From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL Require Import FiniteTypes.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.BasicDefinitions.
Require Import Lia.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import MorePrelim.
Require Export smpl.Smpl.
Require Import Undecidability.Shared.Libs.PSL.FiniteTypes.BasicDefinitions.
Require Import Lia.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import MorePrelim.
Require Export smpl.Smpl.
Representation of finite types by natural numbers
This is needed as working with the direct extraction of finite types to L is not pleasant
We define what it means for a number to be of a flat type
We just enumerate the elements starting at 0
A weaker version that does not explicitly enforce x to have a flat type
Definition finReprEl' (X : finType) (k : nat) (x : X) := index x = k.
Lemma finReprEl_finReprEl' (X : finType) (n k : nat) (x : X) : finReprEl n k x -> finReprEl' k x.
Proof. unfold finReprEl, finReprEl'. easy. Qed.
Lemma finReprEl_ofFlatType (X : finType) (n k : nat) (x : X) : finReprEl n k x -> ofFlatType n k.
intros [H1 H2].
unfold finRepr, ofFlatType in *.
rewrite H1, <- H2. apply index_le.
Lemma finReprEl_finReprEl' (X : finType) (n k : nat) (x : X) : finReprEl n k x -> finReprEl' k x.
Proof. unfold finReprEl, finReprEl'. easy. Qed.
Lemma finReprEl_ofFlatType (X : finType) (n k : nat) (x : X) : finReprEl n k x -> ofFlatType n k.
intros [H1 H2].
unfold finRepr, ofFlatType in *.
rewrite H1, <- H2. apply index_le.
For some of the proofs below, the stronger version of finReprEl is much more pleasant than the weaker version finReprEl' (e.g. for sum types)
flat type constructors
Definition flatOption (n : nat) := S n.
Definition flatProd (a b : nat) := a * b.
Definition flatSum (a b : nat) := a + b.
Definition flatProd (a b : nat) := a * b.
Definition flatSum (a b : nat) := a + b.
flat value constructors
Definition flatNone := 0.
Definition flatSome k := S k.
Definition flatInl (k : nat) := k.
Definition flatInr (a: nat) k := a + k.
Definition flatPair (a b : nat) x y := x * b + y.
Smpl Create finRepr.
Ltac finRepr_simpl := smpl finRepr; repeat smpl finRepr.
Smpl Add (match goal with |- finReprEl' _ _ => eapply finReprEl_finReprEl' end) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprOption (X : finType) (n : nat) : finRepr X n -> finRepr (finType_CS (option X)) (flatOption n).
intros. unfold finRepr in *. unfold flatOption; cbn -[enum]. rewrite H; cbn.
rewrite map_length. reflexivity.
Smpl Add (apply finReprOption) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprElSome (X : finType) n k x : finReprEl n k x -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (option X)) (flatOption n) (flatSome k) (Some x).
intros (H1 & H2). split;cbn in *.
- now apply finReprOption.
- rewrite getPosition_map. 2: unfold injective; congruence. now rewrite <- H2.
Lemma finReprElNone (X : finType) n : finRepr X n -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (option X)) (flatOption n) flatNone None.
intros. split; cbn.
- now apply finReprOption.
- now unfold flatNone.
Ltac finReprOption :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- finReprEl _ _ (Some _) => apply finReprElSome
| |- finReprEl _ _ None => apply finReprElNone
| |- finRepr (finType_CS (option _)) _ => apply finReprOption
Smpl Add 99 finReprOption : finRepr.
Lemma finReprSum (A B: finType) (a b : nat) : finRepr A a -> finRepr B b -> finRepr (finType_CS (sum A B)) (flatSum a b).
intros. unfold finRepr in *. unfold flatSum; cbn in *.
rewrite app_length. rewrite H, H0.
unfold toSumList1, toSumList2. now rewrite !map_length.
Smpl Add (apply finReprSum) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprElInl (A B : finType) (a b : nat) k x : finRepr B b -> finReprEl a k x -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (sum A B)) (flatSum a b) (flatInl k) (inl x).
intros H0 (H1 & H2). split.
- now apply finReprSum.
- unfold finRepr in H1.
clear H0 H1. cbn. unfold toSumList1, toSumList2, flatInl.
rewrite getPosition_app1 with (k := k).
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite map_length, <- H2. apply index_le.
