makeUnivTapes_correct.

  Lemma initTapes_U_correct_size (M : mTM sigM 1) (T : tape sigM) :
    contains_conf_U_size (initTapes_U M T) (start M) T (Vector.const 0 _).
    unfold contains_conf_U, initTapes_U. cbn.
    eexists. split.
    - apply makeSingleTape_correct.
    - repeat split.
      + cbn. apply makeUnivGraphTape_correct_size.
      + cbn. apply makeUnivStartStateTape_correct_size.
      + intros i. cbn. destruct_fin i; cbn; apply initRight_isRight_size.

Build correctness and termination relations for U

  Definition U_steps (M : mTM sigM 1) (T_Univ : tapes sigUniv 6) (q_M : states M) (T : tape sigM) (k_M : nat) :=
    Loop_steps (start (projT1 Univ)) T_Univ (Univ_steps q_M T k_M).

  Definition U_T : tRel sigU 1 :=
    fun tp k =>
      exists (M : mTM sigM 1) (T_Univ : tapes sigUniv 6) (T : tape sigM) (q_M : states M) (c_M : mconfig sigM (states M) 1) (k_M : nat),
        contains_conf_U' tp[@Fin0] T_Univ q_M T /\
        loopM _ (mk_mconfig q_M [|T|]) k_M = Some c_M /\
        U_steps T_Univ q_M T k_M <= k.

  Lemma U_terminatesIn : projT1 U ↓ U_T.
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold U. apply ToSingleTape_Terminates. }
      intros tp k H. hnf in H. destruct H as (M&T_Univ&T&q_M&c_M&k_M&HCont&M_halt&Hk).
      set (pM := (M; fun _ => tt) : pTM sigM (FinType(EqType unit)) 1).
      hnf in HCont. destruct HCont as (HCont_Univ&HCont1&HCont2&HCont3&HCont4).
      destruct c_M as (M_finalState&M_finalTapes). pose proof vector_1_eta M_finalTapes as (M_finalTape&->).

      pose proof @Univ_Terminates sigM sigUniv' retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv as Univ_term. hnf in Univ_term.
      evar (ktamtam : nat).
      specialize Univ_term with (tin := T_Univ) (k := ktamtam).
      spec_assert Univ_term as (Univ_finalConf&Univ_halt).
      { hnf. subst ktamtam.
        exists M.
        do 5 eexists. repeat split.
        - apply HCont1.         - unfold containsTrans in HCont2|-*.           replace (graph_of_TM (projT1 (Loop (q_M : states (projT1 pM))))) with (graph_of_TM (projT1 (ToSingleTape pM))); [ apply HCont2 | ].
          apply ToSingleTape_Loop_graph.
          clear_except HCont3.
          unfold containsState in HCont3|-*.
          unfold ToSingleTape, ToSingleTape_inj in HCont3.
          apply HCont3.
        - apply HCont4.         - apply M_halt.
        - reflexivity.       }

      hnf. exists T_Univ. do 2 eexists. repeat split.
      - apply Univ_halt.
      - apply HCont_Univ.
      - rewrite <- Hk. subst ktamtam. reflexivity.

First, we write a running time function that still depends on the original input tape T : tape sigM. k is the number of steps that M needs on input T
  Definition fp (M : mTM sigM 1) (T : tape sigM) (k : nat) : nat :=
    let k_Univ := Univ_steps (start M) T k in
    let T_Univ := makeUnivTapes _ _ M T in
    ToSingleTape_steps Univ T_Univ k_Univ.
fp is literally only another definition for U_steps
  Lemma fp_eq : forall M (T : tape sigM) k, fp M T k = U_steps (makeUnivTapes _ _ M T) (start M) T k.
  Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed.

Not the best approximation, but it's a beginning
  Lemma fp_nice1 M :
    { c : nat | forall (T : tape sigM) k,
        fp M T k
           let x := (size (vector_to_list (makeUnivTapes retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv M T)) + 6 * Univ_steps (start M) T k) in
           x * x * Univ_steps (start M) T k
    unfold fp.
    eexists. intros.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - apply (proj2_sig (@M2MBounds.Loop_steps_nice)).
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. reflexivity.

Apply bounds for Univ_steps
  Lemma fp_nice2 M :
    { c : nat | forall (T : tape sigM) k,
        fp M T k
           let x := (size (vector_to_list (makeUnivTapes retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv M T)) + size k * size (graph_of_TM M)) in
           x * x * (size k * size (graph_of_TM M) * size (Cardinality.Cardinality (states M)))
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (fp_nice1 M)). apply dominatedWith_mult.
    - apply dominatedWith_quad. domWith_approx.
      eapply dominatedWith_trans.
      apply (proj2_sig (UnivBounds.Univ_nice.Univ_steps_nice)).
      apply dominatedWith_solve. enough (1 <= size (graph_of_TM M)) by nia. apply UnivBounds.Univ_nice.Encode_graph_hasSize_ge1.
    - apply (proj2_sig (UnivBounds.Univ_nice.Univ_steps_nice)).

