From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.PrettyBounds.
From Complexity Require Import TM.PrettyBounds.BaseCode.
From Undecidability Require Import LM_heap_def TM.PrettyBounds.MaxList.
From Undecidability.TM.L Require Import Alphabets CaseCom StepTM M_LHeapInterpreter.
From Complexity.L.AbstractMachines Require Import SizeAnalysisStep LMBounds.
From Undecidability Require Import UpToC UpToCNary.
Lemma sizeT_ge_1 t:
1 <= sizeT t.
destruct t;cbn. all:nia.
Lemma size_sizeT_le t:
size t <= 2* sizeT t.
destruct t.
1:rewrite size_Var.
all:cbv - [plus mult]. all:nia.
Lemma size_le_sizeP P:
size P <= 3 * sizeP P.
induction P as [ | t P].
{now cbv. }
setoid_rewrite encodeList_size_cons. rewrite IHP.
unfold sizeP;cbn. rewrite size_sizeT_le.
specialize (sizeT_ge_1 t). nia.
Lemma sizeT_le_size t:
sizeT t <= size t.
destruct t.
1:rewrite LMBounds.size_Var.
all:cbv - [plus mult]. all:nia.
Lemma sizeP_le_size P:
sizeP P <= size P.
induction P as [ | t P].
{now cbv. }
setoid_rewrite BaseCode.encodeList_size_cons. rewrite <- IHP.
unfold sizeP;cbn. rewrite sizeT_le_size. nia.
Lemma size_list (sig X : Type) (cX : codable sig X) (xs : list X):
size xs = length xs + sumn (map size xs) + 1.
induction xs. now rewrite encodeList_size_nil.
rewrite encodeList_size_cons. cbn [length map sumn]. nia.
Lemma size_list_le_bound (sig X : Type) (cX : codable sig X) (xs : list X) c:
(forall x, x el xs -> size x <= c)
-> size xs <= length xs * (c+1) + 1.
intros H. rewrite size_list. rewrite sumn_le_bound.
2:{ intros ?. rewrite in_map_iff. intros (?&<-&?). eauto. }
rewrite map_length. nia.
Lemma size_HClos_le (g : HClos):
size g = fst g + size (snd g) + 1.
rewrite Encode_Clos_hasSize. destruct g as [a P];cbn.
replace (Encode_list_size _ P) with (size P). nia. apply Encode_list_hasSize.
Lemma heap_greatest_address2_bound H c:
(forall P a, Some (P,a) el H -> a <= c) -> LM_Lookup_nice.heap_greatest_address2 H <= c.
induction H as [ | [ [] | ] ]. all:cbn.
-intros H'. rewrite IHlist. rewrite H' with (a:=n). all:now auto.
Section FixInit.
Variable H__init: list HEntr.
Hypothesis empty_H__init: forall c, c el H__init -> c = None.
Lemma Step_steps_nicer :
{c : nat |
forall P0 (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) i,
pow step i ([(0,P0)],[],H__init) (T,V,H)
-> Step_steps T V H <=(c) (length H__init + i +1 + sizeP P0 )^3}.
Proof using empty_H__init.
eexists. intros P0 T V H i H0. eapply dominatedWith_trans. eapply (proj2_sig LM.Step_steps_nice).
destruct T as [ | [a P] T].
set (lH := length H__init + i). cbn zeta.
specialize SizeAnalysisStep.size_clos with (1:=H0) (2:=empty_H__init)as Hsize.
repeat setoid_rewrite size_le_sizeP. rewrite !Encode_nat_hasSize.
erewrite size_list_le_bound with (xs:=V).
2:{ intros [a' P'] ?. rewrite size_HClos_le. cbn.
rewrite size_le_sizeP.
edestruct (Hsize P' a') as [(->&->&_) _]. now eauto. reflexivity.
unfold Encode_Heap, sigHeap. erewrite size_list_le_bound with (xs:=H).
2:{ intros [[[a' P'] beta] | ] ?. 2:cbv.