+ unfold index in H2. rewrite <- getPosition_map with (f := (@inl A B)) in H2. 2: now unfold injective.
Lemma finReprElInr (A B : finType) (a b : nat) k x : finRepr A a -> finReprEl b k x -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (sum A B)) (flatSum a b) (flatInr a k) (inr x).
intros H0 (H1 & H2). split.
- now apply finReprSum.
- clear H1. cbn. unfold toSumList1, toSumList2, flatInr.
rewrite getPosition_app2 with (k := k).
+ rewrite map_length. unfold finRepr in H0. now cbn.
+ rewrite map_length, <- H2. apply index_le.
+ intros H1. apply in_map_iff in H1. destruct H1 as (? & ? &?); congruence.
+ unfold index in H2. rewrite <- getPosition_map with (f := (@inr A B)) in H2. 2: now unfold injective.
Ltac finReprSum :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- finReprEl _ _ (inl _) => apply finReprElInl
| |- finReprEl _ _ (inr _) => apply finReprElInr
| |- finRepr (finType_CS (sum _ _)) _ => apply finReprSum
Smpl Add 99 finReprSum : finRepr.
Lemma finReprProd (A B : finType) (a b : nat) : finRepr A a -> finRepr B b -> finRepr (finType_CS (prod A B)) (flatProd a b).
intros. unfold finRepr in *. unfold flatProd.
cbn. now rewrite prodLists_length.
Smpl Add (apply finReprProd) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprElPair (A B : finType) (a b : nat) k1 k2 x1 x2 : finReprEl a k1 x1 -> finReprEl b k2 x2 -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (prod A B)) (flatProd a b) (flatPair a b k1 k2) (pair x1 x2).
intros (H1 & H2) (F1 & F2). split.
- now apply finReprProd.
- cbn. unfold flatPair. unfold finRepr in *.
rewrite getPosition_prodLists with (k1 := k1) (k2 := k2); eauto.
+ rewrite <- H2; apply index_le.
+ rewrite <- F2; apply index_le.
Ltac finReprProd :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- finReprEl _ _ (pair _ _) => apply finReprElPair
| |- finRepr (finType_CS (prod _ _)) _ => apply finReprProd
Smpl Add 99 finReprProd : finRepr.
Definition flatSome k := S k.
Definition flatInl (k : nat) := k.
Definition flatInr (a: nat) k := a + k.
Definition flatPair (a b : nat) x y := x * b + y.
Smpl Create finRepr.
Ltac finRepr_simpl := smpl finRepr; repeat smpl finRepr.
Smpl Add (match goal with |- finReprEl' _ _ => eapply finReprEl_finReprEl' end) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprOption (X : finType) (n : nat) : finRepr X n -> finRepr (finType_CS (option X)) (flatOption n).
intros. unfold finRepr in *. unfold flatOption; cbn -[enum]. rewrite H; cbn.
rewrite map_length. reflexivity.
Smpl Add (apply finReprOption) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprElSome (X : finType) n k x : finReprEl n k x -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (option X)) (flatOption n) (flatSome k) (Some x).
intros (H1 & H2). split;cbn in *.
- now apply finReprOption.
- rewrite getPosition_map. 2: unfold injective; congruence. now rewrite <- H2.
Lemma finReprElNone (X : finType) n : finRepr X n -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (option X)) (flatOption n) flatNone None.
intros. split; cbn.
- now apply finReprOption.
- now unfold flatNone.
Ltac finReprOption :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- finReprEl _ _ (Some _) => apply finReprElSome
| |- finReprEl _ _ None => apply finReprElNone
| |- finRepr (finType_CS (option _)) _ => apply finReprOption
Smpl Add 99 finReprOption : finRepr.
Lemma finReprSum (A B: finType) (a b : nat) : finRepr A a -> finRepr B b -> finRepr (finType_CS (sum A B)) (flatSum a b).
intros. unfold finRepr in *. unfold flatSum; cbn in *.
rewrite app_length. rewrite H, H0.
unfold toSumList1, toSumList2. now rewrite !map_length.
Smpl Add (apply finReprSum) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprElInl (A B : finType) (a b : nat) k x : finRepr B b -> finReprEl a k x -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (sum A B)) (flatSum a b) (flatInl k) (inl x).
intros H0 (H1 & H2). split.
- now apply finReprSum.
- unfold finRepr in H1.
clear H0 H1. cbn. unfold toSumList1, toSumList2, flatInl.
rewrite getPosition_app1 with (k := k).