Throw away all constants that depend on M
  Lemma fp_nice3 M :
    { c : nat | forall (T : tape sigM) k,
        fp M T k
           let x := (size (vector_to_list (makeUnivTapes retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv M T)) + size k) in
           x * x * size k
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (fp_nice2 M)). apply dominatedWith_mult.
    - apply dominatedWith_quad. domWith_approx.
    - domWith_approx.

  Lemma makeUnivWorkingTape_size (T : tape sigM) :
    size (makeUnivWorkingTape retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv T) = size T.
    setoid_rewrite Encode_tape_hasSize. unfold makeUnivWorkingTape. cbn.
    destruct T; cbn -[sizeOfTape]; auto.
    all: repeat progress (cbn; simpl_list); auto.

  Lemma makeUnivWorkingTape_size' (T : tape sigM) :
    Encode_tape_size (makeUnivWorkingTape retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv T) = size T.
  Proof. rewrite <- Encode_tape_hasSize. apply makeUnivWorkingTape_size. Qed.

  Lemma tape_size_nice :
    { c | forall (T : tape sigM), size T <=(c) sizeOfTape T + 1 }.
    eexists. intros.
    setoid_rewrite Encode_tape_hasSize. unfold Encode_tape_size. domWith_match; cbn; domWith_approx.
    apply dominatedWith_S'; domWith_approx. omega.

  Lemma makeUnivTapes_size_nice M :
    { c | forall (T : tape sigM), size (makeUnivTapes retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv M T) <=(c) sizeOfTape T + 1 }.
    eexists. intros.
    unfold makeUnivTapes. cbn.
    setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize. cbn -[sizeOfTape].
    eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply dominatedWith_solve. apply Nat.eq_le_incl.
    apply makeUnivWorkingTape_size'. apply (proj2_sig tape_size_nice).

Simplify size (vector_to_list ...)
  Lemma fp_nice4 M :
    { c : nat | forall (T : tape sigM) k,
        fp M T k
           let x := sizeOfTape T + size k in
           x * x * size k
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (fp_nice3 M)). apply dominatedWith_mult.
    - apply dominatedWith_quad. domWith_approx.
      eapply dominatedWith_trans.
      + apply (proj2_sig (makeUnivTapes_size_nice M)).
      + domWith_approx. apply dominatedWith_solve. rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. omega.
    - domWith_approx.

Let's get rid of size and let and write it in one line
  Lemma fp_nice M :
    { c : nat | forall (T : tape sigM) k, fp M T k <=(c) (sizeOfTape T + k + 1) * (sizeOfTape T + k + 1) * (k + 1) }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (fp_nice4 M)). apply dominatedWith_mult.
    - apply dominatedWith_quad. domWith_approx. setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. domWith_approx.
    - setoid_rewrite Encode_nat_hasSize. domWith_approx.


  Definition U_Rel : pRel sigU unit 1 :=
    fun tin '(_, tout) =>
      forall (pM : pTM sigM F 1) (T : tape sigM) (q_M : states (projT1 pM)) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6),
        contains_conf_U_size tin[@Fin0] q_M T s_Univ ->
        exists (T' : tape sigM) (qout_M : states (projT1 pM)) (k_M : nat),
          loopM _ (mk_mconfig q_M [|T|]) k_M = Some (mk_mconfig qout_M [|T'|]) /\
          contains_conf_U_size tout[@Fin0] qout_M T' (apply_sizeFun (Univ_size T q_M k_M) s_Univ).

  Lemma U_Realises : U ⊨ U_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold U. apply ToSingleTape_Realise. }
      intros tin ([], tout) HU. hnf in HU. hnf. intros pM T q_M s_Univ (T_Univ&H_U&(H_Conf1&HConf2&HConf3&HConf4)).
      cbn in HU. specialize HU with (1 := H_U) as (Univ_finalConf&k_Univ&Univ_term&Univ_resultCont&_).
      pose proof Univ_Realise Univ_term as Univ_correct. hnf in Univ_correct.
      specialize Univ_correct with (M := projT1 pM) (tp := T) (q := q_M).

      modpon Univ_correct.       { instantiate (1 := [|_;_;_|]). intros i; specialize (HConf4 i); destruct_fin i; cbn in *; isRight_mono. }

      cbn in Univ_correct. destruct Univ_correct as (k_M&oconf_M&M_term&Univ_oconfCont1&Univ_oconfCont2&Univ_oconfCont3&Univ_oconfCont4).
      destruct oconf_M as [qout_M Ts']. pose proof vector_1_eta Ts' as (T'&->).

      exists T', qout_M, k_M. split.
      - apply M_term.
      - hnf. exists (ctapes Univ_finalConf). hnf. split. apply Univ_resultCont. repeat split.         { apply Univ_oconfCont1. }
        { unfold containsTrans, containsTrans_size in *. contains_ext. }
        { unfold containsState, containsState_size in *. contains_ext. }
        { intros i; specialize (Univ_oconfCont4 i); destruct_fin i; cbn in *; isRight_mono. }

We only do space-analysis for Univ now, because the size of the sigU tapes is directly determined by the tapes of Univ

End U.