-apply Hsize in H1. unfold sigHEntr,HEntr,Encode_HEntr,sigHEntr',Encode_HEntr'. rewrite Encode_option_hasSize.
cbn. rewrite Encode_pair_hasSize;cbn. rewrite size_HClos_le. cbn.
rewrite size_le_sizeP, Encode_nat_hasSize. destruct H1 as (->&->&->&_). reflexivity.
rewrite heap_greatest_address2_bound.
2:{ intros [] ?. edestruct Hsize as [_ H']. apply H'. }
specialize Hsize with (P1:=P) (a0 := a) as [(-> & -> &_) _]. easy.
rewrite Nat.max_id.
specialize length_TV with (1:=H0) (2:=empty_H__init) as H_TV. cbn in H_TV.
assert (length V <= i) as -> by nia.
specialize length_H with (1:=H0) (2:=empty_H__init) as ->. fold lH.
clear dependent T. clear dependent V. clear dependent H. clear dependent P. clear dependent a.
assert (i<=lH) as -> by nia.
clearbody lH. clear dependent H__init.
cbn [Nat.pow].
ring_simplify. instantiate (1:=9). hnf. lia.
cbn. hnf. lia.
Lemma Loop_steps_nice' :
{c : nat |
forall P0 (T V : list HClos) (H : Heap) k i,
pow step i ([(0,P0)],[],H__init) (T,V,H)
-> Loop_steps T V H k <=(c) (k + 1) * (length H__init + (i+k) +1 + sizeP P0 )^3}.
Proof using empty_H__init.
evar (c:nat).
eexists c. intros P0 T V H k.
induction k in T,V,H |-*.
all:intros i Hi.
all:cbn - [Step_steps Nat.pow step_fun plus].
-eapply dominatedWith_mono_c. eapply dominatedWith_trans. now apply (proj2_sig Step_steps_nicer). apply dominatedWith_solve. now cbn.
ring_simplify. shelve.
-destruct (step_fun (T, V, H)) as [[[T' V'] H'] | ] eqn:Hstep.
2:{ eapply dominatedWith_mono_c. eapply dominatedWith_trans. now apply (proj2_sig Step_steps_nicer). apply dominatedWith_solve. now cbn.
ring_simplify. shelve. }
destruct is_halt_state.
1:{ eapply dominatedWith_mono_c. all:repeat simple apply dominatedWith_add.
1: apply dominatedWith_solve; now cbn.
1,2: eapply dominatedWith_trans;[eapply (proj2_sig Step_steps_nicer) | ].
easy. 2:{eapply pow_add. eexists;split. easy. rewrite <- rcomp_1. now apply step_fun_step. }
1,2: apply dominatedWith_solve;now cbn. ring_simplify. shelve.
Set Nested Proofs Allowed.
Lemma dominatedWith_add_split (c x1 x2 y1 y2 : nat) :
x1 <=(c) y1 -> x2 <=(c) y2 -> x1 + x2 <=(c) y1 + y2.
unfold dominatedWith. nia.
set (tmp:= _ ^ 3). replace ( (S k + 1) * tmp) with (tmp + (k+1) * tmp) by nia.
apply dominatedWith_add_split;subst tmp.
{ eapply dominatedWith_mono_c. eapply dominatedWith_add.
-apply dominatedWith_solve. now cbn.
-eapply dominatedWith_trans. now apply (proj2_sig Step_steps_nicer). apply dominatedWith_solve. now cbn.
-ring_simplify. shelve.
replace (i + S k) with (i+1+k) by nia.
eapply IHk.
eapply pow_add. eexists;split. easy. rewrite <- rcomp_1. now apply step_fun_step.
[c]:exact (2 * proj1_sig Step_steps_nicer + 1). all:subst c;nia.
Lemma Loop_steps_nice :
(fun '(P0,k) => Loop_steps [(0,P0)] [] H__init k)
<=c (fun '(P0,k) => (k + 1) * (length H__init + k +1 + sizeP P0 )^3).
Proof using empty_H__init.
eexists. intros [? ?].
assert (H':= proj2_sig Loop_steps_nice'). cbn beta in H'. unfold dominatedWith in H'.
specialize H' with (i:=0). cbn [plus] in H'.
rewrite H'. 2:reflexivity. reflexivity.
End FixInit.