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite map_length, <- H2. apply index_le.
+ unfold index in H2. rewrite <- getPosition_map with (f := (@inl A B)) in H2. 2: now unfold injective.
Lemma finReprElInr (A B : finType) (a b : nat) k x : finRepr A a -> finReprEl b k x -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (sum A B)) (flatSum a b) (flatInr a k) (inr x).
intros H0 (H1 & H2). split.
- now apply finReprSum.
- clear H1. cbn. unfold toSumList1, toSumList2, flatInr.
rewrite getPosition_app2 with (k := k).
+ rewrite map_length. unfold finRepr in H0. now cbn.
+ rewrite map_length, <- H2. apply index_le.
+ intros H1. apply in_map_iff in H1. destruct H1 as (? & ? &?); congruence.
+ unfold index in H2. rewrite <- getPosition_map with (f := (@inr A B)) in H2. 2: now unfold injective.
Ltac finReprSum :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- finReprEl _ _ (inl _) => apply finReprElInl
| |- finReprEl _ _ (inr _) => apply finReprElInr
| |- finRepr (finType_CS (sum _ _)) _ => apply finReprSum
Smpl Add 99 finReprSum : finRepr.
Lemma finReprProd (A B : finType) (a b : nat) : finRepr A a -> finRepr B b -> finRepr (finType_CS (prod A B)) (flatProd a b).
intros. unfold finRepr in *. unfold flatProd.
cbn. now rewrite prodLists_length.
Smpl Add (apply finReprProd) : finRepr.
Lemma finReprElPair (A B : finType) (a b : nat) k1 k2 x1 x2 : finReprEl a k1 x1 -> finReprEl b k2 x2 -> @finReprEl (finType_CS (prod A B)) (flatProd a b) (flatPair a b k1 k2) (pair x1 x2).
intros (H1 & H2) (F1 & F2). split.
- now apply finReprProd.
- cbn. unfold flatPair. unfold finRepr in *.
rewrite getPosition_prodLists with (k1 := k1) (k2 := k2); eauto.
+ rewrite <- H2; apply index_le.
+ rewrite <- F2; apply index_le.
Ltac finReprProd :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- finReprEl _ _ (pair _ _) => apply finReprElPair
| |- finRepr (finType_CS (prod _ _)) _ => apply finReprProd
Smpl Add 99 finReprProd : finRepr.
flattened lists
Definition isFlatListOf (X : finType) (l : list nat) (l' : list X) := l = map index l'.
Lemma isFlatListOf_cons (X : finType) (A : X) a l L: isFlatListOf (a :: l) (A :: L) <-> finReprEl' a A /\ isFlatListOf l L.
unfold isFlatListOf in *. cbn. split; intros.
- inv H. easy.
- destruct H as (-> & ->). easy.
Lemma isFlatListOf_app (X : finType) (L1 L2 : list X) l1 l2 : isFlatListOf l1 L1 -> isFlatListOf l2 L2 -> isFlatListOf (l1 ++ l2) (L1 ++ L2).
revert L1. induction l1; intros.
- unfold isFlatListOf in H; destruct L1; [easy | cbn in *; congruence ].
- destruct L1; [ unfold isFlatListOf in H; cbn in H; congruence | ].
apply isFlatListOf_cons in H as (H1 & H2). cbn.
apply isFlatListOf_cons; split; [ apply H1 | apply IHl1; easy].
Lemma isFlatListOf_functional (X: finType) (L1 L2 : list X) (l : list nat) :
isFlatListOf l L1 -> isFlatListOf l L2 -> L1 = L2.
unfold isFlatListOf. intros. rewrite H0 in H. apply map_injective in H; [easy | ].
intros a b H2. now apply injective_index, H2.
Lemma isFlatListOf_injective (X : finType) (L : list X) (l1 l2 : list nat) :
isFlatListOf l1 L -> isFlatListOf l2 L -> l1 = l2.
unfold isFlatListOf. intros. easy.
Lemma isFlatListOf_Some1 (T : finType) (T' : nat) (a : list nat) (b : list T) (n : nat) (x : nat):
finRepr T T' -> isFlatListOf a b -> nth_error a n = Some x -> exists x', nth_error b n = Some x' /\ finReprEl T' x x'.
intros. rewrite H0 in H1. rewrite nth_error_map in H1.
destruct (nth_error b n); cbn in H1; [ | congruence ].
inv H1. exists e.
split; [reflexivity | repeat split]. apply H.