Lemma loopM_halt (sigM : finType) (n : nat) (M : mTM sigM n) (iconf oconf : mconfig sigM (states M) n) (k : nat) :
  loopM M iconf k = Some oconf ->
  halt M (cstate oconf) = true.
  destruct iconf, oconf. cbn in *.
  unfold loopM, haltConf in *.
  intros H % loop_fulfills. cbn in *. auto.

Lemma loopM_halt' (sigM : finType) (n : nat) (M : mTM sigM n) (iconf : mconfig sigM (states M) n) ostate otapes (k : nat) :
  loopM M iconf k = Some (mk_mconfig ostate otapes) ->
  halt M ostate = true.
Proof. apply loopM_halt. Qed.

Section Sum_bounded_by_max.

  Lemma list_sum_le_upperBound_times_length (X : Type) (f : X -> nat) (xs : list X) (y : X) :
    (forall x, In x xs -> f x <= f y) ->
    list_sum f xs <= f y * length xs.
    induction xs as [ | x xs IH]; intros; cbn in *.
    - omega.
    - rewrite list_sum_shift. rewrite H by auto. rewrite IH by auto. nia.

  Lemma list_sum_le_max_times_length (X : Type) (f : X -> nat) (xs : list X) :
    list_sum f xs <= max_list_map f xs * length xs.
    enough (xs <> nil -> list_sum f xs <= max_list_map f xs * length xs).
    { destruct xs. reflexivity. apply H. congruence. }
    intros Hnil.
    pose proof (max_list_map_In f Hnil) as (x&H&?).
    rewrite <- H.
    apply list_sum_le_upperBound_times_length with (xs := xs).
    intros. rewrite H. now apply max_list_map_ge.

End Sum_bounded_by_max.

Section MakeSingleTape_Bounded_by_sizeOfmTapes.
  Variable (sig : finType) (n : nat).

We've already proven that sizeOfTape (makeSingleTape T) is the sum of the tape sizes (plus some constant)

  Lemma tam (T : tapes sig n) :
    max_list_map (fun t : tape sig => Encode_tape_size t + 1) (vector_to_list T) <= sizeOfmTapes T + 3.
    apply max_list_map_lower_bound.
    rewrite Encode_tape_hasSize_le.
    apply add_le_mono; auto.
    rewrite sizeOfmTapes_max_list_map.
    now apply max_list_map_ge.

  Lemma Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes (T : tapes sig n) :
    size T <= sizeOfmTapes T * n + n * 3 + 2.
    rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize.
    setoid_rewrite <- vector_to_list_sum.
    rewrite list_sum_le_max_times_length.
    rewrite vector_to_list_length.
    apply add_le_mono; auto.
    rewrite tam.

  Lemma tamtam (T : tapes sig n) :
    max_list_map (fun tp : tape sig => sizeOfTape tp + 2) (vector_to_list T) <= sizeOfmTapes T + 2.
    apply max_list_map_lower_bound.
    intros t ? .
    apply add_le_mono; auto.
    rewrite sizeOfmTapes_max_list_map.
    now apply max_list_map_ge.

  Lemma makeSingleTape_sizeOfmTapes (T : tapes sig n) :
    sizeOfTape (makeSingleTape T) <= sizeOfmTapes T * n + n * 3 + 3.
    rewrite makeSingleTape_sizeOfTape.
    rewrite <- vector_to_list_sum.
    rewrite list_sum_le_max_times_length.
    rewrite vector_to_list_length.
    apply add_le_mono; auto.
    rewrite tamtam.
    ring_simplify. nia.

End MakeSingleTape_Bounded_by_sizeOfmTapes.

Now, we consider U again, but we use ToSingleTape as the "encoding" for a multi-tape machine M.
Section UnivMultiTimeSpaceTheorem.

  Variable (sigM : finType).
The alphabet of the simulated multi-tape machine
  Variable (n : nat).
The number of tapes of the simulated machine
  Hypothesis (n_ge1 : 1 <= n).
Another technical assumption
The alphabet for Multi-to-Mono compiled machine
  Definition sigM' := (FinType(EqType(boundary + sigList (sigTape sigM)))).

Instantiate Univ and U with the alphabet for M' := ToSingleTape M.
  Notation MUniv := (Univ sigM').
  Notation sigMUniv := (sigUniv sigM').

  Notation sigMU := (sigU sigM').
  Definition MU : pTM sigMU unit 1 := U sigM'.

The simulated multi-tape machine over alphabet sigM
  Variable (M : mTM sigM n).
We use the states of M as labels for M. When M' terminated, we know exactly in which state M terminated.
  Definition pM : pTM sigM (states M) n := (M; id).

  Notation pM' := (ToSingleTape pM).
  Notation M' := (projT1 pM').

  Notation "'castState' q" := (q : (states (projT1 pM))) (at level 1).

Encode ToSingleTape M and the initial tapes of t to a tape of U.
  Definition initTapes_MU (T : tapes sigM n) : tape sigMU :=
    initTapes_U (projT1 (ToSingleTape pM)) (makeSingleTape T).

  Definition contains_conf_MU' (t : tape sigMU) (T_univ : tapes sigMUniv 6) (q_M' : states M') (T : tapes sigM n) : Prop :=
    contains_tapes t T_univ /\ contains_conf_Univ T_univ q_M' (makeSingleTape T).

  Definition contains_conf_MU'_size (t : tape sigMU) (T_univ : tapes sigMUniv 6) (q_M' : states M') (T : tapes sigM n) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6) : Prop :=
    contains_tapes t T_univ /\ contains_conf_Univ_size T_univ q_M' (makeSingleTape T) s_Univ.

  Definition contains_conf_MU (t : tape sigMU) (q_M' : states M') (T : tapes sigM n) : Prop :=
    exists (T_univ : tapes (sigUniv sigM') 6), contains_conf_MU' t T_univ q_M' T.

  Definition contains_conf_MU_size (t : tape sigMU) (q_M' : states M') (T : tapes sigM n) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6) : Prop :=
    exists (T_univ : tapes (sigUniv sigM') 6), contains_conf_MU'_size t T_univ q_M' T s_Univ.

  Lemma contains_conf_MU'_size_contains_conf_MU' t T_univ q_M' T s_Univ :
    contains_conf_MU'_size t T_univ q_M' T s_Univ ->
    contains_conf_MU' t T_univ q_M' T.
    intros (H0&H1). split.
    - apply H0.
    - eapply contains_conf_Univ_size_contains_conf_Univ. apply H1.

  Lemma contains_conf_MU_size_contains_conf_MU t q_M' T s_Univ :
    contains_conf_MU_size t q_M' T s_Univ ->
    contains_conf_MU t q_M' T.
  Proof. intros (T_univ&H). exists T_univ. eapply contains_conf_MU'_size_contains_conf_MU'. apply H. Qed.

  Lemma initTapes_MU_correct (T : tapes sigM n) :
    contains_conf_MU (initTapes_MU T) (start M') T.
  Proof. apply initTapes_U_correct. Qed.

  Lemma initTapes_MU_correct_size (T : tapes sigM n) :
    contains_conf_MU_size (initTapes_MU T) (start M') T (Vector.const 0 6).
  Proof. apply initTapes_U_correct_size. Qed.

Build correctness and termination relations for U

  Definition MU_steps (T_Univ : tapes sigMUniv 6) (T : tapes sigM n) (k_M : nat) :=
    U_steps T_Univ (start M') (makeSingleTape T) (Loop_steps (castState (start M)) T k_M).

  Definition MU_T : tRel sigMU 1 :=
    fun tp k =>
      exists (T_Univ : tapes sigMUniv 6) (T : tapes sigM n) (c_M : mconfig sigM (states M) n) (k_M : nat),
        contains_conf_MU' tp[@Fin0] T_Univ (start M') T /\
        loopM _ (initc M T) k_M = Some c_M /\
        MU_steps T_Univ T k_M <= k.

  Lemma MU_terminatesIn : projT1 MU ↓ MU_T.
    eapply TerminatesIn_monotone.
    { unfold MU. apply U_terminatesIn. }
      intros tp k H. hnf in H. destruct H as (T_Univ&T&c_M&k_M&HCont&M_halt&Hk).
      hnf in HCont. destruct HCont as (HCont_Univ&HCont1&HCont2&HCont3&HCont4).
      destruct c_M as (M_finalState&M_finalTapes).

      pose proof Loop_Terminates (pM := pM) (q := start M) as M'_term. hnf in M'_term. unfold ToSingleTape_T, Loop_T in M'_term; hnf in M'_term.
      specialize (M'_term ([|makeSingleTape T|]) (Loop_steps (castState (start M)) T k_M)).
      spec_assert M'_term as (M'_finalConf&M'_halt).
      { do 3 eexists. repeat split; eauto. }
      destruct M'_finalConf as (M'_finalState&M'_finalTapes). pose proof vector_1_eta M'_finalTapes as (M'_finalTape&->).

      exists (projT1 (Loop (castState (start M)))).
      exists T_Univ.
      exists (makeSingleTape T).
      eexists. eexists (mk_mconfig _ [|_|]). eexists.
      repeat split.
      - auto.
      - auto.
      - auto.       - clear_except HCont3.         unfold containsState in HCont3|-*.
        unfold ToSingleTape, ToSingleTape_inj in HCont3.
      - auto.
      - clear_except M'_halt.         unfold ToSingleTape.
      - rewrite <- Hk.
        unfold MU_steps, ToSingleTape_inj.

  Definition Mfp : tapes sigM n -> nat -> nat := fun T k => fp M' (makeSingleTape T) (ToSingleTape_steps pM T k).