Lemma isFlatListOf_incl1 (X : finType) (fin : list X) flat l:
isFlatListOf flat fin -> l <<= flat -> exists l', isFlatListOf (X := X) l l' /\ l' <<= fin.
intros. revert fin H. induction l; cbn in *; intros.
- exists []; split; eauto. unfold isFlatListOf. now cbn.
- apply incl_lcons in H0 as (H0 & H1).
apply IHl with (fin := fin) in H1 as (l' & H2 & H3).
2: apply H.
rewrite H in H0. apply in_map_iff in H0 as (a' & H4 & H5).
exists (a' :: l'). split.
+ unfold isFlatListOf. cbn. now rewrite <- H4, H2.
+ cbn. intros ? [-> | H6]; eauto.
Lemma isFlatListOf_incl2 (X : finType) (fin : list X) flat l':
isFlatListOf flat fin -> l' <<= fin -> exists l, isFlatListOf (X := X) l l' /\ l <<= flat.
exists (map index l'). split.
- reflexivity.
- induction l'; cbn.
+ eauto.
+ apply incl_lcons in H0 as (H0 & H1).
apply IHl' in H1. intros ? [<- | H2].
* rewrite H. apply in_map_iff; eauto.
* now apply H1.
Lemma seq_isFlatListOf (X : finType) : isFlatListOf (seq 0 (|elem X|)) (elem X).
unfold isFlatListOf. unfold index. rewrite dupfree_map_getPosition.
2: apply dupfree_elements.
now change (fun x => getPosition (elem X) x) with (getPosition (elem X)).
Lemma repEl_isFlatListOf (X : finType) a (A : X) n : finReprEl' a A -> isFlatListOf (repEl n a) (repEl n A).
induction n; cbn; intros; [ easy | now apply isFlatListOf_cons].
Lemma isFlatListOf_cons (X : finType) (A : X) a l L: isFlatListOf (a :: l) (A :: L) <-> finReprEl' a A /\ isFlatListOf l L.
unfold isFlatListOf in *. cbn. split; intros.
- inv H. easy.
- destruct H as (-> & ->). easy.
Lemma isFlatListOf_app (X : finType) (L1 L2 : list X) l1 l2 : isFlatListOf l1 L1 -> isFlatListOf l2 L2 -> isFlatListOf (l1 ++ l2) (L1 ++ L2).
revert L1. induction l1; intros.
- unfold isFlatListOf in H; destruct L1; [easy | cbn in *; congruence ].
- destruct L1; [ unfold isFlatListOf in H; cbn in H; congruence | ].
apply isFlatListOf_cons in H as (H1 & H2). cbn.
apply isFlatListOf_cons; split; [ apply H1 | apply IHl1; easy].
Lemma isFlatListOf_functional (X: finType) (L1 L2 : list X) (l : list nat) :
isFlatListOf l L1 -> isFlatListOf l L2 -> L1 = L2.
unfold isFlatListOf. intros. rewrite H0 in H. apply map_injective in H; [easy | ].
intros a b H2. now apply injective_index, H2.
Lemma isFlatListOf_injective (X : finType) (L : list X) (l1 l2 : list nat) :
isFlatListOf l1 L -> isFlatListOf l2 L -> l1 = l2.
unfold isFlatListOf. intros. easy.
Lemma isFlatListOf_Some1 (T : finType) (T' : nat) (a : list nat) (b : list T) (n : nat) (x : nat):
finRepr T T' -> isFlatListOf a b -> nth_error a n = Some x -> exists x', nth_error b n = Some x' /\ finReprEl T' x x'.
intros. rewrite H0 in H1. rewrite nth_error_map in H1.
destruct (nth_error b n); cbn in H1; [ | congruence ].
inv H1. exists e.
split; [reflexivity | repeat split]. apply H.
Lemma isFlatListOf_incl1 (X : finType) (fin : list X) flat l:
isFlatListOf flat fin -> l <<= flat -> exists l', isFlatListOf (X := X) l l' /\ l' <<= fin.
intros. revert fin H. induction l; cbn in *; intros.
- exists []; split; eauto. unfold isFlatListOf. now cbn.
- apply incl_lcons in H0 as (H0 & H1).
apply IHl with (fin := fin) in H1 as (l' & H2 & H3).