  Lemma Mfp_eq : forall (T : tapes sigM n) k,
      Mfp T k =
      MU_steps (makeUnivTapes (retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv _) (retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv _) M' (makeSingleTape T)) T k.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Instance of fp_nice
  Lemma Mfp_nice0 :
    {c : nat | forall (T : tape sigM') (k : nat), fp M' T k <=(c) (sizeOfTape T + k + 1) * (sizeOfTape T + k + 1) * (k + 1)}.
  Proof. exact (fp_nice M'). Qed.

This is still a direct corollary from fp_nice
  Lemma Mfp_nice1 :
    {c : nat | forall (T : tapes sigM n) (k : nat),
        let T' := makeSingleTape T in
        let k' := ToSingleTape_steps pM T k in
        Mfp T k <=(c) (sizeOfTape T' + k' + 1) * (sizeOfTape T' + k' + 1) * (k' + 1)}.
  Proof. eexists. intros. apply (proj2_sig (Mfp_nice0)). Qed.

Simplify ToSingleTape_steps
  Lemma Mfp_nice2 :
    {c : nat | forall (T : tapes sigM n) (k : nat),
        let T' := makeSingleTape T in
        let k' := (size (vector_to_list T) + n * k) * (size (vector_to_list T) + n * k) * k in
        Mfp T k <=(c) (sizeOfTape T' + k' + 1) * (sizeOfTape T' + k' + 1) * (k' + 1)}.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Mfp_nice1).
    apply dominatedWith_mult3.
    - domWith_approx.
      + subst T'. apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
      + eapply dominatedWith_trans.
        apply (proj2_sig (M2MBounds.Loop_steps_nice)).
        apply dominatedWith_solve.
        subst T' k'. nia.
    - domWith_approx.
      + subst T'. apply dominatedWith_solve. nia.
      + eapply dominatedWith_trans.
        apply (proj2_sig (M2MBounds.Loop_steps_nice)).
        apply dominatedWith_solve.
        subst T' k'. nia.
    - apply dominatedWith_add_r; [ | nia].
      eapply dominatedWith_trans.
      apply (proj2_sig M2MBounds.Loop_steps_nice).
      apply dominatedWith_solve. subst k'. nia.

Simplify sizeOfTape (makeSingleTape T)

  Lemma Mfp_nice3 :
    {c : nat | forall (T : tapes sigM n) (k : nat),
        let k' := (size (vector_to_list T) + n * k) * (size (vector_to_list T) + n * k) * k in
        Mfp T k <=(c) (sizeOfmTapes T + k' + 1) * (sizeOfmTapes T + k' + 1) * (k' + 1)}.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Mfp_nice2).
    apply dominatedWith_mult3.
    - subst k'. domWith_approx. setoid_rewrite makeSingleTape_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
    - subst k'. domWith_approx. setoid_rewrite makeSingleTape_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
    - subst k'. domWith_approx.

Simplify size (vector_to_list T) and also remove n

  Lemma Mfp_nice :
    {c : nat | forall (T : tapes sigM n) (k : nat),
        let k' := (sizeOfmTapes T + k + 1) * (sizeOfmTapes T + k + 1) * k in
        Mfp T k <=(c) (sizeOfmTapes T + k' + 1) * (sizeOfmTapes T + k' + 1) * (k' + 1)}.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig Mfp_nice3).
    apply dominatedWith_mult3.
    - subst k'. apply dominatedWith_add'. 2: apply dominatedWith_refl; constructor. apply dominatedWith_add'. 1: apply dominatedWith_refl; constructor. apply dominatedWith_mult3.
      + domWith_approx. change (size (vector_to_list T)) with (size T). setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
      + domWith_approx. change (size (vector_to_list T)) with (size T). setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
      + domWith_approx.
    - subst k'. apply dominatedWith_add'. 2: apply dominatedWith_refl; constructor. apply dominatedWith_add'. 1: apply dominatedWith_refl; constructor. apply dominatedWith_mult3.
      + domWith_approx. change (size (vector_to_list T)) with (size T). setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
      + domWith_approx. change (size (vector_to_list T)) with (size T). setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
      + domWith_approx.
    - subst k'. apply dominatedWith_add'. 2: apply dominatedWith_refl; constructor. apply dominatedWith_mult3.
      + domWith_approx. change (size (vector_to_list T)) with (size T). setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
      + domWith_approx. change (size (vector_to_list T)) with (size T). setoid_rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
      + domWith_approx.

Extract the nice polynominal
  Definition Mf : nat*nat->nat :=
    fun '(k, s) =>
      let c := proj1_sig Mfp_nice in
      let k' := (s + k + 1) * (s + k + 1) * k in
      c * ((s + k' + 1) * (s + k' + 1) * (k' + 1)).

We need this final bound in the End Theorem
  Lemma Mf_bounded :
    forall T k, Mfp T k <= Mf (k, sizeOfmTapes T).
    intros T k. unfold Mf.
    set (s := sizeOfmTapes T).
    set (c := proj1_sig Mfp_nice).
    set (k' := (s + k + 1) * (s + k + 1) * k).
    apply (proj2_sig Mfp_nice).


  Definition MU_size (T : tapes sigM n) (k_M' : nat) : Vector.t (nat->nat) 6 := Univ_size (makeSingleTape T) (start M') k_M'.

  Definition MU_Rel : pRel sigMU unit 1 :=
    fun tin '(_, tout) =>
      forall (T : tapes sigM n) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6),
        contains_conf_MU_size tin[@Fin0] (start M') T s_Univ ->
        exists (T' : tapes sigM n) (qout_M : states M) (qout_M' : states M') (k_M k_M' : nat),
          loopM _ (initc M T) k_M = Some (mk_mconfig qout_M T') /\
          loopM _ (initc M' [|makeSingleTape T|]) k_M' = Some (mk_mconfig qout_M' [|makeSingleTape T'|]) /\
          contains_conf_MU_size tout[@Fin0] qout_M' T' (apply_sizeFun (MU_size T k_M') s_Univ) /\
          projT2 pM' qout_M' = qout_M.
We can show that the final state of M' corresponds to the final state of M. However, qout_M' <> ToSingleTape_inj qout_M.

  Lemma MU_Realises : MU ⊨ MU_Rel.
    eapply Realise_monotone.
    { unfold MU. apply U_Realises. }
      intros tin ([], tout) HU. hnf in HU. hnf. intros T s_Univ HUniv.
      unfold contains_conf_U_size at 1, contains_conf_U'_size at 1 in HU.
      destruct HUniv as (T_Univ&H_contUnic&HCont1&HCont2&HCont3&HCont4).

      specialize HU with (pM := pM') (T := makeSingleTape T) (q_M := start _) (s_Univ := s_Univ).
      spec_assert HU as (M'_finalTapes&M'_finalState&U_k&M'_halt&M'_finalContains).
        eexists; split; eauto.
        hnf. repeat split; auto.

      pose proof Loop_Realise (pM := pM) (q := start _) as M'_real. hnf in M'_real. unfold ToSingleTape_T, Loop_T in M'_real; hnf in M'_real.
      evar (M'_outc' : mconfig (sigList (sigTape (eqType_X (type sigM)))) ^+ (states M') 1).
      specialize (M'_real ([|makeSingleTape T|]) U_k M'_outc').
      spec_assert M'_real.
        subst M'_outc'. instantiate (1 := mk_mconfig _ _).
      subst M'_outc'.
      hnf in M'_real. cbn in M'_real.
      specialize M'_real with (T0 := T).
      spec_assert M'_real as (M_finalConf&M_k&M_halts&M_finalContained&tam) by apply makeSingleTape_correct.
      destruct M_finalConf as (M_finalState&M_finalTapes). cbn in M'_finalContains. cbn in tam.

      destruct M'_finalContains as (T_Univ_final&?). destruct H. destruct H0. destruct H1. destruct H2. cbn in H, H0, H1, H2.
      eexists. eexists. eexists. eexists. eexists. split; [ | split; [ | split ]].
      - eauto.
      - unfold initc. cbn. setoid_rewrite M'_halt. f_equal. f_equal.
        apply (proj1 (@contains_tapes_iff _ _ _ _)) in M_finalContained. subst. reflexivity.
      - hnf. eexists. hnf. split. eauto. hnf. repeat split.
        + unfold contains_tapes in M_finalContained. subst. unfold containsWorkingTape. unfold containsWorkingTape in H0. cbn. rewrite H0. cbn. auto.
        + eauto.
        + unfold containsState in H2|-*. eauto.
        + eauto.
      - eauto.

Complement lemma to tape_size_nice
  Lemma tape_sizeOfTape_nice (sig : finType) :
    { c : nat | forall (T : tape sig), sizeOfTape T <=(c) size T }.
    eexists. intros.
    eapply dominatedWith_trans with (y := Encode_tape_size T).
    - unfold Encode_tape_size. destruct T; cbn.
      all: repeat (cbn; simpl_list).
      all: apply dominatedWith_solve; omega.
    - apply dominatedWith_solve. apply Nat.eq_le_incl. symmetry. apply Encode_tape_hasSize.

  Lemma makeUnivWorkingTape_sizeOfTape_nice :
    { c | forall (T : tapes sigM n), sizeOfTape (makeUnivWorkingTape (retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv sigM') (makeSingleTape T)) <=(c) sizeOfmTapes T + 1 }.
    eexists. intros. eapply dominatedWith_trans. apply (proj2_sig (@tape_sizeOfTape_nice _)).
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    rewrite makeUnivWorkingTape_size.
    apply (proj2_sig (@tape_size_nice _)).
    eapply dominatedWith_trans.
    - setoid_rewrite makeSingleTape_sizeOfmTapes.
      domWith_approx. instantiate (1 := sizeOfmTapes T + 1). all: domWith_approx.
    - domWith_approx.