2: apply H.
rewrite H in H0. apply in_map_iff in H0 as (a' & H4 & H5).
exists (a' :: l'). split.
+ unfold isFlatListOf. cbn. now rewrite <- H4, H2.
+ cbn. intros ? [-> | H6]; eauto.
Lemma isFlatListOf_incl2 (X : finType) (fin : list X) flat l':
isFlatListOf flat fin -> l' <<= fin -> exists l, isFlatListOf (X := X) l l' /\ l <<= flat.
exists (map index l'). split.
- reflexivity.
- induction l'; cbn.
+ eauto.
+ apply incl_lcons in H0 as (H0 & H1).
apply IHl' in H1. intros ? [<- | H2].
* rewrite H. apply in_map_iff; eauto.
* now apply H1.
Lemma seq_isFlatListOf (X : finType) : isFlatListOf (seq 0 (|elem X|)) (elem X).
unfold isFlatListOf. unfold index. rewrite dupfree_map_getPosition.
2: apply dupfree_elements.
now change (fun x => getPosition (elem X) x) with (getPosition (elem X)).
Lemma repEl_isFlatListOf (X : finType) a (A : X) n : finReprEl' a A -> isFlatListOf (repEl n a) (repEl n A).
induction n; cbn; intros; [ easy | now apply isFlatListOf_cons].
lists that only contain elements which belong to the flat representation of a finite type
Definition list_ofFlatType (k : nat) (l : list nat) := forall a, a el l -> ofFlatType k a.
Lemma isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType (X : finType) (L : list X) l : isFlatListOf l L -> list_ofFlatType (|elem X|) l.
intros. unfold list_ofFlatType. rewrite H. intros a (a' & <- & H1)%in_map_iff.
unfold ofFlatType. apply index_le.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_app (l1 l2 : list nat) (k : nat) : list_ofFlatType k (l1 ++ l2) <-> list_ofFlatType k l1 /\ list_ofFlatType k l2.
split; intros; unfold list_ofFlatType in *.
- setoid_rewrite in_app_iff in H. split; intros; apply H; eauto.
- destruct H as (H1 & H2); setoid_rewrite in_app_iff; intros a [ | ]; eauto.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_cons x y k : list_ofFlatType k (x :: y) <-> ofFlatType k x /\ list_ofFlatType k y.
split; unfold list_ofFlatType; intros.
- split; [ apply H; eauto | intros; apply H; eauto].
- destruct H0 as [-> | H0].
+ apply (proj1 H).
+ apply (proj2 H), H0.
Definition list_finReprEl' (f : finType) (l : list nat) (L : list f ) :=
(forall v, v el l -> exists v', v' el L /\ v = index v') /\ (forall v, v el L -> index v el l).
Lemma isFlatListOf_list_finReprEl' (f : finType) (l : list nat) (L : list f): isFlatListOf l L -> list_finReprEl' l L.
unfold isFlatListOf, list_finReprEl'.
intros Hmap. split.
- intros v Hel. rewrite Hmap in Hel. apply in_map_iff in Hel as (v' & <- & Hel). eauto.
- intros v Hel. rewrite Hmap. apply in_map_iff. eauto.
Lemma isFlatListOf_list_ofFlatType (X : finType) (L : list X) l : isFlatListOf l L -> list_ofFlatType (|elem X|) l.
intros. unfold list_ofFlatType. rewrite H. intros a (a' & <- & H1)%in_map_iff.
unfold ofFlatType. apply index_le.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_app (l1 l2 : list nat) (k : nat) : list_ofFlatType k (l1 ++ l2) <-> list_ofFlatType k l1 /\ list_ofFlatType k l2.
split; intros; unfold list_ofFlatType in *.
- setoid_rewrite in_app_iff in H. split; intros; apply H; eauto.
- destruct H as (H1 & H2); setoid_rewrite in_app_iff; intros a [ | ]; eauto.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_cons x y k : list_ofFlatType k (x :: y) <-> ofFlatType k x /\ list_ofFlatType k y.
split; unfold list_ofFlatType; intros.
- split; [ apply H; eauto | intros; apply H; eauto].
- destruct H0 as [-> | H0].
+ apply (proj1 H).
+ apply (proj2 H), H0.