We need to bound the size of the sigMU tape

  Lemma containsTrans_size_hasSize tp s :
    containsTrans_size (retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv sigM') tp M' s ->
    Encode_tape_size tp <= s + size (graph_of_TM M') + 4.
    intros (ls&->&Hs). repeat (cbn -[graph_of_TM encode]; simpl_list).
    eenough ((| ls |) + S ((| encode (graph_of_TM M') |) + 1) + 2 <= _) as H.     { cbn -[graph_of_TM] in H|-*. rewrite map_length. apply H. }
    change (| encode (graph_of_TM M') |) with (size (graph_of_TM M')).
    ring_simplify. now rewrite Hs.

  Lemma containsState_size_hasSize tp s (q : states M') :
    containsState_size (retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv sigM') tp q s ->
    Encode_tape_size tp <= index q + s + 6.
    intros (ls&->&Hs). repeat (cbn -[graph_of_TM encode]; simpl_list).
    progress eenough ((| ls |) + S ((| encode (halt M' q, index q) |) + 1) + 2 <= _) as H.     { cbn -[graph_of_TM] in H|-*. rewrite map_length. apply H. }
    change (| encode (halt M' q, index q) |) with (size (halt M' q, index q)).
    rewrite UnivSpaceBounds.Encode_state_hasSize. ring_simplify. rewrite Hs. nia.

The exact size of the sigMU tape, given the configuration and the rest sizes of Univ
  Definition contains_conf_MU_size_exact_size (T : tapes sigM n) (T_univ : tapes (sigUniv sigM') 6) (q : states M') (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6) :=
    let s0 := s_Univ[@Fin0] in let s1 := s_Univ[@Fin1] in let s2 := s_Univ[@Fin2] in
    let s3 := s_Univ[@Fin3] in let s4 := s_Univ[@Fin4] in let s5 := s_Univ[@Fin5] in
    vector_sum (fun tp : tape (eqType_X (type sigM)) => Encode_tape_size tp + 1) T + s1 + size (graph_of_TM M') + index q + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + 33.

  Lemma contains_conf_MU_size_eq :
    forall (tp : tape sigMU) T_univ (q : states M') (T : tapes sigM n) (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6),
      contains_conf_MU'_size tp T_univ q T s_Univ ->
      sizeOfTape tp <= contains_conf_MU_size_exact_size T T_univ q s_Univ.
    intros tp T_univ q T s_Univ. intros (H_univ&HT0&HT1&HT2&HT3).
    apply (proj1 (@contains_tapes_iff _ _ _ _)) in H_univ as ->.
    lock s_Univ. destruct_tapes. rename h into t0, h0 into t1, h1 into t2, h2 into t3, h3 into t4, h4 into t5. unlock s_Univ.
    destruct_vector. rename h into s0, h0 into s1, h1 into s2, h2 into s3, h3 into s4, h4 into s5.
    cbn -[sizeOfTape] in HT1,HT2,HT3,HT0|-*.
    apply (proj1 (@containsWorkingTape_iff _ _ _ _ _)) in HT0 as ->.
    setoid_rewrite makeSingleTape_sizeOfTape'. cbn -[makeUnivWorkingTape].
    setoid_rewrite makeUnivWorkingTape_size'.
    setoid_rewrite makeSingleTape_size.
    setoid_rewrite (containsTrans_size_hasSize HT1).
    setoid_rewrite (containsState_size_hasSize HT2).
    pose proof (HT3 Fin1) as HT4. pose proof (HT3 Fin2) as HT5. specialize (HT3 Fin0). cbn in HT3,HT4,HT5.
    rewrite (isRight_size_hasSize HT3).
    rewrite (isRight_size_hasSize HT4).
    rewrite (isRight_size_hasSize HT5).
    unfold contains_conf_MU_size_exact_size.
    cbn [Vector.nth Vector.caseS]. reflexivity.

  Lemma contains_conf_MU_size0_nice :
    { c : nat | forall (tp : tape sigMU) (q : states M') (T : tapes sigM n),
        contains_conf_MU_size tp q T (Vector.const 0 6) ->
        sizeOfTape tp <=(c) sizeOfmTapes T + 1 }.
    eexists. intros tp q T. intros (T_Univ&Univ_contains).
    setoid_rewrite contains_conf_MU_size_eq; eauto.
    unfold contains_conf_MU_size_exact_size.
    - apply dominatedWith_S'''. ring_simplify.
      replace (vector_sum (fun tp0 : tape (eqType_X (type sigM)) => Encode_tape_size tp0 + 1) T + 1) with (size T).
      2:{ apply Encode_tapes_hasSize. }
      rewrite Encode_tapes_hasSize_le_sizeOfmTapes. domWith_approx.
    - instantiate (1 := UnivBounds.Univ_nice.number_of_states M').
      hnf. ring_simplify.
      enough (index q <= UnivBounds.Univ_nice.number_of_states M') by nia.
      apply UnivSpaceBounds.state_index_le.