Definition list_finReprEl' (f : finType) (l : list nat) (L : list f ) :=
(forall v, v el l -> exists v', v' el L /\ v = index v') /\ (forall v, v el L -> index v el l).
Lemma isFlatListOf_list_finReprEl' (f : finType) (l : list nat) (L : list f): isFlatListOf l L -> list_finReprEl' l L.
unfold isFlatListOf, list_finReprEl'.
intros Hmap. split.
- intros v Hel. rewrite Hmap in Hel. apply in_map_iff in Hel as (v' & <- & Hel). eauto.
- intros v Hel. rewrite Hmap. apply in_map_iff. eauto.
Given a representation of a finite type by natural numbers, we can restore the original elements
Lemma finRepr_exists (X : finType) (x : nat) (a : nat) :
finRepr X x -> ofFlatType x a -> sigT (fun (a' : X) => finReprEl x a a').
intros. unfold ofFlatType in H0.
assert (sigT (fun a' =>nth_error (elem X) a = Some a')) as (a' & H2).
unfold ofFlatType in H0. rewrite H in H0.
unfold Cardinality in H0. apply nth_error_Some in H0. destruct nth_error; easy.
exists a'. split; [ easy | ].
unfold index. specialize (nth_error_nth H2) as <-.
apply getPosition_nth.
+ apply Cardinality.dupfree_elements.
+ eapply nth_error_Some_length, H2.
Lemma finReprElP_exists (X : finType) n : ofFlatType (Cardinality X) n -> { e:X | finReprEl' n e}.
intros. unfold ofFlatType,Cardinality in H. apply nth_error_Some in H. destruct (nth_error (elem X) n) eqn:H1; [ | congruence ].
exists e. unfold finReprEl'. clear H.
specialize (nth_error_nth H1) as <-. apply getPosition_nth.
+ apply Cardinality.dupfree_elements.
+ eapply nth_error_Some_length, H1.
Lemma finRepr_exists_list (X : finType) (x : nat) (l : list nat) :
finRepr X x -> list_ofFlatType x l -> sigT (fun (L : list X) => isFlatListOf l L).
revert x. induction l; intros.
- exists []. unfold isFlatListOf. now cbn.
- apply list_ofFlatType_cons in H0 as (H0 & (L & H1)%IHl). 2: apply H.
specialize (finRepr_exists H H0) as (a' & (_ & H2)).
exists (a' :: L). unfold isFlatListOf.
now rewrite H1, <- H2.
finRepr X x -> ofFlatType x a -> sigT (fun (a' : X) => finReprEl x a a').
intros. unfold ofFlatType in H0.
assert (sigT (fun a' =>nth_error (elem X) a = Some a')) as (a' & H2).
unfold ofFlatType in H0. rewrite H in H0.
unfold Cardinality in H0. apply nth_error_Some in H0. destruct nth_error; easy.
exists a'. split; [ easy | ].
unfold index. specialize (nth_error_nth H2) as <-.
apply getPosition_nth.
+ apply Cardinality.dupfree_elements.
+ eapply nth_error_Some_length, H2.
Lemma finReprElP_exists (X : finType) n : ofFlatType (Cardinality X) n -> { e:X | finReprEl' n e}.
intros. unfold ofFlatType,Cardinality in H. apply nth_error_Some in H. destruct (nth_error (elem X) n) eqn:H1; [ | congruence ].
exists e. unfold finReprEl'. clear H.
specialize (nth_error_nth H1) as <-. apply getPosition_nth.
+ apply Cardinality.dupfree_elements.
+ eapply nth_error_Some_length, H1.
Lemma finRepr_exists_list (X : finType) (x : nat) (l : list nat) :
finRepr X x -> list_ofFlatType x l -> sigT (fun (L : list X) => isFlatListOf l L).
revert x. induction l; intros.
- exists []. unfold isFlatListOf. now cbn.
- apply list_ofFlatType_cons in H0 as (H0 & (L & H1)%IHl). 2: apply H.
specialize (finRepr_exists H H0) as (a' & (_ & H2)).
exists (a' :: L). unfold isFlatListOf.
now rewrite H1, <- H2.
deciders for isValidFlattening
Definition ofFlatType_dec (b a : nat) := leb (S a) b.
Definition list_ofFlatType_dec (t : nat) (s : list nat) := forallb (ofFlatType_dec t) s.
Lemma leb_iff a b : leb a b = true <-> a <= b.
split; intros.
- now apply leb_complete.