This is our final constant for space usage
  Definition space_constant := proj1_sig contains_conf_MU_size0_nice.

  Lemma space_constant_correct :
    forall (tp : tape sigMU) (q : states M') (T : tapes sigM n),
        contains_conf_MU_size tp q T (Vector.const 0 6) ->
        sizeOfTape tp <= space_constant * (sizeOfmTapes T + 1).
  Proof. intros. exact (proj2_sig contains_conf_MU_size0_nice tp q T H). Qed.

  Lemma contains_conf_MU'_contains_conf_MU'_size tp T_univ q_M T :
    contains_conf_MU' tp T_univ q_M T ->
    contains_conf_MU'_size tp T_univ q_M T [| |left T_univ[@Fin0]|; |left T_univ[@Fin1]|; |left T_univ[@Fin2]|; |tape_local_l T_univ[@Fin3]|; |tape_local_l T_univ[@Fin4]|; |tape_local_l T_univ[@Fin5]| |].
    intros (H0&H1&H2&H3&H4). repeat split; auto.
    - unfold containsTrans_size, containsTrans in *. simpl_vector. contains_ext.
    - unfold containsState_size, containsState in *. simpl_vector. contains_ext.
    - intros i; specialize (H4 i); destruct_fin i; simpl_vector; isRight_mono.

If MU terminates, so does M. This follows directly from MU_Realises.
  Theorem EndTheorem1 :
    forall (T : tapes sigM n) (k_MU : nat) (tp tp' : tape sigMU),
      contains_conf_MU tp (start M') T ->
      terminates (projT1 MU) [|tp|] k_MU [|tp'|] ->
      exists (k_M : nat) (T' : tapes sigM n), terminates M T k_M T'.
    intros T k_MU tp tp'. intros HCont (MU_finalConf&HMU_Term).
    pose proof MU_Realises as MU_Real. hnf in MU_Real. specialize MU_Real with (1 := HMU_Term). cbn in MU_Real.
    destruct HCont as (T_Univ&HCont).
    evar (s_Univ : Vector.t nat 6).
    specialize MU_Real with (T := T) (s_Univ := s_Univ).
    spec_assert MU_Real as (T'&M_finalState&M'_finalState&k_M&M_halts&M_finalCont&M_finalStateCorresponds).
      eexists. apply contains_conf_MU'_contains_conf_MU'_size. apply HCont.
    unfold terminates. eauto.

  Theorem EndTheorem2 :
    forall (T T' : tapes sigM n) (k : nat),
      let tp := initTapes_MU T in
      terminates M T k T' ->
      exists (tp' : tape sigMU) (M'_final : states M'),
        terminates (projT1 MU) [|tp|] (Mf (k, sizeOfmTapes T)) [|tp'|] /\
        contains_conf_MU tp' M'_final T' /\
        sizeOfTape tp <= space_constant * (sizeOfmTapes T + 1).
    intros T T' k.
    cbn zeta. set (tp := initTapes_MU T).
    intros (M_finalConf&M_halts).

    pose proof MU_terminatesIn as MU_Term. hnf in MU_Term.
    specialize MU_Term with
        (tin := [|tp|])
        (k := MU_steps (makeUnivTapes (retr_sigSimGraph_sigUniv _) (retr_sigSimTape_sigUniv _) M' (makeSingleTape T)) T k).
    spec_assert MU_Term as (MU_finalConf&MU_halts).
    { hnf. do 4 eexists. split; [ | split ]; eauto.       hnf. split. cbn.
      - apply makeSingleTape_correct.
      - apply makeUnivTapes_correct. }
    destruct MU_finalConf as (MU_finalState&MU_finalTapes). pose proof vector_1_eta MU_finalTapes as (MU_finalTape&->).

    pose proof MU_Realises as MU_Real. hnf in MU_Real.
    specialize MU_Real with (1 := MU_halts). hnf in MU_Real. cbn in MU_Real.
    specialize MU_Real with (T := T).

    specialize MU_Real with (s_Univ := Vector.const 0 6).
    spec_assert MU_Real as (T''&M_finalState&M'_finalState&k'&k_M'&M_halts'&M'_halts&M'_finalStatecontains&M'_finalStateCorrespond).
    { hnf. eexists.
      - apply makeSingleTape_correct.
      - split; [ | split; [ | split ] ].
        + apply makeUnivWorkingTape_correct.
        + apply makeUnivGraphTape_correct_size.
        + apply makeUnivStartStateTape_correct_size.
        + intros i; destruct_fin i; cbn; apply initRight_isRight_size.
    pose proof loop_injective M_halts M_halts'. symmetry in H. inv H.

    exists MU_finalTape. exists M'_finalState. split; [ | split].
    - hnf. exists MU_finalState. eapply loop_monotone. eauto.
      rewrite <- Mfp_eq. apply Mf_bounded.
    - eapply contains_conf_MU_size_contains_conf_MU; eauto.
    - eapply space_constant_correct; eauto. apply initTapes_MU_correct_size.

End UnivMultiTimeSpaceTheorem.