- now apply leb_correct.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_dec_correct s t : list_ofFlatType_dec t s = true <-> list_ofFlatType t s.
unfold list_ofFlatType_dec, list_ofFlatType. rewrite forallb_forall.
unfold ofFlatType_dec. setoid_rewrite leb_iff.
split; intros H; intros; now apply H.
Definition list_ofFlatType_dec (t : nat) (s : list nat) := forallb (ofFlatType_dec t) s.
Lemma leb_iff a b : leb a b = true <-> a <= b.
split; intros.
- now apply leb_complete.
- now apply leb_correct.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_dec_correct s t : list_ofFlatType_dec t s = true <-> list_ofFlatType t s.
unfold list_ofFlatType_dec, list_ofFlatType. rewrite forallb_forall.
unfold ofFlatType_dec. setoid_rewrite leb_iff.
split; intros H; intros; now apply H.
unflattening to Fin.t
Lemma unflattenString (f : list nat) k : list_ofFlatType k f -> {f' : list (finType_CS (Fin.t k)) & isFlatListOf f f'}.
intros H.
eapply finRepr_exists_list with (X := finType_CS (Fin.t k)) in H as (a' & H).
2: { unfold finRepr. specialize (Fin_cardinality k). unfold Cardinality. easy. }
intros H.
eapply finRepr_exists_list with (X := finType_CS (Fin.t k)) in H as (a' & H).
2: { unfold finRepr. specialize (Fin_cardinality k). unfold Cardinality. easy. }
From Undecidability.L.Tactics Require Import LTactics GenEncode.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LBool LSum.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import PolyBounds.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import EqBool.
Require Import Nat.
Instance term_id (X : Type) `{encodable X}: computableTime' (@id X) (fun a _ => (1, tt)).
extract. solverec.
Definition c__flatPair := c__add1 + 2 + c__mult1.
Definition flatPair_time x b := mult_time x b + add_time (x * b) + c__flatPair.
Instance term_flatPair : computableTime' flatPair (fun a _ => (1, fun b _ => (1, fun x _ => (1, fun y _ => (flatPair_time x b, tt))))).
extract. solverec. unfold flatPair_time, c__flatPair; solverec.
Definition c__ofFlatTypeDec := c__leb2 + 2.
Definition ofFlatType_dec_time (sig e : nat) := leb_time (1 + e) sig + c__ofFlatTypeDec.
Instance term_ofFlatType_dec : computableTime' ofFlatType_dec (fun sig _ => (1, fun e _ => (ofFlatType_dec_time sig e, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold ofFlatType_dec_time, c__ofFlatTypeDec. solverec.
Definition c__ofFlatTypeDecBound := c__ofFlatTypeDec + c__leb.
Definition poly__ofFlatTypeDec n := (n +1) * c__ofFlatTypeDecBound.
Lemma ofFlatType_dec_time_bound sig e: ofFlatType_dec_time sig e <= poly__ofFlatTypeDec (size (enc sig)).
unfold ofFlatType_dec_time. rewrite leb_time_bound_r. unfold poly__ofFlatTypeDec, c__ofFlatTypeDecBound; nia.
Lemma ofFlatType_dec_poly : monotonic poly__ofFlatTypeDec /\ inOPoly poly__ofFlatTypeDec.
split; unfold poly__ofFlatTypeDec; smpl_inO.
Definition c__listOfFlatTypeDec := 3.
Definition list_ofFlatType_dec_time (sig : nat) (l : list nat) := forallb_time (fun x1 => ofFlatType_dec_time sig x1) l + c__listOfFlatTypeDec.
Instance term_list_ofFlatType_dec : computableTime' list_ofFlatType_dec (fun sig _ => (1, fun l _ => (list_ofFlatType_dec_time sig l, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold list_ofFlatType_dec_time, c__listOfFlatTypeDec. solverec.
Definition c__listOfFlatTypeDecBound := c__forallb + c__listOfFlatTypeDec.
Definition poly__listOfFlatTypeDec n := ((n+1) * (poly__ofFlatTypeDec n + c__listOfFlatTypeDecBound)).
Lemma list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound t l : list_ofFlatType_dec_time t l <= poly__listOfFlatTypeDec (size (enc t) + size (enc l)).
unfold list_ofFlatType_dec_time.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [ intros | ].
- rewrite (ofFlatType_dec_time_bound y a). poly_mono ofFlatType_dec_poly.
2: apply le_add_l with (n := size(enc a)). reflexivity.
- apply ofFlatType_dec_poly.
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size(enc l)) with (size (enc t) + size (enc l)) by lia at 1.
setoid_rewrite Nat.add_comm at 5.
unfold poly__listOfFlatTypeDec, c__listOfFlatTypeDecBound. nia.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_dec_poly : monotonic poly__listOfFlatTypeDec /\ inOPoly poly__listOfFlatTypeDec.
split; unfold poly__listOfFlatTypeDec; smpl_inO; apply ofFlatType_dec_poly.
From Undecidability.L.Datatypes Require Import LProd LOptions LBool LSum.
From Complexity.Libs.CookPrelim Require Import PolyBounds.
From Undecidability.L.Functions Require Import EqBool.
Require Import Nat.
Instance term_id (X : Type) `{encodable X}: computableTime' (@id X) (fun a _ => (1, tt)).
extract. solverec.
Definition c__flatPair := c__add1 + 2 + c__mult1.
Definition flatPair_time x b := mult_time x b + add_time (x * b) + c__flatPair.
Instance term_flatPair : computableTime' flatPair (fun a _ => (1, fun b _ => (1, fun x _ => (1, fun y _ => (flatPair_time x b, tt))))).
extract. solverec. unfold flatPair_time, c__flatPair; solverec.
Definition c__ofFlatTypeDec := c__leb2 + 2.
Definition ofFlatType_dec_time (sig e : nat) := leb_time (1 + e) sig + c__ofFlatTypeDec.
Instance term_ofFlatType_dec : computableTime' ofFlatType_dec (fun sig _ => (1, fun e _ => (ofFlatType_dec_time sig e, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold ofFlatType_dec_time, c__ofFlatTypeDec. solverec.
Definition c__ofFlatTypeDecBound := c__ofFlatTypeDec + c__leb.
Definition poly__ofFlatTypeDec n := (n +1) * c__ofFlatTypeDecBound.
Lemma ofFlatType_dec_time_bound sig e: ofFlatType_dec_time sig e <= poly__ofFlatTypeDec (size (enc sig)).
unfold ofFlatType_dec_time. rewrite leb_time_bound_r. unfold poly__ofFlatTypeDec, c__ofFlatTypeDecBound; nia.
Lemma ofFlatType_dec_poly : monotonic poly__ofFlatTypeDec /\ inOPoly poly__ofFlatTypeDec.
split; unfold poly__ofFlatTypeDec; smpl_inO.
Definition c__listOfFlatTypeDec := 3.
Definition list_ofFlatType_dec_time (sig : nat) (l : list nat) := forallb_time (fun x1 => ofFlatType_dec_time sig x1) l + c__listOfFlatTypeDec.
Instance term_list_ofFlatType_dec : computableTime' list_ofFlatType_dec (fun sig _ => (1, fun l _ => (list_ofFlatType_dec_time sig l, tt))).
extract. solverec. unfold list_ofFlatType_dec_time, c__listOfFlatTypeDec. solverec.
Definition c__listOfFlatTypeDecBound := c__forallb + c__listOfFlatTypeDec.
Definition poly__listOfFlatTypeDec n := ((n+1) * (poly__ofFlatTypeDec n + c__listOfFlatTypeDecBound)).
Lemma list_ofFlatType_dec_time_bound t l : list_ofFlatType_dec_time t l <= poly__listOfFlatTypeDec (size (enc t) + size (enc l)).
unfold list_ofFlatType_dec_time.
erewrite forallb_time_bound_env.
2: {
split; [ intros | ].
- rewrite (ofFlatType_dec_time_bound y a). poly_mono ofFlatType_dec_poly.
2: apply le_add_l with (n := size(enc a)). reflexivity.
- apply ofFlatType_dec_poly.
rewrite list_size_length.
replace_le (size(enc l)) with (size (enc t) + size (enc l)) by lia at 1.
setoid_rewrite Nat.add_comm at 5.
unfold poly__listOfFlatTypeDec, c__listOfFlatTypeDecBound. nia.
Lemma list_ofFlatType_dec_poly : monotonic poly__listOfFlatTypeDec /\ inOPoly poly__listOfFlatTypeDec.
split; unfold poly__listOfFlatTypeDec; smpl_inO; apply ofFlatType_dec_poly.